path: root/keymaps/atari/atari-uk.kmap
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Diffstat (limited to 'keymaps/atari/atari-uk.kmap')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keymaps/atari/atari-uk.kmap b/keymaps/atari/atari-uk.kmap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7abf0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keymaps/atari/atari-uk.kmap
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# Keyboard Mapping for Atari Keyboards, UK Layout
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# Copyright 1994 Roman Hodek
+# Updated August 1998 Roman Hodek
+# Credits to Keith Tomlin ( for writing the
+# original UK map, from which I got the UK specifics.
+# This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
+# License. See the file in the main directory of this archive
+# for more details.
+# Notes:
+# ------
+# This keymap does not use an AltGr key, since the Atari keyboard
+# doesn't have such a key. Most times, the Alt key takes over the role
+# of AltGr.
+# Some mappings you might want to know about:
+# - ClrHome is Home (aka Find)
+# - Shift+ClrHome is End (aka Select)
+# - Shift+Up/Down are Page Up/Down (aka Prior/Next)
+# - Alt + the numbers of the keypad lets you enter a character by its
+# decimal code
+# - Shift+Control + one of a,b,c,d,e,f or a number on the keypad lets
+# you enter the hex code of a character
+# - Alt+CapsLock is NumLock
+# - You can enter F11..F20 by pressing Shift+F1..F10
+# - Console (vt) switching:
+# Alt+F1..F10 switch to console 1..10
+# Shift+Alt+F1..F10 switch to console 11..20
+# Control+Alt+F1..F10 switch to console 21..30
+# Shift+Control_Alt+F1..F10 switch to console 31..40
+# Alt+Left/Right switches to previous/next console
+# Alt+Undo switches to last console
+# Alt+Control+Undo sends a keyboard request to the init process;
+# the default action is to spawn a new console
+# - Kernel information:
+# Alt+Help, Shift+Alt+Help, Control+Alt+Help: system status
+# Control+Help: registers
+# Shift+Help: memory info
+# (Note: with a 2.1 kernel and MAGIC_SYSRQ enabled, Alt+Help is SysRq)
+# - Shift+Undo sends a signal to the current foreground process (same as ^C)
+# - Alt+Up/Down scroll the console up/down (if implemented in the kernel)
+# - Alt+Ins stops/starts output (Scroll_Lock function, same as ^S/^Q)
+# - Control+Alt+Delete reboots the system, as usual (by sending a request to
+# the init process)
+# Dead keys (i.e. pressing ^ and e gives œ, an e with hat) are not
+# used, because I consider this annoying. If you want them, apply the
+# following replacements:
+# grave -> dead_grave
+# apostrophe -> dead_acute
+# asciicircum -> dead_circumflex
+# asciitilde -> dead_tilde
+# quotedbl -> dead_diaeresis
+# Ctrl-comma -> dead_cedilla
+# I've kept the convention that the digit keys 2..8 on the main keyboard
+# generate the control characters not corresponding to letters (^@, ^[ .. ^_
+# and ^?=DEL) when pressed with Control. It is convention, too, that the shift
+# key must not be pressed for this effect. Also, Meta+Control plus these keys
+# give the Metas of these controls.
+# The current loadkeys (0.96) doesn't know names for KP_Parenleft (0x0312) and
+# KP_Parenright, so I had to write them down as hex codes :-(
+charset "iso-8859-1"
+keymaps 0-1,4-5,8-9,12-13
+strings as usual
+compose as usual for "iso-8859-1"
+# plain Shift Control Shift+Control Alt Shift+Alt Control+Alt Shift+Ctrl+Alt
+keycode 1 = Escape Escape Escape Escape Meta_Escape Meta_Escape Meta_Escape Meta_Escape
+keycode 2 = one exclam VoidSymbol VoidSymbol Meta_one Meta_exclam VoidSymbol VoidSymbol
+keycode 3 = two quotedbl nul VoidSymbol Meta_two Meta_quotedbl Meta_nul VoidSymbol
+keycode 4 = three numbersign Escape VoidSymbol Meta_three Meta_numbersign Meta_Escape VoidSymbol
+keycode 5 = four dollar Control_backslash VoidSymbol Meta_four Meta_dollar Meta_Control_backslash VoidSymbol
+keycode 6 = five percent Control_bracketright VoidSymbol Meta_five Meta_percent Meta_Control_bracketright VoidSymbol
+keycode 7 = six asciicircum Control_asciicircum VoidSymbol Meta_six Meta_asciicircum Meta_Control_asciicircum VoidSymbol
+keycode 8 = seven ampersand Control_underscore VoidSymbol Meta_seven Meta_ampersand Meta_Control_underscore VoidSymbol
+keycode 9 = eight asterisk Delete VoidSymbol Meta_eight Meta_asterisk Meta_Delete VoidSymbol
+keycode 10 = nine parenleft VoidSymbol VoidSymbol Meta_nine Meta_parenleft VoidSymbol VoidSymbol
+keycode 11 = zero parenright VoidSymbol VoidSymbol Meta_zero Meta_parenright VoidSymbol VoidSymbol
+keycode 12 = minus underscore Control_underscore Control_underscore Meta_minus Meta_underscore Meta_Control_underscore Meta_Control_underscore
+keycode 13 = equal plus VoidSymbol VoidSymbol Meta_equal Meta_plus VoidSymbol VoidSymbol
+keycode 14 = BackSpace BackSpace BackSpace BackSpace Meta_BackSpace Meta_BackSpace Meta_BackSpace Meta_BackSpace
+keycode 15 = Tab Tab Tab Tab Meta_Tab Meta_Tab Meta_Tab Meta_Tab
+keycode 16 = +q
+keycode 17 = +w
+keycode 18 = +e
+ shift control keycode 18 = Hex_E
+keycode 19 = +r
+keycode 20 = +t
+keycode 21 = +y
+keycode 22 = +u
+keycode 23 = +i
+keycode 24 = +o
+keycode 25 = +p
+keycode 26 = bracketleft braceleft Escape VoidSymbol Meta_bracketleft Meta_braceleft Meta_Escape VoidSymbol
+keycode 27 = bracketright braceright Control_bracketright VoidSymbol Meta_bracketright Meta_braceright Meta_Control_bracketright VoidSymbol
+keycode 28 = Return Return Return Return Meta_Control_m Meta_Control_m Return Return
+keycode 29 = Control
+keycode 30 = +a
+ shift control keycode 30 = Hex_A
+keycode 31 = +s
+keycode 32 = +d
+ shift control keycode 32 = Hex_D
+keycode 33 = +f
+ shift control keycode 33 = Hex_F
+keycode 34 = +g
+keycode 35 = +h
+keycode 36 = +j
+keycode 37 = +k
+keycode 38 = +l
+keycode 39 = semicolon colon VoidSymbol VoidSymbol Meta_semicolon Meta_colon VoidSymbol VoidSymbol
+keycode 40 = apostrophe at Control_g VoidSymbol Meta_apostrophe Meta_at Meta_Control_g VoidSymbol
+keycode 41 = grave bar nul VoidSymbol Meta_grave Meta_bar Meta_nul VoidSymbol
+keycode 42 = Shift
+keycode 43 = numbersign asciitilde Control_backslash VoidSymbol Meta_numbersign Meta_asciitilde Meta_Control_backslash VoidSymbol
+keycode 44 = +z
+keycode 45 = +x
+keycode 46 = +c
+ shift control keycode 46 = Hex_C
+keycode 47 = +v
+keycode 48 = +b
+ shift control keycode 48 = Hex_B
+keycode 49 = +n
+keycode 50 = +m
+keycode 51 = comma less VoidSymbol VoidSymbol Meta_comma Meta_less VoidSymbol VoidSymbol
+keycode 52 = period greater VoidSymbol VoidSymbol Meta_period Meta_greater VoidSymbol VoidSymbol
+keycode 53 = slash question Delete Delete Meta_slash Meta_question Meta_Delete Meta_Delete
+keycode 54 = Shift
+keycode 55 =
+keycode 56 = Alt
+keycode 57 = space space nul nul Meta_space Meta_space Meta_nul Meta_nul
+keycode 58 = Caps_Lock
+ alt keycode 58 = Num_Lock
+keycode 59 = F1 F11 F1 F1 Console_1 Console_11 Console_21 Console_31
+keycode 60 = F2 F12 F2 F2 Console_2 Console_12 Console_22 Console_32
+keycode 61 = F3 F13 F3 F3 Console_3 Console_13 Console_23 Console_33
+keycode 62 = F4 F14 F4 F4 Console_4 Console_14 Console_24 Console_34
+keycode 63 = F5 F15 F5 F5 Console_5 Console_15 Console_25 Console_35
+keycode 64 = F6 F16 F6 F6 Console_6 Console_16 Console_26 Console_36
+keycode 65 = F7 F17 F7 F7 Console_7 Console_17 Console_27 Console_37
+keycode 66 = F8 F18 F8 F8 Console_8 Console_18 Console_28 Console_38
+keycode 67 = F9 F19 F9 F9 Console_9 Console_19 Console_29 Console_39
+keycode 68 = F10 F20 F10 F10 Console_10 Console_20 Console_30 Console_40
+keycode 69 =
+keycode 70 =
+keycode 71 = Find Select Find Select Find Select Find Select
+keycode 72 = Up Prior Up Prior Scroll_Backward Prior Up Prior
+keycode 73 =
+keycode 74 = KP_Subtract
+keycode 75 = Left
+ alt keycode 75 = Decr_Console
+keycode 76 =
+keycode 77 = Right
+ alt keycode 77 = Incr_Console
+keycode 78 = KP_Add
+keycode 79 =
+keycode 80 = Down Next Down Next Scroll_Forward Next Down Next
+keycode 81 =
+keycode 82 = Insert
+ alt keycode 82 = Scroll_Lock
+keycode 83 = Remove Remove Remove Remove Meta_Delete Meta_Delete Boot Meta_Delete
+keycode 84 =
+keycode 85 =
+keycode 86 =
+keycode 87 =
+keycode 88 =
+keycode 89 =
+keycode 90 =
+keycode 91 =
+keycode 92 =
+keycode 93 =
+keycode 94 =
+keycode 95 =
+keycode 96 =
+keycode 97 = F246 Break F246 F246 Last_Console F246 F246 F246
+keycode 98 = Help Show_Memory Show_Registers VoidSymbol Show_State Show_State Show_State VoidSymbol
+keycode 99 = 0x0312 # K_PPARENL; loadkeys has no symbol for this :-(
+keycode 100 = 0x0313 # K_PPARENR
+keycode 101 = KP_Divide
+keycode 102 = KP_Multiply
+keycode 103 = KP_7
+ shift keycode 103 = Find
+ shift control keycode 103 = Hex_7
+ alt keycode 103 = Ascii_7
+keycode 104 = KP_8
+ shift keycode 104 = Up
+ shift control keycode 104 = Hex_8
+ alt keycode 104 = Ascii_8
+keycode 105 = KP_9
+ shift keycode 105 = Prior
+ shift control keycode 105 = Hex_9
+ alt keycode 105 = Ascii_9
+keycode 106 = KP_4
+ shift keycode 106 = Right
+ shift control keycode 106 = Hex_4
+ alt keycode 106 = Ascii_4
+keycode 107 = KP_5
+ shift control keycode 107 = Hex_5
+ alt keycode 107 = Ascii_5
+keycode 108 = KP_6
+ shift keycode 108 = Left
+ shift control keycode 108 = Hex_6
+ alt keycode 108 = Ascii_6
+keycode 109 = KP_1
+ shift keycode 109 = Select
+ shift control keycode 109 = Hex_1
+ alt keycode 109 = Ascii_1
+keycode 110 = KP_2
+ shift keycode 110 = Down
+ shift control keycode 110 = Hex_2
+ alt keycode 110 = Ascii_2
+keycode 111 = KP_3
+ shift keycode 111 = Next
+ shift control keycode 111 = Hex_3
+ alt keycode 111 = Ascii_3
+keycode 112 = KP_0
+ shift keycode 112 = Insert
+ shift control keycode 112 = Hex_0
+ alt keycode 112 = Ascii_0
+keycode 113 = KP_Period
+ shift keycode 113 = Remove
+ alt control keycode 113 = Boot
+keycode 114 = KP_Enter
+keycode 115 =
+keycode 116 =
+keycode 117 =
+keycode 118 =
+keycode 119 =
+keycode 120 =
+keycode 121 =
+keycode 122 =
+keycode 123 =
+keycode 124 =
+keycode 125 =
+keycode 126 =
+keycode 127 =