path: root/csound5/tclcsound.xml
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-<chapter id="tclcsound">
-TclCsound was introduced to provide a simple scripting interface to Csound.
-Tcl is a simple language that is easy to extend and provide nice facilities such as easy file
-access and TCP networking. With its Tk component, it can also handle a graphic and event interface.
-TclCsound provides three ‘points of contact' with Tcl: </para>
-<para>1. a csound-aware tcl interpreter (cstclsh) </para>
-<para>2. a csound-aware windowing shell (cswish) </para>
-<para>3. a csound commands module for Tcl/Tk (tclcsound dynamic lib) </para>
-<section id="tclcsh">
-<title>The Tcl interpreter: cstclsh </title>
-<para>With cstclsh, it is possible to have interactive control over a csound performance.
- The command starts an interactive shell, which holds an instance of Csound.
- A number of commands can then be used to control it. For instance, the following
- command can compile csound code and load it in memory ready for performance: </para>
-<programlisting>csCompile -odac <emphasis>orchestra</emphasis> <emphasis>score</emphasis> -m0 </programlisting>
-<para>Once this is done, performance can be started in two ways: using csPlay or csPerform . The command </para>
-<programlisting>csPlay </programlisting>
-<para>will start the Csound performance in a separate thread and return to the cstclsh prompt.
-A number of commands can then be used to control Csound. For instance, </para>
-<programlisting>csPause </programlisting>
-<para>will pause performance; and </para>
-<programlisting>csRewind </programlisting>
-<para>will rewind to the beginning of the note-list. The csNote, csTable and
-csEvent commands can be used to add Csound score events to the performance, on-the-fly.
-The csPerform command, as opposed to csPlay , will not launch a separate thread, but will run Csound in
-the same thread, returning only when the performance is finished. A variety of other commands exist,
-providing full control of Csound. </para>
-<section id="cswish">
-<title>Cswish: the windowing shell </title>
-<para>With Cswish, Tk widgets and commands can be used to provide graphical
-interface and event handling. As with cstclsh, running the cswish command also opens an
-interactive shell. For instance, the following commands can be used to create a transport
-control panel for Csound: </para>
-<programlisting>frame .fr
-button -text play -command csPlay
-button .fr.pause -text pause -command csPause
-button .fr.rew -text rew -command csRewind
-pack .fr .fr.pause .fr.rew </programlisting>
-<para>Similarly, it is possible to bind keys to commands so that the computer keyboard can be
-used to play Csound. </para>
-<para>Particularly useful are the control channel commands that TclCsound provides.
-For instance, named IO channels can be registered with TclCsound and these can be used with the
-invalue, outvalue opcodes. In addition, the Csound API also provides a complete software bus for audio,
-control and string channels. It is possible in TclCsound to access control and string bus channels
-(the audio bus is not implemented, as Tcl is not able to handle such data).
-With these TclCsound commands, Tk widgets can be easily connected to synthesis parameters. </para>
-<section id="csserver">
-<title>A Csound server </title>
-<para>In Tcl, setting up TCP network connections is very simple. With a few lines of code a csound server can be built.
-This can accept connections from the local machine or from remote clients. Not only Tcl/Tk clients can send
-commands to it, but TCP connections can be made from other sofware, such as, for instance, Pure Data (PD).
-A Tcl script that can be run under the standard tclsh interpreter is shown below. It uses the Tclcsound module,
-a dynamic library that adds the Csound API commands to Tcl. </para>
-# load
-#(OSX: tclcsound.dylib, Windows: tclcsound.dll)
-load Tclcsound
-set forever 0
-# This arranges for commands to be evaluated
-proc ChanEval { chan client } {
-if { [catch { set rtn [eval [gets $chan]]} err] } {
-puts &quot;Error: $err&quot;
-} else {
-puts $client $rtn
-flush $client
-# this arranges for connections to be made
-proc NewChan { chan host port } {
-puts &quot;Csound server: connected to $host on port $port ($chan)&quot;
-fileevent $chan readable [list ChanEval $chan $host]
-# this sets up a server to listen for
-# connections
-set server [socket -server NewChan 40001]
-set sinfo [fconfigure $server -sockname]
-puts &quot;Csound server: ready for connections on port [lindex $sinfo 2]&quot;
-vwait forever
-<para>With the server running, it is then possible to set up clients to control the Csound server.
-Such clients can be run from standard Tcl/Tk interpreters, as they do not evaluate the Csound commands themselves. Here is an example of client connections to a Csound server, using Tcl: </para>
-# connect to server
-set sock [socket localhost 40001]
-# compile Csound code
-puts $sock &quot;csCompile -odac <emphasis>orchestra</emphasis> <emphasis>score</emphasis>&quot;
-flush $sock
-# start performance
-puts $sock &quot;csPlay&quot;
-flush $sock
-# stop performance
-puts $sock &quot;csStop&quot;
-flush $sock
-<para>As mentioned before, it is possible to set up clients using other software systems, such as PD.
-Such clients need only to connect to the server (using a netsend object) and send messages to it. The first
-item of each message is taken to be a command. Further items can optionally be added to it as arguments to that command. </para>
-<section id="tclscripting">
-<title>A Scripting Environment </title>
-<para>With TclCsound, it is possible to transform the popular text editor e-macs into a Csound scripting/performing
-environment. When in Tcl mode, the editor allows for Tcl expressions to be evaluated by selection and use of a simple
-escape sequence (Ctrl-C Ctrl-X). This facility allows the integrated editing and performance of Csound and Tcl/Tk code. </para>
-<para>In Tcl it is possible to write score and orchestra files that can be saved, compiled and run by the same script,
-under the e-macs environment. The following example shows a Tcl script that builds a csound instrument and then
-proceeds to run a csound performance. It creates 10 slightly detuned parallel oscillators, generating sounds similar
-to those found in Risset's <emphasis>Inharmonique</emphasis>. </para>
-<programlisting>load Tclcsound </programlisting>
-<programlisting># set up some intermediary files </programlisting>
-set orcfile &quot;tcl.orc&quot;
-set scofile &quot;tcl.sco&quot;
-set orc [open $orcfile w]
-set sco [open $scofile w]
-<programlisting># This Tcl procedure builds an instrument
-proc MakeIns { no code } {
-global orc sco
-puts $orc &quot;instr $no&quot;
-puts $orc $code
-puts $orc &quot;endin&quot;
-# Here is the instrument code
-append ins &quot;asum init 0 \n&quot;
-append ins &quot;ifreq = p5 \n&quot;
-append ins &quot;iamp = p4 \n&quot;
-for { set i 0 } { $i &lt; 10 } { incr i } {
-append ins &quot;a$i oscili iamp,
-ifreq+ifreq*[expr $i * 0.002], 1\n&quot;
-<programlisting>for { set i 0 } {$i &lt; 10 } { incr i } {
-if { $i } {
-append ins &quot; + a$i&quot;
-} else {
-append ins &quot;asum = a$i &quot;
-append ins &quot;\nk1 linen 1, 0.01, p3, 0.1 \n&quot;
-append ins &quot;out asum*k1&quot;
-# build the instrument and a dummy score
-MakeIns 1 $ins
-puts $sco &quot;f0 10&quot;
-close $orc
-close $sco
-# compile
-csCompile $orcfile $scofile -odac -d -m0
-# set a wavetable
-csTable 1 0 16384 10 1 .5 .25 .2 .17 .15 .12 .1
-# send in a sequence of events and perform it
-for {set i 0} { $i &lt; 60 } { incr i } {
-csNote 1 [expr $i * 0.1] .5 \
-[expr ($i * 10) + 500] [expr 100 + $i * 10]
-# it is possible to run it interactively as
-# well
-csNote 1 0 10 1000 200
-<para>The use of such facilities as provided by e-macs can emulate an environment not
-unlike the one found under the so-called ‘modern synthesis systems', such as SuperCollider (SC).
-In fact, it is possible to run Csound in a client-server set-up, which is one of the features of SC3.
-A major advantage is that Csound provides about three or four times the number of unit generators
-found in that language (as well as providing a lower-level approach to signal processing, in fact
-these are but a few advantages of Csound). </para>
-<section id="tclwrapper">
-<title> TclCsound as a language wrapper </title>
-<para>It is possible to use TclCsound at a slightly lower level, as many of the
-C API functions have been wrapped as Tcl commands. For instance it is possible to create a ‘classic'
-Csound command-line frontend completely written in Tcl. The following script demonstrates this: </para>
-<programlisting>#!/usr/local/bin/cstclsh </programlisting>
-set result 1
-csCompileList $argv
-while { $result != 0 } {
-set result csPerformKsmps
-<section id="tclrefe">
-<title> TclCsound Command Reference</title>
-<para> Performance control commands: </para>
-<para> <command>
-csCompile [csound command-line] : </command> compiles an orc/sco/csd + any options
-</para> <para> <command>
-csCompileList arglist : </command> compiles an orc/sco/csd + options given as a Tcl list 'arglist'
-</para> <para> <command>
-csPerform : </command> plays the score, returning when finished
-</para> <para> <command>
-csPerformKsmps : </command> performs one ksmps block of audio samples, returning when finished
-</para> <para> <command>
-csPerformBuffer : </command> performs one buffersize block of audio samples, returning when finished
-</para> <para> <command>
-csPlay : </command> starts asynchronous performance in a separate thread, returning immediately
-</para> <para> <command>
-csPause : </command> pauses playback
-</para> <para> <command>
-csStop : </command> stops performance and resets csound
-</para> <para> <command>
-csRewind : </command> rewinds the score
-</para> <para> <command>
-csOffset secs : </command> offsets score playback by secs
-</para> <para> <command>
-csGetoffset : </command> returns the score offset in secs
-</para> <para> <command>
-csGetScoreTime : </command> returns the score time in secs
-<para>Event commands:</para>
-<para> <command> csNote [p-fields] : </command> sends in a i-statement event
-</para> <para> <command> csTable [p-fields] : </command> sends in a f-statement event
-</para> <para> <command> csEvent opcode [p-fields] : </command> sends in a score event defined by 'opcode' plus p-fields
-</para> <para> <command> csNoteList arglist : </command> sends in a i-statement event with p-fields as a Tcl list 'arglist'
-</para> <para> <command> csTableList arglist : </command> sends in a f-statement event with p-fields as a Tcl list 'arglist'
-</para> <para> <command> csEventList arglist : </command> sends in a score event defined by 'opcode' plus p-fields as a Tcl list 'arglist'
-<para>Invalue, outvalue, pvsin, pvsout control and string channel commands:</para>
-<para> <command> csInChannel name : </command> registers a csound invalue channel
-</para> <para> <command> csOutChannel name : </command> registers a csound outvalue channel and creates tcl global variable 'name'
-</para> <para> <command> csInValue channel value : </command> sets the value of a csound invalue channel
-</para> <para> <command> csOutValue channel : </command> returns the value of a csound outvalue channel
-</para> <para> <command> csPvsIn number [size olaps wsize wtype]: </command> registers a pvs in bus channel, optionally initialising fsig
-values for fftsize to 'size' (default:1024), overlaps to 'olaps' (def.: size/4), window size to 'wsize' (def.: size) and window type
-to 'wtype' (def.: 1, Hanning window, see manual page for pvsanal). Works with pvsin opcode (PVS_AMP_FREQ format only).
-</para> <para> <command> csPvsOut number [size olaps wsize wtype]: </command> registers a pvs out bus channel. Works with opcode pvsout (PVS_AMP_FREQ format only).
-</para> <para> <command> csPvsInSet channel bin amp freq: </command> sets the amp and freq of a bin of the pvs in channel number.
-</para> <para> <command> csPvsOutGet channel bin [isFreq]: </command> returns the amp or freq of a bin of the pvs out channel number. The optional
-argument 'isFreq' (default: 0) controls whether the returned value is the bin amp (0) or freq (1).
-</para> <para> <command> csSetControlChannel channel value : </command> sets the value of control channel 'channel', creating it if it does not exist
-</para> <para> <command> csGetControlChannel channel : </command> returns the value of control channel 'channel'; creates the channel it if it does not exist
-</para> <para> <command> csSetStringChannel channel string : </command> sets the string channel 'channel', creating it if it does not exist
-</para> <para> <command> csGetStringChannel channel : </command> returns the string in channel 'channel'; creates the channel it if it does not exist
-<para> Message commands: </para>
-<para> <command>csMessageOutput var: </command>appends all csound messages to the tcl variable var. </para>
-<para>Table commands:</para>
-<para> <command> csGetTableSize ftn : </command> returns the size of function table ftn (-1 if non-existent)
-</para> <para> <command> csSetTable ftn index value : </command> sets the value of position 'index' to 'value' in function table 'ftn'
-</para> <para> <command> csGetTable ftn index : </command> returns the value of position 'index' in function table 'ftn'
-<para>Environment variable commands:
-<para> <command> csOpcodedir opcodedir : </command> sets the opcode directory
-</para> <para> <command> csSetenv envvar value : </command> sets any environment variable (eg. SFDIR, SADIR)