FLprintk FLTK:Other FLprintk FLprintk A FLTK opcode that prints a k-rate value at specified intervals. Description FLprintk is similar to printk but shows values of a k-rate signal in a text field instead of on the console. Syntax FLprintk itime, kval, idisp Initialization itime -- how much time in seconds is to elapse between updated displays. idisp -- a handle value that was output from a previous instance of the FLvalue opcode to display the current value of the current valuator in the FLvalue widget itself. If the user doesn't want to use this feature that displays current values, it must be set to a negative number by the user. Performance kval -- k-rate signal to be displayed. FLprintk is similar to printk, but shows values of a k-rate signal in a text field instead of showing it in the console. The idisp argument must be filled with the ihandle return value of a previous FLvalue opcode. While FLvalue should be placed in the header section of an orchestra inside an FLpanel/FLpanelEnd block, FLprintk must be placed inside an instrument to operate correctly. For this reason, it slows down performance and should be used for debugging purposes only. See Also FLbox, FLbutBank, FLbutton, FLprintk2, FLvalue Credits Author: &namegabriel; New in version 4.22