lowresx Signal Modifiers:Standard Filters:Resonant lowresx lowresx Simulates layers of serially connected resonant lowpass filters. Description lowresx is equivalent to more layers of lowres with the same arguments serially connected. Syntax ares lowresx asig, kcutoff, kresonance [, inumlayer] [, iskip] Initialization inumlayer -- number of elements in a lowresx stack. Default value is 4. There is no maximum. iskip -- initial disposition of internal data space. A zero value will clear the space; a non-zero value will allow previous information to remain. The default value is 0. Performance asig -- input signal kcutoff -- filter cutoff frequency point kresonance -- resonance amount lowresx is equivalent to more layer of lowres with the same arguments serially connected. Using a stack of a larger number of filters allows a sharper cutoff. This is faster than using a larger number of instances of lowres in a Csound orchestra because only one initialization and k cycle are needed at time and the audio loop falls entirely inside the cache memory of processor. Based on an orchestra by &namehans; Examples Here is an example of the lowresx opcode. It uses the file lowresx.csd, and beats.wav. Example of the lowresx opcode. See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags. See Also lowres Credits Author: &namegabriel; (adapted by &namejohn;) Italy New in Csound version 3.49