metro Instrument Control:Sensing and Control metro metro Trigger Metronome Description Generate a metronomic signal to be used in any circumstance an isochronous trigger is needed. Syntax ktrig metro kfreq [, initphase] Initialization initphase - initial phase value (in the 0 to 1 range) Performance ktrig - output trigger signal kfreq - frequency of trigger bangs in cps metro is a simple opcode that outputs a sequence of isochronous bangs (that is 1 values) each 1/kfreq seconds. Trigger signals can be used in any circumstance, mainly to temporize realtime algorithmic compositional structures. Examples Here is an example of the metro opcode. It uses the file metro.csd Example of the metro opcode. Credits Written by &namegabriel;. Example written by &nameandres;. New in Csound 5 (Previously available only on CsoundAV)