mute Instrument Control:Invocation mute mute Mutes/unmutes new instances of a given instrument. Description Mutes/unmutes new instances of a given instrument. Syntax mute insnum [, iswitch] mute "insname" [, iswitch] Initialization insnum -- instrument number. Equivalent to p1 in a score i statement. insname -- A string (in double-quotes) representing a named instrument. iswitch (optional, default=0) -- represents a switch to mute/unmute an instrument. A value of 0 will mute new instances of an instrument, other values will unmute them. The default value is 0. Performance All new instances of instrument inst will me muted (iswitch = 0) or unmuted (iswitch not equal to 0). There is no difficulty with muting muted instruments or unmuting unmuted instruments. The mechanism is the same as used by the score q statement. For example, it is possible to mute in the score and unmute in some instrument. Muting/Unmuting is indicated by a message (depending on message level). Examples Here is an example of the mute opcode. It uses the file mute.csd. Example of the mute opcode. See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags. Credits Example written by &namekevin;. New in version 4.22