pvsdisp Spectral Processing:Streaming pvsdisp pvsdisp Displays a PVS signal as an amplitude vs. freq graph. Description This opcode will display a PVS signal fsig. Uses X11 or FLTK windows if enabled, else (or if -g flag is set) displays are approximated in ASCII characters. Syntax pvsdisp fsig[, ibins, iwtflg] Initialization iprd -- the period of pvsdisp in seconds. ibins (optional, default=all bins) -- optionally, display only ibins bins. iwtflg (optional, default=0) -- wait flag. If non-zero, each pvsdisp is held until released by the user. The default value is 0 (no wait). Performance pvsdisp -- displays the PVS signal frame-by-frame. Examples Here is an example of the pvsdisp opcode. It uses the file pvsdisp.csd. This example uses realtime input, but you can also use it for soundfile input. Example of the pvsdisp opcode See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags. See Also dispfft, print Credits Author: V Lazzarini, 2006