pvsmix Spectral Processing:Streaming pvsmix pvsmix Mix 'seamlessly' two pv signals. Description Mix 'seamlessly' two pv signals. This opcode combines the most prominent components of two pvoc streams into a single mixed stream. Syntax fsig pvsmix fsigin1, fsigin2 Performance fsig -- output pv stream fsigin1 -- input pv stream. fsigin2 -- input pv stream, which must have same format as fsigin1. It is unsafe to use the same f-variable for both input and output of pvs opcodes. Using the same one might lead to undefined behavior on some opcodes. Use a different one on the left and right sides of the opcode. Examples Example fsig1 pvsanal asig1,1024,256,1024,0 ; pvoc analysis fsig2 pvsanal asig2,1024,256,1024,0 fsigout pvsmix fsig1, fsig2 ; mix signals aout pvsynth fsigout ; pvoc synthesis Depending on the input, this will transform a pitched sound into an inharmonic, bell-like sound. Credits Author: Victor Lazzarini November 2004 New plugin in version 5 Nivember 2004.