ˆ Mathematical Operations:Arithmetic and Logic Operations ˆ ˆ Power of operator. Description Arithmetic operators perform operations of change-sign (negate), don't-change-sign, logical AND logical OR, add, subtract, multiply and divide. Note that a value or an expression may fall between two of these operators, either of which could take it as its left or right argument, as in a + b * c. In such cases three rules apply: 1. * and / bind to their neighbors more strongly than + and −. Thus the above expression is taken as a + (b * c) with * taking b and c and then + taking a and b * c. 2. + and bind more strongly than &&, which in turn is stronger than ||: a && b - c || d is taken as (a && (b - c)) || d 3. When both operators bind equally strongly, the operations are done left to right: a - b - c is taken as (a - b) - c Parentheses may be used as above to force particular groupings. The operator ˆ raises a to the b power. b may not be audio-rate. Use with caution as precedence may not work correctly. See pow. (New in Csound version 3.493.) Syntax a ˆ b (b not audio-rate) where the arguments a and b may be further expressions. Examples Here is an example of the ˆ operator. It uses the file raises.csd. Example of the ˆ operator. See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags. Its output should include a line like this: instr 1: i1 = 4096.000 See Also -, +, &&, ||, *, /, % Credits Example written by &namekevin;.