scoreline_i Instrument Control:Invocation scoreline_i scoreline_i Issues one or more score line events from an instrument at i-time. Description scoreline_i will issue score events at i-time. It can handle strings in the same conditions as the standard score. Multi-line strings are accepted, using {{ }} to enclose the string. Syntax scoreline_i Sin, ktring Initialization Sin -- a string (in double-quotes or enclosed by {{ }}) containing one or more score events. Examples Here is an example of the scoreline_i opcode. Example instr 1 scoreline_i {{ i 2 0 3 "flutec3.wav" i 2 1 3 "clarc3.wav" }} endin instr 2 aout soundin p4 out aout endin See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags. Credits Author: Victor Lazzarini, 2007