vaget Signal Modifiers:Sample Level Operators vaget vaget Access values of the current buffer of an a-rate variable by indexing. Description Access values of the current buffer of an a-rate variable by indexing. Useful for doing sample-by-sample manipulation at k-rate without using setksmps 1. Note Because this opcode does not do any bounds checking, the user must be careful not to try to read values past ksmps (the size of a buffer for an a-rate variable) by using index values greater than ksmps. Syntax kval vaget kndx, avar Performance kval - value read from avar kndx - index of the sample to read from the current buffer of the given avar variable avar - a-rate variable to read from Examples Here is an example of the vaget opcode. It uses the file vaget.csd. Example of the vaget opcode. See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags. See Also vaset Credits Author: Steven Yi New in version 5.04 September 2006.