wguide2 Signal Modifiers:Waveguides wguide2 wguide2 A model of beaten plate consisting of two parallel delay-lines and two first-order lowpass filters. Description A model of beaten plate consisting of two parallel delay-lines and two first-order lowpass filters. Syntax ares wguide2 asig, xfreq1, xfreq2, kcutoff1, kcutoff2, \ kfeedback1, kfeedback2 Performance asig -- the input of excitation noise xfreq1, xfreq2 -- the frequency (i.e. the inverse of delay time) Changed to x-rate in Csound version 3.59. kcutoff1, kcutoff2 -- the filter cutoff frequency in Hz. kfeedback1, kfeedback2 -- the feedback factor wguide2 is a model of beaten plate consisting of two parallel delay-lines and two first-order lowpass filters. The two feedback lines are mixed and sent to the delay again each cycle. Implementing waveguide algorithms as opcodes, instead of orc instruments, allows the user to set kr different than sr, allowing better performance particulary when using real-time. wguide2. wguide2. As a rule of thumb, to avoid making wguide2 unstable, the sum of the two feedback values should be below 0.5. Examples Here is an example of the wguide2 opcode. It uses the file wguide2.csd. Example of the wguide1 opcode. See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags. See Also wguide1 Credits Author: &namegabriel; Italy October 1998 New in Csound version 3.49 Example written by John ffitch