/* * debug support code * Part of: * bjnp backend for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS). * Copyright 2008-2014 by Louis Lagendijk * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "bjnp.h" #ifdef __GNUC__ # define UNUSED(v) (void) v #else # define UNUSED(v) #endif typedef struct { bjnp_loglevel_t level; char string[10]; } logtable_entry_t; static logtable_entry_t logtable[] = { {LOG_NONE, "NONE"}, {LOG_EMERG, "EMERG"}, {LOG_ALERT, "ALERT"}, {LOG_CRIT, "CRIT"}, {LOG_ERROR, "ERROR"}, {LOG_WARN, "WARNING"}, {LOG_NOTICE, "NOTICE"}, {LOG_INFO, "INFO"}, {LOG_DEBUG, "DEBUG"}, {LOG_DEBUG2, "DEBUG2"}, {LOG_END, ""} }; /* * static data */ static bjnp_loglevel_t debug_level = LOG_ERROR; static FILE *debug_file = NULL; static time_t start_sec = 0; static int start_msec; /* * local functions */ #ifndef NDEBUG static void u8tohex(uint8_t x, char *str) { static const char hdigit[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; str[0] = hdigit[(x >> 4) & 0xf]; str[1] = hdigit[x & 0xf]; str[2] = '\0'; } static void u8tochar(uint8_t x, char *str) { if ((x > 0x20) && (x < 0x7f)) { str[0] = (char) x; } else { str[0] = (char) '.'; } } static void u32tohex(uint32_t x, char *str) { u8tohex(x >> 24, str); u8tohex(x >> 16, str + 2); u8tohex(x >> 8, str + 4); u8tohex(x, str + 6); } char * level2str(bjnp_loglevel_t level) { int i; for (i = 0; logtable[i].level != LOG_END; i++) { if (logtable[i].level == level) { return logtable[i].string; } } return "UNDEF"; } bjnp_loglevel_t str2level(const char *level) { int i; for (i = 0; strlen(logtable[i].string) != 0; i++) { if (strncasecmp(level, logtable[i].string, 10) == 0) { return logtable[i].level; } } return LOG_END; } void bjnp_hexdump(bjnp_loglevel_t level, char *header, const void *d_, unsigned len) { const uint8_t *d = (const uint8_t *)(d_); unsigned ofs, c; char line[100]; /* actually only 1+8+1+8*3+1+8*3+1+4+16 = 80 bytes needed */ if (level > debug_level) { return; } bjnp_debug(level, "%s\n", header); ofs = 0; while (ofs < len) { char *p; memset(line, ' ', sizeof(line)); line[0] = ' '; u32tohex(ofs, line + 1); line[9] = ':'; p = line + 10; for (c = 0; c != 16 && (ofs + c) < len; c++) { u8tohex(d[ofs + c], p); p[2] = ' '; p += 3; if (c == 7) { p[0] = ' '; p++; } } p[0] = p[1] = p[2] = ' '; p = line + 61; for (c = 0; c != 16 && (ofs + c) < len; c++) { u8tochar(d[ofs + c], p); p++; if (c == 7) { p[0] = ' '; p++; } } p[0] = '\0'; bjnp_debug(level, "%s\n", line); ofs += c; } bjnp_debug(level, "\n\n"); } #endif /* NDEBUG */ void bjnp_debug(bjnp_loglevel_t level, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char printbuf[1024]; struct timeb timebuf; int sec; int msec; if (level <= debug_level) { /* print received data into a string */ va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(printbuf, sizeof(printbuf), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); /* we only send real errors & warnings to the cups logging facility */ if (level <= LOG_WARN) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s", level2str(level), printbuf); } /* all log messages may go to the own logfile */ if (debug_file != NULL) { ftime(&timebuf); if ((msec = timebuf.millitm - start_msec) < 0) { msec += 1000; timebuf.time -= 1; } sec = timebuf.time - start_sec; fprintf(debug_file, "%8s: %03d.%03d %s", level2str(level), sec, msec, printbuf); fflush(debug_file); } } } void bjnp_set_debug_level(const char *level, const char *filename) { /* * set debug level to level (string) */ struct timeb timebuf; char loglevel[16]; ftime(&timebuf); start_sec = timebuf.time; start_msec = timebuf.millitm; /* * Set log level */ if (level == NULL) { debug_level = LOG_ERROR; } else { strncpy(loglevel, level, 15); loglevel[15] = '\0'; debug_level = str2level(loglevel); } if (filename == NULL) { filename = CUPS_LOGDIR "/" LOGFILE; } if ((debug_file = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL) { bjnp_debug(LOG_WARN, "Cannot open logfile: %s - %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); return; } bjnp_debug(LOG_WARN, "BJNP logging to %s, debug level = %s\n", filename, level2str(debug_level)); }