path: root/doc/help/man-client.conf.html
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diff --git a/doc/help/man-client.conf.html b/doc/help/man-client.conf.html
index 06093fb77..edf4470b6 100644
--- a/doc/help/man-client.conf.html
+++ b/doc/help/man-client.conf.html
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ client.conf - client configuration file for cups (deprecated)
<h2 class="title"><a name="DESCRIPTION">Description</a></h2>
The <b>client.conf</b> file configures the CUPS client and is normally located in the <i>/etc/cups</i> and/or <i>~/.cups</i> directories.
Each line in the file can be a configuration directive, a blank line, or a comment. Comment lines start with the # character.
-<p><b>Note:</b> Starting with OS X 10.7, this file is only used by command-line and X11 applications.
+<p><b>Note:</b> Starting with OS X 10.7, this file is only used by command-line and X11 applications plus the IPP backend.
The <b>ServerName</b> directive is not supported on OS X at all.
<h3><a name="DIRECTIVES">Directives</a></h3>
The following directives are understood by the client. Consult the online help for detailed descriptions:
@@ -38,12 +38,14 @@ CUPS adds the remote hostname ("") for you. The default n
<b>Note: This directive it not supported on OS X 10.7 or later.</b>
<dt><b>ServerName </b><i>hostname-or-ip-address</i>[<i>:port</i>]<b>/version=1.1</b>
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the address and optionally the port to use when connecting to a server running CUPS 1.3.12 and earlier.
-<dt><b>SSLOptions </b>[<i>AllowRC4</i>] [<i>AllowSSL3</i>]
+<dt><b>SSLOptions </b>[<i>AllowDH</i>] [<i>AllowRC4</i>] [<i>AllowSSL3</i>] [<i>DenyTLS1.0</i>]
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em"><dt><b>SSLOptions None</b>
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Sets encryption options (only in /etc/cups/client.conf).
By default, CUPS only supports encryption using TLS v1.0 or higher using known secure cipher suites.
+The <i>AllowDH</i> option enables cipher suites using plain Diffie-Hellman key negotiation.
The <i>AllowRC4</i> option enables the 128-bit RC4 cipher suites, which are required for some older clients that do not implement newer ones.
The <i>AllowSSL3</i> option enables SSL v3.0, which is required for some older clients that do not support TLS v1.0.
+The <i>DenyTLS1.0</i> option disables TLS v1.0 support - this sets the minimum protocol version to TLS v1.1.
<dt><b>User </b><i>name</i>
<dd style="margin-left: 5.0em">Specifies the default user name to use for requests.
<dt><b>ValidateCerts Yes</b>
@@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ The <b>client.conf</b> file is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a f
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<h2 class="title"><a name="COPYRIGHT">Copyright</a></h2>
-Copyright &copy; 2007-2014 by Apple Inc.
+Copyright &copy; 2007-2015 by Apple Inc.