/* * "$Id$" * * cupsGetDevices implementation for CUPS. * * Copyright 2008-2011 by Apple Inc. * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright * law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" * which should have been included with this file. If this file is * file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". * * This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception. * * Contents: * * cupsGetDevices() - Get available printer devices. */ /* * Include necessary headers... */ #include "cups-private.h" /* * 'cupsGetDevices()' - Get available printer devices. * * This function sends a CUPS-Get-Devices request and streams the discovered * devices to the specified callback function. The "timeout" parameter controls * how long the request lasts, while the "include_schemes" and "exclude_schemes" * parameters provide comma-delimited lists of backends to include or omit from * the request respectively. * * @since CUPS 1.4/Mac OS X 10.6@ */ ipp_status_t /* O - Request status - @code IPP_OK@ on success. */ cupsGetDevices( http_t *http, /* I - Connection to server or @code CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT@ */ int timeout, /* I - Timeout in seconds or @code CUPS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT@ */ const char *include_schemes, /* I - Comma-separated URI schemes to include or @code CUPS_INCLUDE_ALL@ */ const char *exclude_schemes, /* I - Comma-separated URI schemes to exclude or @code CUPS_EXCLUDE_NONE@ */ cups_device_cb_t callback, /* I - Callback function */ void *user_data) /* I - User data pointer */ { ipp_t *request, /* CUPS-Get-Devices request */ *response; /* CUPS-Get-Devices response */ ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* Current attribute */ const char *device_class, /* device-class value */ *device_id, /* device-id value */ *device_info, /* device-info value */ *device_location, /* device-location value */ *device_make_and_model, /* device-make-and-model value */ *device_uri; /* device-uri value */ int blocking; /* Current blocking-IO mode */ cups_option_t option; /* in/exclude-schemes option */ http_status_t status; /* HTTP status of request */ ipp_state_t state; /* IPP response state */ /* * Range check input... */ DEBUG_printf(("cupsGetDevices(http=%p, timeout=%d, include_schemes=\"%s\", " "exclude_schemes=\"%s\", callback=%p, user_data=%p)", http, timeout, include_schemes, exclude_schemes, callback, user_data)); if (!callback) return (IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR); if (!http) http = _cupsConnect(); if (!http) return (IPP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); /* * Create a CUPS-Get-Devices request... */ request = ippNewRequest(CUPS_GET_DEVICES); if (timeout > 0) ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "timeout", timeout); if (include_schemes) { option.name = "include-schemes"; option.value = (char *)include_schemes; cupsEncodeOptions2(request, 1, &option, IPP_TAG_OPERATION); } if (exclude_schemes) { option.name = "exclude-schemes"; option.value = (char *)exclude_schemes; cupsEncodeOptions2(request, 1, &option, IPP_TAG_OPERATION); } /* * Send the request and do any necessary authentication... */ do { DEBUG_puts("2cupsGetDevices: Sending request..."); status = cupsSendRequest(http, request, "/", ippLength(request)); DEBUG_puts("2cupsGetDevices: Waiting for response status..."); while (status == HTTP_CONTINUE) status = httpUpdate(http); if (status != HTTP_OK) { httpFlush(http); if (status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) { /* * See if we can do authentication... */ DEBUG_puts("2cupsGetDevices: Need authorization..."); if (!cupsDoAuthentication(http, "POST", "/")) httpReconnect(http); else { status = HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_CANCELED; break; } } #ifdef HAVE_SSL else if (status == HTTP_UPGRADE_REQUIRED) { /* * Force a reconnect with encryption... */ DEBUG_puts("2cupsGetDevices: Need encryption..."); if (!httpReconnect(http)) httpEncryption(http, HTTP_ENCRYPT_REQUIRED); } #endif /* HAVE_SSL */ } } while (status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED || status == HTTP_UPGRADE_REQUIRED); DEBUG_printf(("2cupsGetDevices: status=%d", status)); ippDelete(request); if (status != HTTP_OK) { _cupsSetHTTPError(status); return (cupsLastError()); } /* * Read the response in non-blocking mode... */ blocking = httpGetBlocking(http); httpBlocking(http, 0); response = ippNew(); device_class = NULL; device_id = NULL; device_info = NULL; device_location = ""; device_make_and_model = NULL; device_uri = NULL; attr = NULL; DEBUG_puts("2cupsGetDevices: Reading response..."); do { if ((state = ippRead(http, response)) == IPP_ERROR) break; DEBUG_printf(("2cupsGetDevices: state=%d, response->last=%p", state, response->last)); if (!response->attrs) continue; while (attr != response->last) { if (!attr) attr = response->attrs; else attr = attr->next; DEBUG_printf(("2cupsGetDevices: attr->name=\"%s\", attr->value_tag=%d", attr->name, attr->value_tag)); if (!attr->name) { if (device_class && device_id && device_info && device_make_and_model && device_uri) (*callback)(device_class, device_id, device_info, device_make_and_model, device_uri, device_location, user_data); device_class = NULL; device_id = NULL; device_info = NULL; device_location = ""; device_make_and_model = NULL; device_uri = NULL; } else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "device-class") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_KEYWORD) device_class = attr->values[0].string.text; else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "device-id") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_TEXT) device_id = attr->values[0].string.text; else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "device-info") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_TEXT) device_info = attr->values[0].string.text; else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "device-location") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_TEXT) device_location = attr->values[0].string.text; else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "device-make-and-model") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_TEXT) device_make_and_model = attr->values[0].string.text; else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "device-uri") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_URI) device_uri = attr->values[0].string.text; } } while (state != IPP_DATA); DEBUG_printf(("2cupsGetDevices: state=%d, response->last=%p", state, response->last)); if (device_class && device_id && device_info && device_make_and_model && device_uri) (*callback)(device_class, device_id, device_info, device_make_and_model, device_uri, device_location, user_data); /* * Set the IPP status and return... */ httpBlocking(http, blocking); httpFlush(http); if (status == HTTP_ERROR) _cupsSetError(IPP_INTERNAL_ERROR, strerror(http->error), 0); else { attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "status-message", IPP_TAG_TEXT); DEBUG_printf(("cupsGetDevices: status-code=%s, status-message=\"%s\"", ippErrorString(response->request.status.status_code), attr ? attr->values[0].string.text : "")); _cupsSetError(response->request.status.status_code, attr ? attr->values[0].string.text : ippErrorString(response->request.status.status_code), 0); } ippDelete(response); return (cupsLastError()); } /* * End of "$Id$". */