/* * "$Id: printers.c 7968 2008-09-19 23:03:01Z mike $" * * Printer routines for the CUPS scheduler. * * Copyright 2007-2010 by Apple Inc. * Copyright 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved. * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright * law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" * which should have been included with this file. If this file is * file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". * * Contents: * * cupsdAddPrinter() - Add a printer to the system. * cupsdAddPrinterHistory() - Add the current printer state to the history. * cupsdAddPrinterUser() - Add a user to the ACL. * cupsdCreateCommonData() - Create the common printer data. * cupsdDeleteAllPrinters() - Delete all printers from the system. * cupsdDeletePrinter() - Delete a printer from the system. * cupsdFindDest() - Find a destination in the list. * cupsdFindPrinter() - Find a printer in the list. * cupsdFreePrinterUsers() - Free allow/deny users. * cupsdLoadAllPrinters() - Load printers from the printers.conf file. * cupsdRenamePrinter() - Rename a printer. * cupsdSaveAllPrinters() - Save all printer definitions to the * printers.conf file. * cupsdSetAuthInfoRequired() - Set the required authentication info. * cupsdSetDeviceURI() - Set the device URI for a printer. * cupsdSetPrinterAttr() - Set a printer attribute. * cupsdSetPrinterAttrs() - Set printer attributes based upon the PPD * file. * cupsdSetPrinterReasons() - Set/update the reasons strings. * cupsdSetPrinterState() - Update the current state of a printer. * cupsdStopPrinter() - Stop a printer from printing any jobs... * cupsdUpdatePrinterPPD() - Update keywords in a printer's PPD file. * cupsdUpdatePrinters() - Update printers after a partial reload. * cupsdValidateDest() - Validate a printer/class destination. * cupsdWritePrintcap() - Write a pseudo-printcap file for older * applications that need it... * add_printer_defaults() - Add name-default attributes to the printer * attributes. * add_printer_filter() - Add a MIME filter for a printer. * add_printer_formats() - Add document-format-supported values for a * printer. * add_string_array() - Add a string to an array of CUPS strings. * compare_printers() - Compare two printers. * delete_printer_filters() - Delete all MIME filters for a printer. * delete_string_array() - Delete an array of CUPS strings. * load_ppd() - Load a cached PPD file, updating the cache as * needed. * new_media_col() - Create a media-col collection value. * write_irix_config() - Update the config files used by the IRIX * desktop tools. * write_irix_state() - Update the status files used by IRIX printing * desktop tools. * write_xml_string() - Write a string with XML escaping. */ /* * Include necessary headers... */ #include "cupsd.h" #include /* * Local functions... */ static void add_printer_defaults(cupsd_printer_t *p); static void add_printer_filter(cupsd_printer_t *p, mime_type_t *type, const char *filter); static void add_printer_formats(cupsd_printer_t *p); static void add_string_array(cups_array_t **a, const char *s); static int compare_printers(void *first, void *second, void *data); static void delete_printer_filters(cupsd_printer_t *p); static void delete_string_array(cups_array_t **a); static void load_ppd(cupsd_printer_t *p); static ipp_t *new_media_col(_pwg_size_t *size, const char *source, const char *type); #ifdef __sgi static void write_irix_config(cupsd_printer_t *p); static void write_irix_state(cupsd_printer_t *p); #endif /* __sgi */ static void write_xml_string(cups_file_t *fp, const char *s); /* * 'cupsdAddPrinter()' - Add a printer to the system. */ cupsd_printer_t * /* O - New printer */ cupsdAddPrinter(const char *name) /* I - Name of printer */ { cupsd_printer_t *p; /* New printer */ /* * Range check input... */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdAddPrinter(\"%s\")", name); /* * Create a new printer entity... */ if ((p = calloc(1, sizeof(cupsd_printer_t))) == NULL) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_CRIT, "Unable to allocate memory for printer - %s", strerror(errno)); return (NULL); } cupsdSetString(&p->name, name); cupsdSetString(&p->info, name); cupsdSetString(&p->hostname, ServerName); cupsdSetStringf(&p->uri, "ipp://%s:%d/printers/%s", ServerName, RemotePort, name); cupsdSetDeviceURI(p, "file:///dev/null"); p->state = IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED; p->state_time = time(NULL); p->accepting = 0; p->shared = DefaultShared; p->filetype = mimeAddType(MimeDatabase, "printer", name); cupsdSetString(&p->job_sheets[0], "none"); cupsdSetString(&p->job_sheets[1], "none"); cupsdSetString(&p->error_policy, ErrorPolicy); cupsdSetString(&p->op_policy, DefaultPolicy); p->op_policy_ptr = DefaultPolicyPtr; if (MaxPrinterHistory) p->history = calloc(MaxPrinterHistory, sizeof(ipp_t *)); /* * Insert the printer in the printer list alphabetically... */ if (!Printers) Printers = cupsArrayNew(compare_printers, NULL); cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdAddPrinter: Adding %s to Printers", p->name); cupsArrayAdd(Printers, p); if (!ImplicitPrinters) ImplicitPrinters = cupsArrayNew(compare_printers, NULL); /* * Return the new printer... */ return (p); } /* * 'cupsdAddPrinterHistory()' - Add the current printer state to the history. */ void cupsdAddPrinterHistory( cupsd_printer_t *p) /* I - Printer */ { ipp_t *history; /* History collection */ /* * Stop early if we aren't keeping history data... */ if (MaxPrinterHistory <= 0) return; /* * Retire old history data as needed... */ p->sequence_number ++; if (p->num_history >= MaxPrinterHistory) { p->num_history --; ippDelete(p->history[0]); memmove(p->history, p->history + 1, p->num_history * sizeof(ipp_t *)); } /* * Create a collection containing the current printer-state, printer-up-time, * printer-state-message, and printer-state-reasons attributes. */ history = ippNew(); ippAddInteger(history, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "printer-state", p->state); ippAddBoolean(history, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "printer-is-accepting-jobs", p->accepting); ippAddBoolean(history, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "printer-is-shared", p->shared); ippAddString(history, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "printer-state-message", NULL, p->state_message); if (p->num_reasons == 0) ippAddString(history, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "printer-state-reasons", NULL, "none"); else ippAddStrings(history, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "printer-state-reasons", p->num_reasons, NULL, (const char * const *)p->reasons); ippAddInteger(history, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "printer-state-change-time", p->state_time); ippAddInteger(history, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "printer-state-sequence-number", p->sequence_number); p->history[p->num_history] = history; p->num_history ++; } /* * 'cupsdAddPrinterUser()' - Add a user to the ACL. */ void cupsdAddPrinterUser( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer */ const char *username) /* I - User */ { const char **temp; /* Temporary array pointer */ if (!p || !username) return; if (p->num_users == 0) temp = malloc(sizeof(char **)); else temp = realloc(p->users, sizeof(char **) * (p->num_users + 1)); if (!temp) return; p->users = temp; temp += p->num_users; if ((*temp = strdup(username)) != NULL) p->num_users ++; } /* * 'cupsdCreateCommonData()' - Create the common printer data. */ void cupsdCreateCommonData(void) { int i; /* Looping var */ ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* Attribute data */ cups_dir_t *dir; /* Notifier directory */ cups_dentry_t *dent; /* Notifier directory entry */ cups_array_t *notifiers; /* Notifier array */ char filename[1024], /* Filename */ *notifier; /* Current notifier */ cupsd_policy_t *p; /* Current policy */ static const int nups[] = /* number-up-supported values */ { 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 16 }; static const int orients[4] =/* orientation-requested-supported values */ { IPP_PORTRAIT, IPP_LANDSCAPE, IPP_REVERSE_LANDSCAPE, IPP_REVERSE_PORTRAIT }; static const char * const holds[] = /* job-hold-until-supported values */ { "no-hold", "indefinite", "day-time", "evening", "night", "second-shift", "third-shift", "weekend" }; static const char * const versions[] =/* ipp-versions-supported values */ { "1.0", "1.1", "2.0", "2.1" }; static const int ops[] = /* operations-supported values */ { IPP_PRINT_JOB, IPP_VALIDATE_JOB, IPP_CREATE_JOB, IPP_SEND_DOCUMENT, IPP_CANCEL_JOB, IPP_GET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES, IPP_GET_JOBS, IPP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES, IPP_HOLD_JOB, IPP_RELEASE_JOB, IPP_RESTART_JOB, IPP_PAUSE_PRINTER, IPP_RESUME_PRINTER, IPP_PURGE_JOBS, IPP_SET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES, IPP_SET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES, IPP_GET_PRINTER_SUPPORTED_VALUES, IPP_CREATE_PRINTER_SUBSCRIPTION, IPP_CREATE_JOB_SUBSCRIPTION, IPP_GET_SUBSCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTES, IPP_GET_SUBSCRIPTIONS, IPP_RENEW_SUBSCRIPTION, IPP_CANCEL_SUBSCRIPTION, IPP_GET_NOTIFICATIONS, IPP_ENABLE_PRINTER, IPP_DISABLE_PRINTER, IPP_HOLD_NEW_JOBS, IPP_RELEASE_HELD_NEW_JOBS, IPP_CANCEL_JOBS, IPP_CANCEL_MY_JOBS, IPP_CLOSE_JOB, CUPS_GET_DEFAULT, CUPS_GET_PRINTERS, CUPS_ADD_PRINTER, CUPS_DELETE_PRINTER, CUPS_GET_CLASSES, CUPS_ADD_CLASS, CUPS_DELETE_CLASS, CUPS_ACCEPT_JOBS, CUPS_REJECT_JOBS, CUPS_SET_DEFAULT, CUPS_GET_DEVICES, CUPS_GET_PPDS, CUPS_MOVE_JOB, CUPS_AUTHENTICATE_JOB, CUPS_GET_PPD, CUPS_GET_DOCUMENT, IPP_RESTART_JOB }; static const char * const charsets[] =/* charset-supported values */ { "us-ascii", "utf-8" }; static const char * const compressions[] = { /* document-compression-supported values */ "none" #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ ,"gzip" #endif /* HAVE_LIBZ */ }; static const char * const media_col_supported[] = { /* media-col-supported values */ "media-bottom-margin", "media-left-margin", "media-right-margin", "media-size", "media-source", "media-top-margin", "media-type" }; static const char * const multiple_document_handling[] = { /* multiple-document-handling-supported values */ "separate-documents-uncollated-copies", "separate-documents-collated-copies" }; static const char * const notify_attrs[] = { /* notify-attributes-supported values */ "printer-state-change-time", "notify-lease-expiration-time", "notify-subscriber-user-name" }; static const char * const notify_events[] = { /* notify-events-supported values */ "job-completed", "job-config-changed", "job-created", "job-progress", "job-state-changed", "job-stopped", "printer-added", "printer-changed", "printer-config-changed", "printer-deleted", "printer-finishings-changed", "printer-media-changed", "printer-modified", "printer-restarted", "printer-shutdown", "printer-state-changed", "printer-stopped", "server-audit", "server-restarted", "server-started", "server-stopped" }; static const char * const job_creation[] = { /* job-creation-attributes-supported */ "copies", "finishings", "ipp-attribute-fidelity", "job-hold-until", "job-name", "job-priority", "job-sheets", "media", "media-col", "multiple-document-handling", "number-up", "output-bin", "orientation-requested", "page-ranges", "print-quality", "printer-resolution", "sides" }; static const char * const job_settable[] = { /* job-settable-attributes-supported */ "copies", "finishings", "job-hold-until", "job-name", "job-priority", "media", "media-col", "multiple-document-handling", "number-up", "output-bin", "orientation-requested", "page-ranges", "print-quality", "printer-resolution", "sides" }; static const char * const printer_settable[] = { /* printer-settable-attributes-supported */ "printer-info", "printer-location" }; static const char * const which_jobs[] = { /* which-jobs-supported values */ "completed", "not-completed", "aborted", "all", "canceled", "pending", "pending-held", "processing", "processing-stopped" }; if (CommonData) ippDelete(CommonData); CommonData = ippNew(); /* * This list of attributes is sorted to improve performance when the * client provides a requested-attributes attribute... */ /* charset-configured */ ippAddString(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_CHARSET | IPP_TAG_COPY, "charset-configured", NULL, "utf-8"); /* charset-supported */ ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_CHARSET | IPP_TAG_COPY, "charset-supported", sizeof(charsets) / sizeof(charsets[0]), NULL, charsets); /* compression-supported */ ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "compression-supported", sizeof(compressions) / sizeof(compressions[0]), NULL, compressions); /* copies-supported */ ippAddRange(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "copies-supported", 1, MaxCopies); /* cups-version */ ippAddString(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_TEXT | IPP_TAG_COPY, "cups-version", NULL, CUPS_SVERSION + 6); /* generated-natural-language-supported (no IPP_TAG_COPY) */ ippAddString(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_LANGUAGE, "generated-natural-language-supported", NULL, DefaultLanguage); /* ipp-versions-supported */ ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "ipp-versions-supported", sizeof(versions) / sizeof(versions[0]), NULL, versions); /* ippget-event-life */ ippAddInteger(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "ippget-event-life", 15); /* job-creation-attributes-supported */ ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "job-creation-attributes-supported", sizeof(job_creation) / sizeof(job_creation[0]), NULL, job_creation); /* job-hold-until-supported */ ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "job-hold-until-supported", sizeof(holds) / sizeof(holds[0]), NULL, holds); /* job-ids-supported */ ippAddBoolean(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "job-ids-supported", 1); /* job-priority-supported */ ippAddInteger(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "job-priority-supported", 100); /* job-settable-attributes-supported */ ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "job-settable-attributes-supported", sizeof(job_settable) / sizeof(job_settable[0]), NULL, job_settable); /* job-sheets-supported */ if (cupsArrayCount(Banners) > 0) { /* * Setup the job-sheets-supported attribute... */ if (Classification && !ClassifyOverride) attr = ippAddString(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME | IPP_TAG_COPY, "job-sheets-supported", NULL, Classification); else attr = ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME | IPP_TAG_COPY, "job-sheets-supported", cupsArrayCount(Banners) + 1, NULL, NULL); if (attr == NULL) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_EMERG, "Unable to allocate memory for " "job-sheets-supported attribute: %s!", strerror(errno)); else if (!Classification || ClassifyOverride) { cupsd_banner_t *banner; /* Current banner */ attr->values[0].string.text = _cupsStrAlloc("none"); for (i = 1, banner = (cupsd_banner_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Banners); banner; i ++, banner = (cupsd_banner_t *)cupsArrayNext(Banners)) attr->values[i].string.text = banner->name; } } else ippAddString(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME | IPP_TAG_COPY, "job-sheets-supported", NULL, "none"); /* media-col-supported */ ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "media-col-supported", sizeof(media_col_supported) / sizeof(media_col_supported[0]), NULL, media_col_supported); /* multiple-document-handling-supported */ ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "multiple-document-handling-supported", sizeof(multiple_document_handling) / sizeof(multiple_document_handling[0]), NULL, multiple_document_handling); /* multiple-document-jobs-supported */ ippAddBoolean(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "multiple-document-jobs-supported", 1); /* multiple-operation-time-out */ ippAddInteger(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "multiple-operation-time-out", MultipleOperationTimeout); /* natural-language-configured (no IPP_TAG_COPY) */ ippAddString(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_LANGUAGE, "natural-language-configured", NULL, DefaultLanguage); /* notify-attributes-supported */ ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "notify-attributes-supported", (int)(sizeof(notify_attrs) / sizeof(notify_attrs[0])), NULL, notify_attrs); /* notify-lease-duration-supported */ ippAddRange(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "notify-lease-duration-supported", 0, MaxLeaseDuration ? MaxLeaseDuration : 2147483647); /* notify-max-events-supported */ ippAddInteger(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "notify-max-events-supported", MaxEvents); /* notify-events-supported */ ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "notify-events-supported", (int)(sizeof(notify_events) / sizeof(notify_events[0])), NULL, notify_events); /* notify-pull-method-supported */ ippAddString(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "notify-pull-method-supported", NULL, "ippget"); /* notify-schemes-supported */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/notifier", ServerBin); if ((dir = cupsDirOpen(filename)) != NULL) { notifiers = cupsArrayNew((cups_array_func_t)strcmp, NULL); while ((dent = cupsDirRead(dir)) != NULL) if (S_ISREG(dent->fileinfo.st_mode) && (dent->fileinfo.st_mode & S_IXOTH) != 0) cupsArrayAdd(notifiers, _cupsStrAlloc(dent->filename)); if (cupsArrayCount(notifiers) > 0) { attr = ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "notify-schemes-supported", cupsArrayCount(notifiers), NULL, NULL); for (i = 0, notifier = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(notifiers); notifier; i ++, notifier = (char *)cupsArrayNext(notifiers)) attr->values[i].string.text = notifier; } cupsArrayDelete(notifiers); cupsDirClose(dir); } /* number-up-supported */ ippAddIntegers(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "number-up-supported", sizeof(nups) / sizeof(nups[0]), nups); /* operations-supported */ ippAddIntegers(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "operations-supported", sizeof(ops) / sizeof(ops[0]) + JobFiles - 1, ops); /* orientation-requested-supported */ ippAddIntegers(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "orientation-requested-supported", 4, orients); /* page-ranges-supported */ ippAddBoolean(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "page-ranges-supported", 1); /* pdf-override-supported */ ippAddString(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "pdl-override-supported", NULL, "not-attempted"); /* printer-op-policy-supported */ attr = ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME | IPP_TAG_COPY, "printer-op-policy-supported", cupsArrayCount(Policies), NULL, NULL); for (i = 0, p = (cupsd_policy_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Policies); p; i ++, p = (cupsd_policy_t *)cupsArrayNext(Policies)) attr->values[i].string.text = p->name; /* printer-settable-attributes-supported */ ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "printer-settable-attributes-supported", sizeof(printer_settable) / sizeof(printer_settable[0]), NULL, printer_settable); /* server-is-sharing-printers */ ippAddBoolean(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "server-is-sharing-printers", BrowseLocalProtocols != 0 && Browsing); /* which-jobs-supported */ ippAddStrings(CommonData, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD | IPP_TAG_COPY, "which-jobs-supported", sizeof(which_jobs) / sizeof(which_jobs[0]), NULL, which_jobs); } /* * 'cupsdDeleteAllPrinters()' - Delete all printers from the system. */ void cupsdDeleteAllPrinters(void) { cupsd_printer_t *p; /* Pointer to current printer/class */ for (p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Printers); p; p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayNext(Printers)) { p->op_policy_ptr = DefaultPolicyPtr; cupsdDeletePrinter(p, 0); } } /* * 'cupsdDeletePrinter()' - Delete a printer from the system. */ int /* O - 1 if classes affected, 0 otherwise */ cupsdDeletePrinter( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer to delete */ int update) /* I - Update printers.conf? */ { int i, /* Looping var */ changed = 0; /* Class changed? */ #ifdef __sgi char filename[1024]; /* Interface script filename */ #endif /* __sgi */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdDeletePrinter(p=%p(%s), update=%d)", p, p->name, update); /* * Save the current position in the Printers array... */ cupsArraySave(Printers); /* * Stop printing on this printer... */ cupsdSetPrinterState(p, IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED, update); if (p->job) cupsdSetJobState(p->job, IPP_JOB_PENDING, CUPSD_JOB_FORCE, update ? "Job stopped due to printer being deleted." : "Job stopped."); /* * If this printer is the next for browsing, point to the next one... */ if (p == BrowseNext) { cupsArrayFind(Printers, p); BrowseNext = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayNext(Printers); } /* * Remove the printer from the list... */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdDeletePrinter: Removing %s from Printers", p->name); cupsArrayRemove(Printers, p); if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdDeletePrinter: Removing %s from ImplicitPrinters", p->name); cupsArrayRemove(ImplicitPrinters, p); } /* * Remove the dummy interface/icon/option files under IRIX... */ #ifdef __sgi snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/interface/%s", p->name); unlink(filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/gui_interface/ELF/%s.gui", p->name); unlink(filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/activeicons/%s", p->name); unlink(filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/pod/%s.config", p->name); unlink(filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/pod/%s.status", p->name); unlink(filename); snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/member/%s", p->name); unlink(filename); #endif /* __sgi */ /* * If p is the default printer, assign a different one... */ if (p == DefaultPrinter) { DefaultPrinter = NULL; if (UseNetworkDefault) { /* * Find the first network default printer and use it... */ cupsd_printer_t *dp; /* New default printer */ for (dp = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Printers); dp; dp = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayNext(Printers)) if (dp != p && (dp->type & CUPS_PRINTER_DEFAULT)) { DefaultPrinter = dp; break; } } } /* * Remove this printer from any classes... */ if (!(p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT)) { changed = cupsdDeletePrinterFromClasses(p); /* * Deregister from any browse protocols... */ cupsdDeregisterPrinter(p, 1); } /* * Free all memory used by the printer... */ if (p->printers != NULL) free(p->printers); if (MaxPrinterHistory) { for (i = 0; i < p->num_history; i ++) ippDelete(p->history[i]); free(p->history); } delete_printer_filters(p); for (i = 0; i < p->num_reasons; i ++) _cupsStrFree(p->reasons[i]); ippDelete(p->attrs); ippDelete(p->ppd_attrs); mimeDeleteType(MimeDatabase, p->filetype); mimeDeleteType(MimeDatabase, p->prefiltertype); delete_string_array(&(p->filters)); delete_string_array(&(p->pre_filters)); cupsdFreePrinterUsers(p); cupsdFreeQuotas(p); cupsdClearString(&p->uri); cupsdClearString(&p->hostname); cupsdClearString(&p->name); cupsdClearString(&p->location); cupsdClearString(&p->make_model); cupsdClearString(&p->info); cupsdClearString(&p->job_sheets[0]); cupsdClearString(&p->job_sheets[1]); cupsdClearString(&p->device_uri); cupsdClearString(&p->sanitized_device_uri); cupsdClearString(&p->port_monitor); cupsdClearString(&p->op_policy); cupsdClearString(&p->error_policy); cupsdClearString(&p->alert); cupsdClearString(&p->alert_description); #ifdef HAVE_DNSSD cupsdClearString(&p->product); cupsdClearString(&p->pdl); #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ cupsArrayDelete(p->filetypes); if (p->browse_attrs) free(p->browse_attrs); cupsFreeOptions(p->num_options, p->options); free(p); /* * Restore the previous position in the Printers array... */ cupsArrayRestore(Printers); return (changed); } /* * 'cupsdFindDest()' - Find a destination in the list. */ cupsd_printer_t * /* O - Destination in list */ cupsdFindDest(const char *name) /* I - Name of printer or class to find */ { cupsd_printer_t key; /* Search key */ key.name = (char *)name; return ((cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFind(Printers, &key)); } /* * 'cupsdFindPrinter()' - Find a printer in the list. */ cupsd_printer_t * /* O - Printer in list */ cupsdFindPrinter(const char *name) /* I - Name of printer to find */ { cupsd_printer_t *p; /* Printer in list */ if ((p = cupsdFindDest(name)) != NULL && (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS)) return (NULL); else return (p); } /* * 'cupsdFreePrinterUsers()' - Free allow/deny users. */ void cupsdFreePrinterUsers( cupsd_printer_t *p) /* I - Printer */ { int i; /* Looping var */ if (!p || !p->num_users) return; for (i = 0; i < p->num_users; i ++) free((void *)p->users[i]); free(p->users); p->num_users = 0; p->users = NULL; } /* * 'cupsdLoadAllPrinters()' - Load printers from the printers.conf file. */ void cupsdLoadAllPrinters(void) { int i; /* Looping var */ cups_file_t *fp; /* printers.conf file */ int linenum; /* Current line number */ char line[4096], /* Line from file */ *value, /* Pointer to value */ *valueptr; /* Pointer into value */ cupsd_printer_t *p; /* Current printer */ /* * Open the printers.conf file... */ snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s/printers.conf", ServerRoot); if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(line, "r")) == NULL) { if (errno != ENOENT) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open %s - %s", line, strerror(errno)); return; } /* * Read printer configurations until we hit EOF... */ linenum = 0; p = NULL; while (cupsFileGetConf(fp, line, sizeof(line), &value, &linenum)) { /* * Decode the directive... */ if (!strcasecmp(line, " or */ if (p == NULL && value) { /* * Add the printer and a base file type... */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "Loading printer %s...", value); p = cupsdAddPrinter(value); p->accepting = 1; p->state = IPP_PRINTER_IDLE; /* * Set the default printer as needed... */ if (!strcasecmp(line, "")) { if (p != NULL) { /* * Close out the current printer... */ cupsdSetPrinterAttrs(p); cupsdAddPrinterHistory(p); if (strncmp(p->device_uri, "file:", 5) && p->state != IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED) { /* * See if the backend exists... */ snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s/backend/%s", ServerBin, p->device_uri); if ((valueptr = strchr(line + strlen(ServerBin), ':')) != NULL) *valueptr = '\0'; /* Chop everything but URI scheme */ if (access(line, 0)) { /* * Backend does not exist, stop printer... */ p->state = IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED; snprintf(p->state_message, sizeof(p->state_message), "Backend %s does not exist!", line); } } p = NULL; } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!p) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "AuthInfoRequired")) { if (!cupsdSetAuthInfoRequired(p, value, NULL)) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Bad AuthInfoRequired on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "Info")) { if (value) cupsdSetString(&p->info, value); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "MakeModel")) { if (value) cupsdSetString(&p->make_model, value); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "Location")) { if (value) cupsdSetString(&p->location, value); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "DeviceURI")) { if (value) cupsdSetDeviceURI(p, value); else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "Option") && value) { /* * Option name value */ for (valueptr = value; *valueptr && !isspace(*valueptr & 255); valueptr ++); if (!*valueptr) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); else { for (; *valueptr && isspace(*valueptr & 255); *valueptr++ = '\0'); p->num_options = cupsAddOption(value, valueptr, p->num_options, &(p->options)); } } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "PortMonitor")) { if (value && strcmp(value, "none")) cupsdSetString(&p->port_monitor, value); else if (value) cupsdClearString(&p->port_monitor); else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "Reason")) { if (value && strcmp(value, "connecting-to-device") && strcmp(value, "cups-insecure-filter-warning") && strcmp(value, "cups-missing-filter-warning")) { for (i = 0 ; i < p->num_reasons; i ++) if (!strcmp(value, p->reasons[i])) break; if (i >= p->num_reasons && p->num_reasons < (int)(sizeof(p->reasons) / sizeof(p->reasons[0]))) { p->reasons[p->num_reasons] = _cupsStrAlloc(value); p->num_reasons ++; } } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "State")) { /* * Set the initial queue state... */ if (value && !strcasecmp(value, "idle")) p->state = IPP_PRINTER_IDLE; else if (value && !strcasecmp(value, "stopped")) { p->state = IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED; for (i = 0 ; i < p->num_reasons; i ++) if (!strcmp("paused", p->reasons[i])) break; if (i >= p->num_reasons && p->num_reasons < (int)(sizeof(p->reasons) / sizeof(p->reasons[0]))) { p->reasons[p->num_reasons] = _cupsStrAlloc("paused"); p->num_reasons ++; } } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "StateMessage")) { /* * Set the initial queue state message... */ if (value) strlcpy(p->state_message, value, sizeof(p->state_message)); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "StateTime")) { /* * Set the state time... */ if (value) p->state_time = atoi(value); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "Accepting")) { /* * Set the initial accepting state... */ if (value && (!strcasecmp(value, "yes") || !strcasecmp(value, "on") || !strcasecmp(value, "true"))) p->accepting = 1; else if (value && (!strcasecmp(value, "no") || !strcasecmp(value, "off") || !strcasecmp(value, "false"))) p->accepting = 0; else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "Type")) { if (value) p->type = atoi(value); else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "Product")) { if (value) { #ifdef HAVE_DNSSD p->product = _cupsStrAlloc(value); #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "Filter")) { if (value) { if (!p->filters) p->filters = cupsArrayNew(NULL, NULL); cupsArrayAdd(p->filters, _cupsStrAlloc(value)); } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "PreFilter")) { if (value) { if (!p->pre_filters) p->pre_filters = cupsArrayNew(NULL, NULL); cupsArrayAdd(p->pre_filters, _cupsStrAlloc(value)); } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "Shared")) { /* * Set the initial shared state... */ if (value && (!strcasecmp(value, "yes") || !strcasecmp(value, "on") || !strcasecmp(value, "true"))) p->shared = 1; else if (value && (!strcasecmp(value, "no") || !strcasecmp(value, "off") || !strcasecmp(value, "false"))) p->shared = 0; else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "JobSheets")) { /* * Set the initial job sheets... */ if (value) { for (valueptr = value; *valueptr && !isspace(*valueptr & 255); valueptr ++); if (*valueptr) *valueptr++ = '\0'; cupsdSetString(&p->job_sheets[0], value); while (isspace(*valueptr & 255)) valueptr ++; if (*valueptr) { for (value = valueptr; *valueptr && !isspace(*valueptr & 255); valueptr ++); if (*valueptr) *valueptr = '\0'; cupsdSetString(&p->job_sheets[1], value); } } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "AllowUser")) { if (value) { p->deny_users = 0; cupsdAddPrinterUser(p, value); } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "DenyUser")) { if (value) { p->deny_users = 1; cupsdAddPrinterUser(p, value); } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "QuotaPeriod")) { if (value) p->quota_period = atoi(value); else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "PageLimit")) { if (value) p->page_limit = atoi(value); else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "KLimit")) { if (value) p->k_limit = atoi(value); else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "OpPolicy")) { if (value) { cupsd_policy_t *pol; /* Policy */ if ((pol = cupsdFindPolicy(value)) != NULL) { cupsdSetString(&p->op_policy, value); p->op_policy_ptr = pol; } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Bad policy \"%s\" on line %d of printers.conf", value, linenum); } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "ErrorPolicy")) { if (value) cupsdSetString(&p->error_policy, value); else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); } else if (!strcasecmp(line, "Attribute") && value) { for (valueptr = value; *valueptr && !isspace(*valueptr & 255); valueptr ++); if (!*valueptr) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Syntax error on line %d of printers.conf.", linenum); else { for (; *valueptr && isspace(*valueptr & 255); *valueptr++ = '\0'); if (!p->attrs) cupsdSetPrinterAttrs(p); if (!strcmp(value, "marker-change-time")) p->marker_time = atoi(valueptr); else cupsdSetPrinterAttr(p, value, valueptr); } } else { /* * Something else we don't understand... */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unknown configuration directive %s on line %d of printers.conf.", line, linenum); } } cupsFileClose(fp); } /* * 'cupsdRenamePrinter()' - Rename a printer. */ void cupsdRenamePrinter( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer */ const char *name) /* I - New name */ { /* * Remove the printer from the array(s) first... */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdRenamePrinter: Removing %s from Printers", p->name); cupsArrayRemove(Printers, p); if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdRenamePrinter: Removing %s from ImplicitPrinters", p->name); cupsArrayRemove(ImplicitPrinters, p); } /* * Rename the printer type... */ mimeDeleteType(MimeDatabase, p->filetype); p->filetype = mimeAddType(MimeDatabase, "printer", name); mimeDeleteType(MimeDatabase, p->prefiltertype); p->prefiltertype = mimeAddType(MimeDatabase, "prefilter", name); /* * Rename the printer... */ cupsdSetString(&p->name, name); /* * Reset printer attributes... */ cupsdSetPrinterAttrs(p); /* * Add the printer back to the printer array(s)... */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdRenamePrinter: Adding %s to Printers", p->name); cupsArrayAdd(Printers, p); if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdRenamePrinter: Adding %s to ImplicitPrinters", p->name); cupsArrayAdd(ImplicitPrinters, p); } } /* * 'cupsdSaveAllPrinters()' - Save all printer definitions to the printers.conf * file. */ void cupsdSaveAllPrinters(void) { int i; /* Looping var */ cups_file_t *fp; /* printers.conf file */ char temp[1024], /* Temporary string */ backup[1024], /* printers.conf.O file */ value[2048], /* Value string */ *ptr; /* Pointer into value */ cupsd_printer_t *printer; /* Current printer class */ time_t curtime; /* Current time */ struct tm *curdate; /* Current date */ cups_option_t *option; /* Current option */ ipp_attribute_t *marker; /* Current marker attribute */ /* * Create the printers.conf file... */ snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s/printers.conf", ServerRoot); snprintf(backup, sizeof(backup), "%s/printers.conf.O", ServerRoot); if (rename(temp, backup)) { if (errno != ENOENT) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to backup printers.conf - %s", strerror(errno)); } if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(temp, "w")) == NULL) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to save printers.conf - %s", strerror(errno)); if (rename(backup, temp)) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to restore printers.conf - %s", strerror(errno)); return; } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_INFO, "Saving printers.conf..."); /* * Restrict access to the file... */ fchown(cupsFileNumber(fp), getuid(), Group); fchmod(cupsFileNumber(fp), 0600); /* * Write a small header to the file... */ curtime = time(NULL); curdate = localtime(&curtime); strftime(temp, sizeof(temp) - 1, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", curdate); cupsFilePuts(fp, "# Printer configuration file for " CUPS_SVERSION "\n"); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "# Written by cupsd on %s\n", temp); cupsFilePuts(fp, "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE WHEN CUPSD IS RUNNING\n"); /* * Write each local printer known to the system... */ for (printer = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Printers); printer; printer = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayNext(Printers)) { /* * Skip remote destinations and printer classes... */ if ((printer->type & CUPS_PRINTER_DISCOVERED) || (printer->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) || (printer->type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT)) continue; /* * Write printers as needed... */ if (printer == DefaultPrinter) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "\n", printer->name); else cupsFilePrintf(fp, "\n", printer->name); if (printer->num_auth_info_required > 0) { switch (printer->num_auth_info_required) { case 1 : strlcpy(value, printer->auth_info_required[0], sizeof(value)); break; case 2 : snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "%s,%s", printer->auth_info_required[0], printer->auth_info_required[1]); break; case 3 : default : snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "%s,%s,%s", printer->auth_info_required[0], printer->auth_info_required[1], printer->auth_info_required[2]); break; } cupsFilePutConf(fp, "AuthInfoRequired", value); } if (printer->info) cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Info", printer->info); if (printer->location) cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Location", printer->location); if (printer->make_model) cupsFilePutConf(fp, "MakeModel", printer->make_model); cupsFilePutConf(fp, "DeviceURI", printer->device_uri); if (printer->port_monitor) cupsFilePutConf(fp, "PortMonitor", printer->port_monitor); if (printer->state == IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED) { cupsFilePuts(fp, "State Stopped\n"); if (printer->state_message) cupsFilePutConf(fp, "StateMessage", printer->state_message); } else cupsFilePuts(fp, "State Idle\n"); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "StateTime %d\n", (int)printer->state_time); for (i = 0; i < printer->num_reasons; i ++) if (strcmp(printer->reasons[i], "connecting-to-device") && strcmp(printer->reasons[i], "cups-insecure-filter-warning") && strcmp(printer->reasons[i], "cups-missing-filter-warning")) cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Reason", printer->reasons[i]); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Type %d\n", printer->type); #ifdef HAVE_DNSSD if (printer->product) cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Product", printer->product); #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ for (ptr = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(printer->filters); ptr; ptr = (char *)cupsArrayNext(printer->filters)) cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Filter", ptr); for (ptr = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(printer->pre_filters); ptr; ptr = (char *)cupsArrayNext(printer->pre_filters)) cupsFilePutConf(fp, "PreFilter", ptr); if (printer->accepting) cupsFilePuts(fp, "Accepting Yes\n"); else cupsFilePuts(fp, "Accepting No\n"); if (printer->shared) cupsFilePuts(fp, "Shared Yes\n"); else cupsFilePuts(fp, "Shared No\n"); snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "%s %s", printer->job_sheets[0], printer->job_sheets[1]); cupsFilePutConf(fp, "JobSheets", value); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "QuotaPeriod %d\n", printer->quota_period); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "PageLimit %d\n", printer->page_limit); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "KLimit %d\n", printer->k_limit); for (i = 0; i < printer->num_users; i ++) cupsFilePutConf(fp, printer->deny_users ? "DenyUser" : "AllowUser", printer->users[i]); if (printer->op_policy) cupsFilePutConf(fp, "OpPolicy", printer->op_policy); if (printer->error_policy) cupsFilePutConf(fp, "ErrorPolicy", printer->error_policy); for (i = printer->num_options, option = printer->options; i > 0; i --, option ++) { snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "%s %s", option->name, option->value); cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Option", value); } if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(printer->attrs, "marker-colors", IPP_TAG_NAME)) != NULL) { snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "%s ", marker->name); for (i = 0, ptr = value + strlen(value); i < marker->num_values && ptr < (value + sizeof(value) - 1); i ++) { if (i) *ptr++ = ','; strlcpy(ptr, marker->values[i].string.text, value + sizeof(value) - ptr); ptr += strlen(ptr); } *ptr = '\0'; cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Attribute", value); } if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(printer->attrs, "marker-levels", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Attribute %s %d", marker->name, marker->values[0].integer); for (i = 1; i < marker->num_values; i ++) cupsFilePrintf(fp, ",%d", marker->values[i].integer); cupsFilePuts(fp, "\n"); } if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(printer->attrs, "marker-low-levels", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Attribute %s %d", marker->name, marker->values[0].integer); for (i = 1; i < marker->num_values; i ++) cupsFilePrintf(fp, ",%d", marker->values[i].integer); cupsFilePuts(fp, "\n"); } if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(printer->attrs, "marker-high-levels", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Attribute %s %d", marker->name, marker->values[0].integer); for (i = 1; i < marker->num_values; i ++) cupsFilePrintf(fp, ",%d", marker->values[i].integer); cupsFilePuts(fp, "\n"); } if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(printer->attrs, "marker-message", IPP_TAG_TEXT)) != NULL) { snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "%s %s", marker->name, marker->values[0].string.text); cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Attribute", value); } if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(printer->attrs, "marker-names", IPP_TAG_NAME)) != NULL) { snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "%s ", marker->name); for (i = 0, ptr = value + strlen(value); i < marker->num_values && ptr < (value + sizeof(value) - 1); i ++) { if (i) *ptr++ = ','; strlcpy(ptr, marker->values[i].string.text, value + sizeof(value) - ptr); ptr += strlen(ptr); } *ptr = '\0'; cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Attribute", value); } if ((marker = ippFindAttribute(printer->attrs, "marker-types", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) != NULL) { snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "%s ", marker->name); for (i = 0, ptr = value + strlen(value); i < marker->num_values && ptr < (value + sizeof(value) - 1); i ++) { if (i) *ptr++ = ','; strlcpy(ptr, marker->values[i].string.text, value + sizeof(value) - ptr); ptr += strlen(ptr); } *ptr = '\0'; cupsFilePutConf(fp, "Attribute", value); } if (printer->marker_time) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Attribute marker-change-time %ld\n", (long)printer->marker_time); cupsFilePuts(fp, "\n"); #ifdef __sgi /* * Make IRIX desktop & printer status happy */ write_irix_state(printer); #endif /* __sgi */ } cupsFileClose(fp); } /* * 'cupsdSetAuthInfoRequired()' - Set the required authentication info. */ int /* O - 1 if value OK, 0 otherwise */ cupsdSetAuthInfoRequired( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer */ const char *values, /* I - Plain text value (or NULL) */ ipp_attribute_t *attr) /* I - IPP attribute value (or NULL) */ { int i; /* Looping var */ p->num_auth_info_required = 0; /* * Do we have a plain text value? */ if (values) { /* * Yes, grab the keywords... */ const char *end; /* End of current value */ while (*values && p->num_auth_info_required < 4) { if ((end = strchr(values, ',')) == NULL) end = values + strlen(values); if ((end - values) == 4 && !strncmp(values, "none", 4)) { if (p->num_auth_info_required != 0 || *end) return (0); p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "none"; p->num_auth_info_required ++; return (1); } else if ((end - values) == 9 && !strncmp(values, "negotiate", 9)) { if (p->num_auth_info_required != 0 || *end) return (0); p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "negotiate"; p->num_auth_info_required ++; } else if ((end - values) == 6 && !strncmp(values, "domain", 6)) { p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "domain"; p->num_auth_info_required ++; } else if ((end - values) == 8 && !strncmp(values, "password", 8)) { p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "password"; p->num_auth_info_required ++; } else if ((end - values) == 8 && !strncmp(values, "username", 8)) { p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "username"; p->num_auth_info_required ++; } else return (0); values = (*end) ? end + 1 : end; } if (p->num_auth_info_required == 0) { p->auth_info_required[0] = "none"; p->num_auth_info_required = 1; } /* * Update the printer-type value as needed... */ if (p->num_auth_info_required > 1 || strcmp(p->auth_info_required[0], "none")) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_AUTHENTICATED; else p->type &= ~CUPS_PRINTER_AUTHENTICATED; return (1); } /* * Grab values from an attribute instead... */ if (!attr || attr->num_values > 4) return (0); /* * Update the printer-type value as needed... */ if (attr->num_values > 1 || strcmp(attr->values[0].string.text, "none")) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_AUTHENTICATED; else p->type &= ~CUPS_PRINTER_AUTHENTICATED; for (i = 0; i < attr->num_values; i ++) { if (!strcmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "none")) { if (p->num_auth_info_required != 0 || attr->num_values != 1) return (0); p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "none"; p->num_auth_info_required ++; return (1); } else if (!strcmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "negotiate")) { if (p->num_auth_info_required != 0 || attr->num_values != 1) return (0); p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "negotiate"; p->num_auth_info_required ++; return (1); } else if (!strcmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "domain")) { p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "domain"; p->num_auth_info_required ++; } else if (!strcmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "password")) { p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "password"; p->num_auth_info_required ++; } else if (!strcmp(attr->values[i].string.text, "username")) { p->auth_info_required[p->num_auth_info_required] = "username"; p->num_auth_info_required ++; } else return (0); } return (1); } /* * 'cupsdSetDeviceURI()' - Set the device URI for a printer. */ void cupsdSetDeviceURI(cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer */ const char *uri) /* I - Device URI */ { char buffer[1024], /* URI buffer */ *start, /* Start of data after scheme */ *slash, /* First slash after scheme:// */ *ptr; /* Pointer into user@host:port part */ /* * Set the full device URI.. */ cupsdSetString(&(p->device_uri), uri); /* * Copy the device URI to a temporary buffer so we can sanitize any auth * info in it... */ strlcpy(buffer, uri, sizeof(buffer)); /* * Find the end of the scheme:// part... */ if ((ptr = strchr(buffer, ':')) != NULL) { for (start = ptr + 1; *start; start ++) if (*start != '/') break; /* * Find the next slash (/) in the URI... */ if ((slash = strchr(start, '/')) == NULL) slash = start + strlen(start); /* No slash, point to the end */ /* * Check for an @ sign before the slash... */ if ((ptr = strchr(start, '@')) != NULL && ptr < slash) { /* * Found an @ sign and it is before the resource part, so we have * an authentication string. Copy the remaining URI over the * authentication string... */ _cups_strcpy(start, ptr + 1); } } /* * Save the sanitized URI... */ cupsdSetString(&(p->sanitized_device_uri), buffer); } /* * 'cupsdSetPrinterAttr()' - Set a printer attribute. */ void cupsdSetPrinterAttr( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer */ const char *name, /* I - Attribute name */ char *value) /* I - Attribute value string */ { ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* Attribute */ int i, /* Looping var */ count; /* Number of values */ char *ptr; /* Pointer into value */ ipp_tag_t value_tag; /* Value tag for this attribute */ /* * Don't allow empty values... */ if (!*value && strcmp(name, "marker-message")) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Ignoring empty \"%s\" attribute", name); return; } /* * Count the number of values... */ for (count = 1, ptr = value; (ptr = strchr(ptr, ',')) != NULL; ptr ++, count ++); /* * Then add or update the attribute as needed... */ if (!strcmp(name, "marker-levels") || !strcmp(name, "marker-low-levels") || !strcmp(name, "marker-high-levels")) { /* * Integer values... */ if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(p->attrs, name, IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL && attr->num_values < count) { ippDeleteAttribute(p->attrs, attr); attr = NULL; } if (attr) attr->num_values = count; else attr = ippAddIntegers(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, name, count, NULL); if (!attr) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate memory for printer attribute " "(%d values)", count); return; } for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) { if ((ptr = strchr(value, ',')) != NULL) *ptr++ = '\0'; attr->values[i].integer = strtol(value, NULL, 10); if (ptr) value = ptr; } } else { /* * Name or keyword values... */ if (!strcmp(name, "marker-types")) value_tag = IPP_TAG_KEYWORD; else if (!strcmp(name, "marker-message")) value_tag = IPP_TAG_TEXT; else value_tag = IPP_TAG_NAME; if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(p->attrs, name, value_tag)) != NULL && attr->num_values < count) { ippDeleteAttribute(p->attrs, attr); attr = NULL; } if (attr) { for (i = 0; i < attr->num_values; i ++) _cupsStrFree(attr->values[i].string.text); attr->num_values = count; } else attr = ippAddStrings(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, value_tag, name, count, NULL, NULL); if (!attr) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate memory for printer attribute " "(%d values)", count); return; } for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) { if ((ptr = strchr(value, ',')) != NULL) *ptr++ = '\0'; attr->values[i].string.text = _cupsStrAlloc(value); if (ptr) value = ptr; } } } /* * 'cupsdSetPrinterAttrs()' - Set printer attributes based upon the PPD file. */ void cupsdSetPrinterAttrs(cupsd_printer_t *p)/* I - Printer to setup */ { int i, /* Looping var */ length; /* Length of browse attributes */ char resource[HTTP_MAX_URI]; /* Resource portion of URI */ int num_air; /* Number of auth-info-required values */ const char * const *air; /* auth-info-required values */ cupsd_location_t *auth; /* Pointer to authentication element */ const char *auth_supported; /* Authentication supported */ ipp_t *oldattrs; /* Old printer attributes */ ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* Attribute data */ cups_option_t *option; /* Current printer option */ char *filter; /* Current filter */ static const char * const air_none[] = { /* No authentication */ "none" }; static const char * const air_userpass[] = { /* Basic/Digest authentication */ "username", "password" }; DEBUG_printf(("cupsdSetPrinterAttrs: entering name = %s, type = %x\n", p->name, p->type)); /* * Make sure that we have the common attributes defined... */ if (!CommonData) cupsdCreateCommonData(); /* * Clear out old filters, if any... */ delete_printer_filters(p); /* * Figure out the authentication that is required for the printer. */ auth_supported = "requesting-user-name"; num_air = 1; air = air_none; if (p->num_auth_info_required > 0 && strcmp(p->auth_info_required[0], "none")) { num_air = p->num_auth_info_required; air = p->auth_info_required; } else if ((p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_AUTHENTICATED) && (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_DISCOVERED)) { num_air = 2; air = air_userpass; } if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) snprintf(resource, sizeof(resource), "/classes/%s", p->name); else snprintf(resource, sizeof(resource), "/printers/%s", p->name); if ((auth = cupsdFindBest(resource, HTTP_POST)) == NULL || auth->type == CUPSD_AUTH_NONE) auth = cupsdFindPolicyOp(p->op_policy_ptr, IPP_PRINT_JOB); if (auth) { int auth_type; /* Authentication type */ if ((auth_type = auth->type) == CUPSD_AUTH_DEFAULT) auth_type = DefaultAuthType; if (auth_type == CUPSD_AUTH_BASIC || auth_type == CUPSD_AUTH_BASICDIGEST) auth_supported = "basic"; else if (auth_type == CUPSD_AUTH_DIGEST) auth_supported = "digest"; #ifdef HAVE_GSSAPI else if (auth_type == CUPSD_AUTH_NEGOTIATE) auth_supported = "negotiate"; #endif /* HAVE_GSSAPI */ if (!(p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_DISCOVERED)) { if (auth_type != CUPSD_AUTH_NONE) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_AUTHENTICATED; else p->type &= ~CUPS_PRINTER_AUTHENTICATED; } } else if (!(p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_DISCOVERED)) p->type &= ~CUPS_PRINTER_AUTHENTICATED; /* * Create the required IPP attributes for a printer... */ oldattrs = p->attrs; p->attrs = ippNew(); ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "uri-authentication-supported", NULL, auth_supported); ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "uri-security-supported", NULL, "none"); ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME, "printer-name", NULL, p->name); ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "printer-location", NULL, p->location ? p->location : ""); ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "printer-info", NULL, p->info ? p->info : ""); if (p->num_users) { if (p->deny_users) ippAddStrings(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME, "requesting-user-name-denied", p->num_users, NULL, p->users); else ippAddStrings(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME, "requesting-user-name-allowed", p->num_users, NULL, p->users); } ippAddInteger(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "job-quota-period", p->quota_period); ippAddInteger(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "job-k-limit", p->k_limit); ippAddInteger(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "job-page-limit", p->page_limit); ippAddStrings(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "auth-info-required", num_air, NULL, air); if (cupsArrayCount(Banners) > 0 && !(p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_DISCOVERED)) { /* * Setup the job-sheets-default attribute... */ attr = ippAddStrings(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME, "job-sheets-default", 2, NULL, NULL); if (attr != NULL) { attr->values[0].string.text = _cupsStrAlloc(Classification ? Classification : p->job_sheets[0]); attr->values[1].string.text = _cupsStrAlloc(Classification ? Classification : p->job_sheets[1]); } } p->raw = 0; p->remote = 0; if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_DISCOVERED) { /* * Tell the client this is a remote printer of some type... */ ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri-supported", NULL, p->uri); ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-more-info", NULL, p->uri); if (p->make_model) ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "printer-make-and-model", NULL, p->make_model); ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_URI, "device-uri", NULL, p->uri); p->raw = 1; p->remote = 1; } else { /* * Assign additional attributes depending on whether this is a printer * or class... */ if (p->type & (CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS | CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT)) { p->raw = 1; p->type &= ~CUPS_PRINTER_OPTIONS; /* * Add class-specific attributes... */ if ((p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT) && p->num_printers > 0 && p->printers[0]->make_model) ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "printer-make-and-model", NULL, p->printers[0]->make_model); else ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "printer-make-and-model", NULL, "Local Printer Class"); ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_URI, "device-uri", NULL, "file:///dev/null"); if (p->num_printers > 0) { /* * Add a list of member names; URIs are added in copy_printer_attrs... */ attr = ippAddStrings(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME, "member-names", p->num_printers, NULL, NULL); p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_OPTIONS; for (i = 0; i < p->num_printers; i ++) { if (attr != NULL) attr->values[i].string.text = _cupsStrRetain(p->printers[i]->name); p->type &= ~CUPS_PRINTER_OPTIONS | p->printers[i]->type; } } } else { /* * Add printer-specific attributes... */ ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_URI, "device-uri", NULL, p->sanitized_device_uri); /* * Assign additional attributes from the PPD file (if any)... */ load_ppd(p); /* * Add filters for printer... */ cupsdSetPrinterReasons(p, "-cups-missing-filter-warning," "cups-insecure-filter-warning"); for (filter = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(p->filters); filter; filter = (char *)cupsArrayNext(p->filters)) add_printer_filter(p, p->filetype, filter); if (p->pre_filters) { p->prefiltertype = mimeAddType(MimeDatabase, "prefilter", p->name); for (filter = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(p->pre_filters); filter; filter = (char *)cupsArrayNext(p->pre_filters)) add_printer_filter(p, p->prefiltertype, filter); } } } /* * Copy marker attributes as needed... */ if (oldattrs) { ipp_attribute_t *oldattr; /* Old attribute */ if ((oldattr = ippFindAttribute(oldattrs, "marker-colors", IPP_TAG_NAME)) != NULL) { if ((attr = ippAddStrings(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME, "marker-colors", oldattr->num_values, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < oldattr->num_values; i ++) attr->values[i].string.text = _cupsStrRetain(oldattr->values[i].string.text); } } if ((oldattr = ippFindAttribute(oldattrs, "marker-levels", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL) { if ((attr = ippAddIntegers(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "marker-levels", oldattr->num_values, NULL)) != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < oldattr->num_values; i ++) attr->values[i].integer = oldattr->values[i].integer; } } if ((oldattr = ippFindAttribute(oldattrs, "marker-message", IPP_TAG_TEXT)) != NULL) ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "marker-message", NULL, oldattr->values[0].string.text); if ((oldattr = ippFindAttribute(oldattrs, "marker-low-levels", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL) { if ((attr = ippAddIntegers(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "marker-low-levels", oldattr->num_values, NULL)) != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < oldattr->num_values; i ++) attr->values[i].integer = oldattr->values[i].integer; } } if ((oldattr = ippFindAttribute(oldattrs, "marker-high-levels", IPP_TAG_INTEGER)) != NULL) { if ((attr = ippAddIntegers(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "marker-high-levels", oldattr->num_values, NULL)) != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < oldattr->num_values; i ++) attr->values[i].integer = oldattr->values[i].integer; } } if ((oldattr = ippFindAttribute(oldattrs, "marker-names", IPP_TAG_NAME)) != NULL) { if ((attr = ippAddStrings(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME, "marker-names", oldattr->num_values, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < oldattr->num_values; i ++) attr->values[i].string.text = _cupsStrRetain(oldattr->values[i].string.text); } } if ((oldattr = ippFindAttribute(oldattrs, "marker-types", IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)) != NULL) { if ((attr = ippAddStrings(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "marker-types", oldattr->num_values, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < oldattr->num_values; i ++) attr->values[i].string.text = _cupsStrRetain(oldattr->values[i].string.text); } } ippDelete(oldattrs); } /* * Force sharing off for remote queues... */ if (p->type & (CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE | CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT)) p->shared = 0; else { /* * Copy the printer options into a browse attributes string we can re-use. */ const char *valptr; /* Pointer into value */ char *attrptr; /* Pointer into attribute string */ /* * Free the old browse attributes as needed... */ if (p->browse_attrs) free(p->browse_attrs); /* * Compute the length of all attributes + job-sheets, lease-duration, * and BrowseLocalOptions. */ for (length = 1, i = p->num_options, option = p->options; i > 0; i --, option ++) { length += strlen(option->name) + 2; if (option->value) { for (valptr = option->value; *valptr; valptr ++) if (strchr(" \"\'\\", *valptr)) length += 2; else length ++; } } length += 13 + strlen(p->job_sheets[0]) + strlen(p->job_sheets[1]); length += 32; if (BrowseLocalOptions) length += 12 + strlen(BrowseLocalOptions); /* * Allocate the new string... */ if ((p->browse_attrs = calloc(1, length)) == NULL) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to allocate %d bytes for browse data!", length); else { /* * Got the allocated string, now copy the options and attributes over... */ sprintf(p->browse_attrs, "job-sheets=%s,%s lease-duration=%d", p->job_sheets[0], p->job_sheets[1], BrowseTimeout); attrptr = p->browse_attrs + strlen(p->browse_attrs); if (BrowseLocalOptions) { sprintf(attrptr, " ipp-options=%s", BrowseLocalOptions); attrptr += strlen(attrptr); } for (i = p->num_options, option = p->options; i > 0; i --, option ++) { *attrptr++ = ' '; strcpy(attrptr, option->name); attrptr += strlen(attrptr); if (option->value) { *attrptr++ = '='; for (valptr = option->value; *valptr; valptr ++) { if (strchr(" \"\'\\", *valptr)) *attrptr++ = '\\'; *attrptr++ = *valptr; } } } } } /* * Populate the document-format-supported attribute... */ add_printer_formats(p); DEBUG_printf(("cupsdSetPrinterAttrs: leaving name = %s, type = %x\n", p->name, p->type)); /* * Add name-default attributes... */ add_printer_defaults(p); #ifdef __sgi /* * Write the IRIX printer config and status files... */ write_irix_config(p); write_irix_state(p); #endif /* __sgi */ /* * Let the browse protocols reflect the change */ cupsdRegisterPrinter(p); } /* * 'cupsdSetPrinterReasons()' - Set/update the reasons strings. */ int /* O - 1 if something changed, 0 otherwise */ cupsdSetPrinterReasons( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer */ const char *s) /* I - Reasons strings */ { int i, /* Looping var */ changed = 0; /* Did something change? */ const char *sptr; /* Pointer into reasons */ char reason[255], /* Reason string */ *rptr; /* Pointer into reason */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "cupsdSetPrinterReasons(p=%p(%s),s=\"%s\"", p, p->name, s); if (s[0] == '-' || s[0] == '+') { /* * Add/remove reasons... */ sptr = s + 1; } else { /* * Replace reasons... */ sptr = s; for (i = 0; i < p->num_reasons; i ++) _cupsStrFree(p->reasons[i]); p->num_reasons = 0; changed = 1; cupsdMarkDirty(CUPSD_DIRTY_PRINTERS); if (PrintcapFormat == PRINTCAP_PLIST) cupsdMarkDirty(CUPSD_DIRTY_PRINTCAP); } if (!strcmp(s, "none")) return (changed); /* * Loop through all of the reasons... */ while (*sptr) { /* * Skip leading whitespace and commas... */ while (isspace(*sptr & 255) || *sptr == ',') sptr ++; for (rptr = reason; *sptr && !isspace(*sptr & 255) && *sptr != ','; sptr ++) if (rptr < (reason + sizeof(reason) - 1)) *rptr++ = *sptr; if (rptr == reason) break; *rptr = '\0'; if (s[0] == '-') { /* * Remove reason... */ for (i = 0; i < p->num_reasons; i ++) if (!strcmp(reason, p->reasons[i])) { /* * Found a match, so remove it... */ p->num_reasons --; changed = 1; _cupsStrFree(p->reasons[i]); if (i < p->num_reasons) memmove(p->reasons + i, p->reasons + i + 1, (p->num_reasons - i) * sizeof(char *)); if (!strcmp(reason, "paused") && p->state == IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED) cupsdSetPrinterState(p, IPP_PRINTER_IDLE, 1); if (strcmp(reason, "connecting-to-device")) { cupsdMarkDirty(CUPSD_DIRTY_PRINTERS); if (PrintcapFormat == PRINTCAP_PLIST) cupsdMarkDirty(CUPSD_DIRTY_PRINTCAP); } break; } } else if (p->num_reasons < (int)(sizeof(p->reasons) / sizeof(p->reasons[0]))) { /* * Add reason... */ for (i = 0; i < p->num_reasons; i ++) if (!strcmp(reason, p->reasons[i])) break; if (i >= p->num_reasons) { if (i >= (int)(sizeof(p->reasons) / sizeof(p->reasons[0]))) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ALERT, "Too many printer-state-reasons values for %s (%d)", p->name, i + 1); return (changed); } p->reasons[i] = _cupsStrAlloc(reason); p->num_reasons ++; changed = 1; if (!strcmp(reason, "paused") && p->state != IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED) cupsdSetPrinterState(p, IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED, 1); if (strcmp(reason, "connecting-to-device")) { cupsdMarkDirty(CUPSD_DIRTY_PRINTERS); if (PrintcapFormat == PRINTCAP_PLIST) cupsdMarkDirty(CUPSD_DIRTY_PRINTCAP); } } } } return (changed); } /* * 'cupsdSetPrinterState()' - Update the current state of a printer. */ void cupsdSetPrinterState( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer to change */ ipp_pstate_t s, /* I - New state */ int update) /* I - Update printers.conf? */ { ipp_pstate_t old_state; /* Old printer state */ static const char * const printer_states[] = { /* State strings */ "idle", "processing", "stopped" }; /* * Can't set status of remote printers... */ if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_DISCOVERED) return; /* * Set the new state... */ if (PrintcapFormat == PRINTCAP_PLIST) cupsdMarkDirty(CUPSD_DIRTY_PRINTCAP); old_state = p->state; p->state = s; if (old_state != s) { cupsdAddEvent(s == IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED ? CUPSD_EVENT_PRINTER_STOPPED : CUPSD_EVENT_PRINTER_STATE, p, NULL, "%s \"%s\" state changed to %s.", (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) ? "Class" : "Printer", p->name, printer_states[p->state]); /* * Let the browse code know this needs to be updated... */ BrowseNext = p; p->state_time = time(NULL); p->browse_time = 0; #ifdef __sgi write_irix_state(p); #endif /* __sgi */ } /* * Set/clear the paused reason as needed... */ if (s == IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED) cupsdSetPrinterReasons(p, "+paused"); else cupsdSetPrinterReasons(p, "-paused"); /* * Clear the message for the queue when going to processing... */ if (s == IPP_PRINTER_PROCESSING) p->state_message[0] = '\0'; /* * Update the printer history... */ cupsdAddPrinterHistory(p); /* * Let the browse protocols reflect the change... */ if (update) cupsdRegisterPrinter(p); /* * Save the printer configuration if a printer goes from idle or processing * to stopped (or visa-versa)... */ if (update && (old_state == IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED) != (s == IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED)) { if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) cupsdMarkDirty(CUPSD_DIRTY_CLASSES); else cupsdMarkDirty(CUPSD_DIRTY_PRINTERS); } } /* * 'cupsdStopPrinter()' - Stop a printer from printing any jobs... */ void cupsdStopPrinter(cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer to stop */ int update)/* I - Update printers.conf? */ { /* * Set the printer state... */ cupsdSetPrinterState(p, IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED, update); /* * See if we have a job printing on this printer... */ if (p->job && p->job->state_value == IPP_JOB_PROCESSING) cupsdSetJobState(p->job, IPP_JOB_PENDING, CUPSD_JOB_DEFAULT, "Job stopped due to printer being paused."); } /* * 'cupsdUpdatePrinterPPD()' - Update keywords in a printer's PPD file. */ int /* O - 1 if successful, 0 otherwise */ cupsdUpdatePrinterPPD( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer */ int num_keywords, /* I - Number of keywords */ cups_option_t *keywords) /* I - Keywords */ { int i; /* Looping var */ cups_file_t *src, /* Original file */ *dst; /* New file */ char srcfile[1024], /* Original filename */ dstfile[1024], /* New filename */ line[1024], /* Line from file */ keystring[41]; /* Keyword from line */ cups_option_t *keyword; /* Current keyword */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_INFO, "Updating keywords in PPD file for %s...", p->name); /* * Get the old and new PPD filenames... */ snprintf(srcfile, sizeof(srcfile), "%s/ppd/%s.ppd.O", ServerRoot, p->name); snprintf(dstfile, sizeof(srcfile), "%s/ppd/%s.ppd", ServerRoot, p->name); /* * Rename the old file and open the old and new... */ if (rename(dstfile, srcfile)) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to backup PPD file for %s: %s", p->name, strerror(errno)); return (0); } if ((src = cupsFileOpen(srcfile, "r")) == NULL) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open PPD file \"%s\": %s", srcfile, strerror(errno)); rename(srcfile, dstfile); return (0); } if ((dst = cupsFileOpen(dstfile, "w")) == NULL) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create PPD file \"%s\": %s", dstfile, strerror(errno)); cupsFileClose(src); rename(srcfile, dstfile); return (0); } /* * Copy the first line and then write out all of the keywords... */ if (!cupsFileGets(src, line, sizeof(line))) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to read PPD file \"%s\": %s", srcfile, strerror(errno)); cupsFileClose(src); cupsFileClose(dst); rename(srcfile, dstfile); return (0); } cupsFilePrintf(dst, "%s\n", line); for (i = num_keywords, keyword = keywords; i > 0; i --, keyword ++) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "*%s: %s", keyword->name, keyword->value); cupsFilePrintf(dst, "*%s: %s\n", keyword->name, keyword->value); } /* * Then copy the rest of the PPD file, dropping any keywords we changed. */ while (cupsFileGets(src, line, sizeof(line))) { /* * Skip keywords we've already set... */ if (sscanf(line, "*%40[^:]:", keystring) == 1 && cupsGetOption(keystring, num_keywords, keywords)) continue; /* * Otherwise write the line... */ cupsFilePrintf(dst, "%s\n", line); } /* * Close files and return... */ cupsFileClose(src); cupsFileClose(dst); return (1); } /* * 'cupsdUpdatePrinters()' - Update printers after a partial reload. */ void cupsdUpdatePrinters(void) { cupsd_printer_t *p; /* Current printer */ /* * Loop through the printers and recreate the printer attributes * for any local printers since the policy and/or access control * stuff may have changed. Also, if browsing is disabled, remove * any remote printers... */ for (p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Printers); p; p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayNext(Printers)) { /* * Remove remote printers if we are no longer browsing... */ if (!Browsing && (p->type & (CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT | CUPS_PRINTER_DISCOVERED))) { if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT) cupsArrayRemove(ImplicitPrinters, p); cupsArraySave(Printers); cupsdDeletePrinter(p, 0); cupsArrayRestore(Printers); continue; } /* * Update the operation policy pointer... */ if ((p->op_policy_ptr = cupsdFindPolicy(p->op_policy)) == NULL) p->op_policy_ptr = DefaultPolicyPtr; /* * Update printer attributes as needed... */ if (!(p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_DISCOVERED)) cupsdSetPrinterAttrs(p); } } /* * 'cupsdValidateDest()' - Validate a printer/class destination. */ const char * /* O - Printer or class name */ cupsdValidateDest( const char *uri, /* I - Printer URI */ cups_ptype_t *dtype, /* O - Type (printer or class) */ cupsd_printer_t **printer) /* O - Printer pointer */ { cupsd_printer_t *p; /* Current printer */ char localname[1024],/* Localized hostname */ *lptr, /* Pointer into localized hostname */ *sptr, /* Pointer into server name */ *rptr, /* Pointer into resource */ scheme[32], /* Scheme portion of URI */ username[64], /* Username portion of URI */ hostname[HTTP_MAX_HOST], /* Host portion of URI */ resource[HTTP_MAX_URI]; /* Resource portion of URI */ int port; /* Port portion of URI */ DEBUG_printf(("cupsdValidateDest(uri=\"%s\", dtype=%p, printer=%p)\n", uri, dtype, printer)); /* * Initialize return values... */ if (printer) *printer = NULL; if (dtype) *dtype = (cups_ptype_t)0; /* * Pull the hostname and resource from the URI... */ httpSeparateURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, uri, scheme, sizeof(scheme), username, sizeof(username), hostname, sizeof(hostname), &port, resource, sizeof(resource)); /* * See if the resource is a class or printer... */ if (!strncmp(resource, "/classes/", 9)) { /* * Class... */ rptr = resource + 9; } else if (!strncmp(resource, "/printers/", 10)) { /* * Printer... */ rptr = resource + 10; } else { /* * Bad resource name... */ return (NULL); } /* * See if the printer or class name exists... */ p = cupsdFindDest(rptr); if (p == NULL && strchr(rptr, '@') == NULL) return (NULL); else if (p != NULL) { if (printer) *printer = p; if (dtype) *dtype = p->type & (CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS | CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT | CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE | CUPS_PRINTER_DISCOVERED); return (p->name); } /* * Change localhost to the server name... */ if (!strcasecmp(hostname, "localhost")) strlcpy(hostname, ServerName, sizeof(hostname)); strlcpy(localname, hostname, sizeof(localname)); if (!strcasecmp(hostname, ServerName)) { /* * Localize the hostname... */ lptr = strchr(localname, '.'); sptr = strchr(ServerName, '.'); if (sptr != NULL && lptr != NULL) { /* * Strip the common domain name components... */ while (lptr != NULL) { if (!strcasecmp(lptr, sptr)) { *lptr = '\0'; break; } else lptr = strchr(lptr + 1, '.'); } } } DEBUG_printf(("localized hostname is \"%s\"...\n", localname)); /* * Find a matching printer or class... */ for (p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Printers); p; p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayNext(Printers)) if (!strcasecmp(p->hostname, localname) && !strcasecmp(p->name, rptr)) { if (printer) *printer = p; if (dtype) *dtype = p->type & (CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS | CUPS_PRINTER_IMPLICIT | CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE | CUPS_PRINTER_DISCOVERED); return (p->name); } return (NULL); } /* * 'cupsdWritePrintcap()' - Write a pseudo-printcap file for older applications * that need it... */ void cupsdWritePrintcap(void) { int i; /* Looping var */ cups_file_t *fp; /* Printcap file */ cupsd_printer_t *p; /* Current printer */ #ifdef __sgi /* * Update the IRIX printer state for the default printer; if * no printers remain, then the default printer file will be * removed... */ write_irix_state(DefaultPrinter); #endif /* __sgi */ /* * See if we have a printcap file; if not, don't bother writing it. */ if (!Printcap || !*Printcap) return; cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_INFO, "Generating printcap %s...", Printcap); /* * Open the printcap file... */ if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(Printcap, "w")) == NULL) return; /* * Put a comment header at the top so that users will know where the * data has come from... */ if (PrintcapFormat != PRINTCAP_PLIST) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "# This file was automatically generated by cupsd(8) " "from the\n" "# %s/printers.conf file. All changes to this file\n" "# will be lost.\n", ServerRoot); /* * Write a new printcap with the current list of printers. */ switch (PrintcapFormat) { case PRINTCAP_BSD : /* * Each printer is put in the file as: * * Printer1: * Printer2: * Printer3: * ... * PrinterN: */ if (DefaultPrinter) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "%s|%s:rm=%s:rp=%s:\n", DefaultPrinter->name, DefaultPrinter->info, ServerName, DefaultPrinter->name); for (p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Printers); p; p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayNext(Printers)) if (p != DefaultPrinter) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "%s|%s:rm=%s:rp=%s:\n", p->name, p->info, ServerName, p->name); break; case PRINTCAP_PLIST : /* * Each printer is written as a dictionary in a plist file. * Currently the printer-name, printer-info, printer-is-accepting-jobs, * printer-location, printer-make-and-model, printer-state, * printer-state-reasons, printer-type, and (sanitized) device-uri. */ cupsFilePuts(fp, "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n"); for (p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Printers); p; p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayNext(Printers)) { cupsFilePuts(fp, "\t\n" "\t\tprinter-name\n" "\t\t"); write_xml_string(fp, p->name); cupsFilePuts(fp, "\n" "\t\tprinter-info\n" "\t\t"); write_xml_string(fp, p->info); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "\n" "\t\tprinter-is-accepting-jobs\n" "\t\t<%s/>\n" "\t\tprinter-location\n" "\t\t", p->accepting ? "true" : "false"); write_xml_string(fp, p->location); cupsFilePuts(fp, "\n" "\t\tprinter-make-and-model\n" "\t\t"); write_xml_string(fp, p->make_model); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "\n" "\t\tprinter-state\n" "\t\t%d\n" "\t\tprinter-state-reasons\n" "\t\t\n", p->state); for (i = 0; i < p->num_reasons; i ++) { cupsFilePuts(fp, "\t\t\t"); write_xml_string(fp, p->reasons[i]); cupsFilePuts(fp, "\n"); } cupsFilePrintf(fp, "\t\t\n" "\t\tprinter-type\n" "\t\t%d\n" "\t\tdevice-uri\n" "\t\t", p->type); write_xml_string(fp, p->sanitized_device_uri); cupsFilePuts(fp, "\n" "\t\n"); } cupsFilePuts(fp, "\n" "\n"); break; case PRINTCAP_SOLARIS : /* * Each printer is put in the file as: * * _all:all=Printer1,Printer2,Printer3,...,PrinterN * _default:use=DefaultPrinter * Printer1:\ * :bsdaddr=ServerName,Printer1:\ * :description=Description: * Printer2: * :bsdaddr=ServerName,Printer2:\ * :description=Description: * Printer3: * :bsdaddr=ServerName,Printer3:\ * :description=Description: * ... * PrinterN: * :bsdaddr=ServerName,PrinterN:\ * :description=Description: */ cupsFilePuts(fp, "_all:all="); for (p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Printers); p; p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayCurrent(Printers)) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "%s%c", p->name, cupsArrayNext(Printers) ? ',' : '\n'); if (DefaultPrinter) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "_default:use=%s\n", DefaultPrinter->name); for (p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayFirst(Printers); p; p = (cupsd_printer_t *)cupsArrayNext(Printers)) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "%s:\\\n" "\t:bsdaddr=%s,%s:\\\n" "\t:description=%s:\n", p->name, ServerName, p->name, p->info ? p->info : ""); break; } /* * Close the file... */ cupsFileClose(fp); } /* * 'add_printer_defaults()' - Add name-default attributes to the printer attributes. */ static void add_printer_defaults(cupsd_printer_t *p)/* I - Printer */ { int i; /* Looping var */ int num_options; /* Number of default options */ cups_option_t *options, /* Default options */ *option; /* Current option */ char name[256]; /* name-default */ /* * Maintain a common array of default attribute names... */ if (!CommonDefaults) { CommonDefaults = cupsArrayNew((cups_array_func_t)strcmp, NULL); cupsArrayAdd(CommonDefaults, _cupsStrAlloc("copies-default")); cupsArrayAdd(CommonDefaults, _cupsStrAlloc("document-format-default")); cupsArrayAdd(CommonDefaults, _cupsStrAlloc("finishings-default")); cupsArrayAdd(CommonDefaults, _cupsStrAlloc("job-hold-until-default")); cupsArrayAdd(CommonDefaults, _cupsStrAlloc("job-priority-default")); cupsArrayAdd(CommonDefaults, _cupsStrAlloc("job-sheets-default")); cupsArrayAdd(CommonDefaults, _cupsStrAlloc("media-col-default")); cupsArrayAdd(CommonDefaults, _cupsStrAlloc("number-up-default")); cupsArrayAdd(CommonDefaults, _cupsStrAlloc("orientation-requested-default")); } /* * Add all of the default options from the .conf files... */ for (num_options = 0, options = NULL, i = p->num_options, option = p->options; i > 0; i --, option ++) { if (strcmp(option->name, "ipp-options") && strcmp(option->name, "job-sheets") && strcmp(option->name, "lease-duration")) { snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s-default", option->name); num_options = cupsAddOption(name, option->value, num_options, &options); if (!cupsArrayFind(CommonDefaults, name)) cupsArrayAdd(CommonDefaults, _cupsStrAlloc(name)); } } /* * Convert options to IPP attributes... */ cupsEncodeOptions2(p->attrs, num_options, options, IPP_TAG_PRINTER); cupsFreeOptions(num_options, options); /* * Add standard -default attributes as needed... */ if (!cupsGetOption("copies", p->num_options, p->options)) ippAddInteger(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "copies-default", 1); if (!cupsGetOption("document-format", p->num_options, p->options)) ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE, "document-format-default", NULL, "application/octet-stream"); if (!cupsGetOption("job-hold-until", p->num_options, p->options)) ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "job-hold-until-default", NULL, "no-hold"); if (!cupsGetOption("job-priority", p->num_options, p->options)) ippAddInteger(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "job-priority-default", 50); if (!cupsGetOption("number-up", p->num_options, p->options)) ippAddInteger(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "number-up-default", 1); if (!cupsGetOption("notify-lease-duration", p->num_options, p->options)) ippAddInteger(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "notify-lease-duration-default", DefaultLeaseDuration); if (!cupsGetOption("notify-events", p->num_options, p->options)) ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "notify-events-default", NULL, "job-completed"); if (!cupsGetOption("orientation-requested", p->num_options, p->options)) ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NOVALUE, "orientation-requested-default", NULL, NULL); if (!cupsGetOption("print-quality", p->num_options, p->options)) ippAddInteger(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "print-quality-default", IPP_QUALITY_NORMAL); } /* * 'add_printer_filter()' - Add a MIME filter for a printer. */ static void add_printer_filter( cupsd_printer_t *p, /* I - Printer to add to */ mime_type_t *filtertype, /* I - Filter or prefilter MIME type */ const char *filter) /* I - Filter to add */ { char super[MIME_MAX_SUPER], /* Super-type for filter */ type[MIME_MAX_TYPE], /* Type for filter */ program[1024]; /* Program/filter name */ int cost; /* Cost of filter */ mime_type_t *temptype; /* MIME type looping var */ char filename[1024], /* Full filter filename */ *dirsep; /* Pointer to directory separator */ struct stat fileinfo; /* File information */ /* * Parse the filter string; it should be in the following format: * * super/type cost program */ if (sscanf(filter, "%15[^/]/%31s%d%*[ \t]%1023[^\n]", super, type, &cost, program) != 4) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "%s: invalid filter string \"%s\"!", p->name, filter); return; } /* * See if the filter program exists; if not, stop the printer and flag * the error! */ if (strcmp(program, "-")) { if (program[0] == '/') strlcpy(filename, program, sizeof(filename)); else snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/filter/%s", ServerBin, program); if (stat(filename, &fileinfo)) { memset(&fileinfo, 0, sizeof(fileinfo)); snprintf(p->state_message, sizeof(p->state_message), "Filter \"%s\" for printer \"%s\" not available: %s", filename, p->name, strerror(errno)); cupsdSetPrinterReasons(p, "+cups-missing-filter-warning"); cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "%s", p->state_message); } /* * When running as root, do additional security checks... */ if (!RunUser) { /* * Only use filters that are owned by root and do not have group or world * write permissions. */ if (fileinfo.st_uid || (fileinfo.st_mode & (S_ISUID | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH)) != 0) { if (fileinfo.st_uid) snprintf(p->state_message, sizeof(p->state_message), "Filter \"%s\" for printer \"%s\" not owned by root", filename, p->name); else snprintf(p->state_message, sizeof(p->state_message), "Filter \"%s\" for printer \"%s\" has insecure permissions " "(0%o)", filename, p->name, fileinfo.st_mode); cupsdSetPrinterReasons(p, "+cups-insecure-filter-warning"); cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "%s", p->state_message); } else if (fileinfo.st_mode) { /* * Similarly, check that the parent directory is also owned by root and * does not have world write permissions. */ if ((dirsep = strrchr(filename, '/')) != NULL) *dirsep = '\0'; if (!stat(filename, &fileinfo) && (fileinfo.st_uid || (fileinfo.st_mode & (S_ISUID | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH)) != 0)) { if (fileinfo.st_uid) snprintf(p->state_message, sizeof(p->state_message), "Filter directory \"%s\" for printer \"%s\" not owned by " "root", filename, p->name); else snprintf(p->state_message, sizeof(p->state_message), "Filter directory \"%s\" for printer \"%s\" has insecure " "permissions (0%o)", filename, p->name, fileinfo.st_mode); cupsdSetPrinterReasons(p, "+cups-insecure-filter-warning"); cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "%s", p->state_message); } } } } /* * Add the filter to the MIME database, supporting wildcards as needed... */ for (temptype = mimeFirstType(MimeDatabase); temptype; temptype = mimeNextType(MimeDatabase)) if (((super[0] == '*' && strcasecmp(temptype->super, "printer")) || !strcasecmp(temptype->super, super)) && (type[0] == '*' || !strcasecmp(temptype->type, type))) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "add_printer_filter: %s: adding filter %s/%s %s/%s %d %s", p->name, temptype->super, temptype->type, filtertype->super, filtertype->type, cost, program); mimeAddFilter(MimeDatabase, temptype, filtertype, cost, program); } } /* * 'add_printer_formats()' - Add document-format-supported values for a printer. */ static void add_printer_formats(cupsd_printer_t *p) /* I - Printer */ { int i; /* Looping var */ mime_type_t *type; /* Current MIME type */ cups_array_t *filters; /* Filters */ ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* document-format-supported attribute */ char mimetype[MIME_MAX_SUPER + MIME_MAX_TYPE + 2]; /* MIME type name */ /* * Raw (and remote) queues advertise all of the supported MIME * types... */ cupsArrayDelete(p->filetypes); p->filetypes = NULL; if (p->raw) { ippAddStrings(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, (ipp_tag_t)(IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE | IPP_TAG_COPY), "document-format-supported", NumMimeTypes, NULL, MimeTypes); return; } /* * Otherwise, loop through the supported MIME types and see if there * are filters for them... */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "add_printer_formats: %d types, %d filters", mimeNumTypes(MimeDatabase), mimeNumFilters(MimeDatabase)); p->filetypes = cupsArrayNew(NULL, NULL); for (type = mimeFirstType(MimeDatabase); type; type = mimeNextType(MimeDatabase)) { snprintf(mimetype, sizeof(mimetype), "%s/%s", type->super, type->type); if ((filters = mimeFilter(MimeDatabase, type, p->filetype, NULL)) != NULL) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "add_printer_formats: %s: %s needs %d filters", p->name, mimetype, cupsArrayCount(filters)); cupsArrayDelete(filters); cupsArrayAdd(p->filetypes, type); } else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "add_printer_formats: %s: %s not supported", p->name, mimetype); } /* * Add the file formats that can be filtered... */ if ((type = mimeType(MimeDatabase, "application", "octet-stream")) == NULL || !cupsArrayFind(p->filetypes, type)) i = 1; else i = 0; cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG2, "add_printer_formats: %s: %d supported types", p->name, cupsArrayCount(p->filetypes) + i); attr = ippAddStrings(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE, "document-format-supported", cupsArrayCount(p->filetypes) + i, NULL, NULL); if (i) attr->values[0].string.text = _cupsStrAlloc("application/octet-stream"); for (type = (mime_type_t *)cupsArrayFirst(p->filetypes); type; i ++, type = (mime_type_t *)cupsArrayNext(p->filetypes)) { snprintf(mimetype, sizeof(mimetype), "%s/%s", type->super, type->type); attr->values[i].string.text = _cupsStrAlloc(mimetype); } #ifdef HAVE_DNSSD { char pdl[1024]; /* Buffer to build pdl list */ mime_filter_t *filter; /* MIME filter looping var */ /* * We only support raw printing if this is not a Tioga PrintJobMgr based * queue and if application/octet-stream is a known type... */ for (filter = (mime_filter_t *)cupsArrayFirst(MimeDatabase->filters); filter; filter = (mime_filter_t *)cupsArrayNext(MimeDatabase->filters)) { if (filter->dst == p->filetype && filter->filter && strstr(filter->filter, "PrintJobMgr")) break; } pdl[0] = '\0'; if (!filter && mimeType(MimeDatabase, "application", "octet-stream")) strlcat(pdl, "application/octet-stream,", sizeof(pdl)); /* * Then list a bunch of formats that are supported by the printer... */ for (type = (mime_type_t *)cupsArrayFirst(p->filetypes); type; type = (mime_type_t *)cupsArrayNext(p->filetypes)) { if (!strcasecmp(type->super, "application")) { if (!strcasecmp(type->type, "pdf")) strlcat(pdl, "application/pdf,", sizeof(pdl)); else if (!strcasecmp(type->type, "postscript")) strlcat(pdl, "application/postscript,", sizeof(pdl)); } else if (!strcasecmp(type->super, "image")) { if (!strcasecmp(type->type, "jpeg")) strlcat(pdl, "image/jpeg,", sizeof(pdl)); else if (!strcasecmp(type->type, "png")) strlcat(pdl, "image/png,", sizeof(pdl)); } } if (pdl[0]) pdl[strlen(pdl) - 1] = '\0'; /* Remove trailing comma */ cupsdSetString(&p->pdl, pdl); } #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ } /* * 'add_string_array()' - Add a string to an array of CUPS strings. */ static void add_string_array(cups_array_t **a, /* I - Array */ const char *s) /* I - String */ { if (!*a) *a = cupsArrayNew(NULL, NULL); cupsArrayAdd(*a, _cupsStrAlloc(s)); } /* * 'compare_printers()' - Compare two printers. */ static int /* O - Result of comparison */ compare_printers(void *first, /* I - First printer */ void *second, /* I - Second printer */ void *data) /* I - App data (not used) */ { return (strcasecmp(((cupsd_printer_t *)first)->name, ((cupsd_printer_t *)second)->name)); } /* * 'delete_printer_filters()' - Delete all MIME filters for a printer. */ static void delete_printer_filters( cupsd_printer_t *p) /* I - Printer to remove from */ { mime_filter_t *filter; /* MIME filter looping var */ /* * Range check input... */ if (p == NULL) return; /* * Remove all filters from the MIME database that have a destination * type == printer... */ for (filter = mimeFirstFilter(MimeDatabase); filter; filter = mimeNextFilter(MimeDatabase)) if (filter->dst == p->filetype || filter->dst == p->prefiltertype) { /* * Delete the current filter... */ mimeDeleteFilter(MimeDatabase, filter); } cupsdSetPrinterReasons(p, "-cups-insecure-filter-warning" ",cups-missing-filter-warning"); } /* * 'delete_string_array()' - Delete an array of CUPS strings. */ static void delete_string_array(cups_array_t **a) /* I - Array */ { char *ptr; /* Current string */ for (ptr = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(*a); ptr; ptr = (char *)cupsArrayNext(*a)) _cupsStrFree(ptr); cupsArrayDelete(*a); *a = NULL; } /* * 'load_ppd()' - Load a cached PPD file, updating the cache as needed. */ static void load_ppd(cupsd_printer_t *p) /* I - Printer */ { int i, j, k; /* Looping vars */ cups_file_t *cache; /* IPP cache file */ char cache_name[1024]; /* IPP cache filename */ struct stat cache_info; /* IPP cache file info */ char pwg_name[1024]; /* PWG cache filename */ struct stat pwg_info; /* PWG cache file info */ ppd_file_t *ppd; /* PPD file */ char ppd_name[1024]; /* PPD filename */ struct stat ppd_info; /* PPD file info */ int num_media; /* Number of media options */ ppd_size_t *size; /* Current PPD size */ ppd_option_t *duplex, /* Duplex option */ *output_bin, /* OutputBin option */ *output_mode, /* OutputMode option */ *resolution; /* (Set|JCL|)Resolution option */ ppd_choice_t *choice, /* Current PPD choice */ *input_slot, /* Current input slot */ *media_type; /* Current media type */ ppd_attr_t *ppd_attr; /* PPD attribute */ int xdpi, /* Horizontal resolution */ ydpi; /* Vertical resolution */ const char *resptr; /* Pointer into resolution keyword */ _pwg_size_t *pwgsize; /* Current PWG size */ _pwg_map_t *pwgsource, /* Current PWG source */ *pwgtype; /* Current PWG type */ ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* Attribute data */ ipp_value_t *val; /* Attribute value */ int num_finishings, /* Number of finishings */ finishings[5]; /* finishings-supported values */ int num_qualities, /* Number of print-quality values */ qualities[3]; /* print-quality values */ int num_margins, /* Number of media-*-margin-supported values */ margins[16]; /* media-*-margin-supported values */ static const char * const sides[3] = /* sides-supported values */ { "one-sided", "two-sided-long-edge", "two-sided-short-edge" }; static const char * const standard_commands[] = { /* Standard CUPS commands */ "AutoConfigure", "Clean", "PrintSelfTestPage" }; /* * Check to see if the cache is up-to-date... */ snprintf(cache_name, sizeof(cache_name), "%s/%s.ipp3", CacheDir, p->name); if (stat(cache_name, &cache_info)) cache_info.st_mtime = 0; snprintf(pwg_name, sizeof(pwg_name), "%s/%s.pwg2", CacheDir, p->name); if (stat(pwg_name, &pwg_info)) pwg_info.st_mtime = 0; snprintf(ppd_name, sizeof(ppd_name), "%s/ppd/%s.ppd", ServerRoot, p->name); if (stat(ppd_name, &ppd_info)) ppd_info.st_mtime = 1; ippDelete(p->ppd_attrs); p->ppd_attrs = ippNew(); _pwgDestroy(p->pwg); p->pwg = NULL; if (pwg_info.st_mtime >= ppd_info.st_mtime) p->pwg = _pwgCreateWithFile(pwg_name); if (cache_info.st_mtime >= ppd_info.st_mtime && p->pwg && (cache = cupsFileOpen(cache_name, "r")) != NULL) { /* * Load cached information and return... */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "load_ppd: Loading %s...", cache_name); if (ippReadIO(cache, (ipp_iocb_t)cupsFileRead, 1, NULL, p->ppd_attrs) == IPP_DATA) { cupsFileClose(cache); return; } cupsFileClose(cache); } /* * Reload PPD attributes from disk... */ cupsdMarkDirty(CUPSD_DIRTY_PRINTERS); _pwgDestroy(p->pwg); p->pwg = NULL; cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "load_ppd: Loading %s...", ppd_name); delete_string_array(&(p->filters)); delete_string_array(&(p->pre_filters)); p->type &= ~CUPS_PRINTER_OPTIONS; p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_BW; finishings[0] = IPP_FINISHINGS_NONE; num_finishings = 1; if ((ppd = ppdOpenFile(ppd_name)) != NULL) { /* * Add make/model and other various attributes... */ p->pwg = _pwgCreateWithPPD(ppd); ppdMarkDefaults(ppd); if (ppd->color_device) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_COLOR; if (ppd->variable_sizes) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_VARIABLE; if (!ppd->manual_copies) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_COPIES; if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsFax", NULL)) != NULL) if (ppd_attr->value && !strcasecmp(ppd_attr->value, "true")) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_FAX; ippAddBoolean(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "color-supported", ppd->color_device); if (ppd->throughput) { ippAddInteger(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "pages-per-minute", ppd->throughput); if (ppd->color_device) ippAddInteger(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "pages-per-minute-color", ppd->throughput); } num_qualities = 0; if ((output_mode = ppdFindOption(ppd, "OutputMode")) != NULL) { if (ppdFindChoice(output_mode, "draft") || ppdFindChoice(output_mode, "fast")) qualities[num_qualities ++] = IPP_QUALITY_DRAFT; if (ppdFindChoice(output_mode, "normal") || ppdFindChoice(output_mode, "good")) qualities[num_qualities ++] = IPP_QUALITY_NORMAL; if (ppdFindChoice(output_mode, "best") || ppdFindChoice(output_mode, "high")) qualities[num_qualities ++] = IPP_QUALITY_HIGH; } else if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "APPrinterPreset", NULL)) != NULL) { do { if (strstr(ppd_attr->spec, "draft") || strstr(ppd_attr->spec, "Draft")) { qualities[num_qualities ++] = IPP_QUALITY_DRAFT; break; } } while ((ppd_attr = ppdFindNextAttr(ppd, "APPrinterPreset", NULL)) != NULL); qualities[num_qualities ++] = IPP_QUALITY_NORMAL; qualities[num_qualities ++] = IPP_QUALITY_HIGH; } if (num_qualities == 0) qualities[num_qualities ++] = IPP_QUALITY_NORMAL; ippAddIntegers(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "print-quality-supported", num_qualities, qualities); if (ppd->nickname) { /* * The NickName can be localized in the character set specified * by the LanugageEncoding attribute. However, ppdOpen2() has * already converted the ppd->nickname member to UTF-8 for us * (the original attribute value is available separately) */ cupsdSetString(&p->make_model, ppd->nickname); } else if (ppd->modelname) { /* * Model name can only contain specific characters... */ cupsdSetString(&p->make_model, ppd->modelname); } else cupsdSetString(&p->make_model, "Bad PPD File"); ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "printer-make-and-model", NULL, p->make_model); /* * Add media options from the PPD file... */ if (ppd->num_sizes == 0 || !p->pwg) { if (!ppdFindAttr(ppd, "APScannerOnly", NULL)) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_CRIT, "The PPD file for printer %s contains no media " "options and is therefore invalid!", p->name); ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-default", NULL, "unknown"); ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-supported", NULL, "unknown"); } else { /* * media-default */ if ((size = ppdPageSize(ppd, NULL)) != NULL) pwgsize = _pwgGetSize(p->pwg, size->name); else pwgsize = NULL; ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-default", NULL, pwgsize ? pwgsize->map.pwg : "unknown"); /* * media-col-default */ if (pwgsize) { ipp_t *col; /* Collection value */ input_slot = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "InputSlot"); media_type = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "MediaType"); col = new_media_col(pwgsize, input_slot ? _pwgGetSource(p->pwg, input_slot->choice) : NULL, media_type ? _pwgGetType(p->pwg, media_type->choice) : NULL); ippAddCollection(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "media-col-default", col); ippDelete(col); } /* * media-supported */ num_media = p->pwg->num_sizes; if (p->pwg->custom_min_keyword) num_media += 2; if ((attr = ippAddStrings(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-supported", num_media, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { val = attr->values; for (i = p->pwg->num_sizes, pwgsize = p->pwg->sizes; i > 0; i --, pwgsize ++, val ++) val->string.text = _cupsStrRetain(pwgsize->map.pwg); if (p->pwg->custom_min_keyword) { val->string.text = _cupsStrRetain(p->pwg->custom_min_keyword); val ++; val->string.text = _cupsStrRetain(p->pwg->custom_max_keyword); } } /* * media-source-supported */ if (p->pwg->num_sources > 0 && (attr = ippAddStrings(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-source-supported", p->pwg->num_sources, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { for (i = p->pwg->num_sources, pwgsource = p->pwg->sources, val = attr->values; i > 0; i --, pwgsource ++, val ++) val->string.text = _cupsStrRetain(pwgsource->pwg); } /* * media-type-supported */ if (p->pwg->num_types > 0 && (attr = ippAddStrings(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-type-supported", p->pwg->num_types, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { for (i = p->pwg->num_types, pwgtype = p->pwg->types, val = attr->values; i > 0; i --, pwgtype ++, val ++) val->string.text = _cupsStrRetain(pwgtype->pwg); } /* * media-*-margin-supported */ for (i = p->pwg->num_sizes, pwgsize = p->pwg->sizes, num_margins = 0; i > 0 && num_margins < (int)(sizeof(margins) / sizeof(margins[0])); i --, pwgsize ++) { for (j = 0; j < num_margins; j ++) if (pwgsize->bottom == margins[j]) break; if (j >= num_margins) { margins[num_margins] = pwgsize->bottom; num_margins ++; } } if (num_margins > 0) ippAddIntegers(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-bottom-margin-supported", num_margins, margins); else ippAddInteger(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-bottom-margin-supported", 0); for (i = p->pwg->num_sizes, pwgsize = p->pwg->sizes, num_margins = 0; i > 0 && num_margins < (int)(sizeof(margins) / sizeof(margins[0])); i --, pwgsize ++) { for (j = 0; j < num_margins; j ++) if (pwgsize->left == margins[j]) break; if (j >= num_margins) { margins[num_margins] = pwgsize->left; num_margins ++; } } if (num_margins > 0) ippAddIntegers(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-left-margin-supported", num_margins, margins); else ippAddInteger(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-left-margin-supported", 0); for (i = p->pwg->num_sizes, pwgsize = p->pwg->sizes, num_margins = 0; i > 0 && num_margins < (int)(sizeof(margins) / sizeof(margins[0])); i --, pwgsize ++) { for (j = 0; j < num_margins; j ++) if (pwgsize->right == margins[j]) break; if (j >= num_margins) { margins[num_margins] = pwgsize->right; num_margins ++; } } if (num_margins > 0) ippAddIntegers(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-right-margin-supported", num_margins, margins); else ippAddInteger(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-right-margin-supported", 0); for (i = p->pwg->num_sizes, pwgsize = p->pwg->sizes, num_margins = 0; i > 0 && num_margins < (int)(sizeof(margins) / sizeof(margins[0])); i --, pwgsize ++) { for (j = 0; j < num_margins; j ++) if (pwgsize->top == margins[j]) break; if (j >= num_margins) { margins[num_margins] = pwgsize->top; num_margins ++; } } if (num_margins > 0) ippAddIntegers(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-top-margin-supported", num_margins, margins); else ippAddInteger(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-top-margin-supported", 0); /* * media-col-database */ num_media = p->pwg->num_sizes; if (p->pwg->num_sources) { if (p->pwg->num_types > 0) num_media += p->pwg->num_sizes * p->pwg->num_sources * p->pwg->num_types; else num_media += p->pwg->num_sizes * p->pwg->num_sources; } else if (p->pwg->num_types) num_media += p->pwg->num_sizes * p->pwg->num_types; if ((attr = ippAddCollections(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "media-col-database", num_media, NULL)) != NULL) { for (i = p->pwg->num_sizes, pwgsize = p->pwg->sizes, val = attr->values; i > 0; i --, pwgsize ++) { /* * Start by adding the page size without source or type... */ ppdMarkOption(ppd, "PageSize", pwgsize->map.ppd); val->collection = new_media_col(pwgsize, NULL, NULL); val ++; /* * Then add the specific, supported combinations of size, source, and * type... */ if (p->pwg->num_sources > 0) { for (j = p->pwg->num_sources, pwgsource = p->pwg->sources; j > 0; j --, pwgsource ++) { ppdMarkOption(ppd, "InputSlot", pwgsource->ppd); if (p->pwg->num_types > 0) { for (k = p->pwg->num_types, pwgtype = p->pwg->types; k > 0; k --, pwgtype ++) { if (!ppdMarkOption(ppd, "MediaType", pwgtype->ppd)) { val->collection = new_media_col(pwgsize, pwgsource->pwg, pwgtype->pwg); val ++; } } } else if (!ppdConflicts(ppd)) { val->collection = new_media_col(pwgsize, pwgsource->pwg, NULL); val ++; } } } else if (p->pwg->num_types > 0) { for (j = p->pwg->num_types, pwgtype = p->pwg->types; j > 0; j --, pwgtype ++) { if (!ppdMarkOption(ppd, "MediaType", pwgtype->ppd)) { val->collection = new_media_col(pwgsize, NULL, pwgtype->pwg); val ++; } } } } /* * Update the number of media-col-database values... */ attr->num_values = val - attr->values; } } /* * Output bin... */ if (p->pwg && p->pwg->num_bins > 0) { attr = ippAddStrings(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "output-bin-supported", p->pwg->num_bins, NULL, NULL); if (attr != NULL) { for (i = 0, val = attr->values; i < p->pwg->num_bins; i ++, val ++) val->string.text = _cupsStrAlloc(p->pwg->bins[i].pwg); } if ((output_bin = ppdFindOption(ppd, "OutputBin")) != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < p->pwg->num_bins; i ++) if (!strcmp(p->pwg->bins[i].ppd, output_bin->defchoice)) break; if (i >= p->pwg->num_bins) i = 0; ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "output-bin-default", NULL, p->pwg->bins[i].pwg); } else ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "output-bin-default", NULL, p->pwg->bins[0].pwg); } else if (((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "DefaultOutputOrder", NULL)) != NULL && !strcasecmp(ppd_attr->value, "Reverse")) || (!ppd_attr && ppd->manufacturer && /* EPSON "compatibility heuristic" */ !strcasecmp(ppd->manufacturer, "epson"))) { /* * Report that this printer has a single output bin that leaves pages face * up. */ ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "output-bin-supported", NULL, "face-up"); ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "output-bin-default", NULL, "face-up"); } else { ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "output-bin-supported", NULL, "face-down"); ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "output-bin-default", NULL, "face-down"); } /* * Printer resolutions... */ if ((resolution = ppdFindOption(ppd, "Resolution")) == NULL) if ((resolution = ppdFindOption(ppd, "JCLResolution")) == NULL) if ((resolution = ppdFindOption(ppd, "SetResolution")) == NULL) resolution = ppdFindOption(ppd, "CNRes_PGP"); if (resolution) { /* * Report all supported resolutions... */ attr = ippAddResolutions(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "printer-resolution-supported", resolution->num_choices, IPP_RES_PER_INCH, NULL, NULL); for (i = 0, choice = resolution->choices; i < resolution->num_choices; i ++, choice ++) { xdpi = ydpi = (int)strtol(choice->choice, (char **)&resptr, 10); if (resptr > choice->choice && xdpi > 0 && *resptr == 'x') ydpi = (int)strtol(resptr + 1, (char **)&resptr, 10); if (xdpi <= 0 || ydpi <= 0) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_WARN, "Bad resolution \"%s\" for printer %s.", choice->choice, p->name); xdpi = ydpi = 72; } attr->values[i].resolution.xres = xdpi; attr->values[i].resolution.yres = ydpi; attr->values[i].resolution.units = IPP_RES_PER_INCH; if (choice->marked) ippAddResolution(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "printer-resolution-default", IPP_RES_PER_INCH, xdpi, ydpi); } } else if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "DefaultResolution", NULL)) != NULL && ppd_attr->value) { /* * Just the DefaultResolution to report... */ xdpi = ydpi = (int)strtol(ppd_attr->value, (char **)&resptr, 10); if (resptr > ppd_attr->value && xdpi > 0) { if (*resptr == 'x') ydpi = (int)strtol(resptr + 1, (char **)&resptr, 10); else ydpi = xdpi; } if (xdpi <= 0 || ydpi <= 0) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_WARN, "Bad default resolution \"%s\" for printer %s.", ppd_attr->value, p->name); xdpi = ydpi = 72; } ippAddResolution(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "printer-resolution-default", IPP_RES_PER_INCH, xdpi, ydpi); ippAddResolution(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "printer-resolution-supported", IPP_RES_PER_INCH, xdpi, ydpi); } else { /* * No resolutions in PPD - make one up... */ ippAddResolution(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "printer-resolution-default", IPP_RES_PER_INCH, 72, 72); ippAddResolution(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "printer-resolution-supported", IPP_RES_PER_INCH, 72, 72); } /* * Duplexing, etc... */ if ((duplex = ppdFindOption(ppd, "Duplex")) == NULL) if ((duplex = ppdFindOption(ppd, "EFDuplex")) == NULL) if ((duplex = ppdFindOption(ppd, "EFDuplexing")) == NULL) if ((duplex = ppdFindOption(ppd, "KD03Duplex")) == NULL) duplex = ppdFindOption(ppd, "JCLDuplex"); if (duplex && duplex->num_choices > 1 && !ppdInstallableConflict(ppd, duplex->keyword, "DuplexTumble")) { p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_DUPLEX; ippAddStrings(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "sides-supported", 3, NULL, sides); if (!strcasecmp(duplex->defchoice, "DuplexTumble")) ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "sides-default", NULL, "two-sided-short-edge"); else if (!strcasecmp(duplex->defchoice, "DuplexNoTumble")) ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "sides-default", NULL, "two-sided-long-edge"); else ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "sides-default", NULL, "one-sided"); } else { ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "sides-supported", NULL, "one-sided"); ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "sides-default", NULL, "one-sided"); } if (ppdFindOption(ppd, "Collate") != NULL) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_COLLATE; if (ppdFindOption(ppd, "StapleLocation") != NULL) { p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_STAPLE; finishings[num_finishings++] = IPP_FINISHINGS_STAPLE; } if (ppdFindOption(ppd, "BindEdge") != NULL) { p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_BIND; finishings[num_finishings++] = IPP_FINISHINGS_BIND; } for (i = 0; i < ppd->num_sizes; i ++) if (ppd->sizes[i].length > 1728) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_LARGE; else if (ppd->sizes[i].length > 1008) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_MEDIUM; else p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_SMALL; if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "APICADriver", NULL)) != NULL && ppd_attr->value && !strcasecmp(ppd_attr->value, "true")) { if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "APScannerOnly", NULL)) != NULL && ppd_attr->value && !strcasecmp(ppd_attr->value, "true")) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_SCANNER; else p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_MFP; } /* * Add a filter from application/vnd.cups-raw to printer/name to * handle "raw" printing by users. */ add_string_array(&(p->filters), "application/vnd.cups-raw 0 -"); /* * Add any pre-filters in the PPD file... */ if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsPreFilter", NULL)) != NULL) { for (; ppd_attr; ppd_attr = ppdFindNextAttr(ppd, "cupsPreFilter", NULL)) if (ppd_attr->value) add_string_array(&(p->pre_filters), ppd_attr->value); } /* * Add any filters in the PPD file... */ DEBUG_printf(("ppd->num_filters = %d\n", ppd->num_filters)); for (i = 0; i < ppd->num_filters; i ++) { DEBUG_printf(("ppd->filters[%d] = \"%s\"\n", i, ppd->filters[i])); add_string_array(&(p->filters), ppd->filters[i]); if (!strncasecmp(ppd->filters[i], "application/vnd.cups-command", 28) && isspace(ppd->filters[i][28] & 255)) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_COMMANDS; } if (ppd->num_filters == 0) { /* * If there are no filters, add PostScript printing filters. */ add_string_array(&(p->filters), "application/vnd.cups-command 0 commandtops"); add_string_array(&(p->filters), "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 -"); p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_COMMANDS; } else if (!(p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COMMANDS)) { /* * See if this is a PostScript device without a command filter... */ for (i = 0; i < ppd->num_filters; i ++) if (!strncasecmp(ppd->filters[i], "application/vnd.cups-postscript", 31) && isspace(ppd->filters[i][31] & 255)) break; if (i < ppd->num_filters) { /* * Add the generic PostScript command filter... */ add_string_array(&(p->filters), "application/vnd.cups-command 0 commandtops"); p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_COMMANDS; } } if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COMMANDS) { char *commands, /* Copy of commands */ *start, /* Start of name */ *end; /* End of name */ int count; /* Number of commands */ if ((ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsCommands", NULL)) != NULL && ppd_attr->value && ppd_attr->value[0]) { for (count = 0, start = ppd_attr->value; *start; count ++) { while (isspace(*start & 255)) start ++; if (!*start) break; while (*start && !isspace(*start & 255)) start ++; } } else count = 0; if (count > 0) { /* * Make a copy of the commands string and count how many ... */ attr = ippAddStrings(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "printer-commands", count, NULL, NULL); commands = strdup(ppd_attr->value); for (count = 0, start = commands; *start; count ++) { while (isspace(*start & 255)) start ++; if (!*start) break; end = start; while (*end && !isspace(*end & 255)) end ++; if (*end) *end++ = '\0'; attr->values[count].string.text = _cupsStrAlloc(start); start = end; } free(commands); } else { /* * Add the standard list of commands... */ ippAddStrings(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "printer-commands", (int)(sizeof(standard_commands) / sizeof(standard_commands[0])), NULL, standard_commands); } } else { /* * No commands supported... */ ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "printer-commands", NULL, "none"); } /* * Show current and available port monitors for this printer... */ ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME, "port-monitor", NULL, p->port_monitor ? p->port_monitor : "none"); for (i = 1, ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsPortMonitor", NULL); ppd_attr; i ++, ppd_attr = ppdFindNextAttr(ppd, "cupsPortMonitor", NULL)); if (ppd->protocols) { if (strstr(ppd->protocols, "TBCP")) i ++; else if (strstr(ppd->protocols, "BCP")) i ++; } attr = ippAddStrings(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_NAME, "port-monitor-supported", i, NULL, NULL); attr->values[0].string.text = _cupsStrAlloc("none"); for (i = 1, ppd_attr = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsPortMonitor", NULL); ppd_attr; i ++, ppd_attr = ppdFindNextAttr(ppd, "cupsPortMonitor", NULL)) attr->values[i].string.text = _cupsStrAlloc(ppd_attr->value); if (ppd->protocols) { if (strstr(ppd->protocols, "TBCP")) attr->values[i].string.text = _cupsStrAlloc("tbcp"); else if (strstr(ppd->protocols, "BCP")) attr->values[i].string.text = _cupsStrAlloc("bcp"); } #ifdef HAVE_DNSSD cupsdSetString(&p->product, ppd->product); #endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */ if (ppdFindAttr(ppd, "APRemoteQueueID", NULL)) p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE; /* * Close the PPD and set the type... */ ppdClose(ppd); } else if (!access(ppd_name, 0)) { int pline; /* PPD line number */ ppd_status_t pstatus; /* PPD load status */ pstatus = ppdLastError(&pline); cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "PPD file for %s cannot be loaded!", p->name); if (pstatus <= PPD_ALLOC_ERROR) cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "%s", strerror(errno)); else cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "%s on line %d.", ppdErrorString(pstatus), pline); cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_INFO, "Hint: Run \"cupstestppd %s\" and fix any errors.", ppd_name); /* * Add a filter from application/vnd.cups-raw to printer/name to * handle "raw" printing by users. */ add_string_array(&(p->filters), "application/vnd.cups-raw 0 -"); /* * Add a PostScript filter, since this is still possibly PS printer. */ add_string_array(&(p->filters), "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 -"); } else { /* * If we have an interface script, add a filter entry for it... */ char interface[1024]; /* Interface script */ snprintf(interface, sizeof(interface), "%s/interfaces/%s", ServerRoot, p->name); if (!access(interface, X_OK)) { /* * Yes, we have a System V style interface script; use it! */ ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "printer-make-and-model", NULL, "Local System V Printer"); snprintf(interface, sizeof(interface), "*/* 0 %s/interfaces/%s", ServerRoot, p->name); add_string_array(&(p->filters), interface); } else if (!strncmp(p->device_uri, "ipp://", 6) && (strstr(p->device_uri, "/printers/") != NULL || strstr(p->device_uri, "/classes/") != NULL || (strstr(p->device_uri, "._ipp.") != NULL && !strcmp(p->device_uri + strlen(p->device_uri) - 5, "/cups")))) { /* * Tell the client this is really a hard-wired remote printer. */ p->type |= CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE; /* * Point the printer-uri-supported attribute to the * remote printer... */ ippAddString(p->attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri-supported", NULL, p->device_uri); /* * Then set the make-and-model accordingly... */ ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "printer-make-and-model", NULL, "Remote Printer"); /* * Print all files directly... */ p->raw = 1; p->remote = 1; } else { /* * Otherwise we have neither - treat this as a "dumb" printer * with no PPD file... */ ippAddString(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_TEXT, "printer-make-and-model", NULL, "Local Raw Printer"); p->raw = 1; } } ippAddIntegers(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "finishings-supported", num_finishings, finishings); ippAddInteger(p->ppd_attrs, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "finishings-default", IPP_FINISHINGS_NONE); if (ppd && (cache = cupsFileOpen(cache_name, "w9")) != NULL) { /* * Save cached PPD attributes to disk... */ cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_DEBUG, "load_ppd: Saving %s...", cache_name); p->ppd_attrs->state = IPP_IDLE; if (ippWriteIO(cache, (ipp_iocb_t)cupsFileWrite, 1, NULL, p->ppd_attrs) != IPP_DATA) { cupsdLogMessage(CUPSD_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to save PPD cache file \"%s\" - %s", cache_name, strerror(errno)); unlink(cache_name); } cupsFileClose(cache); _pwgWriteFile(p->pwg, pwg_name); } else { /* * Remove cache files... */ if (cache_info.st_mtime) unlink(cache_name); if (pwg_info.st_mtime) unlink(pwg_name); } } /* * 'new_media_col()' - Create a media-col collection value. */ static ipp_t * /* O - Collection value */ new_media_col(_pwg_size_t *size, /* I - media-size/margin values */ const char *source, /* I - media-source value */ const char *type) /* I - media-type value */ { ipp_t *media_col, /* Collection value */ *media_size; /* media-size value */ media_col = ippNew(); media_size = ippNew(); ippAddInteger(media_size, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "x-dimension", size->width); ippAddInteger(media_size, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "y-dimension", size->length); ippAddCollection(media_col, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, "media-size", media_size); ippDelete(media_size); ippAddInteger(media_col, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-bottom-margin", size->bottom); ippAddInteger(media_col, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-left-margin", size->left); ippAddInteger(media_col, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-right-margin", size->right); ippAddInteger(media_col, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_INTEGER, "media-top-margin", size->top); if (source) ippAddString(media_col, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-source", NULL, source); if (type) ippAddString(media_col, IPP_TAG_PRINTER, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "media-type", NULL, type); return (media_col); } #ifdef __sgi /* * 'write_irix_config()' - Update the config files used by the IRIX * desktop tools. */ static void write_irix_config(cupsd_printer_t *p) /* I - Printer to update */ { char filename[1024]; /* Interface script filename */ cups_file_t *fp; /* Interface script file */ ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* Attribute data */ /* * Add dummy interface and GUI scripts to fool SGI's "challenged" printing * tools. First the interface script that tells the tools what kind of * printer we have... */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/interface/%s", p->name); if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) unlink(filename); else if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "w")) != NULL) { cupsFilePuts(fp, "#!/bin/sh\n"); if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(p->attrs, "printer-make-and-model", IPP_TAG_TEXT)) != NULL) cupsFilePrintf(fp, "NAME=\"%s\"\n", attr->values[0].string.text); else if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) cupsFilePuts(fp, "NAME=\"Printer Class\"\n"); else cupsFilePuts(fp, "NAME=\"Remote Destination\"\n"); if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COLOR) cupsFilePuts(fp, "TYPE=ColorPostScript\n"); else cupsFilePuts(fp, "TYPE=MonoPostScript\n"); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "HOSTNAME=%s\n", ServerName); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "HOSTPRINTER=%s\n", p->name); cupsFileClose(fp); chmod(filename, 0755); chown(filename, User, Group); } /* * Then the member file that tells which device file the queue is connected * to... Networked printers use "/dev/null" in this file, so that's what * we use (the actual device URI can confuse some apps...) */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/member/%s", p->name); if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) unlink(filename); else if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "w")) != NULL) { cupsFilePuts(fp, "/dev/null\n"); cupsFileClose(fp); chmod(filename, 0644); chown(filename, User, Group); } /* * The gui_interface file is a script or program that launches a GUI * option panel for the printer, using options specified on the * command-line in the third argument. The option panel must send * any printing options to stdout on a single line when the user * accepts them, or nothing if the user cancels the dialog. * * The default options panel program is /usr/bin/glpoptions, from * the ESP Print Pro software. You can select another using the * PrintcapGUI option. */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/gui_interface/ELF/%s.gui", p->name); if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) unlink(filename); else if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "w")) != NULL) { cupsFilePuts(fp, "#!/bin/sh\n"); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "%s -d %s -o \"$3\"\n", PrintcapGUI, p->name); cupsFileClose(fp); chmod(filename, 0755); chown(filename, User, Group); } /* * The POD config file is needed by the printstatus command to show * the printer location and device. */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/pod/%s.config", p->name); if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) unlink(filename); else if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "w")) != NULL) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Printer Class | %s\n", (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COLOR) ? "ColorPostScript" : "MonoPostScript"); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Printer Model | %s\n", p->make_model ? p->make_model : ""); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Location Code | %s\n", p->location ? p->location : ""); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Physical Location | %s\n", p->info ? p->info : ""); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Port Path | %s\n", p->device_uri); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Config Path | /var/spool/lp/pod/%s.config\n", p->name); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Active Status Path | /var/spool/lp/pod/%s.status\n", p->name); cupsFilePuts(fp, "Status Update Wait | 10 seconds\n"); cupsFileClose(fp); chmod(filename, 0664); chown(filename, User, Group); } } /* * 'write_irix_state()' - Update the status files used by IRIX printing * desktop tools. */ static void write_irix_state(cupsd_printer_t *p) /* I - Printer to update */ { char filename[1024]; /* Interface script filename */ cups_file_t *fp; /* Interface script file */ int tag; /* Status tag value */ if (p) { /* * The POD status file is needed for the printstatus window to * provide the current status of the printer. */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/pod/%s.status", p->name); if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) unlink(filename); else if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "w")) != NULL) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Operational Status | %s\n", (p->state == IPP_PRINTER_IDLE) ? "Idle" : (p->state == IPP_PRINTER_PROCESSING) ? "Busy" : "Faulted"); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Information | 01 00 00 | %s\n", CUPS_SVERSION); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Information | 02 00 00 | Device URI: %s\n", p->device_uri); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Information | 03 00 00 | %s jobs\n", p->accepting ? "Accepting" : "Not accepting"); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "Information | 04 00 00 | %s\n", p->state_message); cupsFileClose(fp); chmod(filename, 0664); chown(filename, User, Group); } /* * The activeicons file is needed to provide desktop icons for printers: * * [ quoted from /usr/lib/print/tagit ] * * --- Type of printer tags (base values) * * Dumb=66048 # 0x10200 * DumbColor=66080 # 0x10220 * Raster=66112 # 0x10240 * ColorRaster=66144 # 0x10260 * Plotter=66176 # 0x10280 * PostScript=66208 # 0x102A0 * ColorPostScript=66240 # 0x102C0 * MonoPostScript=66272 # 0x102E0 * * --- Printer state modifiers for local printers * * Idle=0 # 0x0 * Busy=1 # 0x1 * Faulted=2 # 0x2 * Unknown=3 # 0x3 (Faulted due to unknown reason) * * --- Printer state modifiers for network printers * * NetIdle=8 # 0x8 * NetBusy=9 # 0x9 * NetFaulted=10 # 0xA * NetUnknown=11 # 0xB (Faulted due to unknown reason) */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/activeicons/%s", p->name); if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS) unlink(filename); else if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "w")) != NULL) { if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_COLOR) tag = 66240; else tag = 66272; if (p->type & CUPS_PRINTER_REMOTE) tag |= 8; if (p->state == IPP_PRINTER_PROCESSING) tag |= 1; else if (p->state == IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED) tag |= 2; cupsFilePuts(fp, "#!/bin/sh\n"); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "#Tag %d\n", tag); cupsFileClose(fp); chmod(filename, 0755); chown(filename, User, Group); } } /* * The default file is needed by the printers window to show * the default printer. */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/var/spool/lp/default"); if (DefaultPrinter != NULL) { if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "w")) != NULL) { cupsFilePrintf(fp, "%s\n", DefaultPrinter->name); cupsFileClose(fp); chmod(filename, 0644); chown(filename, User, Group); } } else unlink(filename); } #endif /* __sgi */ /* * 'write_xml_string()' - Write a string with XML escaping. */ static void write_xml_string(cups_file_t *fp, /* I - File to write to */ const char *s) /* I - String to write */ { const char *start; /* Start of current sequence */ if (!s) return; for (start = s; *s; s ++) { if (*s == '&') { if (s > start) cupsFileWrite(fp, start, s - start); cupsFilePuts(fp, "&"); start = s + 1; } else if (*s == '<') { if (s > start) cupsFileWrite(fp, start, s - start); cupsFilePuts(fp, "<"); start = s + 1; } } if (s > start) cupsFilePuts(fp, start); } /* * End of "$Id: printers.c 7968 2008-09-19 23:03:01Z mike $". */