path: root/dh_installdocs
diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2013-11-10 15:23:29 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2013-11-10 15:23:29 -0400
commit868ba759bb6eec429139205e01f59f494cdaf98b (patch)
tree36d25c13f7c002867e6b5cb0acd70398d79c00e3 /dh_installdocs
debhelper (9.20131110) unstable; urgency=low
* dh_installinit: Revert changes that added versioned dependency on sysv-rc to support upstart, which later grew to a versioned dependency on sysv-rc | file-rc, and which seems to want to continue growing to list other init systems, which there currently seem to be far too many of, for far too little benefit. The sysv-rc dependency is already met in stable. The file-rc dependency is not, so if someone cares about that, they need to find a properly designed solution, which this was not. Closes: #729248 # imported from the archive
Diffstat (limited to 'dh_installdocs')
1 files changed, 344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dh_installdocs b/dh_installdocs
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e835ff69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_installdocs
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_installdocs - install documentation into package build directories
+use strict;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_installdocs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-A>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<I<file> ...>]
+B<dh_installdocs> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
+documentation into F<usr/share/doc/package> in package build directories.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.docs
+List documentation files to be installed into I<package>.
+=item F<debian/copyright>
+The copyright file is installed into all packages, unless a more
+specific copyright file is available.
+=item debian/I<package>.copyright
+=item debian/I<package>.README.Debian
+=item debian/I<package>.TODO
+Each of these files is automatically installed if present for a
+=item F<debian/README.Debian>
+=item F<debian/TODO>
+These files are installed into the first binary package listed in
+Note that F<README.debian> files are also installed as F<README.Debian>,
+and F<TODO> files will be installed as F<TODO.Debian> in non-native packages.
+=item debian/I<package>.doc-base
+Installed as doc-base control files. Note that the doc-id will be
+determined from the B<Document:> entry in the doc-base control file in
+question. In the event that multiple doc-base files in a single source
+package share the same doc-id, they will be installed to
+usr/share/doc-base/package instead of usr/share/doc-base/doc-id.
+=item debian/I<package>.doc-base.*
+If your package needs to register more than one document, you need
+multiple doc-base files, and can name them like this. In the event
+that multiple doc-base files of this style in a single source package
+share the same doc-id, they will be installed to
+usr/share/doc-base/package-* instead of usr/share/doc-base/doc-id.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-A>, B<--all>
+Install all files specified by command line parameters in ALL packages
+acted on.
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from
+being installed. Note that this includes doc-base files.
+=item B<--link-doc=>I<package>
+Make the documentation directory of all packages acted on be a symlink to
+the documentation directory of I<package>. This has no effect when acting on
+I<package> itself, or if the documentation directory to be created already
+exists when B<dh_installdocs> is run. To comply with policy, I<package> must
+be a binary package that comes from the same source package.
+debhelper will try to avoid installing files into linked documentation
+directories that would cause conflicts with the linked package. The B<-A>
+option will have no effect on packages with linked documentation
+directories, and F<copyright>, F<changelog>, F<README.Debian>, and F<TODO> files will
+not be installed.
+(An older method to accomplish the same thing, which is still supported,
+is to make the documentation directory of a package be a dangling symlink,
+before calling B<dh_installdocs>.)
+=item I<file> ...
+Install these files as documentation into the first package acted on. (Or
+in all packages if B<-A> is specified).
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+This is an example of a F<debian/> file:
+ debian/notes-for-maintainers.txt
+ docs/manual.txt
+ docs/manual.pdf
+ docs/manual-html/
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that B<dh_installdocs> will happily copy entire directory hierarchies if
+you ask it to (similar to B<cp -a>). If it is asked to install a
+directory, it will install the complete contents of the directory.
+Note that this command is not idempotent. L<dh_prep(1)> should be called
+between invocations of this command. Otherwise, it may cause multiple
+instances of the same text to be added to maintainer scripts.
+my %docdir_created;
+# Create documentation directories on demand. This allows us to use dangling
+# symlinks for linked documentation directories unless additional files need
+# to be installed.
+sub ensure_docdir {
+ my $package=shift;
+ return if $docdir_created{$package};
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $target;
+ if ($dh{LINK_DOC} && $dh{LINK_DOC} ne $package) {
+ $target="$tmp/usr/share/doc/$dh{LINK_DOC}";
+ }
+ else {
+ $target="$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package";
+ }
+ # If this is a symlink, leave it alone.
+ if (! -d $target && ! -l $target) {
+ doit("install","-g",0,"-o",0,"-d",$target);
+ }
+ $docdir_created{$package}=1;
+init(options => {
+ "link-doc=s" => \$dh{LINK_DOC},
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ next if is_udeb($package);
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $file=pkgfile($package,"docs");
+ my $link_doc=($dh{LINK_DOC} && $dh{LINK_DOC} ne $package);
+ if ($link_doc) {
+ # Make sure that the parent directory exists.
+ if (! -d "$tmp/usr/share/doc" && ! -l "$tmp/usr/share/doc") {
+ doit("install","-g",0,"-o",0,"-d","$tmp/usr/share/doc");
+ }
+ # Create symlink to another documentation directory if
+ # necessary.
+ if (! -d "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package" &&
+ ! -l "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package") {
+ doit("ln", "-sf", $dh{LINK_DOC}, "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package");
+ # Policy says that if you make your documentation
+ # directory a symlink, then you have to depend on
+ # the target.
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", $dh{LINK_DOC});
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ensure_docdir($package);
+ }
+ my @docs;
+ if ($file) {
+ @docs=filearray($file, ".");
+ }
+ if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || ($dh{PARAMS_ALL} && ! $link_doc)) && @ARGV) {
+ push @docs, @ARGV;
+ }
+ if (@docs) {
+ my $exclude = '';
+ if ($dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}) {
+ $exclude .= ' -and ! \( '.$dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}.' \)';
+ }
+ if (! compat(4)) {
+ # ignore empty files in subdirs
+ $exclude .= ' -and ! -empty';
+ }
+ foreach my $doc (@docs) {
+ next if excludefile($doc);
+ next if -e $doc && ! -s $doc && ! compat(4); # ignore empty files
+ ensure_docdir($package);
+ if (-d $doc && length $exclude) {
+ my $basename = basename($doc);
+ my $dir = ($basename eq '.') ? $doc : "$doc/..";
+ my $pwd=`pwd`;
+ chomp $pwd;
+ my $docdir = "$pwd/$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package";
+ complex_doit("cd '$dir' && find '$basename' \\( -type f -or -type l \\)$exclude -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} cp --parents -dp {} $docdir");
+ }
+ else {
+ doit("cp", "-a", $doc, "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package");
+ }
+ }
+ doit("chown","-R","0:0","$tmp/usr/share/doc");
+ doit("chmod","-R","go=rX","$tmp/usr/share/doc");
+ doit("chmod","-R","u+rw","$tmp/usr/share/doc");
+ }
+ # .Debian is correct, according to policy, but I'm easy.
+ my $readme_debian=pkgfile($package,'README.Debian');
+ if (! $readme_debian) {
+ $readme_debian=pkgfile($package,'README.debian');
+ }
+ if (! $link_doc && $readme_debian && ! excludefile($readme_debian)) {
+ ensure_docdir($package);
+ doit("install","-g",0,"-o",0,"-m","644","-p","$readme_debian",
+ "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/README.Debian");
+ }
+ my $todo=pkgfile($package,'TODO');
+ if (! $link_doc && $todo && ! excludefile($todo)) {
+ ensure_docdir($package);
+ if (isnative($package)) {
+ doit("install","-g",0,"-o",0,"-m","644","-p",$todo,
+ "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/TODO");
+ }
+ else {
+ doit("install","-g",0,"-o",0,"-m","644","-p",$todo,
+ "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/TODO.Debian");
+ }
+ }
+ # If the "directory" is a dangling symlink, then don't install
+ # the copyright file. This is useful for multibinary packages
+ # that share a doc directory.
+ if (! $link_doc && (! -l "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package" || -d "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package")) {
+ # Support debian/package.copyright, but if not present, fall
+ # back on debian/copyright for all packages, not just the
+ # main binary package.
+ my $copyright=pkgfile($package,'copyright');
+ if (! $copyright && -e "debian/copyright") {
+ $copyright="debian/copyright";
+ }
+ if ($copyright && ! excludefile($copyright)) {
+ ensure_docdir($package);
+ doit("install","-g",0,"-o",0,"-m","644","-p",$copyright,
+ "$tmp/usr/share/doc/$package/copyright");
+ }
+ }
+ # Handle doc-base files. There are two filename formats, the usual
+ # plus an extended format (debian/package.*).
+ my %doc_ids;
+ opendir(DEB,"debian/") || error("can't read debian directory: $!");
+ # If this is the main package, we need to handle unprefixed filenames.
+ # For all packages, we must support both the usual filename format plus
+ # that format with a period an something appended.
+ my $regexp="\Q$package\E\.";
+ if ($package eq $dh{MAINPACKAGE}) {
+ $regexp="(|$regexp)";
+ }
+ foreach my $fn (grep {/^${regexp}doc-base(\..*)?$/} readdir(DEB)) {
+ # .EX are example files, generated by eg, dh-make
+ next if $fn=~/\.EX$/;
+ next if excludefile($fn);
+ # Parse the file to get the doc id.
+ open (IN, "debian/$fn") || die "Cannot read debian/$fn.";
+ while (<IN>) {
+ s/\s*$//;
+ if (/^Document\s*:\s*(.*)/) {
+ $doc_ids{$fn}=$1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! exists $doc_ids{$fn}) {
+ warning("Could not parse $fn for doc-base Document id; skipping");
+ }
+ close IN;
+ }
+ closedir(DEB);
+ if (%doc_ids) {
+ if (! -d "$tmp/usr/share/doc-base/") {
+ doit("install","-g",0,"-o",0,"-d","$tmp/usr/share/doc-base/");
+ }
+ }
+ # check for duplicate document ids
+ my %used_doc_ids;
+ for my $fn (keys %doc_ids) {
+ $used_doc_ids{$doc_ids{$fn}}++;
+ }
+ foreach my $fn (keys %doc_ids) {
+ # if this document ID is duplicated, we will install
+ # to usr/share/doc-base/packagename instead of
+ # usr/share/doc-base/doc_id. To allow for multiple
+ # conflicting doc-bases in a single package, we will
+ # install to usr/share/doc-base/packagename-extrabits
+ # if the doc-base file is
+ # packagename.doc-base.extrabits
+ if ($used_doc_ids{$doc_ids{$fn}} > 1) {
+ my $fn_no_docbase = $fn;
+ $fn_no_docbase =~ s/\.doc-base(?:\.(.*))?/
+ if (defined $1 and length $1) {"-$1"} else {''}/xe;
+ doit("install","-g",0,"-o",0,"-m644","-p","debian/$fn",
+ "$tmp/usr/share/doc-base/$fn_no_docbase");
+ }
+ else {
+ doit("install","-g",0,"-o",0,"-m644","-p","debian/$fn",
+ "$tmp/usr/share/doc-base/$doc_ids{$fn}");
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>