path: root/debian
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 0806a4db..cb042bf7 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -1,42 +1,120 @@
#!/usr/bin/make -f
-# Note that I have to refer to debhelper programs witrh ./, to make sure
-# I run the most current ones.
+# Note that I have to refer to debhelper programs with ./, to make sure
+# I run the most current ones. That's also why there is a symlink to the
+# current and the current in this debian/ directory.
+# This is _not_ a good example of a debhelper rules file.
+# If any automatic script generation is done in building this package,
+# be sure to use the new templates from this package.
+export DH_AUTOSCRIPTDIR=autoscripts
+# Living dangerously :-)
+export DH_COMPAT=2
+# Figure out the current debhelper version.
+VERSION=$(shell expr "`dpkg-parsechangelog 2>/dev/null |grep Version:`" : '.*Version: \(.*\)')
+export DH_VERBOSE=1
- ./dh_testdir $(test_files)
+ # Run regression tests.
+ $(MAKE) test
- ./dh_testdir $(test_files)
+ ./dh_testdir
+ ./dh_clean
+ DH_VERSION=10 perl -MTest::Harness -e 'runtests grep { ! /CVS/ } @ARGV' t/*
+ ./dh_clean
# Build architecture-dependent files here.
binary-arch: build
- # We have nothing to do by default.
+# Nothing to do.
# Build architecture-independent files here.
binary-indep: build
- ./dh_testdir $(test_files)
+ ./dh_testdir
- ./dh_clean
+ ./dh_clean -k
+ ./dh_installdirs usr/bin usr/share/debhelper
- install -d debian/tmp/usr/bin
- find . -perm +111 -maxdepth 1 -type f \
- -exec install -p {} debian/tmp/usr/bin \;
- install -d debian/tmp/usr/lib/debhelper
- cp dh_lib debian/tmp/usr/lib/debhelper
+ echo -e "package Dh_Version;\n\$$version='$(VERSION)';" > debian/debhelper/usr/share/debhelper/
+ find . -perm +111 -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -name "*.pl" \
+ -exec install -p {} debian/debhelper/usr/bin \;
+ cp -a Dh_*.pm debian/debhelper/usr/share/debhelper
+ cp -a autoscripts debian/debhelper/usr/share/debhelper
- ./dh_installdocs TODO
+ ./dh_installdocs doc/*
./dh_installexamples examples/*
-# ./dh_installmenu
+ ./dh_installmenu
+ ./dh_installinfo
+ # Fix up all man pages, filling in the modification time for them.
+ # Note this runs beofre the command below so debhelper.1 gets the right
+ # date on it.
+ perl -mPOSIX -e ' \
+ foreach $$f (@ARGV) { \
+ @data=stat($$f); \
+ $$date=POSIX::strftime("%d %B %Y",localtime($$data[9])); \
+ open (IN,$$f); \
+ @lines=<IN>; \
+ close IN; \
+ $$lines[0]=~s/1 ""/1 "$$date"/; \
+ open (OUT,">$$f"); \
+ print OUT @lines; \
+ close OUT; \
+ }' debian/debhelper/usr/man/man1/*.1
+ # Fix up the debhelper.1 man page, substituting in a list of all
+ # debhelper commands. eek!
+ perl -ne ' \
+ s/\\- /(1)\n/; \
+ $$collect.=".TP\n.BR $$_" if $$. eq 3 && /^dh_/; \
+ close(ARGV) if eof; \
+ END { \
+ open(I,"debian/debhelper/usr/man/man1/debhelper.1"); \
+ @lines=<I>; \
+ close I; \
+ open(O,">debian/debhelper/usr/man/man1/debhelper.1"); \
+ foreach (@lines) { \
+ s/#LIST#/$$collect/; \
+ print O; \
+ } \
+ close O; \
+ }' *.1
+# ./dh_movefiles
+ ./dh_link
- ./dh_installdebfiles
+ ./dh_suidregister
+ ./dh_installdeb
+ ./dh_gencontrol
+ ./dh_md5sums
+# Install in the proper location on my ftp server and web server. Not intended
+# for use by anyone except the author.
+OLD_VER=$(shell perl -e '<>;<>;while(<>){last if /^ --/};<>;$$_=<>;print m/\((.*?)\)/'<debian/changelog)
+ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -tc
+ if [ `hostname` = 'kite' ] ; then \
+ cp ../debhelper_$(VERSION).tar.gz ../../public; \
+ rm /home/ftp/pub/code/debhelper/* || true; \
+ cp debian/changelog /home/pub/programs/debhelper/CHANGES; \
+ echo $(VERSION) > /home/pub/programs/debhelper/LATEST-VERSION-IS; \
+ cd ..; rm -rf debhelper-$(OLD_VER); \
+ [ -f ../public/debhelper_$(OLD_VER).tar.gz ] && \
+ tar zxf ../public/debhelper_$(OLD_VER).tar.gz || \
+ tar zxf ../outdated/debhelper_$(OLD_VER).tar.gz; \
+ diff -r -u --new-file debhelper-$(OLD_VER) debhelper-$(VERSION) > \
+ /home/ftp/pub/code/debhelper/diffs/debhelper-$(VERSION).diff; \
+ gzip -9f /home/ftp/pub/code/debhelper/diffs/debhelper-$(VERSION).diff; \
+ cd /tmp; rm -f debhelper-$(OLD-VER); \
+ fi
binary: binary-indep binary-arch
-.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary
+.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary dist