path: root/dh_debstd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dh_debstd')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 220 deletions
diff --git a/dh_debstd b/dh_debstd
deleted file mode 100755
index 6d2290c4..00000000
--- a/dh_debstd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Script to be called from debian/rules to setup all the debian specifc
-# required files
-# Christoph Lameter, <> October 10, 1996
-# All the parameters are documentation files to be installed.
-# (but doc files can also be listed in debian/docs)
-# This has been gutted and extensively rewritten to function as a debhelper
-# command by Joey Hess. And then completly rewritten in perl.
-use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
-# Need to stay compatable with debstd, so force use of level 1.
-# Pre-parse command line before we parse the command line, becuase we use a
-# different style of arguments.
-foreach (@ARGV) {
- if ($_ eq '-p') {
- $ds{PERMS}=1;
- }
- elsif ($_ eq '-u') {
- $ds{UNDOC}=1;
- }
- elsif ($_ eq '-s') {
- $ds{SUMS}=1;
- }
- elsif ($_ eq '-m') {
- $ds{NOAUTOMAN}=1;
- }
- elsif ($_ eq '-c') {
- $ds{NOCOMPRESS}=1;
- }
- else {
- push @argv,$_;
- }
-# Tolerate old style debstd invocations
-if ($ARGV[0] && $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} eq $ARGV[0]) {
- shift;
-# debinit handles the installation of an init.d script
-sub debinit { my ($script, $filename, $package, @params)=@_;
- @initparams=();
- $norestart='';
- open (IN,$filename) || warn("$filename: $!");
- while (<IN>) {
- if (/^FLAGS=(.*)/) {
- push @initparams, $1;
- }
- $norestart='--no-restart-on-upgrade';
- }
- }
- close IN;
- $initparams='';
- if (@initparams) {
- $initparams="--update-rcd-params='".join(" ",@initparams)."'";
- }
- doit("dh_installinit",$norestart,"-p$package",$initparams,"--init-script=$script",@params);
-# Do package specific things for a package.
-sub do_package { my ($package, $tmp, $prefix)=@_;
- # Deal with scripts in etc directories
- if (-d "$prefix/rc.boot") {
- warning("file $prefix/rc.boot was ignored.");
- }
- # etc files that could need some tweaking
- foreach $f ('services','inittab','crontab','protocols','profile',
- 'shells','rpc','syslog.conf','conf.modules','modules',
- 'aliases','diversions','inetd.conf','X11/Xresources',
- 'X11/config','X11/window-managers','X11/xinit','purge') {
- if ( -f "$prefix$f") {
- warning("file $prefix$f was ignored.");
- }
- }
- if (-f "${prefix}init.d") {
- debinit($package,"${prefix}init.d",$package,"");
- }
- # The case of a daemon without the final d
- if (-f "${prefix}init") {
- $p=$package;
- if ($p=~s/d$//) {
- debinit($p,"${prefix}init",$package,"--remove-d");
- }
- }
- if (-f "${prefix}info") {
- warning("debhelper does not yet support info files, so ${prefix}info was ignored.");
- }
- # Set up undocumented man page symlinks.
- if (defined($ds{UNDOC}) && $ds{UNDOC}) {
- open (FIND,"find $tmp -type f -perm +111 2>/dev/null |") || warning("find: $!");
- while (<FIND>) {
- chomp;
- ($binpath, $binname)=m:$tmp/(.*)/(.*):;
- # Check if manpages exist
- $section='';
- if ($binpath eq 'sbin' || $binpath eq 'usr/sbin') {
- $section=8;
- }
- elsif ($binpath eq 'usr/X11R6/bin') {
- $section='1x';
- }
- elsif ($binpath eq 'bin' || $binpath eq 'usr/bin') {
- $section=1;
- }
- elsif ($binpath eq 'usr/games') {
- $section=6;
- }
- if ($section && `find $tmp/usr/share/man $tmp/usr/X11R6/man -name "$binname.*" 2>/dev/null` eq '') {
- doit("dh_undocumented","-p$package","$binname.$section");
- }
- }
- close FIND;
- }
-# Special case of changelog
-if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0]=~m/change|news|history/) {
- $changelogfile=shift;
-doit("dh_installdirs"); # here just to make the debian/tmp, etc directories.
-if ($changelogfile) {
- doit("dh_installchangelogs",$changelogfile);
-else {
- doit("dh_installchangelogs");
-# Manpage scan
-if (! $ds{NOAUTOMAN}) {
- doit("dh_installmanpages","-p$dh{FIRSTPACKAGE}");
-# Per-package stuff:
-foreach $PACKAGE (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
- if ($PACKAGE eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE}) {
- if (-f "debian/clean") {
- warning("file debian/clean ignored.");
- }
- do_package($PACKAGE,"debian/tmp","debian/");
- }
- else {
- do_package($PACKAGE,"debian/$PACKAGE","debian/$PACKAGE.");
- if ( -x "debian/$PACKAGE.prebuild") {
- warning("file debian/$PACKAGE.prebuild ignored.");
- }
- }
-if (! $ds{NOCOMPRESS}) {
- doit("dh_compress");
-# Check to see if the install scripts have #DEBHELPER# in them, if not,
-# warn.
-foreach $PACKAGE (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
- foreach $file (qw{postinst postrm preinst prerm}) {
- $f=pkgfile($PACKAGE,$file);
- if ($f) {
- open (IN,$f);
- $found=undef;
- while (<IN>) {
- if (/#DEBHELPER#/) {
- $found=1;
- last;
- }
- }
- if (! $found) {
- push @filelist, $f;
- }
- }
- }
-if (@filelist) {
- warning("The following scripts do not contain \"#DEBHELPER#\" in them,");
- warning("and so debhelper will not automatically add commands to them:");
- warning(join(" ",@filelist));
-if (! $ds{SUMS}) {
- doit("dh_md5sums");
-# This causes the main binary package to be built, which
-# real debstd does not do. Shouldn't be a problem though,
-# if that package gets built twice.