path: root/dh_makeshlibs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dh_makeshlibs')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dh_makeshlibs b/dh_makeshlibs
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..66e8b961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_makeshlibs
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_makeshlibs - automatically create shlibs file and call dpkg-gensymbols
+use strict;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_makeshlibs> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-m>I<major>] [B<-V>I<[dependencies]>] [B<-n>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_makeshlibs> is a debhelper program that automatically scans for shared
+libraries, and generates a shlibs file for the libraries it finds.
+It also adds a call to ldconfig in the F<postinst> and F<postrm> scripts (in
+v3 mode and above only) to any packages in which it finds shared libraries.
+Packages that support multiarch are detected, and
+a Pre-Dependency on multiarch-support is set in ${misc:Pre-Depends} ;
+you should make sure to put that token into an appropriate place in your
+debian/control file for packages supporting multiarch.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item debian/I<package>.symbols
+=item debian/I<package>.symbols.I<arch>
+These symbols files, if present, are passed to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)> to
+be processed and installed. Use the I<arch> specific names if you need
+to provide different symbols files for different architectures.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-m>I<major>, B<--major=>I<major>
+Instead of trying to guess the major number of the library with objdump,
+use the major number specified after the -m parameter. This is much less
+useful than it used to be, back in the bad old days when this program
+looked at library filenames rather than using objdump.
+=item B<-V>, B<-V>I<dependencies>
+=item B<--version-info>, B<--version-info=>I<dependencies>
+By default, the shlibs file generated by this program does not make packages
+depend on any particular version of the package containing the shared
+library. It may be necessary for you to add some version dependency
+information to the shlibs file. If B<-V> is specified with no dependency
+information, the current upstream version of the package is plugged into a
+dependency that looks like "I<packagename> B<(E<gt>>= I<packageversion>B<)>". Note that in
+debhelper compatibility levels before v4, the Debian part of the package
+version number is also included. If B<-V> is specified with parameters, the
+parameters can be used to specify the exact dependency information needed
+(be sure to include the package name).
+Beware of using B<-V> without any parameters; this is a conservative setting
+that always ensures that other packages' shared library dependencies are at
+least as tight as they need to be (unless your library is prone to changing
+ABI without updating the upstream version number), so that if the
+maintainer screws up then they won't break. The flip side is that packages
+might end up with dependencies that are too tight and so find it harder to
+be upgraded.
+=item B<-n>, B<--noscripts>
+Do not modify F<postinst>/F<postrm> scripts.
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename or directory
+from being treated as shared libraries.
+=item B<--add-udeb=>I<udeb>
+Create an additional line for udebs in the shlibs file and use I<udeb> as the
+package name for udebs to depend on instead of the regular library package.
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-gensymbols(1)>.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=over 4
+=item B<dh_makeshlibs>
+Assuming this is a package named F<libfoobar1>, generates a shlibs file that
+looks something like:
+ libfoobar 1 libfoobar1
+=item B<dh_makeshlibs -V>
+Assuming the current version of the package is 1.1-3, generates a shlibs
+file that looks something like:
+ libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.1)
+=item B<dh_makeshlibs -V 'libfoobar1 (E<gt>= 1.0)'>
+Generates a shlibs file that looks something like:
+ libfoobar 1 libfoobar1 (>= 1.0)
+init(options => {
+ "m=s", => \$dh{M_PARAMS},
+ "major=s" => \$dh{M_PARAMS},
+ "version-info:s" => \$dh{V_FLAG},
+ "add-udeb=s" => \$dh{SHLIBS_UDEB},
+my $objdump=cross_command("objdump");
+my $multiarch=dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH");
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ next if is_udeb($package);
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my %seen;
+ my $need_ldconfig = 0;
+ my $is_multiarch = 0;
+ doit("rm", "-f", "$tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs");
+ # So, we look for files or links to existing files with names that
+ # match "*.so.*". And we only look at real files not
+ # symlinks, so we don't accidentally add shlibs data to -dev
+ # packages. This may have a few false positives, which is ok,
+ # because only if we can get a library name and a major number from
+ # objdump is anything actually added.
+ my $exclude='';
+ my (@udeb_lines, @lib_files);
+ if (defined($dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}) && $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} ne '') {
+ $exclude="! \\( $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} \\) ";
+ }
+ open (FIND, "find $tmp -type f \\( -name '*.so' -or -name '*.so.*' \\) $exclude |");
+ while (<FIND>) {
+ my ($library, $major);
+ push @lib_files, $_;
+ if (defined $multiarch && $multiarch ne '' && m,/$multiarch/,) {
+ $is_multiarch=1;
+ }
+ my $ret=`$objdump -p $_`;
+ if ($ret=~m/\s+SONAME\s+(.+)\.so\.(.+)/) {
+ # proper soname format
+ $library=$1;
+ $major=$2;
+ }
+ elsif ($ret=~m/\s+SONAME\s+(.+)-(.+)\.so/) {
+ # idiotic crap soname format
+ $library=$1;
+ $major=$2;
+ }
+ if (defined($dh{M_PARAMS}) && $dh{M_PARAMS} ne '') {
+ $major=$dh{M_PARAMS};
+ }
+ if (! -d "$tmp/DEBIAN") {
+ doit("install","-d","$tmp/DEBIAN");
+ }
+ my $deps=$package;
+ if ($dh{V_FLAG_SET}) {
+ if ($dh{V_FLAG} ne '') {
+ $deps=$dh{V_FLAG};
+ }
+ else {
+ # Call isnative because it sets $dh{VERSION}
+ # as a side effect.
+ isnative($package);
+ my $version = $dh{VERSION};
+ # Old compatibility levels include the
+ # debian revision, while new do not.
+ if (! compat(3)) {
+ # Remove debian version, if any.
+ $version =~ s/-[^-]+$//;
+ }
+ $deps="$package (>= $version)";
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($library) && defined($major) && defined($deps) &&
+ $library ne '' && $major ne '' && $deps ne '') {
+ $need_ldconfig=1;
+ # Prevent duplicate lines from entering the file.
+ my $line="$library $major $deps";
+ if (! $seen{$line}) {
+ $seen{$line}=1;
+ complex_doit("echo '$line' >>$tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs");
+ if (defined($dh{SHLIBS_UDEB}) && $dh{SHLIBS_UDEB} ne '') {
+ my $udeb_deps = $deps;
+ $udeb_deps =~ s/\Q$package\E/$dh{SHLIBS_UDEB}/e;
+ $line="udeb: "."$library $major $udeb_deps";
+ push @udeb_lines, $line;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close FIND;
+ # Write udeb: lines last.
+ foreach (@udeb_lines) {
+ complex_doit("echo '$_' >>$tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs");
+ }
+ # New as of dh_v3.
+ if (! compat(2) && ! $dh{NOSCRIPTS} && $need_ldconfig) {
+ autoscript($package,"postinst","postinst-makeshlibs");
+ autoscript($package,"postrm","postrm-makeshlibs");
+ }
+ if (-e "$tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs") {
+ doit("chmod",644,"$tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs");
+ doit("chown","0:0","$tmp/DEBIAN/shlibs");
+ }
+ # dpkg-gensymbols files
+ my $symbols=pkgfile($package, "symbols");
+ if (-e $symbols) {
+ my @liblist;
+ if (! compat(7)) {
+ @liblist=map { "-e$_" } @lib_files;
+ }
+ # -I is used rather than using dpkg-gensymbols
+ # own search for symbols files, since that search
+ # is not 100% compatible with debhelper. (For example,
+ # this supports --ignore being used.)
+ doit("dpkg-gensymbols", "-p$package", "-I$symbols",
+ "-P$tmp",
+ @liblist,
+ @{$dh{U_PARAMS}});
+ if (-s "$tmp/DEBIAN/symbols" == 0) {
+ doit("rm", "-f", "$tmp/DEBIAN/symbols");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($is_multiarch) {
+ addsubstvar($package, "misc:Pre-Depends", "multiarch-support");
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>