path: root/dh_python
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dh_python')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/dh_python b/dh_python
deleted file mode 100755
index 722d8135..00000000
--- a/dh_python
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-=head1 NAME
-dh_python - calculates Python dependencies and adds postinst and prerm Python scripts (deprecated)
-use strict;
-use File::Find;
-use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<dh_python> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-n>] [B<-V> I<version>] [S<I<module dirs> ...>]
-Note: This program is deprecated. You should use B<dh_python2> instead.
-This program will do nothing if F<debian/pycompat> or a
-B<Python-Version> F<control> file field exists.
-B<dh_python> is a debhelper program that is responsible for generating the
-B<${python:Depends}> substitutions and adding them to substvars files. It
-will also add a F<postinst> and a F<prerm> script if required.
-The program will look at Python scripts and modules in your package, and
-will use this information to generate a dependency on B<python>, with the
-current major version, or on B<python>I<X>B<.>I<Y> if your scripts or modules need a
-specific B<python> version. The dependency will be substituted into your
-package's F<control> file wherever you place the token B<${python:Depends}>.
-If some modules need to be byte-compiled at install time, appropriate
-F<postinst> and F<prerm> scripts will be generated. If already byte-compiled
-modules are found, they are removed.
-If you use this program, your package should build-depend on B<python>.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 4
-=item I<module dirs>
-If your package installs Python modules in non-standard directories, you
-can make F<dh_python> check those directories by passing their names on the
-command line. By default, it will check F</usr/lib/site-python>,
-F</usr/lib/$PACKAGE>, F</usr/share/$PACKAGE>, F</usr/lib/games/$PACKAGE>,
-F</usr/share/games/$PACKAGE> and F</usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages>.
-Note: only F</usr/lib/site-python>, F</usr/lib/python?.?/site-packages> and the
-extra names on the command line are searched for binary (F<.so>) modules.
-=item B<-V> I<version>
-If the F<.py> files your package ships are meant to be used by a specific
-B<python>I<X>B<.>I<Y> version, you can use this option to specify the desired version,
-such as B<2.3>. Do not use if you ship modules in F</usr/lib/site-python>.
-=item B<-n>, B<--noscripts>
-Do not modify F<postinst>/F<prerm> scripts.
-Debian policy, version 3.5.7
-Python policy, version 0.3.7
-if (-e "debian/pycompat") {
- warning("Doing nothing since dh_pycompat exists; dh_pysupport or dh_pycentral should do the work. You can remove dh_python from your rules file.");
- exit 0;
-elsif (`grep Python-Version: debian/control`) {
- warning("Doing nothing since Python-Version is set; dh_python2 should do the work. You can remove dh_python from your rules file.");
- exit 0;
-else {
- warning("This program is deprecated, you should use dh_python2 instead.");
-my $python = 'python';
-# The current python major version
-my $python_major;
-my $python_version = `$python -V 2>&1`;
-if (! defined $python_version || $python_version eq "") {
- error("Python is not installed, aborting. (Probably forgot to Build-Depend on python.)");
-elsif ($python_version =~ m/^Python\s+(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.\d+)*/) {
- $python_version = "$1.$2" ;
- $python_major = $1 ;
-} else {
- error("Unable to parse python version out of \"$python_version\".");
-# The next python version
-my $python_nextversion = $python_version + 0.1;
-my $python_nextmajor = $python_major + 1;
-my @python_allversions = ('1.5','2.1','2.2','2.3','2.4');
-foreach (@python_allversions) {
- s/^/python/;
-# Check for -V
-my $usepython = "python$python_version";
-if($dh{V_FLAG_SET}) {
- $usepython = $dh{V_FLAG};
- $usepython =~ s/^/python/;
- if (! grep { $_ eq $usepython } @python_allversions) {
- error("Unknown python version $dh{V_FLAG}");
- }
-# Cleaning the paths given on the command line
-foreach (@ARGV) {
- s#/$##;
- s#^/##;
-# dependency types
-use constant PROGRAM => 1;
-use constant PY_MODULE => 2;
-use constant PY_MODULE_NONSTANDARD => 4;
-use constant SO_MODULE => 8;
-use constant SO_MODULE_NONSTANDARD => 16;
-foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
- my $tmp = tmpdir($package);
- my @dirs = ("usr/lib/site-python", "usr/lib/$package", "usr/share/$package", "usr/lib/games/$package", "usr/share/games/$package", @ARGV );
- my @dirs_so = ("usr/lib/site-python", @ARGV );
- my $dep_on_python = 0;
- my $strong_dep = 0;
- my $look_for_pythonXY = 1;
- # First, the case of python-foo and pythonX.Y-foo
- if ($package =~ /^python-/) {
- $dep_on_python = 1;
- $strong_dep = 1;
- my $pack = $package;
- $pack =~ s/^python/python$python_version/;
- if (grep { "$_" eq "$pack" } getpackages()) {
- addsubstvar($package, "python:Depends", $pack);
- }
- }
- if ($package !~ /^python[0-9].[0-9]-/) {
- push @dirs, "usr/lib/$usepython/site-packages";
- push @dirs_so, "usr/lib/$usepython/site-packages";
- $look_for_pythonXY = 0;
- }
- @dirs = grep -d, map "$tmp/$_", @dirs;
- @dirs_so = grep -d, map "$tmp/$_", @dirs_so;
- my $deps = 0;
- my %verdeps = ();
- foreach (@python_allversions) {
- $verdeps{$_} = 0;
- }
- # Find scripts
- find sub {
- return unless -f and (-x or /\.py$/);
- local *F;
- return unless open F, $_;
- if (read F, local $_, 32 and m%^#!\s*/usr/bin/(env\s+)?(python(\d+\.\d+)?)\s%) {
- if ( "python" eq $2 ) {
- $deps |= PROGRAM;
- } elsif(defined $verdeps{$2}) {
- $verdeps{$2} |= PROGRAM;
- }
- }
- close F;
- }, $tmp;
- # Look for python modules
- my $dirlist="";
- if (@dirs) {
- foreach my $curdir (@dirs) {
- my $has_module = 0;
- $curdir =~ s%^$tmp/%%;
- find sub {
- return unless -f;
- if (/\.py$/) {
- $has_module = 1;
- doit(("rm","-f",$_."c",$_."o"));
- }
- }, "$tmp/$curdir" ;
- if ($has_module) {
- if ($dh{V_FLAG_SET}) {
- $verdeps{$usepython} |= PY_MODULE_NONSTANDARD;
- } else {
- $deps |= PY_MODULE;
- }
- $dirlist="$dirlist /$curdir";
- }
- }
- }
- if (@dirs_so) {
- foreach my $curdir (@dirs_so) {
- my $has_module = 0;
- $curdir =~ s%^$tmp/%%;
- find sub {
- return unless -f;
- $has_module = 1 if /\.so$/;
- }, "$tmp/$curdir" ;
- if ($has_module) {
- if ($dh{V_FLAG_SET}) {
- $verdeps{$usepython} |= SO_MODULE_NONSTANDARD;
- }
- else {
- $deps |= SO_MODULE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Dependencies on current python
- $dep_on_python = 1 if $deps;
- $strong_dep = 1 if($deps & (PY_MODULE|SO_MODULE));
- if ($dep_on_python) {
- addsubstvar($package, "python:Depends", $python, ">= $python_version");
- if ($strong_dep) {
- addsubstvar($package, "python:Depends", $python, "<< $python_nextversion");
- } else {
- addsubstvar($package, "python:Depends", $python, "<< $python_nextmajor");
- }
- }
- my $need_prerm = 0;
- # Look for specific pythonX.Y modules
- foreach my $pyver (@python_allversions) {
- my $pydir="/usr/lib/$pyver/site-packages";
- if ($look_for_pythonXY) {
- if (grep -d,"$tmp$pydir") {
- find sub {
- return unless -f;
- if (/\.py$/) {
- $verdeps{$pyver} |= PY_MODULE;
- doit(("rm","-f",$_."c",$_."o"));
- }
- $verdeps{$pyver} |= SO_MODULE if /\.so$/;
- }, "$tmp$pydir";
- }
- }
- # Go for the dependencies
- addsubstvar($package, "python:Depends", $pyver) if $verdeps{$pyver};
- # And now, the postinst and prerm stuff
- if ($pyver eq "$usepython") {
- if ($verdeps{$pyver} & PY_MODULE) {
- $pydir = $pydir.$dirlist;
- } else {
- $pydir = $dirlist;
- }
- $verdeps{$pyver} |= PY_MODULE if($deps & PY_MODULE);
- }
- if ($verdeps{$pyver} & (PY_MODULE|PY_MODULE_NONSTANDARD) && ! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
- autoscript($package,"postinst","postinst-python","s%#PYVER#%$pyver%;s%#DIRLIST#%$pydir%");
- $need_prerm = 1;
- }
- }
- if ($need_prerm && ! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
- autoscript($package,"prerm","prerm-python","s%#PACKAGE#%$package%");
- }
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-This program is a part of debhelper.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Josselin Mouette <>
-most ideas stolen from Brendan O'Dea <>