path: root/dh_shlibdeps
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dh_shlibdeps')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dh_shlibdeps b/dh_shlibdeps
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..260a749a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dh_shlibdeps
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_shlibdeps - calculate shared library dependencies
+use strict;
+use Cwd;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-L>I<package>] [B<-l>I<directory>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_shlibdeps> is a debhelper program that is responsible for calculating
+shared library dependencies for packages.
+This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> that calls it
+once for each package listed in the F<control> file, passing it
+a list of ELF executables and shared libraries it has found.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being
+passed to B<dpkg-shlibdeps>. This will make their dependencies be ignored.
+This may be useful in some situations, but use it with caution. This option
+may be used more than once to exclude more than one thing.
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>.
+=item B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<params>
+This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>.
+It is deprecated; use B<--> instead.
+=item B<-l>I<directory>[B<:>I<directory> ...]
+With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not
+Before B<dpkg-shlibdeps> is run, B<LD_LIBRARY_PATH> will have added to it the
+specified directory (or directories -- separate with colons). With recent
+versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this is mostly only useful for packages that
+build multiple flavors of the same library, or other situations where
+the library is installed into a directory not on the regular library search
+=item B<-L>I<package>, B<--libpackage=>I<package>
+With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not
+needed, unless your package builds multiple flavors of the same library.
+It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-S> parameter) to look first in the package
+build directory for the specified package, when searching for libraries,
+symbol files, and shlibs files.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+Suppose that your source package produces libfoo1, libfoo-dev, and
+libfoo-bin binary packages. libfoo-bin links against libfoo1, and should
+depend on it. In your rules file, first run B<dh_makeshlibs>, then B<dh_shlibdeps>:
+ dh_makeshlibs
+ dh_shlibdeps
+This will have the effect of generating automatically a shlibs file for
+libfoo1, and using that file and the libfoo1 library in the
+F<debian/libfoo1/usr/lib> directory to calculate shared library dependency
+If a libbar1 package is also produced, that is an alternate build of
+libfoo, and is installed into F</usr/lib/bar/>, you can make libfoo-bin depend
+on libbar1 as follows:
+ dh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar
+init(options => {
+ "L|libpackage=s" => \$dh{LIBPACKAGE},
+ "dpkg-shlibdeps-params=s", => \$dh{U_PARAMS},
+ "l=s", => \$dh{L_PARAMS},
+if ($dh{L_PARAMS}) {
+ my @paths=();
+ # Add to existing paths, if set.
+ push @paths, $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}
+ if exists $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'};
+ foreach (split(/:/, $dh{L_PARAMS})) {
+ # Force the path absolute.
+ if (m:^/:) {
+ push @paths, $_;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @paths, "/$_";
+ }
+ }
+ $dh{L_PARAMS}=join(':', @paths);
+if (defined $dh{V_FLAG}) {
+ warning("You probably wanted to pass -V to dh_makeshlibs, it has no effect on dh_shlibdeps");
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $ext=pkgext($package);
+ # dpkg-shlibdeps expects this directory to exist
+ if (! -d "$tmp/DEBIAN") {
+ doit("install","-o",0,"-g",0,"-d","$tmp/DEBIAN");
+ }
+ my @filelist;
+ my $ff;
+ # Generate a list of ELF binaries in the package, ignoring any
+ # we were told to exclude.
+ my $find_options='';
+ if (defined($dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}) && $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} ne '') {
+ $find_options="! \\( $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} \\)";
+ }
+ foreach my $file (split(/\n/,`find $tmp -type f \\( -perm /111 -or -name "*.so*" -or -name "*.cmxs" \\) $find_options -print`)) {
+ # Prune directories that contain separated debug symbols.
+ next if $file=~m!^\Q$tmp\E/usr/lib/debug/(lib|lib64|usr|bin|sbin|opt|dev|emul)/!;
+ # TODO this is slow, optimize. Ie, file can run once on
+ # multiple files..
+ $ff=`file "$file"`;
+ if ($ff=~m/ELF/ && $ff!~/statically linked/) {
+ push @filelist,$file;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@filelist) {
+ my @opts;
+ if (defined $dh{LIBPACKAGE} && length $dh{LIBPACKAGE}) {
+ @opts=("-S".tmpdir($dh{LIBPACKAGE}));
+ }
+ push @opts, "-tudeb" if is_udeb($package);
+ my $ld_library_path_orig=$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH};
+ if ($dh{L_PARAMS}) {
+ verbose_print("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$dh{L_PARAMS}");
+ }
+ doit("dpkg-shlibdeps","-Tdebian/${ext}substvars",
+ @opts,@{$dh{U_PARAMS}},@filelist);
+ if ($dh{L_PARAMS}) {
+ if (defined $ld_library_path_orig) {
+ $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}=$ld_library_path_orig;
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <>