path: root/man/dh_auto_pod
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'man/dh_auto_pod')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 288 deletions
diff --git a/man/dh_auto_pod b/man/dh_auto_pod
deleted file mode 100755
index 01817b23..00000000
--- a/man/dh_auto_pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-package CommandStrip;
-use base Pod::Parser;
-sub command {
- my $parser=shift;
- if (!exists $parser->{_stripped_}) {
- $parser->{_stripped_} = 1;
- return;
- }
- return $parser->SUPER::command(@_);
-package main;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
-use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems;
-use Pod::Select;
-use IO::String;
-use File::Spec;
-use Pod::InputObjects;
-my @buildsystem_pods;
-my $DH_AUTO_POD = "dh_auto.pod";
-# Preloads build system PODs
-sub get_buildsystem_pods {
- my $parser = new Pod::Select();
- if (!@buildsystem_pods) {
- my @buildsystems = load_all_buildsystems([ "." ]);
- for my $system (@buildsystems) {
- my $podfile = File::Spec->catfile("Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem", $system->NAME() . ".pm");
- my $iostr = new IO::String();
- open(my $fh, $podfile) or error("Unable to read $podfile");
- $system->{pod_fh} = $fh;
- # Extract build system name from POD
- $parser->select('NAME');
- strip_first_command($parser, $fh, $iostr);
- # Remove empty lines and join new lines
- $system->{pod_name} = join(" ", grep ! /^\s*$/, split(/\n/, ${$iostr->string_ref()}));
- push @buildsystem_pods, $system;
- }
- }
- return @buildsystem_pods;
-# Strips the first command (i.e. line starting with =), prints
-# everything else
-sub strip_first_command {
- my ($parser, $input_fh, $output_fh)=@_;
- my $iostr = new IO::String();
- seek(\*$input_fh, 0, 0);
- $parser->parse_from_filehandle($input_fh, $iostr);
- $iostr->pos(0);
- CommandStrip->new()->parse_from_filehandle($iostr, $output_fh);
- $iostr->close();
-# Prints everything
-sub print_everything {
- my ($parser, $input_fh, $output_fh)=@_;
- seek(\*$input_fh, 0, 0);
- $parser->parse_from_filehandle($input_fh, $output_fh);
-# Prints POD paragraph
-# Common parameters -name, -text. Results into =${-name} ${-text}
-sub print_pod_parag {
- my %args=@_;
- my $output_fh = $args{output} || \*STDOUT;
- print $output_fh Pod::Paragraph->new(@_)->raw_text(), "\n\n";
-#sub unique_authors {
-# my ($authors, $parser, $fh)=@_;
-# my $iostr = new IO::String();
-# $parser->select('AUTHOR[^\s]*');
-# seek(\*$fh, 0, 0);
-# strip_first_command($parser, $fh, $iostr);
-# $iostr->pos(0);
-# while (my $author = <$iostr>) {
-# $author =~ s/\s+/ /g;
-# $author =~ s/^\s+//;
-# $author =~ s/\s+$//;
-# $authors->{$author} = scalar(keys %$authors)
-# if !exists $authors->{$author};
-# }
-# $iostr->close();
-############# Generation of dh_auto_step POD #############
-sub get_dh_auto_shared_options_for_step {
- my $step=shift;
- my $parser = new Pod::Select();
- my $iostr = new IO::String();
- $parser->select('DH_AUTO SHARED OPTIONS');
- print_everything($parser, \*DH_AUTO, $iostr);
- return ${$iostr->string_ref()};
-sub get_supported_buildsystems_intro_for_step {
- my $step=shift;
- my $parser = new Pod::Select();
- my $iostr = new IO::String();
- # A common "SUPPORTED BUILD SYSTEMS" dh_auto POD
- strip_first_command($parser, \*DH_AUTO, $iostr);
- return ${$iostr->string_ref()};
-sub get_supported_buildsystems_list_for_step {
- my $step=shift;
- my $parser = new Pod::Select();
- my $iostr = new IO::String();
- # Append build system list from build system PODs
- for my $bs (get_buildsystem_pods()) {
- my $bs_fh = $bs->{pod_fh};
- # =head2 Build system name
- print_pod_parag(output => $iostr, -name => 'head2', -text => $bs->{pod_name});
- # Now print DH_AUTO NOTES
- $parser->select('DH_AUTO NOTES');
- strip_first_command($parser, $bs_fh, $iostr);
- # And step specific help follows
- $parser->select('BUILD PROCESS/' . ucfirst($step) . " step");
- strip_first_command($parser, $bs_fh, $iostr);
- }
- return ${$iostr->string_ref()};
-sub generate_step_pod {
- my $step=shift;
- $step = $1 if ($step =~ /dh_auto_(.*)$/);
- my $dh_auto_step = "dh_auto_$step";
- my $dh_auto_shared_options = get_dh_auto_shared_options_for_step($step);
- my $supported_bs_intro = get_supported_buildsystems_intro_for_step($step);
- my $supported_bs_list = get_supported_buildsystems_list_for_step($step);
- open(DH_AUTO_STEP, "podselect $dh_auto_step |")
- or error("Unable to read $dh_auto_step");
- while (<DH_AUTO_STEP>) {
- s/#DH_AUTO SHARED OPTIONS#/$dh_auto_shared_options/;
- s/#SUPPORTED BUILD SYSTEMS INTRO#/$supported_bs_intro/;
- s/#SUPPORTED BUILD SYSTEMS LIST#/$supported_bs_list/;
- print $_;
- }
- close DH_AUTO_STEP;
-############# Generation of dh_auto POD #############
-sub get_dh_auto_program_list_for_dh_auto {
- my @steps=@_;
- my $parser = new Pod::Select();
- my $collect = "";
- $parser->select('NAME');
- foreach my $step (@steps) {
- my $iostr = new IO::String();
- open (my $fh, "dh_auto_$step") or die "$_: $!";
- strip_first_command($parser, $fh, $iostr);
- close $fh;
- if (${$iostr->string_ref()} =~ /^(.*?) - (.*)/) {
- $collect .= "=item $1(1)\n\n$2\n\n";
- }
- }
- return $collect;
-sub get_supported_buildsystems_for_dh_auto {
- my $parser = new Pod::Select();
- my $iostr = new IO::String();
- # Build system list from build system PODs (NAME + DESCRIPTION)
- for my $bs (sort { $a->NAME() cmp $b->NAME() } get_buildsystem_pods()) {
- my $bs_fh = $bs->{pod_fh};
- # =head2 Build system name
- print_pod_parag(output => $iostr, -name => 'head2', -text => $bs->{pod_name});
- $parser->select('DESCRIPTION');
- strip_first_command($parser, $bs_fh, $iostr);
- }
- return ${$iostr->string_ref()};
-sub get_buildsystem_details_for_dh_auto {
- my @steps=@_;
- my $parser = new Pod::Select();
- my $iostr = new IO::String();
- # Build system details from build system PODs
- for my $bs (get_buildsystem_pods()) {
- my $bs_fh = $bs->{pod_fh};
- print_pod_parag(output => $iostr, -name => 'head2', -text => $bs->NAME());
- # Now print DH_AUTO NOTES
- $parser->select('DH_AUTO NOTES');
- strip_first_command($parser, $bs_fh, $iostr);
- # And step specific documentation
- for my $step (@steps) {
- $parser->select('BUILD PROCESS/' . ucfirst($step) . " step");
- print_pod_parag(output => $iostr, -name => 'head3', -text => 'B<' . ucfirst($step) . " step>");
- strip_first_command($parser, $bs_fh, $iostr);
- }
- }
- return ${$iostr->string_ref()};
-sub get_dh_auto_program_man_list_for_dh_auto {
- return join("\n\n", map { "L<dh_auto_$_(1)>" } @_);
-sub get_buildsystem_man_list_for_dh_auto {
- return join("\n\n", map { "L<dh_auto_" . $_->NAME() . "(7)>" } get_buildsystem_pods());
-sub generate_dh_auto_pod {
- my @steps=@_;
- my $parser = new Pod::Select();
- my $iostr = new IO::String();
- my $dh_auto_list = get_dh_auto_program_list_for_dh_auto(@steps);
- my $supported_bs = get_supported_buildsystems_for_dh_auto(@steps);
- my $bs_details = get_buildsystem_details_for_dh_auto(@steps);
- my $dh_auto_man_list = get_dh_auto_program_man_list_for_dh_auto(@steps);
- my $bs_man_list = get_buildsystem_man_list_for_dh_auto();
- # Filter out all sections starting with #
- $parser->select('[^#].*');
- print_everything($parser, \*DH_AUTO, $iostr);
- seek(\*$iostr, 0, 0);
- while (<$iostr>) {
- s/#DH_AUTO LIST#/$dh_auto_list/;
- s/#SUPPORTED BUILD SYSTEMS#/$supported_bs/;
- s/#BUILD SYSTEM DETAILS#/$bs_details/;
- s/#DH_AUTO MAN LIST#/$dh_auto_man_list/;
- s/#BUILD SYSTEM MAN LIST#/$bs_man_list/;
- print $_;
- }
- $iostr->close();
-############# Entry point #############
-my @args;
-my $outfile;
-foreach (@ARGV) {
- if (/^-o(.*)/) {
- $outfile = $1;
- }
- else {
- push @args, $_;
- }
-if ($outfile) {
- open(OUTFILE, ">", $outfile) or die "Unable to open output file $outfile";
- open(STDOUT, ">&OUTFILE") or die "Unable to redirect standard output";
-open(DH_AUTO, $DH_AUTO_POD) or error("Unable to read $DH_AUTO_POD");
-if (@args > 0) {
- generate_step_pod(@args);
-else {
- generate_dh_auto_pod(qw(configure build test install clean));
-close DH_AUTO;
-close OUTFILE if $outfile;