#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Integration with xaw-wrappers # # If debian/xaw-wrappers file exists, save it to # $TMP/usr/share/xaw-wrappers/config/$PACKAGE # # Also, add calls to postinst and postrm. BEGIN { push @INC, "debian", "/usr/share/debhelper" } use Dh_Lib; init(); foreach $PACKAGE (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) { $TMP=tmpdir($PACKAGE); $xaw=pkgfile($PACKAGE,'xaw'); if ($xaw ne '') { if (! -d "$TMP/usr/share/xaw-wrappers/config") { doit("install","-d","$TMP/usr/share/xaw-wrappers/config"); } doit("install","-p","-m644",$xaw, "$TMP/usr/share/xaw-wrappers/config/$PACKAGE"); if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) { # Parse the xaw conf file to figure out what programs # and link names are present in it. Have to pass # those into the scripts. my %data; my $install_opts=''; my $remove_opts=''; my $stanza=''; open (IN,$xaw); while () { chomp; s/\s+/ /g; if (/^#/ eq '') { if (/(.*?):\s?(.*)/) { $data{lc($1)}=$2; $stanza=1; } elsif ($stanza) { $install_opts.="'$data{program} $data{'link-name'} $data{wrapped}' "; $remove_opts.="'$data{'link-name'} $data{wrapped}' "; undef %data; $stanza=''; } } } close IN; if ($stanza) { $install_opts.="'$data{program} $data{'link-name'} $data{wrapped}'"; $remove_opts.="'$data{'link-name'} $data{wrapped}'"; } autoscript($PACKAGE,"postinst","postinst-xaw", "s:#OPTS#:$install_opts:"); autoscript($PACKAGE,"prerm","prerm-xaw", "s:#OPTS#:$remove_opts:"); autoscript($PACKAGE,"postrm","postrm-xaw"); } } }