#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Integration with the Debian X11 font policy. BEGIN { push @INC, "debian", "/usr/share/debhelper" } use Dh_Lib; init(); foreach $PACKAGE (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) { $TMP=tmpdir($PACKAGE); # Find all fint directories in the package build directory. opendir DIR, "$TMP/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/" || next; my @fontdirs = grep { -d $_ && !/^\./ } (readdir DIR); closedir DIR; if (@fontdirs) { # Figure out what commands the postinst will need to call. my @updatecmds=('/usr/bin/X11/mkfontdir'); foreach my $f (@fontdirs) { push @updatecmds, '/usr/sbin/update-fonts-alias' if -f "$TMP/etc/X11/fonts/$f/$PACKAGE.alias"; # This must come _before_ mkfontdir, thus the unshift. unshift @updatecmds, '/usr/sbin/update-fonts-scale' if -f "$TMP/etc/X11/fonts/$f/$PACKAGE.scale"; } autoscript($PACKAGE, "postinst", "postinst-xfonts", "s:#FONTDIRS#:".join(' ', @fontdirs). ":;s:#UPDATECMDS#:".join(' ', @updatecmds).":"); autoscript($PACKAGE, "postrm", "postrm-xfonts", "s:#FONTDIRS#:".join(' ', @fontdirs). ":;s:#UPDATECMDS#:".join(' ', @updatecmds).":"); } }