path: root/debian-bug.el
diff options
authorpsg <>2003-04-21 00:47:05 +0000
committerpsg <>2003-04-21 00:47:05 +0000
commit8a34ee92c3247a9d9d81768b6c5ecc790e9ceee7 (patch)
treecd886f6ac86f45849fe7f13d83e023a998fadf69 /debian-bug.el
parent93104ecdf3b5b9595db9a0f97652a94b4bfaa6fa (diff)
- Use executable-find. Patch contributed by Romain FRANCOISE <>. Closes: #189605 - New actions in Bugs list menu: can now read bug reports as file or Email!
Diffstat (limited to 'debian-bug.el')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/debian-bug.el b/debian-bug.el
index 4f3c6e4..762b293 100644
--- a/debian-bug.el
+++ b/debian-bug.el
@@ -175,7 +175,10 @@
;; maintonly is for mass filings.
;; - New buffer-local variable `debian-bug-open-alist' for open bugs.
;; This will be used for completion in debian-changelog-mode.el
-;; - debian-bug: always build package list. Closes: #186338
+;; - debian-bug: always build package list. Closes: #186338
+;; - Use executable-find. Patch contributed by Romain FRANCOISE
+;; <>. Closes: #189605
+;; - New actions in Bugs list menu: can now read bug reports as file or Email!
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Todo (Peter's list):
@@ -195,15 +198,6 @@
;; - add debian-bug-pseudo-package (with completion on those only, possibly
;; with description)
-;;; Todo (Francesco's list):
-;; - -f does not work (at least with bug)
-;; [Done by psg] - apply contributed patch
-;; [Done by psg] - error conditions: nonexistent package
-;; - add doc strings and commentary
-;; [Done by psg] - Help on menu of pseudo packages and severity levels (how???)
-;; [Yes, psg] - we assume sed, uname, date are there; is that ok?
;;; User customizable variables:
(defgroup debian-bug nil "Debian Bug report helper"
@@ -213,13 +207,13 @@
(defcustom debian-bug-helper-program nil
"Helper program to use to generate bug report background info.
Possible values are 'bug, 'reportbug or nil (for neither).
-If not customized, it will get set to at runtime to 'bug if the command
-exists, or else to 'reportbug if that command exists, or else simply parse
-the status file."
+If not customized, it will get set to at runtime to 'reportbug if the command
+exists, or else to 'bug if that command exists, or else simply parse the
+status file."
:group 'debian-bug
- :type '(choice (const :tag "reportbug" reportbug)
- (const :tag "bug" bug)
- (const :tag "set at runtime" nil)))
+ :type '(radio (const :tag "reportbug" reportbug)
+ (const :tag "bug" bug)
+ (const :tag "set at runtime" nil)))
(defcustom debian-bug-use-From-address
(or (getenv "DEBEMAIL") ; reportbug
@@ -230,6 +224,25 @@ Use it to specify what email your bugs will be archived under."
:group 'debian-bug
:type 'boolean)
+(defcustom debian-bug-download-directory "~/"
+ "Directory for mbox file downloads from the Debian BTS"
+ :group 'debian-bug
+ :type 'directory)
+(defcustom debian-bug-MH-E-folder "+debian-bug"
+ "The folder to put all bug folders into when using MH-E (7.3 or better)"
+ :group 'debian-bug
+ :type '(choice (string :tag "Folder name")
+ (const :tag "Don't use a folder" nil)))
+;;; Not implemented yet.
+;; (defcustom debian-bug-create-package-directories-flag nil
+;; "Non-nil means to create a directory for each package.
+;; For rmail, this means a directory beneath `debian-bug-download-directory'.
+;; For MH-E, this means a folder beneath `debian-bug-MH-E-folder'."
+;; :group 'debian-bug
+;; :type 'boolean)
(if (not (fboundp 'match-string-no-properties))
(load "poe" t t)) ;XEmacs21.1 doesn't autoload this
@@ -270,6 +283,25 @@ Will only actually do it if the variable debian-bug-From-address is set."
:group 'debian-bug
:type 'boolean)
+(defvar debian-bug-menu-action)
+(defvar debian-bug-menu-action-default)
+(defun debian-bug-menu-action-set (symbol value)
+ (set-default symbol value)
+ (setq-default debian-bug-menu-action debian-bug-menu-action-default)
+ (setq debian-bug-menu-action debian-bug-menu-action-default))
+(defcustom debian-bug-menu-action-default 'browse
+ "Default action enabled at startup in Bugs menu-bar."
+ :group 'debian-bug
+ :set 'debian-bug-menu-action-set
+ :type '(radio (const :tag "Browse" browse)
+ (const :tag "Read as File" readfile)
+ (const :tag "Read as Email" email)))
+(defvar debian-bug-menu-action debian-bug-menu-action-default
+ "Action to take when selecting a bug number from the Bugs menu-bar.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'debian-bug-menu-action)
;;; Internal variables:
(defvar debian-bug-mail-address
@@ -348,6 +380,18 @@ Used to determine if internal list is uptodate.")
"Buffer-local variable holding the package name for this submission")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'debian-bug-package-name)
+(defvar debian-bug-easymenu-list nil
+ "Holds the dynamically built easymenu list.")
+(defvar debian-bug-bugs-menu nil
+ "Buffer local Bugs menu")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'debian-bug-bugs-menu)
+(defvar debian-bug-alist nil
+ "Buffer local alist of bug numbers (and description) for this package")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'debian-bug-alist)
+(defvar debian-bug-open-alist nil
+ "Buffer local alist of open bug numbers (and description) for this package")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'debian-bug-open-alist)
(defalias 'report-debian-bug 'debian-bug)
;;; Help texts:
@@ -485,7 +529,7 @@ Aug 10th 2001
(set (intern (car pair) debian-bug-packages-obarray) (cdr pair)))
(defun debian-bug-fill-packages-obarray ()
- "Build `debian-bug-packages-obarray'.
+ "Build `debian-bug-packages-obarray' and return its value.
The obarray associates each package with the installed version of the package."
(if (not (and (vectorp debian-bug-packages-obarray)
(equal debian-bug-packages-date
@@ -515,32 +559,38 @@ The obarray associates each package with the installed version of the package."
(nth 5 (file-attributes debian-bug-status-file)))
(mapcar 'debian-bug-intern (mapcar 'list debian-bug-pseudo-packages))
(mapcar 'debian-bug-intern real-pkgs)
- (message "Building list of installed packages... Done."))))
+ (message "Building list of installed packages... Done.")))
+ debian-bug-packages-obarray)
+(defun debian-bug-check-for-program (program)
+ "Check if PROGRAM is installed on the system.
+Done by calling executable-find or the external \"which\" utility."
+ (if (fboundp 'executable-find)
+ (executable-find program)
+ (zerop (call-process "which" nil nil nil program))))
-(defun debian-bug-helper-program-init ()
+(defun debian-bug-helper-program ()
(or debian-bug-helper-program
- (setq debian-bug-helper-program
- (cond
- ((zerop (call-process "which" nil nil nil "reportbug"))
- 'reportbug)
- ((zerop (call-process "which" nil nil nil "bug"))
- 'bug)
- (t
- 'none)))))
+ (cond
+ ((debian-bug-check-for-program "reportbug")
+ 'reportbug)
+ ((debian-bug-check-for-program "bug")
+ 'bug)
+ (t
+ 'none))))
(defun debian-bug-prefill-report (package severity)
- (debian-bug-helper-program-init)
;; bug
- ((and (eq debian-bug-helper-program 'bug)
+ ((and (eq (debian-bug-helper-program) 'bug)
(intern-soft package debian-bug-packages-obarray))
(call-process "bug" nil '(t t) nil "-p" "-s" "" "-S" severity package))
(forward-line 4))
;; reportbug
- ((eq debian-bug-helper-program 'reportbug)
+ ((eq (debian-bug-helper-program) 'reportbug)
(call-process "reportbug" nil '(t t) nil
"--template" "-T" "none" "-s" "none" "-S" "normal" "-b"
@@ -574,13 +624,13 @@ The obarray associates each package with the installed version of the package."
(defun debian-bug (&optional package)
"Submit a Debian bug report."
- (debian-bug-fill-packages-obarray)
(interactive (list (completing-read
"Package name: "
- debian-bug-packages-obarray
+ (debian-bug-fill-packages-obarray)
nil nil nil nil (current-word))))
(if (string= package "wnpp")
+ (debian-bug-fill-packages-obarray)
(if (and (not (intern-soft package debian-bug-packages-obarray))
(not (y-or-n-p
"Package does not appear to be installed. Continue? ")))
@@ -1235,14 +1285,10 @@ The obarray associates each package with the installed version of the package."
;;; from debian-changelog-mode.el
(defun debian-bug-menucount ()
- "Return the number of bugs after wget process."
-;; Or simply count number of lines minus 5
+ "Return the number of bug lines after wget process."
(goto-char (point-min))
- (let ((count 0))
- (while (re-search-forward "^\[\"[0-9]+:" nil t)
- (setq count (1+ count)))
- count)))
+ (- (count-lines (point)(point-max)) 5)))
(defun debian-bug-menusplit-p (submenu)
"return t if we should split the menu, comparing bug numbers to frame size.
@@ -1297,13 +1343,86 @@ If SUBMENU is t, then check for current sexp submenu only."
(setq start (point))))))
(forward-sexp 1)
-(defvar debian-bug-alist nil
- "Buffer local alist of bug numbers (and description) for this package")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'debian-bug-alist)
-(defvar debian-bug-open-alist nil
- "Buffer local alist of open bug numbers (and description) for this package")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'debian-bug-open-alist)
+(defun debian-bug-wget-mbox (&optional bug-number)
+ "wget the mbox file for bug BUG-NUMBER and return the filename created."
+ (if (not debian-bug-download-directory)
+ (error "Please set ` debian-bug-download-directory'"))
+ (if (and (not (file-exists-p debian-bug-download-directory))
+ (make-directory debian-bug-download-directory)
+ (not (file-exists-p debian-bug-download-directory)))
+ (error "Please create directory %s" debian-bug-download-directory))
+ (if (not bug-number)
+ (setq bug-number (completing-read "Bug number to fetch: "
+ debian-bug-alist nil nil)))
+ (when bug-number
+ (let ((filename (expand-file-name
+ (concat "debian-bug-"
+ (if debian-bug-package-name
+ (concat debian-bug-package-name "-"))
+ bug-number)
+ debian-bug-download-directory))
+ (status)
+ (url (concat ""
+ bug-number "&mbox=yes")))
+ (if (and (file-exists-p filename)
+ (not (y-or-n-p "Bug file already exists. Download again? ")))
+ filename
+ (message "Downloading bug %s..." bug-number )
+ (setq status
+ (call-process "wget" nil '(t t) nil "--quiet" "-O" filename url))
+ (message "Downloading bug %s... Done." bug-number)
+ (if (= 0 status)
+ filename
+ (error "`wget' failed."))))))
+(defun debian-bug-get-bug-as-file (&optional bug-number)
+ "Browse the BTS for a bug report number via browse-url."
+ (interactive (list (completing-read "Bug number to fetch: "
+ debian-bug-alist nil nil)))
+ (let ((filename (debian-bug-wget-mbox bug-number)))
+ (find-file filename)
+ (text-mode)))
+(defun debian-bug-get-bug-as-email (&optional bug-number)
+ "Browse the BTS for a bug report number via browse-url."
+ (interactive (list (completing-read "Bug number to fetch: "
+ debian-bug-alist nil nil)))
+ (cond
+ ((and (eq mail-user-agent 'mh-e-user-agent)
+ (featurep 'mh-inc))
+ ;; MH-E
+ (mh-find-path)
+ (let ((mh-e-folder (concat (if debian-bug-MH-E-folder
+ (concat debian-bug-MH-E-folder "/")
+ "+debian-bug-")
+ (if debian-bug-package-name
+ (concat debian-bug-package-name "-"))
+ bug-number)))
+ (if (and (file-exists-p (mh-expand-file-name mh-e-folder))
+ (not (y-or-n-p "Bug folder already exists. Download again? ")))
+ (mh-visit-folder mh-e-folder)
+ (if (file-exists-p (mh-expand-file-name mh-e-folder))
+ (mh-exec-cmd-quiet nil "rmf" mh-e-folder))
+ (let ((filename (debian-bug-wget-mbox bug-number)))
+ (mh-inc-folder filename mh-e-folder)
+ (delete-file filename)))))
+ (t
+ ;; rmail
+ (let ((filename (debian-bug-wget-mbox bug-number)))
+ (rmail filename)))))
+(defun debian-bug-menu-action (bugnumber)
+ "Do something with BUGNUMBER based on `debian-bug-menu-action'"
+ (cond
+ ((equal debian-bug-menu-action 'browse)
+ (debian-bug-web-bug bugnumber))
+ ((equal debian-bug-menu-action 'readfile)
+ (debian-bug-get-bug-as-file bugnumber))
+ ((equal debian-bug-menu-action 'email)
+ (debian-bug-get-bug-as-email bugnumber))
+ ((equal debian-bug-menu-action 'close)
+ (debian-changelog-close-bug bugnumber))))
(defun debian-bug-build-bug-menu (package)
"Build a menu listing the bugs for this package"
@@ -1314,20 +1433,39 @@ If SUBMENU is t, then check for current sexp submenu only."
(bugs-are-open-flag t)
- (debian-bug-menu-var))
+ (is-changelog-mode
+ (and (equal major-mode 'debian-changelog-mode)
+ (boundp 'debian-changelog-close-bug-takes-arg))))
(set-buffer debian-bug-tmp-buffer)
- (insert "(setq debian-bug-menu-var\n'(\"Bugs\"\n")
- (insert "[\"* Regenerate list *\" (debian-bug-build-bug-this-menu) t]\n\"--\"\n")
+ (insert "(setq debian-bug-easymenu-list\n'(\"Bugs\"\n")
+ (insert "[\"* Regenerate list *\" (debian-bug-build-bug-this-menu) t]
+ \"--\"
+ [\"Browse\"
+ (list (setq debian-bug-menu-action 'browse))
+ :style radio :selected (equal debian-bug-menu-action 'browse)]
+ [\"Read as a File\"
+ (list (setq debian-bug-menu-action 'readfile))
+ :style radio :selected (equal debian-bug-menu-action 'readfile)]
+ [\"Read as Email\"
+ (list (setq debian-bug-menu-action 'email))
+ :style radio :selected (equal debian-bug-menu-action 'email)]\n")
+ (if is-changelog-mode
+ (insert " [\"Close Bug\"
+ (list (setq debian-bug-menu-action 'close))
+ :style radio :selected (equal debian-bug-menu-action 'close)]\n"))
+ (insert " \"-\"\n")
+ (message "Fetching bug list via wget...")
(call-process "wget" nil '(t t) nil "--quiet" "-O" "-"
+ (message "Fetching bug list via wget... Done.")
(goto-char (point-min))
- "\\(<H2>\\(.+\\)</H2>\\)\\|\\(<li><a href=\"\\(bugreport.cgi\\?bug=\\([0-9]+\\)\\)\">#[0-9]+: \\(.+\\)</a>\\)"
+ "\\(<H2>\\(.+\\)</H2>\\)\\|\\(<li><a href=\"\\(bugreport.cgi\\?bug=\\([0-9]+\\)\\)\">#\\(.+\\)</a>\\)"
nil t)
(let ((type (match-string 2))
(URL (match-string 4))
@@ -1338,7 +1476,7 @@ If SUBMENU is t, then check for current sexp submenu only."
(setq bugs-are-open-flag (not (string-match "resolved" type)))
(set-buffer debian-bug-tmp-buffer)
- (insert "\"" type "\"\n")))
+ (insert "\"-\"\n\"" type "\"\n")))
(setq bug-alist (cons (list bugnumber description) bug-alist))
(if bugs-are-open-flag
@@ -1350,13 +1488,18 @@ If SUBMENU is t, then check for current sexp submenu only."
"[\"" (if (< 60 (length description))
(substring description 0 60)
- "\" (debian-bug-web-bug \"" bugnumber "\") t]\n")))))))
+ "\" (debian-bug-menu-action \"" bugnumber "\")"
+ " :active "
+ (if bugs-are-open-flag
+ "t"
+ "(not (eq debian-bug-menu-action 'close))")
+ "]\n")))))))
(set-buffer debian-bug-tmp-buffer) ;Make sure we're here
(insert "))")
(when (debian-bug-menusplit-p nil)
(goto-char (point-min))
;; First split on bug severities
- (when (and (re-search-forward "^\"--" nil t)
+ (when (and (re-search-forward "^\"-" nil t)
(re-search-forward "^\"" nil t))
(when (search-forward " to upstream software authors"
(save-excursion (progn (end-of-line)(point)))
@@ -1364,7 +1507,8 @@ If SUBMENU is t, then check for current sexp submenu only."
(replace-match " upstream"))
(insert "(")
- (while (re-search-forward "^\"" nil t)
+ (while (and (re-search-forward "^\"-" nil t)
+ (re-search-forward "^\"" nil t))
(when (search-forward " to upstream software authors"
(save-excursion (progn (end-of-line)(point)))
@@ -1389,9 +1533,9 @@ If SUBMENU is t, then check for current sexp submenu only."
((equal major-mode 'debian-changelog-mode)
- debian-bug-bugs-menu
+ debian-bug-bugs-menu
debian-changelog-mode-map "Debian Bug Mode Bugs Menu"
- debian-bug-menu-var)
+ debian-bug-easymenu-list)
((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
(easy-menu-remove debian-bug-bugs-menu)
@@ -1402,7 +1546,7 @@ If SUBMENU is t, then check for current sexp submenu only."
debian-bug-minor-mode-map "Debian Bug Mode Bugs Menu"
- debian-bug-menu-var)
+ debian-bug-easymenu-list)
((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
(easy-menu-remove debian-bug-bugs-menu)
@@ -1426,7 +1570,7 @@ Add this function to the calling major-mode function."
"Debian Bug Mode Bugs Menu"
["* Generate menu *" (debian-bug-build-bug-this-menu)
- (zerop (call-process "which" nil nil nil "wget"))]))
+ (debian-bug-check-for-program "wget")]))
(easy-menu-add debian-bug-bugs-menu))
@@ -1473,5 +1617,4 @@ Add this function to the calling major-mode function."
(if answer
(debian-bug package)))))))))
(provide 'debian-bug)