diff options
4 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian-el-loaddefs.el b/debian-el-loaddefs.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57740cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian-el-loaddefs.el
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+;;; debian-el-loaddefs.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
+;;; Code:
+(provide 'debian-el-loaddefs)
+;;;### (autoloads (apt-utils-search apt-utils-show-package) "apt-utils"
+;;;;;; "apt-utils.el" (16120 61272))
+;;; Generated autoloads from apt-utils.el
+(autoload (quote apt-utils-show-package) "apt-utils" "\
+Write APT package information to buffer.
+With ARG, choose that package, otherwise prompt for one." t nil)
+(autoload (quote apt-utils-search) "apt-utils" "\
+Search Debian packages for regular expression.
+To search for multiple patterns use a string like \"foo&&bar\"." t nil)
+;;;### (autoloads (debian-bug debian-bug-get-bug-as-email debian-bug-get-bug-as-file
+;;;;;; debian-bug-web-package debian-bug-web-packages debian-bug-web-this-bug-under-mouse
+;;;;;; debian-bug-web-this-bug debian-bug-web-bug debian-bug-web-bugs
+;;;;;; debian-bug-intent-to-package debian-bug-request-for-package
+;;;;;; debian-bug-wnpp) "debian-bug" "debian-bug.el" (16248 63225))
+;;; Generated autoloads from debian-bug.el
+(autoload (quote debian-bug-wnpp) "debian-bug" "\
+Submit a WNPP bug report to Debian.
+Optional argument ACTION can be provided in programs." t nil)
+(autoload (quote debian-bug-request-for-package) "debian-bug" "\
+Shortcut for `debian-bug-wnpp' with RFP action." t nil)
+(autoload (quote debian-bug-intent-to-package) "debian-bug" "\
+Shortcut for `debian-bug-wnpp' with ITP action (for Debian developers)." t nil)
+(autoload (quote debian-bug-web-bugs) "debian-bug" "\
+Browse the BTS for this package via `browse-url'." t nil)
+(autoload (quote debian-bug-web-bug) "debian-bug" "\
+Browse the BTS for BUG-NUMBER via `browse-url'." t nil)
+(autoload (quote debian-bug-web-this-bug) "debian-bug" "\
+Browse the BTS via `browse-url' for the bug report number under point." t nil)
+(autoload (quote debian-bug-web-this-bug-under-mouse) "debian-bug" "\
+Browse the BTS via `browse-url' for the bug report number under mouse.
+In a program, mouse location is in EVENT." t nil)
+(autoload (quote debian-bug-web-packages) "debian-bug" "\
+Search Debian web page for this package via `browse-url'." t nil)
+(autoload (quote debian-bug-web-package) "debian-bug" "\
+Search Debian web page in ARCHIVE for this package via `browse-url'." t nil)
+(autoload (quote debian-bug-get-bug-as-file) "debian-bug" "\
+Read bug report #BUG-NUMBER as a regular file." t nil)
+(autoload (quote debian-bug-get-bug-as-email) "debian-bug" "\
+Read bug report #BUG-NUMBER via Email interface." t nil)
+(autoload (quote debian-bug) "debian-bug" "\
+Submit a Debian bug report." t nil)
+;;;### (autoloads (apt-sources-mode) "apt-sources" "apt-sources.el"
+;;;;;; (16064 13921))
+;;; Generated autoloads from apt-sources.el
+(autoload (quote apt-sources-mode) "apt-sources" "\
+Major mode for editing apt's sources.list file.
+Sets up command `font-lock-mode'.
+\\{apt-sources-mode-map}" t nil)
diff --git a/debian-el-loaddefs.make b/debian-el-loaddefs.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..514aca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian-el-loaddefs.make
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ emacs21 -batch --no-site-file --multibyte --eval '(setq load-path (cons "." load-path))' -l autoload --eval '(setq generated-autoload-file (expand-file-name "debian-el-loaddefs.el"))' --eval '(setq make-backup-files nil)' -f batch-update-autoloads .
diff --git a/debian-el.el b/debian-el.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd912f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian-el.el
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+;;; debian-el.el --- startup file for the debian-el package
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file is loaded from /etc/emacs/site-start.d/50debian-el.el
+;;; History:
+;; 2003-09-01 - Peter Galbraith
+;; - Created.
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup debian-el nil
+ "Debian debian-el package customization."
+ :group 'convenience)
+(require 'emacs-goodies-loaddefs)
+;;(require 'emacs-goodies-custom)
+;; apt-sources
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("sources.list$" . apt-sources-mode))
+(defgroup apt-sources nil "Mode for editing apt source.list file"
+ :group 'tools
+ :prefix "apt-sources-"
+ :link '(custom-manual "(debian-el)apt-sources")
+ :load 'apt-sources
+;;:require 'apt-sources
+ :group 'debian-el)
+;; apt-utils
+(defgroup apt-utils nil
+ "Emacs interface to APT (Debian package management)"
+ :group 'tools
+ :link '(url-link "")
+ :link '(custom-manual "(debian-el)apt-utils")
+ :load 'apt-utils
+;;:require 'apt-utils
+ :group 'debian-el)
+;; debian-bug.el
+(defgroup debian-bug nil "Debian Bug report helper"
+ :group 'tools
+ :prefix "debian-bug-"
+ :link '(custom-manual "(debian-el)debian-bug")
+ :load 'debian-bug
+;;:require 'debian-bug
+ :group 'debian-el)
+(provide 'debian-el)
+;;; debian-el.el ends here
diff --git a/debian-el.texi b/debian-el.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4e5800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian-el.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+@c -*- mode: texinfo -*-
+\input texinfo
+@c $Id$
+@c %**start of header
+@setfilename info/debian-el
+@settitle debian-el
+@c %**end of header
+@dircategory Emacs
+* Emacs-Goodies-extra:
+ (debian-el). Debian-specific tools for Emacs
+@end direntry
+@c Version variables.
+@set EDITION 1.0
+@set UPDATED 23 Sept 2003
+This is Edition @value{EDITION}, last updated @value{UPDATED}, of
+@end ifinfo
+@title debian-el: Debian-specific tools for Emacs
+@subtitle A manual for what's in this package.
+@author Peter S. Galbraith
+@end titlepage
+@node Top, apt-sources, (dir), (dir)
+@top The debian-el Package Setup
+This manual describes the debian-el package and its
+setup. A quick descriptions of elisp files contained in this package
+can be found in the file
+All packaged files are installed, setup and ready to use (they don't
+override standard Emacs commands, modes, or settings).
+To customize setup of all customizable packages on a finer-grain
+basis, do:
+@kbd{M-x} customize-group @key{RET} debian-el @key{RET}
+@end example
+* apt-sources:: Mode for editing apt source.list file
+* apt-utils:: Emacs interface to APT
+* debian-bug:: Report a bug to Debian's bug tracking system
+* gnus-BTS:: Access the Debian Bug Tracking System from Gnus
+@end menu
+This work compiles GPL'ed documentation from the files in
+/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/debian-el/. As a derived work from GPL'ed
+works, this text is also licensed under the GPL V2 (See
+/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2) and is edited by Peter S. Galbraith
+@node apt-sources, apt-utils, Top, Top
+@chapter apt-sources - Mode for editing apt source.list file.
+This mode is for editing @file{/etc/apt/sources.list}, the APT
+(Advanced Package Tool) configuration file found on Debian systems.
+APT is a package retrieval tool for Debian; for example you could
+install Emacs with the command:
+ apt-get install emacs21
+@end example
+and APT will then retrieve the package and install it for you. The
+sources.list file tells APT where to look for packages. Mine looks
+like this:
+ deb unstable main contrib
+ deb unstable/non-US main
+ deb ../project/experimental main
+@end example
+This mode font-locks the file and add some things including new
+source lines and modifying existing source lines.
+This mode can be customized in diferent parts. You can (interactively)
+change if you want blank lines around a new source line and comment
+with @code{apt-sources-around-lines}. Also you can change the way that
+this mode names each source line with the variable
+@code{apt-sources-source-name}; if no name is entered, no comment name
+will be inserted.
+You can modify existing parts of the source line; check the mode
+documentation for more details. Another thing that this mode can do is
+to replicate an existing line (@kbd{C-c C-r}) that will be changed to
+the 'deb' or 'deb-src' corresponding line. If it replicates a 'deb'
+line, an identical 'deb-src' source line will be created.
+@node apt-utils, debian-bug, apt-sources, Top
+@chapter apt-utils - Emacs interface to APT
+Start things off using e.g.:
+@kbd{M-x} apt-utils-show-package @key{RET} emacs21 @key{RET}
+@end example
+Other packages (dependencies, conflicts etc) can be navigated using
+@command{apt-utils-next-package} (@key{TAB}),
+@command{apt-utils-prev-package} (@key{M-TAB}),
+@command{apt-utils-choose-package-link} (@key{>}) or
+@command{apt-utils-follow-link} (@key{RET}). Return to the previous
+package with @command{apt-utils-view-previous-package} (@key{<}).
+ChangeLog and README files for the current package can easily be
+accessed with, for example, @command{apt-utils-view-changelog} (@key{C}).
+For normal (i.e., not virtual) packages, the information can be toggled
+between `package' and `showpkg' displays using
+@command{apt-utils-toggle-package-info} (@key{t}); the latter is useful
+for the "Reverse Depends".
+View the key bindings with describe-mode (bound to ? by default)
+or use the menu.
+You may alter various settings of @code{apt-utils} bu customizing the
+group @code{apt-utils}.
+@node debian-bug, gnus-BTS, apt-utils, Top
+@chapter debian-bug - report a bug to Debian's bug tracking system
+@noindent Useful commands provided by this package:
+@table @samp
+@item debian-bug
+Submit a bug report concerning a Debian package.
+@item debian-bug-wnpp
+Submit a Work Needed on Prospective Package bug report.
+@item debian-bug-request-for-package
+A shortcut for a WNPP bug type RFP.
+@item debian-bug-ITP
+A shortcut for a WNPP bug type ITP.
+@item debian-bug-web-bug
+View a bug report on a web browser (via browse-url).
+@item debian-bug-get-bug-as-email
+Read bug report number via Email interface.
+@item debian-bug-get-bug-as-file
+Read bug report number as a regular file.
+@end table
+and others.
+@noindent The command @command{M-x debian-bug} prompts for required
+information to start filling in the mail draft buffer. It then allows
+you to edit these fields in the mail draft buffer with a useful
+menu-bar and view help text about your various options. If the Debian
+package @code{wget} is installed, you may download the list of bugs
+for the affected package at that time, and download the text of a
+specific bug number as well.
+@noindent The debian-bug facility depends on either the the reportbug package.
+@node gnus-BTS, , debian-bug, Top
+@chapter gnus-BTS - access the Debian Bug Tracking System from Gnus
+Use this if you read a lot of debian lists in GNUS and see references
+to the Bug Tracking system in them. It expects to see Bug references
+in the form of (for example): "#48273", "closes: 238742" or similar
+and will make them clickable.
+To enable this, add the following to your @file{~/.emacs} file:
+(require 'gnus-BTS)
+@end example