path: root/apt-utils.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apt-utils.el')
1 files changed, 974 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apt-utils.el b/apt-utils.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..873b6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apt-utils.el
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+;;; apt-utils.el --- Emacs interface to APT (Debian package management)
+;;; Copyright (C) 2002, 03 Matthew P. Hodges
+;; Author: Matthew P. Hodges <>
+;; $Id$
+;; apt-utils.el is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+;; your option) any later version.
+;; apt-utils.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Package to interface Emacs with APT. Start things off using e.g.:
+;; M-x apt-utils-show-package RET emacs21 RET
+;; Other packages (dependencies, conflicts etc) can be navigated using
+;; apt-utils-{next,previous}-package, apt-utils-choose-package-link or
+;; apt-utils-follow-link. Return to the previous package with
+;; apt-utils-view-previous-package. ChangeLog and README files for the
+;; current package can easily be accessed with, for example,
+;; apt-utils-view-changelog.
+;; For normal (i.e., not virtual) packages, the information can be
+;; toggled between `package' and `showpkg' displays using
+;; apt-utils-toggle-package-info; the latter is useful for the
+;; "Reverse Depends".
+;; View the key bindings with describe-mode (bound to ? by default).
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl) ; for set-difference
+(unless (fboundp 'puthash)
+ (if (fboundp 'cl-puthash)
+ (defalias 'puthash 'cl-puthash)
+ (error "No puthash function known")))
+;; Customizable variables
+(defcustom apt-utils-fill-packages t
+ "*Fill APT package names if t."
+ :group 'apt-utils
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom apt-utils-show-link-info t
+ "*Show APT package descriptions when cycling through links if t."
+ :group 'apt-utils
+ :type 'boolean)
+;; Faces
+(defface apt-utils-normal-package-face
+ '((((class color) (background light))
+ (:foreground "purple"))
+ (((class color) (background dark))
+ (:foreground "yellow")))
+ "Face used for APT hyperlinks."
+ :group 'apt-utils)
+(defface apt-utils-virtual-package-face
+ '((((class color) (background light))
+ (:foreground "green4"))
+ (((class color) (background dark))
+ (:foreground "green")))
+ "Face used for APT hyperlinks."
+ :group 'apt-utils)
+;; Other variables
+(defvar apt-utils-apt-cache-program "/usr/bin/apt-cache"
+ "Location of the apt-cache program.")
+(defvar apt-utils-dpkg-program "/usr/bin/dpkg"
+ "Location of the dpkg program.")
+(defvar apt-utils-grep-dctrl-program "/usr/bin/grep-dctrl"
+ "Location of the grep-dctrl program.")
+(defvar apt-utils-grep-dctrl-file-list
+ (directory-files "/var/lib/apt/lists" t "_Packages")
+ "List of files searched by `apt-utils-search-grep-dctrl'.")
+(defvar apt-utils-package-list nil
+ "List of packages known to APT.")
+(defvar apt-utils-virtual-package-list nil
+ "List of virtual packages known to APT.")
+(defvar apt-utils-package-hashtable nil
+ "Hash table containing APT packages types.")
+(defvar apt-utils-package-lists-built nil
+ "Whether or not APT package lists are built.")
+(defvar apt-utils-current-packages nil
+ "Packages associated with the *APT package info* buffer.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'apt-utils-current-packages)
+(defvar apt-utils-current-links nil
+ "Package links associated with the *APT package info* buffer.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'apt-utils-current-links)
+(defvar apt-utils-buffer-positions nil
+ "Cache of positions associated with current packages.
+These are stored in a hash table.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'apt-utils-buffer-positions)
+(defvar apt-utils-dired-buffer nil
+ "Keep track of dired buffer.")
+;; XEmacs support
+(defconst apt-utils-xemacs-p
+ (or (featurep 'xemacs)
+ (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" (emacs-version)))
+ "True if we are using apt-utils under XEmacs.")
+;; Commands and functions
+(defun apt-utils-show-package (&optional arg)
+ "Write APT package information to buffer.
+With ARG, choose that package, otherwise prompt for one."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((buffer "*APT package info*")
+ package type)
+ ;; If ARG is provided, the car is the package name and the cdr the
+ ;; package type
+ (cond ((and (not (null arg)) (listp arg))
+ (setq package (car arg))
+ (setq type (cdr arg)))
+ ((stringp arg)
+ (setq package arg))
+ (t
+ (setq package (apt-utils-choose-package))))
+ ;; Type might not be known yet
+ (unless type
+ (setq type (apt-utils-package-type package)))
+ ;; Set up the buffer
+ (if (get-buffer buffer)
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*APT package info*"))
+ (apt-utils-mode)
+ (setq truncate-lines nil))
+ ;; If called interactively, initialize apt-utils-current-packages
+ (when (interactive-p)
+ (setq apt-utils-current-packages (cons (cons package type) nil))
+ (if (hash-table-p apt-utils-buffer-positions)
+ (clrhash apt-utils-buffer-positions)
+ (setq apt-utils-buffer-positions (make-hash-table :test 'equal))))
+ (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (cond
+ ((equal type 'normal)
+ (call-process apt-utils-apt-cache-program nil t nil "show" package)
+ ;; Remove old versions
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward "^$")
+ (unless (eobp)
+ (delete-region (point) (point-max)))
+ (apt-utils-add-package-links))
+ ;; Virtual package or normal package w/ showpkg
+ ((or (equal type 'virtual) (equal type 'normal-showpkg))
+ (call-process apt-utils-apt-cache-program nil t nil "showpkg" package)
+ (apt-utils-add-showpkg-links))
+ ;; Normal search
+ ((equal type 'search)
+ (insert (format "Debian package search for %s\n\n" package))
+ (call-process apt-utils-apt-cache-program nil t nil "search" package)
+ (apt-utils-add-search-links))
+ ;; Search for names only
+ ((equal type 'search-names-only)
+ (insert (format "Debian package search (names only) for %s\n\n" package))
+ (call-process apt-utils-apt-cache-program nil t nil
+ "search" "--names-only" package)
+ (apt-utils-add-search-links))
+ ((equal type 'search-grep-dctrl)
+ (insert (format "grep-dctrl search for %s\n\n"
+ (concat (format "\"%s\" " (car package))
+ (mapconcat 'identity (cdr package) " "))))
+ (apply 'call-process apt-utils-grep-dctrl-program nil t nil package)
+ (apt-utils-add-package-links))))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (display-buffer buffer)))
+(defun apt-utils-list-package-files ()
+ "List the files associated with the current package.
+Only works for installed packages; uses `apt-utils-dpkg-program'."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((package (caar apt-utils-current-packages)) files)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert "(setq files '(\n")
+ (call-process apt-utils-dpkg-program nil t nil "-L" package)
+ (insert "))")
+ ;; Check for files
+ (cond
+ ((or (search-backward "does not contain any files" nil t)
+ (search-backward "is not installed" nil t))
+ (message "Package does not contain any files/is not installed"))
+ (t
+ (eval-buffer)
+ (setq files
+ (delq nil
+ (mapcar (lambda (elt)
+ (if (or (file-regular-p (symbol-name elt))
+ (string-equal "/." (symbol-name elt)))
+ (symbol-name elt)
+ nil))
+ files)))
+ ;; Some versions of Emacs won't update dired for the same
+ ;; directory name if it already exists
+ (if (buffer-live-p apt-utils-dired-buffer)
+ (kill-buffer apt-utils-dired-buffer))
+ (setq apt-utils-dired-buffer (dired-noselect files))
+ (display-buffer apt-utils-dired-buffer))))))
+(defun apt-utils-search (&optional arg)
+ "Search Debian packages for regular expression.
+With ARG, match names only."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (let ((buffer "*APT package info*")
+ (regexp (read-from-minibuffer "Search packages for regexp: ")))
+ ;; Set up the buffer
+ (if (get-buffer buffer)
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*APT package info*"))
+ (apt-utils-mode)
+ (setq truncate-lines nil))
+ (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert (format "Debian package search for %s\n\n" regexp))
+ (cond
+ (current-prefix-arg
+ (call-process apt-utils-apt-cache-program nil t nil
+ "search" regexp "--names-only")
+ (setq apt-utils-current-packages (cons (cons regexp 'search-names-only) nil)))
+ (t
+ (call-process apt-utils-apt-cache-program nil t nil "search" regexp)
+ (setq apt-utils-current-packages (cons (cons regexp 'search) nil))))
+ (if (hash-table-p apt-utils-buffer-positions)
+ (clrhash apt-utils-buffer-positions)
+ (setq apt-utils-buffer-positions (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+ (apt-utils-add-search-links)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (display-buffer buffer))))
+(defun apt-utils-search-grep-dctrl ()
+ "Search Debian packages for regular expression using grep-dctrl."
+ (interactive)
+ (let (args
+ (buffer "*APT package info*")
+ (fields (read-from-minibuffer "Search package fields: "))
+ (show (read-from-minibuffer "Show package fields: "))
+ (regexp (read-from-minibuffer "Search regexp: ")))
+ (if (get-buffer buffer)
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*APT package info*"))
+ (apt-utils-mode)
+ (setq truncate-lines nil))
+ (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ ;; Construct argument list (need to keep this)
+ (setq args (append (list regexp fields show)
+ apt-utils-grep-dctrl-file-list))
+ (insert (format "grep-dctrl search for %s\n\n"
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (if (string-equal regexp elt)
+ (format "\"%s\"" regexp)
+ elt))
+ args " ")))
+ (apply 'call-process
+ apt-utils-grep-dctrl-program nil t nil args)
+ (setq apt-utils-current-packages (cons (cons args 'search-grep-dctrl) nil))
+ (if (hash-table-p apt-utils-buffer-positions)
+ (clrhash apt-utils-buffer-positions)
+ (setq apt-utils-buffer-positions (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+ (apt-utils-add-package-links)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (display-buffer buffer))))
+(defun apt-utils-toggle-package-info ()
+ "Toggle between package and showpkg info for normal packages."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless (equal major-mode 'apt-utils-mode)
+ (error "Not in APT utils buffer"))
+ (let ((package (caar apt-utils-current-packages))
+ (type (cdar apt-utils-current-packages))
+ posn)
+ (cond
+ ((equal type 'normal)
+ (setq posn (apt-utils-update-buffer-positions 'toggle))
+ (setq apt-utils-current-packages
+ (cons (cons package 'normal-showpkg)
+ (cdr apt-utils-current-packages)))
+ (apt-utils-show-package (car apt-utils-current-packages))
+ (goto-char posn))
+ ((equal type 'normal-showpkg)
+ (setq posn (apt-utils-update-buffer-positions 'toggle))
+ (setq apt-utils-current-packages
+ (cons (cons package 'normal)
+ (cdr apt-utils-current-packages)))
+ (apt-utils-show-package (car apt-utils-current-packages))
+ (goto-char posn))
+ ((equal type 'virtual)
+ (message "Cannot toggle info for virtual packages."))
+ ((or (equal type 'search)
+ (equal type 'search-names-only)
+ (equal type 'search-grep-dctrl))
+ (message "Cannot toggle info for searches.")))))
+;; Find ChangeLog files
+(defun apt-utils-view-changelog ()
+ "Find ChangeLog for current package."
+ (interactive)
+ (cond
+ ((not (equal major-mode 'apt-utils-mode))
+ (message "Not in APT utils buffer"))
+ ((not (equal (cdar apt-utils-current-packages) 'normal))
+ (message "Not a normal package"))
+ (t
+ (let ((package (caar apt-utils-current-packages)))
+ (apt-utils-view-changelog-file package)))))
+(defun apt-utils-view-changelog-file (package)
+ "Find ChangeLog file for PACKAGE."
+ (let ((file
+ (apt-utils-find-readable-file
+ (format "/usr/share/doc/%s/changelog" package)
+ '("" ".gz"))))
+ (if file
+ (apt-utils-view-file file)
+ (message "No ChangeLog file found for %s." package))))
+;; Find Debian ChangeLog files
+(defun apt-utils-view-debian-changelog ()
+ "Find Debian ChangeLog for current package."
+ (interactive)
+ (cond
+ ((not (equal major-mode 'apt-utils-mode))
+ (message "Not in APT utils buffer"))
+ ((not (equal (cdar apt-utils-current-packages) 'normal))
+ (message "Not a normal package"))
+ (t
+ (let ((package (caar apt-utils-current-packages)))
+ (apt-utils-view-debian-changelog-file package)))))
+(defun apt-utils-view-debian-changelog-file (package)
+ "Find Debian ChangeLog file for PACKAGE."
+ (let ((file
+ (apt-utils-find-readable-file
+ (format "/usr/share/doc/%s/changelog.Debian" package)
+ '("" ".gz"))))
+ (if file
+ (apt-utils-view-file file)
+ (message "No Debian ChangeLog file found for %s." package))))
+;; Find README files
+(defun apt-utils-view-readme ()
+ "Find README for current package."
+ (interactive)
+ (cond
+ ((not (equal major-mode 'apt-utils-mode))
+ (message "Not in APT utils buffer"))
+ ((not (equal (cdar apt-utils-current-packages) 'normal))
+ (message "Not a normal package"))
+ (t
+ (let ((package (caar apt-utils-current-packages)))
+ (apt-utils-view-readme-file package)))))
+(defun apt-utils-view-readme-file (package)
+ "Find README file for PACKAGE."
+ (let ((file
+ (apt-utils-find-readable-file
+ (format "/usr/share/doc/%s/README" package)
+ '("" ".gz"))))
+ (if file
+ (apt-utils-view-file file)
+ (message "No README file found for %s." package))))
+;; Find Debian README files
+(defun apt-utils-view-debian-readme ()
+ "Find Debian README for current package."
+ (interactive)
+ (cond
+ ((not (equal major-mode 'apt-utils-mode))
+ (message "Not in APT utils buffer"))
+ ((not (equal (cdar apt-utils-current-packages) 'normal))
+ (message "Not a normal package"))
+ (t
+ (let ((package (caar apt-utils-current-packages)))
+ (apt-utils-view-debian-readme-file package)))))
+(defun apt-utils-view-debian-readme-file (package)
+ "Find Debian README file for PACKAGE."
+ (let ((file
+ (apt-utils-find-readable-file
+ (format "/usr/share/doc/%s/README" package)
+ '(".Debian" ".Debian.gz" ".debian" ".debian.gz"))))
+ (if file
+ (apt-utils-view-file file)
+ (message "No Debian README file found for %s." package))))
+(defun apt-utils-find-readable-file (root suffixes)
+ "Find a readable file composed of ROOT and one of SUFFIXES."
+ (catch 'found
+ (mapcar (lambda (suffix)
+ (when (file-readable-p (concat root suffix))
+ (throw 'found (concat root suffix))))
+ suffixes)
+ nil)) ; Return nil, if no file found
+(defun apt-utils-view-file (file)
+ "View ChangeLog or README information in FILE."
+ (cond ((string-match "\\.gz$" file)
+ (if (fboundp 'with-auto-compression-mode)
+ (with-auto-compression-mode
+ (view-file file))
+ (auto-compression-mode 1)
+ (view-file file)))
+ (t
+ (view-file file))))
+;; Follow hyperlinks
+(defun apt-utils-follow-link ()
+ "Follow hyperlink at point."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless (equal major-mode 'apt-utils-mode)
+ (error "Not in APT utils buffer"))
+ (let ((package
+ (cadr
+ (member 'apt-package (text-properties-at (point))))))
+ (apt-utils-follow-link-internal package)))
+(defun apt-utils-mouse-follow-link (event)
+ "Follow hyperlink at mouse click.
+Argument EVENT is a mouse event."
+ (interactive "e")
+ (let (package posn)
+ ;; Mouse may be in a different window, i.e. buffer
+ (setq posn
+ (cond
+ ((fboundp 'posn-point)
+ (posn-point (event-start event)))
+ ((fboundp 'event-point)
+ (event-point event))
+ (t
+ (error "Cannot determine event position"))))
+ (set-buffer (window-buffer
+ (cond
+ ((fboundp 'posn-window)
+ (posn-window (event-start event)))
+ ((fboundp 'event-window)
+ (event-window event))
+ (t
+ (error "Cannot determine event window")))))
+ (setq package
+ (cadr
+ (member 'apt-package (text-properties-at
+ posn))))
+ (apt-utils-follow-link-internal package)))
+(defun apt-utils-follow-link-internal (package)
+ "Follow hyperlink for PACKAGE."
+ (if package
+ (progn
+ (apt-utils-update-buffer-positions 'forward)
+ (apt-utils-show-package package)
+ (setq apt-utils-current-packages
+ (cons (cons package (apt-utils-package-type package))
+ apt-utils-current-packages)))
+ (message "No known package at point.")))
+;; Go to previous package in list
+(defun apt-utils-view-previous-package ()
+ "Go back to previous package displayed."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless (equal major-mode 'apt-utils-mode)
+ (error "Not in APT utils buffer"))
+ (if (cdr apt-utils-current-packages)
+ (progn
+ (let ((posn (apt-utils-update-buffer-positions 'backward)))
+ (apt-utils-show-package (cadr apt-utils-current-packages))
+ (goto-char posn))
+ (setq apt-utils-current-packages (cdr apt-utils-current-packages)))
+ (message "No previous packages.")))
+;; Adapted from widget-move
+(defun apt-utils-next-package (&optional arg)
+ "Move point to the ARG next package.
+ARG may be negative to move backward."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (unless (equal major-mode 'apt-utils-mode)
+ (error "Not in APT utils buffer"))
+ (cond
+ ;; No links
+ ((null apt-utils-current-links)
+ (message "No package links."))
+ ;; One link
+ ((= (length apt-utils-current-links) 1)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point)
+ 'apt-package)))
+ (t
+ (let ((pos (point))
+ (number arg)
+ (old (apt-utils-package-at))
+ new)
+ ;; Forward.
+ (while (> arg 0)
+ (cond ((eobp)
+ (goto-char (point-min)))
+ (t
+ (goto-char (or (next-single-property-change
+ (point) 'apt-package)
+ (point-max)))))
+ (let ((new (apt-utils-package-at)))
+ (when new
+ (unless (eq new old)
+ (setq arg (1- arg))
+ (setq old new)))))
+ ;; Backward.
+ (while (< arg 0)
+ (cond ((bobp)
+ (goto-char (point-max)))
+ (t
+ (goto-char (or (previous-single-property-change
+ (point) 'apt-package)
+ (point-min)))))
+ (let ((new (apt-utils-package-at)))
+ (when new
+ (unless (eq new old)
+ (setq arg (1+ arg))))))
+ ;; Go to beginning of field.
+ (let ((new (apt-utils-package-at)))
+ (while (eq (apt-utils-package-at) new)
+ (backward-char)))
+ (forward-char))))
+ ;; Echo some info
+ (when apt-utils-show-link-info
+ (apt-utils-package-at-message)))
+(defun apt-utils-previous-package (&optional arg)
+ "Move point to the ARG previous package.
+ARG may be negative to move forward."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (apt-utils-next-package (- arg)))
+;; Choose a package from the known links
+(defun apt-utils-choose-package-link ()
+ "Choose a Debian package from the list of known links."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless (equal major-mode 'apt-utils-mode)
+ (error "Not in APT utils buffer"))
+ (let ((package
+ (completing-read "Choose related Debian package: "
+ (mapcar (lambda (elt)
+ (cons elt elt))
+ apt-utils-current-links) nil t)))
+ (when (> (length package) 0)
+ (apt-utils-update-buffer-positions 'forward)
+ (apt-utils-show-package package)
+ (setq apt-utils-current-packages
+ (cons (cons package (apt-utils-package-type package))
+ apt-utils-current-packages)))))
+(defun apt-utils-package-list ()
+ "Return list of known Debian packages."
+ (unless apt-utils-package-lists-built
+ (apt-utils-build-package-lists))
+ apt-utils-package-list)
+(defun apt-utils-virtual-package-list ()
+ "Return list of known Debian packages."
+ (unless apt-utils-package-lists-built
+ (apt-utils-build-package-lists))
+ apt-utils-virtual-package-list)
+(defun apt-utils-build-package-lists (&optional force)
+ "Build list of Debian packages known to APT.
+With optional argument FORCE, rebuild list even if it is non-nil."
+ (when (or force (null apt-utils-package-list))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setq apt-utils-package-lists-built nil)
+ (message "Building Debian package lists...")
+ ;; All packages except virtual ones
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert "(setq apt-utils-package-list '(\n")
+ (call-process apt-utils-apt-cache-program nil t nil "pkgnames"
+ ;; Don't get virtual packages
+ "-o" "APT::Cache::AllNames=0")
+ (insert "))")
+ (eval-buffer))
+ ;; Virtual packages (difference between all, and all minus
+ ;; virtual unfortunately)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert "(setq apt-utils-virtual-package-list '(\n")
+ (call-process apt-utils-apt-cache-program nil t nil "pkgnames")
+ (insert "))")
+ (eval-buffer))
+ ;; Find the difference
+ (setq apt-utils-virtual-package-list
+ (set-difference apt-utils-virtual-package-list
+ apt-utils-package-list))
+ ;; Massage (for use with completing read)
+ (setq apt-utils-package-list
+ (mapcar (lambda (elt)
+ (cons (downcase (symbol-name elt)) nil))
+ apt-utils-package-list))
+ (setq apt-utils-virtual-package-list
+ (mapcar (lambda (elt)
+ (cons (downcase (symbol-name elt)) nil))
+ apt-utils-virtual-package-list))
+ ;; Hash table listing package types
+ (if (hash-table-p apt-utils-package-hashtable)
+ (clrhash apt-utils-package-hashtable))
+ (setq apt-utils-package-hashtable (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ (mapcar (lambda (elt)
+ (puthash (downcase (car elt)) 'normal apt-utils-package-hashtable))
+ apt-utils-package-list)
+ (mapcar (lambda (elt)
+ (puthash (downcase (car elt)) 'virtual apt-utils-package-hashtable))
+ apt-utils-virtual-package-list)
+ (message "Building Debian package lists...done")
+ (setq apt-utils-package-lists-built t))
+ (unless apt-utils-package-lists-built
+ (message "Building Debian package lists...interrupted")
+ (setq apt-utils-package-list nil
+ apt-utils-virtual-package-list nil)
+ (if (hash-table-p apt-utils-package-hashtable)
+ (clrhash apt-utils-package-hashtable))))))
+(defun apt-utils-choose-package ()
+ "Choose a Debian package from list."
+ (completing-read "Choose Debian package: "
+ (append (apt-utils-package-list)
+ (apt-utils-virtual-package-list))
+ nil t))
+;; Add hyperlinks
+(defun apt-utils-add-package-links ()
+ "Add hyperlinks to related Debian packages."
+ (let ((keywords '("Conflicts" "Depends" "Pre-Depends" "Package"
+ "Provides" "Recommends" "Replaces" "Suggests"))
+ keywords-maxlen regexp)
+ (when apt-utils-fill-packages
+ (setq keywords-maxlen
+ (car
+ (sort
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (elt)
+ ;; Search for header
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward (concat "^" elt ": ") nil t)
+ (length elt)
+ 0)
+ ) keywords) #'>))))
+ (setq apt-utils-current-links nil)
+ (while keywords
+ (setq regexp (concat "^" (car keywords) ": "))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward regexp (point-max) t)
+ ;; Padding
+ (when apt-utils-fill-packages
+ (insert
+ (make-string (- keywords-maxlen (length (car keywords))) ? )))
+ ;; Find packages
+ (let ((packages
+ ;; Packages split by commas, or alternatives by
+ ;; vertical bars
+ (split-string (buffer-substring
+ (point)
+ ;; (line-end-position))
+ (save-excursion
+ (end-of-line)
+ (point)))
+ " ?[,|] ?"))
+ (inhibit-read-only t)
+ face
+ length length-no-version
+ package)
+ (while packages
+ (setq package (car packages))
+ (setq length (length package))
+ ;; Remove version info (in parenthesis), and whitespace
+ (setq package
+ (cond
+ ((fboundp 'replace-regexp-in-string)
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "\\((.*)\\|\\s-+\\)" "" package))
+ ((fboundp 'replace-in-string)
+ (replace-in-string package "\\((.*)\\|\\s-+\\)" ""))
+ ((and (require 'dired)
+ (fboundp 'dired-replace-in-string))
+ (dired-replace-in-string "\\((.*)\\|\\s-+\\)" "" package))
+ (t
+ (error "No replace in string function"))))
+ (setq length-no-version (length package))
+ ;; Package type
+ (cond
+ ((equal (apt-utils-package-type package) 'normal)
+ (setq face 'apt-utils-normal-package-face))
+ ((equal (apt-utils-package-type package) 'virtual)
+ (setq face 'apt-utils-virtual-package-face)))
+ ;; Add text properties
+ (add-text-properties (point) (+ (point) length-no-version)
+ `(face ,face
+ mouse-face highlight
+ apt-package ,package))
+ ;; Fill package names
+ (and apt-utils-fill-packages
+ (> (current-column) (+ 2 keywords-maxlen))
+ (> (+ (current-column) length) fill-column)
+ (insert "\n" (make-string (+ 2 keywords-maxlen) ? )))
+ ;; Store list of unique package links
+ (unless (member package apt-utils-current-links)
+ (setq apt-utils-current-links
+ (cons package apt-utils-current-links)))
+ (forward-char length)
+ (skip-chars-forward ", |")
+ (setq packages (cdr packages)))))
+ (setq keywords (cdr keywords)))))
+(defun apt-utils-add-showpkg-links ()
+ "Add hyperlinks to related Debian packages."
+ (let ((keywords '("Reverse Depends" "Reverse Provides"))
+ (inhibit-read-only t)
+ start end regexp face link)
+ (setq apt-utils-current-links nil)
+ (while keywords
+ (setq regexp (concat "^" (car keywords) ": "))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (re-search-forward regexp (point-max) t)
+ ;; Limits of search
+ (setq start (1+ (point)))
+ (setq end (or (re-search-forward "[a-z]:" (point-max) t)
+ (point-max)))
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region start end)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (when (or (looking-at "^\\s-+\\(.*\\),")
+ (looking-at "^\\(.*\\) "))
+ (setq link (match-string 1))
+ ;; Store list of unique package links
+ (setq apt-utils-current-links
+ (cons link apt-utils-current-links))
+ (cond
+ ((equal (apt-utils-package-type link) 'normal)
+ (setq face 'apt-utils-normal-package-face))
+ ((equal (apt-utils-package-type link) 'virtual)
+ (setq face 'apt-utils-virtual-package-face)))
+ (add-text-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)
+ `(face ,face
+ mouse-face highlight
+ apt-package ,link)))
+ (forward-line))))
+ (setq keywords (cdr keywords)))))
+(defun apt-utils-add-search-links ()
+ "Add hyperlinks to related Debian packages."
+ (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
+ start end face link)
+ (setq apt-utils-current-links nil)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (forward-line 2) ; Move past header
+ (while (re-search-forward "^\\([^ ]+\\) - " (point-max) t)
+ (setq link (match-string 1))
+ ;; Store list of unique package links
+ (when
+ (not (member link apt-utils-current-links))
+ (setq apt-utils-current-links
+ (cons link apt-utils-current-links)))
+ (cond
+ ((equal (apt-utils-package-type link) 'normal)
+ (setq face 'apt-utils-normal-package-face))
+ ((equal (apt-utils-package-type link) 'virtual)
+ (setq face 'apt-utils-virtual-package-face)))
+ (add-text-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)
+ `(face ,face
+ mouse-face highlight
+ apt-package ,link)))))
+(defun apt-utils-package-type (package)
+ "Return what type of package PACKAGE is."
+ (unless apt-utils-package-lists-built
+ (apt-utils-build-package-lists))
+ (or (gethash package apt-utils-package-hashtable)
+ (error "Unknown type for package \"%s\"" package)))
+(defun apt-utils-package-at ()
+ "Get package at point."
+ (get-text-property (point) 'apt-package))
+(defun apt-utils-package-at-message ()
+ "Emit message describing package at point."
+ (let ((package (apt-utils-package-at)))
+ (if package
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (call-process apt-utils-apt-cache-program nil t nil "show" package)
+ (if (re-search-backward "^Description: \\(.*\\)$" (point-min) t)
+ (message "%s: %s" package (match-string 1))
+ (message "%s: virtual package (no description)."
+ package))))))
+(defun apt-utils-quit ()
+ "Quit the *APT package info* buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless (equal major-mode 'apt-utils-mode)
+ (error "Not in APT utils buffer"))
+ (if (fboundp 'quit-window)
+ (quit-window)
+ (bury-buffer)))
+;; Track positions
+(defun apt-utils-update-buffer-positions (type)
+ "Update `apt-utils-buffer-positions'.
+TYPE can be forward, backward, or toggle."
+ (let (posn)
+ (cond
+ ((eq type 'forward)
+ ;; Make the key unique; we could visit the same package more
+ ;; than once
+ (puthash (format "%s/%s/%d"
+ (caar apt-utils-current-packages)
+ (cdar apt-utils-current-packages)
+ (length apt-utils-current-packages))
+ (point)
+ apt-utils-buffer-positions))
+ ((eq type 'backward)
+ ;; Remove old values
+ (remhash (format "%s/normal/%d"
+ (caar apt-utils-current-packages)
+ (length apt-utils-current-packages))
+ apt-utils-buffer-positions)
+ (remhash (format "%s/normal-showpkg/%d"
+ (caar apt-utils-current-packages)
+ (length apt-utils-current-packages))
+ apt-utils-buffer-positions)
+ (remhash (format "%s/virtual/%d"
+ (caar apt-utils-current-packages)
+ (length apt-utils-current-packages))
+ apt-utils-buffer-positions)
+ ;; Get position for previous package
+ (setq posn
+ (gethash (format "%s/%s/%d"
+ (caadr apt-utils-current-packages)
+ (cdadr apt-utils-current-packages)
+ (1- (length apt-utils-current-packages)))
+ apt-utils-buffer-positions)))
+ ((eq type 'toggle)
+ ;; new/old package types
+ (let ((package (caar apt-utils-current-packages))
+ (type (cdar apt-utils-current-packages))
+ new old)
+ (if (equal type 'normal)
+ (setq old 'normal
+ new 'normal-showpkg)
+ (setq old 'normal-showpkg
+ new 'normal))
+ ;; Set position for old entry
+ (puthash (format "%s/%s/%d"
+ package
+ old
+ (length apt-utils-current-packages))
+ (point)
+ apt-utils-buffer-positions)
+ ;; Get position for new entry
+ (setq posn
+ (gethash (format "%s/%s/%d"
+ package
+ new
+ (length apt-utils-current-packages))
+ apt-utils-buffer-positions
+ 1)) ; default value
+ )))
+ posn))
+;; Mode settings
+(defvar apt-utils-mode-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map (kbd "1") 'delete-other-windows)
+ (define-key map (kbd "?") 'describe-mode)
+ (define-key map (kbd "<") 'apt-utils-view-previous-package)
+ (define-key map (kbd ">") 'apt-utils-choose-package-link)
+ (define-key map (kbd "c") 'apt-utils-view-changelog)
+ (define-key map (kbd "C") 'apt-utils-view-debian-changelog)
+ (define-key map (kbd "q") 'apt-utils-quit)
+ (define-key map (kbd "l") 'apt-utils-list-package-files)
+ (define-key map (kbd "r") 'apt-utils-view-readme)
+ (define-key map (kbd "R") 'apt-utils-view-debian-readme)
+ (define-key map (kbd "s") 'apt-utils-show-package)
+ (define-key map (kbd "S") 'apt-utils-search)
+ (define-key map (kbd "t") 'apt-utils-toggle-package-info)
+ (define-key map (kbd "SPC") 'scroll-up)
+ (define-key map (kbd "DEL") 'scroll-down)
+ (define-key map (kbd "RET") 'apt-utils-follow-link)
+ (define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'apt-utils-next-package)
+ (define-key map (kbd "M-TAB") 'apt-utils-previous-package)
+ (if apt-utils-xemacs-p
+ (define-key map '(button2) 'apt-utils-mouse-follow-link)
+ (define-key map (kbd "<mouse-2>") 'apt-utils-mouse-follow-link))
+ map)
+ "Keymap for apt-utils mode.")
+;; Menus
+(defvar apt-utils-menu nil
+ "Menu to use for `apt-utils-mode'.")
+(when (fboundp 'easy-menu-define)
+ (easy-menu-define apt-utils-menu apt-utils-mode-map "Apt Utils Menu"
+ '("Apt Utils"
+ "---"
+ ["Show Package" apt-utils-show-package t]
+ ["View Previous Package" apt-utils-view-previous-package t]
+ ["Choose Package Link" apt-utils-choose-package-link t]
+ ["Next Package" apt-utils-next-package t]
+ ["Previous Package" apt-utils-previous-package t]
+ ["Follow Link" apt-utils-follow-link t]
+ ["Search" apt-utils-search t]
+ "---"
+ ["View ChangeLog" apt-utils-view-changelog t]
+ ["View Debian ChangeLog" apt-utils-view-debian-changelog t]
+ ["View README" apt-utils-view-readme t]
+ ["View Debian README" apt-utils-view-debian-readme t]
+ "---"
+ ["List Package Files" apt-utils-list-package-files t]
+ ["Toggle Package Info" apt-utils-toggle-package-info t]
+ "---"
+ ["Quit" apt-utils-quit t])))
+(defun apt-utils-mode ()
+ "Major mode for controlling the *APT package info* buffer.
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map apt-utils-mode-map)
+ (setq major-mode 'apt-utils-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "APT utils")
+ (when (and (fboundp 'easy-menu-add)
+ apt-utils-menu)
+ (easy-menu-add apt-utils-menu))
+ (run-hooks 'apt-utils-mode-hook))
+(provide 'apt-utils)
+;;; apt-utils.el ends here