path: root/debian-bug.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian-bug.el')
1 files changed, 1455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian-bug.el b/debian-bug.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5430f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian-bug.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1455 @@
+;;; debian-bug.el --- report a bug to Debian's bug tracking system
+;; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; Author (Up to version 1.7): Francesco Potort́ <>
+;; Maintainer from version 1.8 onwards: Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; Keywords: debian, bug, reporter
+;; debian-bug.el is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; debian-bug.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Useful commands provided by this mode:
+;; debian-bug - submit a bug report concerning a Debian package
+;; debian-bug-web-bug - view a bug report on a web browser (via browse-url)
+;; debian-bug-wnpp - submit a Work Needed on Prospective Package bug report
+;; debian-bug-request-for-package
+;; - shortcut for a WNPP bug type.
+;; debian-bug-ITP - shortcut for a WNPP bug type
+;; debian-bug depends on either the bug package or the reportbug (>1.21)
+;; package for best results.
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Change log:
+;; V1.5 23sep99 Francesco Potort́ <>
+;; - V1.1 -> 1.5 versions had no changelogs; starting one now.
+;; V1.5 and V1.7 by Francesco Potort́ <> were unreleased.
+;; V1.8 04aug01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - WNPP interface code added. I'm unsure whether the functions useful
+;; only to Debian developpers should be in here. Perhaps split into a
+;; second .el file bundled in dpkg-dev-el?
+;; V1.9 10aug01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - gratuitous changes (sorry Francesco) while going through the code base:
+;; document defvars, s/debian-bug-program/debian-bug-helper-program/,
+;; s/debian-bug-init-program/debian-bug-helper-program-init/,
+;; - updated list of pseudo-packages
+;; V1.10 11aug01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; Apply most of patch (made against v1.4!) from
+;; Kim-Minh Kaplan <>, Dated 03 Oct 1999.
+;; (mostly, it inserts the package version numbers in the completion obarray
+;; eliminating the need to parse the status file later).
+;; V1.11 11aug01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - Don't use external bug command when package name does not exist locally
+;; (fixes an old bug).
+;; - Add font-lock support (e.g. release-critical severities in red)
+;; V1.12 13aug01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - generalize debian-bug-wnpp-email to debian-bug-use-From-address
+;; - debian-bug-ITP and debian-bug-request-for-package shortcuts.
+;; - Add menubar via minor-mode
+;; -> set address to send to (submit, quiet, maintonly)
+;; -> set/unset custom From header line.
+;; -> set/unset X-Debbugs-CC header line.
+;; -> change bug severity
+;; -> add/change Tags
+;; -> browse-url web interface to BTS
+;; -> various help texts
+;; -> customize
+;; V1.13 14aug01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - Confirm when package is not in status file.
+;; - Fix for reportbug >= 1.22
+;; V1.14 15aug01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - merge in wget BTS code from debian-changelog.el
+;; - clarify help texts about maintonly and
+;; - defaliases for -ITP and -RFP (closes: #108808)
+;; - Add menu option for X-Debbugs-CC to myself.
+;; - small format fixes.
+;; V1.15 15aug01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - Change all address related menu comands to toggling radio switches.
+;; V1.16 21sep01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - Temporary fix for XEmacs' lack of font-lock-add-keywords.
+;; - Add template as done by reportbug for ITP and RFP wnpp bugs.
+;; (closes: #111615)
+;; V1.17 20oct01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - load poe for match-string-no-properties if using XEmacs.
+;; - Use only one arg with format-time-string for XEmacs compatibility.
+;; - After generating the bug list menu in XEmacs, remove both menus and add
+;; them again. Otherwise the menu is not refreshed. (Closes: #111332)
+;; V1.18 11nov01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - customize debian-bug-helper-program so bug isn't necessarily used first.
+;; V1.19 11nov01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - debian-bug: change from "Package; title" from reporter-submit-bug-report
+;; into "Package: title" (closes: #117976).
+;; - debian-bug-From-address-init: recognize all env vars used by reportbug
+;; and bug to set the From line.
+;; - debian-bug-use-From-address: default to t if any of the above env vars
+;; are set. I could also try to detect is debian-bug-From-address is
+;; customized, but that's for another day. (closes #117855).
+;; - debian-bug-prefill-report: don't add superfluous line at the beginning
+;; of the bug report body (closes #117842).
+;; V1.20 11dec01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - debian-bug: display message that we are fetching system info (which can
+;; take a while). (Closes: #122033)
+;; - debian-bug: fix function doc string (Closes: #121932 if Roland fixes
+;; the corresponding autoload).
+;; V1.21 11dec01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - debian-bug, debian-bug-wnpp: Use simpler 'reporter-compose-outgoing'
+;; instead of 'reporter-submit-bug-report'
+;; - debian-bug, debian-bug-wnpp: reset buffer to "*mail*" if mail-user-agent
+;; is gnus-user-agent (Closes: #121532).
+;; V1.22 11dec01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - menu: Implement most of Bill Wohler's excellent suggestions to improve
+;; the main menu (Closes: #123476)
+;; V1.23 12dec01 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - use new option --template with reportbug for garanteed non-interactive
+;; use of reportbug. The package must depend on reportbug >= 1.41.1
+;; (Closes: #122032)
+;; V1.24 24Jan02 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; debian-bug-web-bugs: return all bugs for the source package.
+;; V1.25 07Feb02 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; debian-bug-build-bug-menu: return all bugs for the source package.
+;; V1.26 08Feb02 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; debian-bug-help-tags-text and debian-bug-help-severity-text: updated
+;; debian-bug-tags-alist: Added "upstream" to list
+;; V1.27 11Jul02 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; reset buffer to "*mail*" only when in buffer " *nttpd*" (Closes: #151717)
+;; V1.28 30Jul02 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; added debian-bug-filename (Closes: 117036)
+;; V1.29 02Augl02 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; Add a few functions from debian-changelog, since we are taking over
+;; its duplicate commands.
+;; New: debian-bug-web-this-bug
+;; New: debian-bug-web-this-bug-under-mouse
+;; V1.30 15Aug02 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; Kalle Olavi Niemitalo <> suggested the use of "toggle" buttons
+;; instead of "radio" buttons, where appropriate (Closes: #156297).
+;; V1.31 15Aug02 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; Remove erroneous [] brackets around WNPP tags (Closes: #156391).
+;; V1.32 13Sep02 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; - Deal with reportbug 1.99.54 (or so) that adds MIME stuff to mail headers.
+;; Patch from Brian Warner <> (Closes: #160750)
+;; - debian-bug-prefill-report: Don't pass desired severity to reportbug
+;; because it is interactive when high settings are passed. Set after
+;; reportbug template is entered instead. (Closes: #159625)
+;; V1.33 27Sep02 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; Split long bug menus, first into categories, then into number ranges.
+;; (Closes: #161155)
+;; V1.34 20Nov02 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; debian-bug-build-bug-menu: removed one character from the regexp for
+;; the bug menu. I don't know if the web format changed, but
+;; debian-bug-alist was short by the last number in its bug numbers.
+;; V1.35 19Mar03 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; debian-bug-build-bug-menu: Adapted to change in BTS web page format.
+;; Bugs were no longer found by the old regexp.
+;; V1.36 19Mar03 Peter S Galbraith <>
+;; debian-bug: Call proper debian-bug--set-custom-From, which will delete
+;; an existing From line before inserting a new one. Closes: #184954.
+;; debian-bug-prefill-report: Don't flake out on search if "\n\n" not
+;; found. This might help with bug #165290, but I should really check
+;; that reportbug doesn't fail.
+;; debian-bug: Check if empty Subject field has trailing space. Should
+;; fix bug #173040 and part of #177259.
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Todo (Peter's list):
+;; - Add extra prompt for release-critical severities (e.g. "This indicates
+;; the package is not suitable for release. Proceed?")
+;; - Possibly add a pre-send-mail hook to check that all entries are
+;; validated.
+;; - Help texts need a top-level general one (say where to look them up,
+;; and how to search by package, bug submitter, maintainer, etc)
+;; - debian-bug-control command/minor-mode to send messages to control@bugs,
+;; with a menubar of it's own with all possible commands.
+;; - debian-bug-wnpp accepts empty package name!
+;; - debian-bug-wnpp doesn't get a Bugs menu or web lookup.
+;; -> should lookup specified package to [O] and [ITO] ?
+;; -> or list all bugs for wnpp?
+;; - add debian-bug-pseudo-package (with completion on those only, possibly
+;; with description)
+;;; Todo (Francesco's list):
+;; - -f does not work (at least with bug)
+;; [Done by psg] - apply contributed patch
+;; [Done by psg] - error conditions: nonexistent package
+;; - add doc strings and commentary
+;; [Done by psg] - Help on menu of pseudo packages and severity levels (how???)
+;; [Yes, psg] - we assume sed, uname, date are there; is that ok?
+;;; User customizable variables:
+(defgroup debian-bug nil "Debian Bug report helper"
+ :group 'tools
+ :prefix "debian-bug-")
+(defcustom debian-bug-helper-program nil
+ "Helper program to use to generate bug report background info.
+Possible values are 'bug, 'reportbug or nil (for neither).
+If not customized, it will get set to at runtime to 'bug if the command
+exists, or else to 'reportbug if that command exists, or else simply parse
+the status file."
+ :group 'debian-bug
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "reportbug" reportbug)
+ (const :tag "bug" bug)
+ (const :tag "set at runtime" nil)))
+(defcustom debian-bug-use-From-address
+ (or (getenv "DEBEMAIL") ; reportbug
+ (getenv "REPORTBUGEMAIL") ; reportbug
+ (getenv "EMAIL")) ; reportbug and bug
+ "Insert a custom From line in the bug report header.
+Use it to specify what email your bugs will be archived under."
+ :group 'debian-bug
+ :type 'boolean)
+(if (not (fboundp 'match-string-no-properties))
+ (load "poe" t t)) ;XEmacs21.1 doesn't autoload this
+;;; Guess From address initial value (if not set via customize)
+(defun debian-bug-From-address-init ()
+ "Return email to use for the From: line of the BTS email
+The full name is from the environment variable DEBFULLNAME or else the
+user-full-name variable.
+The email address is from the environment variable DEBEMAIL or EMAIL,
+or else the user-mail-address variable."
+ (let ((fullname (or (getenv "DEBFULLNAME")
+ (getenv "DEBNAME") ; reportbug
+ (getenv "NAME") ; reportbug
+ (user-full-name)))
+ (mailing-address
+ (or (getenv "DEBEMAIL") ; reportbug
+ (getenv "REPORTBUGEMAIL") ; reportbug
+ (getenv "EMAIL") ; reportbug and bug
+ (and (boundp 'user-mail-address) user-mail-address)
+ (and (fboundp 'user-mail-address) (user-mail-address)))))
+ (cond
+ ((and fullname mailing-address)
+ (format "%s <%s>" fullname mailing-address))
+ (mailing-address
+ mailing-address)
+ (t
+ nil))))
+(defcustom debian-bug-From-address (debian-bug-From-address-init)
+ "Email address to use for the From: and CC: lines of Debian bug reports.
+The default value is obtained from the function debian-bug-From-address-init."
+ :group 'debian-bug
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom debian-bug-always-CC-myself t
+ "Insert a CC line to myself in the bug report header.
+Will only actually do it if the variable debian-bug-From-address is set."
+ :group 'debian-bug
+ :type 'boolean)
+;;; Internal variables:
+(defvar debian-bug-mail-address
+ "Debian Bug Tracking System <>"
+ "Email address that bugs are sent to.")
+(defvar debian-bug-mail-quiet-address
+ "Debian Bug Tracking System <>"
+ "Address to use to send to the BTS but not forward to the maintainer.")
+(defvar debian-bug-mail-maintonly-address
+ "Debian Bug Tracking System <>"
+ "Address to use to send to the maintainer but not forward to the BTS.")
+(defvar debian-bug-status-file "/var/lib/dpkg/status"
+ "Debian installed package status file.
+Used to get list of packages for prompt completion, and for report generation
+when the shell commands \"bug\" and \"reportbug\" are not available")
+(defvar debian-bug-severity-alist
+ '(("critical") ("grave") ("serious") ("important")
+ ("normal") ("minor") ("wishlist"))
+ "Alist of possible bug severities used for prompt completion.")
+(defvar debian-bug-tags-alist
+ '(("patch") ("security") ("upstream"))
+;;'(("patch") ("security") ("upstream") ("potato") ("woody") ("sid"))
+ "alist of valid Tags.")
+(defvar debian-bug-pseudo-packages
+ '("base" "boot-floppy" "" "" "cdrom"
+ "" "general" "install" "installation" "kernel" "listarchives"
+ "" "mirrors" "" "potato-cd" "press"
+ "project" "" "" "tech-ctte" "wnpp"
+ "")
+ "List of Debian pseudo packages added (to packages-obarray) for completion
+(defvar debian-bug-help-pseudo-packages-text
+ "List of Debian pseudo packages
+Aug 10th 2001, checked Feb 8th 2002.
+ base -- Base system (baseX_Y.tgz) general bugs
+ boot-floppy -- Installation system
+ -- The bug tracking system,
+ -- CD Image issues
+ cdrom -- Installation system
+ -- Problems with the FTP site or Debian archive
+ (e.g. to have a package removed from testing or unstable)
+ general -- General problems (e.g. \"many manpages are mode 755\")
+ install -- Installation system
+ installation -- Installation system
+ kernel -- Problems with the Linux kernel, or that shipped with Debian
+ listarchives -- Problems with the WWW mailiing list archives
+ -- The mailing lists, debian-*
+ mirrors -- Problems with the official mirrors
+ -- Problems with the non-US FTP site
+ potato-cd -- Potato CD
+ press -- Press release issues
+ project -- Problems related to project administration
+ -- The Quality Assurance group
+ -- The Debian Security Team
+ tech-ctte -- The Debian Technical Committee (see the Constitution)
+ wnpp -- Work-Needing and Prospective Packages list
+ -- Problems with the WWW site")
+(defvar debian-bug-packages-obarray nil
+ "List of Debian packages from status file used for completion.")
+(defvar debian-bug-packages-date nil
+ "Last modification time of status file used for internal package list.
+Used to determine if internal list is uptodate.")
+(defvar debian-bug-package-name nil
+ "Buffer-local variable holding the package name for this submission")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'debian-bug-package-name)
+(defalias 'report-debian-bug 'debian-bug)
+;;; Help texts:
+(defvar debian-bug-help-severity-text
+ "Info from
+Feb 8th 2002
+ Severity levels
+ The bug system records a severity level with each bug report. This is set to
+ normal by default, but can be overridden either by supplying a Severity line
+ in the pseudo-header when the bug is submitted (see the instructions for
+ reporting bugs), or by using the severity command with the control request
+ server.
+ The severity levels are:
+ critical
+ makes unrelated software on the system (or the whole system) break, or
+ causes serious data loss, or introduces a security hole on systems
+ where you install the package.
+ grave
+ makes the package in question unuseable or mostly so, or causes data
+ loss, or introduces a security hole allowing access to the accounts of
+ users who use the package.
+ serious
+ is a severe violation of Debian policy (that is, it violates a \"must\"
+ or \"required\" directive), or, in the package maintainer's opinion,
+ makes the package unsuitable for release.
+ important
+ a bug which has a major effect on the usability of a package, without
+ rendering it completely unusable to everyone.
+ normal
+ the default value, applicable to most bugs.
+ minor
+ a problem which doesn't affect the package's usefulness, and is
+ presumably trivial to fix.
+ wishlist
+ for any feature request, and also for any bugs that are very difficult
+ to fix due to major design considerations.
+ fixed
+ for bugs that are fixed but should not yet be closed. This is an
+ exception for bugs fixed by non-maintainer uploads. Note: the \"fixed\"
+ tag should be used instead.
+Certain severities are considered release-critical, meaning the bug will
+have an impact on releasing the package with the stable release of
+Debian. Currently, these are critical, grave and serious.")
+(defvar debian-bug-help-tags-text
+ "Info from
+Feb 8th 2002
+ Tags for bug reports
+ Each bug can have zero or more of a set of given tags. These tags are
+ displayed in the list of bugs when you look at a package's page, and when
+ you look at the full bug log.
+ Tags can be set by supplying a Tags line in the pseudo-header when the bug
+ is submitted (see the instructions for reporting bugs), or by using the tags
+ command with the control request server.
+ The current bug tags are:
+ patch
+ A patch or some other easy procedure for fixing the bug is included in
+ the bug logs. If there's a patch, but it doesn't resolve the bug
+ adequately or causes some other problems, this tag should not be used.
+ wontfix
+ This bug won't be fixed. Possibly because this is a choice between two
+ arbitrary ways of doing things and the maintainer and submitter prefer
+ different ways of doing things, possibly because changing the behaviour
+ will cause other, worse, problems for others, or possibly for other
+ reasons.
+ moreinfo
+ This bug can't be addressed until more information is provided by the
+ submitter. The bug will be closed if the submitter doesn't provide more
+ information in a reasonable (few months) timeframe. This is for bugs
+ like \"It doesn't work\". What doesn't work?
+ unreproducible
+ This bug can't be reproduced on the maintainer's system. Assistance
+ from third parties is needed in diagnosing the cause of the problem.
+ help
+ The maintainer is requesting help with dealing with this bug.
+ pending
+ The problem described in the bug is being actively worked on, i.e.
+ a solution is pending.
+ fixed
+ This bug is fixed or worked around (by a non-maintainer upload, for
+ example), but there's still an issue that needs to be resolved. This
+ tag replaces the old \"fixed\" severity.
+ security
+ This bug describes a security problem in a package (e.g., bad
+ permissions allowing access to data that shouldn't be accessible;
+ buffer overruns allowing people to control a system in ways they
+ shouldn't be able to; denial of service attacks that should be fixed,
+ etc). Most security bugs should also be set at critical or grave
+ severity.
+ upstream
+ This bug applies to the upstream part of the package.
+ potato
+ This bug particularly applies to the potato release of Debian.
+ woody
+ This bug particularly applies to the (unreleased) woody distribution.
+ sid
+ This bug particularly applies to an architecture that is currently
+ unreleased (that is, in the sid distribution).
+ The latter three tags are intended to be used mainly for release critical
+ bugs, for which it's important to know which distributions are affected to
+ make sure fixes (or removals) happen in the right place.")
+(defvar debian-bug-help-email-text
+ "Info from
+Aug 10th 2001
+ If a bug report is minor, for example, a documentation typo or a
+ trivial build problem, please adjust the severity appropriately and
+ send it to maintonly@bugs instead of submit@bugs. maintonly will
+ forward the report to the package maintainer only, it won't forward it
+ to the BTS mailing lists.
+ If wish to report a bug to the bug tracking system that's already been
+ sent to the maintainer, you can use quiet@bugs. Bugs sent to
+ quiet@bugs will not be forwarded anywhere, only filed.
+ Bugs sent to maintonly@bugs or to quiet@bugs are *still* posted to
+ the Debian Bug Trcaking System web site (--psg).")
+;;; Functions:
+(defun debian-bug-intern (pair)
+ (set (intern (car pair) debian-bug-packages-obarray) (cdr pair)))
+(defun debian-bug-fill-packages-obarray ()
+ "Build `debian-bug-packages-obarray' and return it.
+The obarray associates each package with the installed version of the package."
+ (if (not (and (vectorp debian-bug-packages-obarray)
+ (equal debian-bug-packages-date
+ (nth 5 (file-attributes debian-bug-status-file)))))
+ (let ((case-fold-search t)
+ (packages (length debian-bug-pseudo-packages))
+ (real-pkgs '())
+ this-pkg this-ver)
+ (message "Building list of installed packages...")
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents-literally debian-bug-status-file)
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (cond ((looking-at "$")
+ (if (and this-pkg this-ver)
+ (setq real-pkgs (cons (cons this-pkg this-ver) real-pkgs)
+ packages (1+ packages)))
+ (setq this-pkg nil
+ this-ver nil))
+ ((looking-at "Package *: *\\([^ ]*\\)$")
+ (setq this-pkg (match-string 1)))
+ ((looking-at "Version *: *\\([^ ]*\\)$")
+ (setq this-ver (match-string 1))))
+ (forward-line)))
+ (setq debian-bug-packages-obarray
+ (make-vector (1- (ash 4 (logb packages))) 0)
+ debian-bug-packages-date
+ (nth 5 (file-attributes debian-bug-status-file)))
+ (mapcar 'debian-bug-intern (mapcar 'list debian-bug-pseudo-packages))
+ (mapcar 'debian-bug-intern real-pkgs)
+ (message "Building list of installed packages... Done.")))
+ debian-bug-packages-obarray)
+(defun debian-bug-helper-program-init ()
+ (or debian-bug-helper-program
+ (setq debian-bug-helper-program
+ (cond
+ ((zerop (call-process "which" nil nil nil "bug"))
+ 'bug)
+ ((zerop (call-process "which" nil nil nil "reportbug"))
+ 'reportbug)
+ (t
+ 'none)))))
+(defun debian-bug-prefill-report (package severity)
+ (debian-bug-helper-program-init)
+ (cond
+ ;; bug
+ ((and (eq debian-bug-helper-program 'bug)
+ (intern-soft package debian-bug-packages-obarray))
+ (save-excursion
+ (call-process "bug" nil '(t t) nil "-p" "-s" "" "-S" severity package))
+ (forward-line 4))
+ ;; reportbug
+ ((eq debian-bug-helper-program 'reportbug)
+ (save-excursion
+ (call-process "reportbug" nil '(t t) nil
+ "--template" "-T" "none" "-s" "none" "-S" "normal" "-b"
+ "-q" package)
+ (debian-bug--set-severity severity))
+ ;; delete the mail headers, leaving only the BTS pseudo-headers
+ (delete-region (point) (search-forward "\n\n" nil t))
+ ;; and skip forward to them
+ (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
+ )
+ ;; neither reportbug nor bug
+ (t
+ (insert
+ "\nPackage: " package
+ "\nVersion: " (let ((sym (intern-soft package debian-bug-packages-obarray)))
+ (or (if (boundp sym) (symbol-value sym))
+ (format-time-string "+N/A; reported %Y-%m-%d")))
+ "\nSeverity: " severity
+ "\n\n\n\n-- System Information"
+ "\nDebian Release: ")
+ (if (file-readable-p "/etc/debian_version")
+ (forward-char (cadr
+ (insert-file-contents-literally "/etc/debian_version")))
+ (insert "unknwown\n"))
+ (insert "Kernel Version: ")
+ (call-process "uname" nil '(t t) nil "-a")
+ (forward-line -5))))
+(defun debian-bug (&optional package)
+ "Submit a Debian bug report."
+ (interactive (list (completing-read
+ "Package name: "
+ (debian-bug-fill-packages-obarray)
+ nil nil nil nil (current-word))))
+ (if (string= package "wnpp")
+ (debian-bug-wnpp)
+ (if (and (not (intern-soft package debian-bug-packages-obarray))
+ (not (y-or-n-p
+ "Package does not appear to be installed. Continue? ")))
+ (error "Quitting."))
+ (let ((severity (completing-read "Severity (default normal): "
+ debian-bug-severity-alist
+ nil t nil nil "normal"))
+ (subject (read-string "(Very) brief summary of problem: ")))
+ (require 'reporter)
+ (reporter-compose-outgoing)
+ (if (and (equal mail-user-agent 'gnus-user-agent)
+ (string-equal " *nntpd*" (buffer-name)))
+ (set-buffer "*mail*")) ; Bug in emacs21.1? Moves to " *nntpd*"
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (cond
+ ((re-search-forward "To: " nil t)
+ (insert debian-bug-mail-address))
+ ((re-search-forward "To:" nil t)
+ (insert " " debian-bug-mail-address))
+ (t
+ (insert "To: " debian-bug-mail-address)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (cond
+ ((re-search-forward "Subject: " nil t)
+ (insert package ": " subject))
+ ((re-search-forward "Subject:" nil t)
+ (insert " " package ": " subject))
+ (t
+ (insert "Subject: " package ": " subject)))
+ (require 'sendmail)
+ (goto-char (mail-header-end))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (message "Getting package information from system...")
+ (debian-bug-prefill-report package severity)
+ (message "Getting package information from system...done")
+ (if debian-bug-use-From-address
+ (debian-bug--set-custom-From))
+ (if debian-bug-always-CC-myself
+ (debian-bug--set-X-Debbugs-CC debian-bug-From-address))
+ (set-window-start (selected-window) (point-min) t)
+ (setq debian-bug-package-name package)
+ (debian-bug-minor-mode 1)
+ (set-buffer-modified-p nil))))
+;;; ---------
+;;; WNPP interface by Peter S Galbraith <>, August 4th 2001
+(defvar debian-bug-wnpp-alist
+ '(("Intent to Package [ITP]" . "ITP")
+ ("Orphaned [O]". "O")
+ ("Request for Adoption [RFA]" . "RFA")
+ ("Request For Package [RFP]" . "RFP"))
+ "alist of WNPP possible bug reports")
+(defvar debian-bug-wnpp-severities
+ '(("ITP" . "wishlist")
+ ("O". "normal")
+ ("RFA" . "normal")
+ ("RFP" . "wishlist"))
+ "Bug severeties for each WNPP bug type.")
+(defun debian-bug-wnpp (&optional action)
+ "Submit a WNPP bug report to Debian."
+ (interactive
+ (list (completing-read
+ "Action: (Press TAB) " debian-bug-wnpp-alist nil t nil)))
+ (if (or (not action) (string= action ""))
+ (setq action (completing-read
+ "Action: (Press TAB) " debian-bug-wnpp-alist nil t nil)))
+ (if (or (not action) (string= action ""))
+ (error "Nothing to do"))
+ (require 'reporter)
+ (debian-bug-fill-packages-obarray)
+ (let* ((tag (cdr (assoc action debian-bug-wnpp-alist)))
+ (severity (cdr (assoc tag debian-bug-wnpp-severities)))
+ (package
+ (completing-read
+ (cond ((string-equal action "Intent to Package [ITP]")
+ "Proposed package name: ")
+ ((string-equal action "Request For Package [RFP]")
+ "Requested package name: ")
+ (t
+ "package name: "))
+ debian-bug-packages-obarray nil nil nil))
+ ;;FIXME: Should fetch description from system for "[O]" and "[ITO]"
+ (description (read-string "Very short package description: "))
+ (CC-devel (y-or-n-p "CC bug report to debian-devel? ")))
+ (require 'reporter)
+ (reporter-compose-outgoing)
+ (if (and (equal mail-user-agent 'gnus-user-agent)
+ (string-equal " *nntpd*" (buffer-name)))
+ (set-buffer "*mail*")) ; Bug in emacs21.1? Moves to " *nntpd*"
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward "To:" nil t)
+ (insert " " debian-bug-mail-address)
+ (insert "To: " debian-bug-mail-address))
+ (require 'sendmail)
+ (goto-char (mail-header-end))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if debian-bug-use-From-address
+ (debian-bug--set-custom-From))
+ (if debian-bug-always-CC-myself
+ (debian-bug--set-X-Debbugs-CC debian-bug-From-address))
+ (if (re-search-forward "Subject: " nil t)
+ (insert (format "%s: %s -- %s" tag package description))
+ (re-search-forward "Subject:" nil t)
+ (insert (format " %s: %s -- %s" tag package description)))
+ (if CC-devel
+ (debian-bug--set-X-Debbugs-CC "")))
+ (insert "Package: wnpp\n"
+ (format "Severity: %s\n\n" severity))
+ (when (or (string-equal tag "ITP")
+ (string-equal tag "RFP"))
+ (insert
+;;; "< Enter some information about the package, upstream URL and license here. >\n"
+ "* Package name : " package "\n"
+ " Version : \n"
+ " Upstream Author : \n"
+ "* URL or Web page : \n"
+ "* License : \n"
+ " Description : " description "\n")
+ (forward-line -1))
+ (set-window-start (selected-window) (point-min) t)
+ (debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode 1)
+ (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))
+(defun debian-bug-request-for-package ()
+ "Shortcut for debian-bug-wnpp with RFP action"
+ (interactive)
+ (debian-bug-wnpp "Request For Package [RFP]"))
+(defalias 'debian-bug-RFP 'debian-bug-request-for-package)
+(defun debian-bug-intent-to-package ()
+ "Shortcut for debian-bug-wnpp with ITP action (for Debian developers)"
+ (interactive)
+ (debian-bug-wnpp "Intent to Package [ITP]"))
+(defalias 'debian-bug-ITP 'debian-bug-intent-to-package)
+;;; font-lock by Peter S Galbraith <>, August 11th 2001
+(defvar debian-bug-font-lock-keywords
+ '(("^ *\\(Package:\\) *\\([^ ]+\n\\)?"
+ (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (2 font-lock-type-face nil t))
+ ("^ *\\(Version:\\) *\\([^ \n]+\n\\)?"
+ (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (2 font-lock-type-face nil t))
+ ("^ *\\(Tags:\\).*\\(patch\\)"
+ (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (2 font-lock-type-face nil t))
+ ("^ *\\(Tags:\\).*\\(security\\)"
+ (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (2 font-lock-warning-face nil t))
+ ("^ *\\(Severity:\\) *\\(\\(critical\\|grave\\|serious\\)\\|\\(important\\)\\|\\(normal\\)\\|\\(\\(minor\\)\\|\\(wishlist\\)\\)\\)"
+ (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (3 font-lock-warning-face nil t)
+ (4 font-lock-function-name-face nil t)
+ (5 font-lock-type-face nil t)
+ (6 font-lock-string-face nil t))
+ ("^Subject: \\[\\(ITP\\|O\\|RFA\\|RFP\\)\\]"
+ (1 font-lock-warning-face t t)))
+ "Regexp keywords to fontify debian-bug reports.")
+;;; ---------
+;;; Menu-bar via minor-mode
+;; Peter S Galbraith <>, August 12th 2001
+(defun debian-bug--is-custom-From ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (looking-at "^From:")))
+(defun debian-bug--unset-custom-From ()
+ "Remove From line in the mail header."
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((header-end (re-search-forward "^-*$" nil t)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (re-search-forward "^From:" header-end t)
+ (delete-region (progn (beginning-of-line)(point))
+ (progn (forward-line 1)(point)))))))
+(defun debian-bug--set-custom-From ()
+ "Set a From line using the debian-bug-From-address variable"
+ (if (not debian-bug-From-address)
+ (error "Variable debian-bug-From-address is unset, please customize it.")
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (debian-bug--unset-custom-From)
+ (insert "From: " debian-bug-From-address "\n"))))
+(defun debian-bug--toggle-custom-From ()
+ "Toggle the From line using the debian-bug-From-address variable."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (debian-bug--is-custom-From)
+ (debian-bug--unset-custom-From)
+ (debian-bug--set-custom-From)))
+(defun debian-bug--is-X-Debbugs-CC (address)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward
+ (concat "^X-Debbugs-CC:.*" (regexp-quote address)) nil t)))
+(defun debian-bug--remove-X-Debbugs-CC (address &optional nocleanup)
+ "Remove an Address, and by default cleanup empty line."
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (or (re-search-forward (concat "^X-Debbugs-CC:.*\\("
+ (regexp-quote address) ", \\)") nil t)
+ (re-search-forward (concat "^X-Debbugs-CC:.*\\(, "
+ (regexp-quote address) "\\)") nil t)
+ (re-search-forward (concat "^X-Debbugs-CC:.*\\("
+ (regexp-quote address) "\\)") nil t))
+ (delete-region (match-beginning 1)(match-end 1)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (and (not nocleanup)
+ (re-search-forward "^ *X-Debbugs-CC: *\n" nil t))
+ (delete-region (match-beginning 0)(match-end 0)))))
+(defun debian-bug--set-X-Debbugs-CC (address)
+ "Set/Change X-Debbugs-CC. ARG is address to use."
+ (debian-bug--remove-X-Debbugs-CC address t)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (cond
+ ((re-search-forward "^X-Debbugs-CC: *$" nil t) ; Empty X-Debbugs-CC:
+ (insert address))
+ ((re-search-forward "^X-Debbugs-CC:.*$" nil t) ; Existing X-Debbugs-CC:
+ (insert ", " address))
+ ((re-search-forward "^Subject:.*\n" nil t)
+ (insert "X-Debbugs-CC: " address "\n"))
+ ((re-search-forward "^To: .*\n" nil t)
+ (insert "X-Debbugs-CC: " address "\n"))
+ (t
+ (insert "X-Debbugs-CC: " address "\n")))))
+(defun debian-bug--toggle-X-Debbugs-CC (address)
+ "Toggle a X-Debbugs-CC header line"
+ (if (debian-bug--is-X-Debbugs-CC address)
+ (debian-bug--remove-X-Debbugs-CC address)
+ (debian-bug--set-X-Debbugs-CC address)))
+(defun debian-bug--toggle-CC-myself ()
+ "Toggle X-Debbugs-CC: line for myself in the mail header."
+ (interactive)
+ (if debian-bug-From-address
+ (debian-bug--toggle-X-Debbugs-CC debian-bug-From-address)))
+(defun debian-bug--toggle-CC-devel ()
+ "Toggle X-Debbugs-CC: line for myself in the mail header."
+ (interactive)
+ (debian-bug--toggle-X-Debbugs-CC ""))
+(defun debian-bug--is-severity (severity)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward "^ *Severity: +\\([a-zA-Z]+\\)" nil t)
+ (let ((actualSeverity (match-string-no-properties 1)))
+ (string= actualSeverity severity)))))
+(defun debian-bug--set-severity (severity)
+ "Set/Change bug severity level."
+ (interactive (list (completing-read "Severity: " debian-bug-severity-alist
+ nil t nil nil)))
+ (if (not severity)
+ nil ; We're done!
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (cond
+ ((re-search-forward "^ *Severity: \\([a-zA-Z]+\\)" nil t)
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
+ (delete-region (match-beginning 1)(match-end 1))
+ (insert severity))
+ ((re-search-forward "^ *Version: .*\n" nil t)
+ (insert "Severity: " severity))
+ ((re-search-forward "^ *Package: .*\n" nil t)
+ (insert "Severity: " severity))
+ (t
+ (forward-line 6)
+ (insert "\nSeverity: " severity "\n"))))))
+(defun debian-bug--is-tags (tag)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward (concat "^ *Tags:.*" tag) nil t)))
+(defun debian-bug--remove-tags (tag &optional nocleanup)
+ "Remove a Tag"
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (or (re-search-forward (concat "^ *Tags:.*\\(" tag ", \\)") nil t)
+ (re-search-forward (concat "^ *Tags:.*\\(, " tag "\\)") nil t)
+ (re-search-forward (concat "^ *Tags:.*\\(" tag "\\)") nil t))
+ (delete-region (match-beginning 1)(match-end 1)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (and (not nocleanup)
+ (re-search-forward "^ *Tags: *\n" nil t))
+ (delete-region (match-beginning 0)(match-end 0)))))
+(defun debian-bug--set-tags (tag)
+ "Set/Change Tags"
+ (debian-bug--remove-tags tag t)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (cond
+ ((re-search-forward "^ *Tags: *$" nil t) ; Empty "Tags: "
+ (insert tag))
+ ((re-search-forward "^ *Tags:.*$" nil t) ; Existing "Tags: "
+ (insert ", " tag))
+ ((re-search-forward "^ *Severity: .*\n" nil t)
+ (insert "Tags: " tag "\n"))
+ ((re-search-forward "^ *Version: .*\n" nil t)
+ (insert "Tags: " tag "\n"))
+ ((re-search-forward "^ *Package: .*\n" nil t)
+ (insert "Tags: " tag "\n"))
+ (t
+ (forward-line 6)
+ (insert "\nTags: " tag "\n")))))
+(defun debian-bug--toggle-tags (tag)
+ "Toggle a Tag"
+ (interactive (list (completing-read "Tag: " debian-bug-tags-alist
+ nil t nil nil)))
+ (if (not tag)
+ nil ; We're done!
+ (if (debian-bug--is-tags tag)
+ (debian-bug--remove-tags tag)
+ (debian-bug--set-tags tag))))
+(defun debian-bug--is-bts-address (address)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward (concat "^To:.*" (regexp-quote address)) nil t)))
+(defun debian-bug--set-bts-address (address)
+ "Set/Change \"To\" header line."
+ (interactive (list (completing-read "To: "
+ '(("")
+ ("")
+ (""))
+ nil t nil nil)))
+ (cond
+ ((string= "" address)
+ (setq address debian-bug-mail-address))
+ ((string= "" address)
+ (setq address debian-bug-mail-quiet-address))
+ ((string= "" address)
+ (setq address debian-bug-mail-maintonly-address)))
+ (if (not address)
+ nil ; We're done!
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (cond
+ ((re-search-forward "^To: \\(.*\\)" nil t)
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
+ (delete-region (match-beginning 1)(match-end 1))
+ (insert address))
+ (t
+ (insert "To: " address "\n"))))))
+(defun debian-bug-help-severity ()
+ (interactive)
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+ (princ debian-bug-help-severity-text)))
+(defun debian-bug-help-tags ()
+ (interactive)
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+ (princ debian-bug-help-tags-text)))
+(defun debian-bug-help-pseudo-packages ()
+ (interactive)
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+ (princ debian-bug-help-pseudo-packages-text)))
+(defun debian-bug-help-email ()
+ (interactive)
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+ (princ debian-bug-help-email-text)))
+(defvar debian-bug-minor-mode nil)
+(defvar debian-bug-minor-mode-map nil
+ "Keymap for debian-bug minor mode.")
+(if debian-bug-minor-mode-map
+ nil
+ (setq debian-bug-minor-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+(easy-menu-define debian-bug-menu debian-bug-minor-mode-map
+ "Debian Bug Mode Menu"
+ '("Debian-Bug"
+ ("Header"
+ ["Custom From Address" (debian-bug--toggle-custom-From)
+ :style toggle :active debian-bug-From-address
+ :selected (debian-bug--is-custom-From)]
+ "--"
+ ["To BTS, Maintainer and Mailing Lists"
+ (debian-bug--set-bts-address "")
+ :style radio
+ :selected (debian-bug--is-bts-address debian-bug-mail-address)]
+ ["To BTS and Maintainer Only"
+ (debian-bug--set-bts-address "")
+ :style radio
+ :selected (debian-bug--is-bts-address debian-bug-mail-maintonly-address)]
+ ["To BTS Only"
+ (debian-bug--set-bts-address "")
+ :style radio
+ :selected (debian-bug--is-bts-address debian-bug-mail-quiet-address)]
+ "--"
+ ["CC debian-devel" (debian-bug--toggle-CC-devel)
+ :style toggle
+ :selected (debian-bug--is-X-Debbugs-CC "")]
+ ["CC me" (debian-bug--toggle-CC-myself)
+ :style toggle :active debian-bug-From-address
+ :selected (debian-bug--is-X-Debbugs-CC debian-bug-From-address)]
+ )
+ ("Severity"
+ ["critical" (debian-bug--set-severity "critical")
+ :style radio :selected (debian-bug--is-severity "critical")]
+ ["grave" (debian-bug--set-severity "grave")
+ :style radio :selected (debian-bug--is-severity "grave")]
+ ["serious" (debian-bug--set-severity "serious")
+ :style radio :selected (debian-bug--is-severity "serious")]
+ ["important" (debian-bug--set-severity "important")
+ :style radio :selected (debian-bug--is-severity "important")]
+ ["normal" (debian-bug--set-severity "normal")
+ :style radio :selected (debian-bug--is-severity "normal")]
+ ["minor" (debian-bug--set-severity "minor")
+ :style radio :selected (debian-bug--is-severity "minor")]
+ ["wishlist" (debian-bug--set-severity "wishlist")
+ :style radio :selected (debian-bug--is-severity "wishlist")]
+ )
+ ("Tags"
+ ["Patch Included" (debian-bug--toggle-tags "patch")
+ :style toggle :selected (debian-bug--is-tags "patch")]
+ ["Security Issue!" (debian-bug--toggle-tags "security")
+ :style toggle :selected (debian-bug--is-tags "security")]
+ )
+ ("Web View"
+ ["Bugs for This Package" (debian-bug-web-bugs) t]
+ ["Bug Number..." (debian-bug-web-bug) t]
+ ["Package Info" (debian-bug-web-packages) t]
+;; ("Info for This Package"
+;; ["Stable" (debian-bug-web-package "stable") t]
+;; ["Testing" (debian-bug-web-package "testing") t]
+;; ["Unstable" (debian-bug-web-package "unstable") t]
+;; )
+ )
+ ["Customize"
+ (customize-group "debian-bug") (fboundp 'customize-group)]
+ ("Help"
+ ["Severities" (debian-bug-help-severity) t]
+ ["Tags" (debian-bug-help-tags) t]
+ ["Pseudo-Packages" (debian-bug-help-pseudo-packages) t]
+ ["Addresses" (debian-bug-help-email) t]
+ )
+ ))
+(defun debian-bug-minor-mode (arg)
+ "Toggle debian-bug mode."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (set (make-local-variable 'debian-bug-minor-mode)
+ (if arg
+ (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)
+ (not debian-bug-minor-mode)))
+ (cond
+ (debian-bug-minor-mode ;Setup the minor-mode
+ (if (fboundp 'font-lock-add-keywords)
+ (font-lock-add-keywords nil debian-bug-font-lock-keywords t))
+ (debian-bug-bug-menu-init debian-bug-minor-mode-map)
+ (easy-menu-add debian-bug-menu))))
+;; Install ourselves:
+(or (assq 'debian-bug-minor-mode minor-mode-alist)
+ (setq minor-mode-alist
+ (cons '(debian-bug-minor-mode " DBug") minor-mode-alist)))
+(or (assq 'debian-bug-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
+ (setq minor-mode-map-alist
+ (cons (cons 'debian-bug-minor-mode debian-bug-minor-mode-map)
+ minor-mode-map-alist)))
+;;; ---------
+;;; wnpp-minor-mode - like debian-bug-minor-mode but with limited menu
+(defvar debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode nil)
+(defvar debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode-map nil
+ "Keymap for debian-bug minor mode.")
+(if debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode-map
+ nil
+ (setq debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+(easy-menu-define debian-bug-wnpp-menu debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode-map
+ "Debian Bug Mode Menu"
+ '("Debian-Bug"
+ ["Custom From address" (debian-bug--toggle-custom-From)
+ :style radio :active debian-bug-From-address
+ :selected (debian-bug--is-custom-From)]
+ ["CC to debian-devel header line" (debian-bug--toggle-CC-devel)
+ :style radio
+ :selected (debian-bug--is-X-Debbugs-CC "")]
+ ["CC to myself header line" (debian-bug--toggle-CC-myself)
+ :style radio :active debian-bug-From-address
+ :selected (debian-bug--is-X-Debbugs-CC debian-bug-From-address)]
+ ["Customize debian-bug"
+ (customize-group "debian-bug") (fboundp 'customize-group)]
+ ))
+(defun debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode (arg)
+ "Toggle debian-bug mode."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (set (make-local-variable 'debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode)
+ (if arg
+ (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)
+ (not debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode)))
+ (cond
+ (debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode ;Setup the minor-mode
+ (if (fboundp 'font-lock-add-keywords)
+ (font-lock-add-keywords nil debian-bug-font-lock-keywords t))
+ (easy-menu-add debian-bug-wnpp-menu))))
+;; Install ourselves:
+(or (assq 'debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode minor-mode-alist)
+ (setq minor-mode-alist
+ (cons '(debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode " WNPPBug") minor-mode-alist)))
+(or (assq 'debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
+ (setq minor-mode-map-alist
+ (cons (cons 'debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode debian-bug-wnpp-minor-mode-map)
+ minor-mode-map-alist)))
+;;; ---------
+;;; browse-url interfaces from debian-changelog-mode.el
+;; by Peter Galbraith, Feb 23 2001
+(defun debian-bug-web-bugs ()
+ "Browse the BTS for this package via browse-url"
+ (interactive)
+ (if (not (featurep 'browse-url))
+ (progn
+ (load "browse-url" nil t)
+ (if (not (featurep 'browse-url))
+ (error "This function requires the browse-url elisp package"))))
+ (let ((pkg-name (or debian-bug-package-name
+ (and (fboundp 'debian-changelog-suggest-package-name)
+ (debian-changelog-suggest-package-name))
+ (read-string "Package name: "))))
+ (if (string-equal "" pkg-name)
+ (message "No package name to look up.")
+ (browse-url (concat ""
+ pkg-name))
+ (message "Looking up bugs for source package %s via browse-url"
+ pkg-name))))
+(defun debian-bug-web-bug (&optional bug-number)
+ "Browse the BTS for a bug report number via browse-url"
+ (interactive (list (completing-read "Bug number to lookup: "
+ debian-bug-alist nil nil)))
+ (if (not (featurep 'browse-url))
+ (progn
+ (load "browse-url" nil t)
+ (if (not (featurep 'browse-url))
+ (error "This function requires the browse-url elisp package"))))
+ (if (or (not bug-number) (string-equal bug-number "none"))
+ (setq bug-number (completing-read "Bug number to lookup: "
+ debian-bug-alist nil nil)))
+ (if (string-equal bug-number "")
+ (message "No bug number to look up.")
+ (browse-url
+ (concat ""
+ bug-number))
+ (message "Looking up bug number %s via browse-url" bug-number)))
+(defun debian-bug-web-this-bug ()
+ "Browse the BTS via browse-url for the bug report number under point."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (not (looking-at "[0-9]"))
+ (error "Not a number under point/mouse"))
+ (save-excursion
+ (skip-chars-backward "0123456789")
+ (if (looking-at "[0-9]+")
+ (let ((bug-number (match-string 0)))
+ (debian-bug-web-bug bug-number)))))
+(defun debian-bug-web-this-bug-under-mouse (EVENT)
+ "Browse the BTS via browse-url for the bug report number under mouse."
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-set-point EVENT)
+ (debian-bug-web-this-bug))
+(defun debian-bug-web-packages ()
+ "Search Debian web page for this package via browse-url"
+ (interactive)
+ (if (not (featurep 'browse-url))
+ (progn
+ (load "browse-url" nil t)
+ (if (not (featurep 'browse-url))
+ (error "This function requires the browse-url elisp package"))))
+ (let ((pkg-name (or debian-bug-package-name
+ (and (fboundp 'debian-changelog-suggest-package-name)
+ (debian-changelog-suggest-package-name))
+ (read-string "Package name: "))))
+ (if (string-equal "" pkg-name)
+ (message "No package name to look up.")
+ (browse-url
+ (concat
+ ""
+ pkg-name
+ "&searchon=names&version=all&release=all"))
+ (message "Looking up web pages for package %s via browse-url"
+ pkg-name))))
+(defvar debian-bug-archive-alist
+ '(("stable") ("testing") ("unstable"))
+ "alist of valid Debian archives for web interface (excludes experimental).")
+(defvar debian-bug-archive-list
+ '("stable" "testing" "unstable")
+ "list of valid Debian archives.")
+(defun debian-bug-web-package (archive)
+ "Search Debian web page in ARCHIVE for this package via browse-url"
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if (not (featurep 'browse-url))
+ (progn
+ (load "browse-url" nil t)
+ (if (not (featurep 'browse-url))
+ (error "This function requires the browse-url elisp package"))))
+ (let ((pkg-name (or debian-bug-package-name
+ (and (fboundp 'debian-changelog-suggest-package-name)
+ (debian-changelog-suggest-package-name))
+ (read-string "Package name: ")))
+ (archiv))
+ (if (string-equal "" pkg-name)
+ (message "No package name to look up.")
+ (if (not (member (list archive) debian-bug-archive-alist))
+ (setq archive
+ (completing-read "Debian archive: "
+ debian-bug-archive-alist nil t nil)))
+ (if (string-equal "" archive)
+ (message "No archive name to look up.")
+ (browse-url
+ (concat
+ ""
+ pkg-name
+ "&searchon=names&release=all&version=" archive))
+ (message "Looking up %s web page for package %s via browse-url"
+ archive pkg-name)))))
+;;; wget bug from BTS stuff - Peter Galbraith, August 2001
+;;; from debian-changelog-mode.el
+(defun debian-bug-menucount ()
+ "Return the number of bugs after wget process."
+;; Or simply count number of lines minus 5
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((count 0))
+ (while (re-search-forward "^\[\"[0-9]+:" nil t)
+ (setq count (1+ count)))
+ count)))
+(defun debian-bug-menusplit-p (submenu)
+ "return t if we should split the menu, comparing bug numbers to frame size.
+If SUBMENU is t, then check for current sexp submenu only."
+ (let* ((menu-count (if submenu
+ (save-excursion
+ (count-lines (point)
+ (progn (forward-sexp 1)(point))))
+ (debian-bug-menucount)))
+ (frame-lines (cond ((< 60 (frame-height)) ;Big frames
+ (- (frame-height) 17))
+ ((< 40 (frame-height)) ;Med frames
+ (- (frame-height) 10))
+ (t
+ (- (frame-height) 6))))) ;Smaller frames
+ (if (>= frame-lines menu-count)
+ nil ; No split at all
+ t)))
+(defun debian-bug-submenusplit ()
+ "Split this submenu, located in sexp."
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-restriction
+ ;; First, narrow to submenu
+ (narrow-to-region (point)
+ (progn (forward-sexp 1)(forward-char -2)(point)))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ ;; Now on first bug...
+ (let ((lines (cond ((< 60 (frame-height)) ;Big frames
+ (- (frame-height) 25))
+ ((< 40 (frame-height)) ;Med frames
+ (- (frame-height) 20))
+ (t
+ (- (frame-height) 6)))) ;Smaller frames
+ (start (point))
+ (bugn-end)(bugn-beg))
+ (while (< (point) (point-max))
+ (forward-line lines)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (looking-at "^\\[\"\\([0-9]+\\):")
+ (setq bugn-end (match-string 1))
+ (end-of-line)
+ (insert ")")
+ (goto-char start)
+ (looking-at "^\\[\"\\([0-9]+\\):")
+ (setq bugn-beg (match-string 1))
+ (insert (format "(\"%s-%s\"\n" bugn-beg bugn-end))
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (forward-sexp 1)
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (setq start (point))))))
+ (forward-sexp 1)
+ (beginning-of-line))
+(defvar debian-bug-alist nil
+ "Buffer local alist of bug numbers (and description) for this package")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'debian-bug-alist)
+(defun debian-bug-build-bug-menu (package)
+ "Build a menu listing the bugs for this package"
+ (setq debian-bug-alist nil)
+ (let ((debian-bug-tmp-buffer
+ (get-buffer-create "*debian-bug-tmp-buffer*"))
+ (bug-alist)
+ (debian-bug-menu-var))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer debian-bug-tmp-buffer)
+ (insert "(setq debian-bug-menu-var\n'(\"Bugs\"\n")
+ (insert "[\"* Regenerate list *\" (debian-bug-build-bug-this-menu) t]\n\"--\"\n")
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (call-process "wget" nil '(t t) nil "--quiet" "-O" "-"
+ (concat
+ ""
+ package))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while
+ (re-search-forward
+ "\\(<H2>\\(.+\\)</H2>\\)\\|\\(<li><a href=\"\\(bugreport.cgi\\?bug=\\([0-9]+\\)\\)\">#\\(.+\\)</a>\\)"
+ nil t)
+ (let ((type (match-string 2))
+ (URL (match-string 4))
+ (bugnumber (match-string 5))
+ (description (match-string 6)))
+ (cond
+ (type
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer debian-bug-tmp-buffer)
+ (insert "\"" type "\"\n")))
+ (t
+ (setq bug-alist (cons (list bugnumber description) bug-alist))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer debian-bug-tmp-buffer)
+ (insert
+ "[\"" (if (< 60 (length description))
+ (substring description 0 60)
+ description)
+ "\" (debian-bug-web-bug \"" bugnumber "\") t]\n")))))))
+ (set-buffer debian-bug-tmp-buffer) ;Make sure we're here
+ (insert "))")
+ (when (debian-bug-menusplit-p nil)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ ;; First split on bug severities
+ (when (and (re-search-forward "^\"--" nil t)
+ (re-search-forward "^\"" nil t))
+ (when (search-forward " to upstream software authors"
+ (save-excursion (progn (end-of-line)(point)))
+ t)
+ (replace-match " upstream"))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (insert "(")
+ (while (re-search-forward "^\"" nil t)
+ (when (search-forward " to upstream software authors"
+ (save-excursion (progn (end-of-line)(point)))
+ t)
+ (replace-match " upstream"))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (insert ")("))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert ")")
+ ;; Next check for long menus, and split those again
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "^)?(\"" nil t)
+ (forward-char -2)
+ (if (debian-bug-menusplit-p t)
+ (debian-bug-submenusplit)
+ (end-of-line)))
+ ))
+ (eval-buffer debian-bug-tmp-buffer)
+ (kill-buffer nil)
+ )
+ (setq debian-bug-alist bug-alist)
+ (cond
+ ((equal major-mode 'debian-changelog-mode)
+ (easy-menu-define
+ debian-bug-bugs-menu
+ debian-changelog-mode-map "Debian Bug Mode Bugs Menu"
+ debian-bug-menu-var)
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+ (easy-menu-remove debian-bug-bugs-menu)
+ (easy-menu-remove debian-changelog-menu)
+ (easy-menu-add debian-bug-bugs-menu)
+ (easy-menu-add debian-changelog-menu))))
+ (t
+ (easy-menu-define
+ debian-bug-bugs-menu
+ debian-bug-minor-mode-map "Debian Bug Mode Bugs Menu"
+ debian-bug-menu-var)
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
+ (easy-menu-remove debian-bug-bugs-menu)
+ (easy-menu-remove debian-bug-menu)
+ (easy-menu-add debian-bug-bugs-menu)
+ (easy-menu-add debian-bug-menu)))))))
+(defun debian-bug-build-bug-this-menu ()
+ "Regenerate Bugs list menu for this buffer's package"
+ (let ((package (or (and (fboundp 'debian-changelog-suggest-package-name)
+ (debian-changelog-suggest-package-name))
+ (and (boundp 'debian-bug-package-name)
+ debian-bug-package-name)
+ (read-string "Package name: "))))
+ (debian-bug-build-bug-menu package)))
+(defun debian-bug-bug-menu-init (minor-mode-map)
+ "Initialize menu -- before it gets filled-in on request.
+Add this function to the calling major-mode function."
+ (easy-menu-define debian-bug-bugs-menu minor-mode-map
+ "Debian Bug Mode Bugs Menu"
+ '("Bugs"
+ ["* Generate menu *" (debian-bug-build-bug-this-menu)
+ (zerop (call-process "which" nil nil nil "wget"))]))
+ (easy-menu-add debian-bug-bugs-menu))
+;;; debian-bug-filename - Peter Galbraith, July 2002.
+(defun debian-bug-search-file (filename)
+ "Search for FILENAME returning which package name it belongs to."
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((tmp-buffer (get-buffer-create " *debian-bug-tmp*")))
+ (set-buffer tmp-buffer)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (call-process "dpkg" nil '(t nil) nil "-S"
+ (expand-file-name filename))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (cond
+ ((re-search-forward "not found.$" nil t)
+ (message "%s not found in package list." filename)
+ nil)
+ ((re-search-forward "^\\(.*, .*\\): " nil t)
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+ (princ (format "Please refine your search,\nthere is more than one matched package:\n\n%s" (match-string 1))))
+ nil)
+ ((re-search-forward "^\\(.*\\): " nil t)
+ (match-string 1))
+ (t
+ (message "%s not found in package list." filename)
+ nil)))
+ (kill-buffer tmp-buffer)))))
+(defun debian-bug-filename ()
+ "Submit a Debian bug report for a given filename's package."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((filename (read-file-name "Filename: " "/" nil t nil)))
+ (cond
+ ((string-equal "" filename)
+ (message "Giving up."))
+ (t
+ (let ((package (debian-bug-search-file filename)))
+ (if package
+ (let ((answer (y-or-n-p (format "File is in package %s; continue? "
+ package))))
+ (if answer
+ (debian-bug package)))))))))
+(provide 'debian-bug)