;;; debian-el-loaddefs.el --- automatically extracted autoloads ;; ;;; Code: (provide 'debian-el-loaddefs) ;;;### (autoloads (apt-sources-mode) "apt-sources" "apt-sources.el" ;;;;;; (19215 18611)) ;;; Generated autoloads from apt-sources.el (autoload 'apt-sources-mode "apt-sources" "\ Major mode for editing apt's sources.list file. Sets up command `font-lock-mode'. \\{apt-sources-mode-map} \(fn)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (apt-utils-search apt-utils-show-package) "apt-utils" ;;;;;; "apt-utils.el" (18850 53763)) ;;; Generated autoloads from apt-utils.el (autoload 'apt-utils-show-package "apt-utils" "\ Show information for a Debian package. A selection of known packages is presented. See `apt-utils-mode' for more detailed help. If NEW-SESSION is non-nil, generate a new `apt-utils-mode' buffer. \(fn &optional NEW-SESSION)" t nil) (autoload 'apt-utils-search "apt-utils" "\ Search Debian packages for regular expression. To search for multiple patterns use a string like \"foo && bar\". The regular expression used to split the terms (`apt-utils-search-split-regexp') is customisable. \(fn)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (deb-find deb-view-mode deb-view deb-view-dired-view) ;;;;;; "deb-view" "deb-view.el" (19183 30392)) ;;; Generated autoloads from deb-view.el (autoload 'deb-view-dired-view "deb-view" "\ View Debian package control and data files. Press \"q\" in either window to kill both buffers and return to the dired buffer. See deb-view. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'deb-view "deb-view" "\ View Debian package DEBFILE's control and data files. Press \"q\" in either window to kill both buffers. In dired, press ^d on the dired line of the .deb file to view. Or, execute: ESCAPE x deb-view RETURN, and enter the .deb file name at the prompt. \(fn DEBFILE)" t nil) (autoload 'deb-view-mode "deb-view" "\ View mode for Debian Archive Files. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'deb-find "deb-view" "\ Search for deb files. Use the method specified by the variable deb-find-method, and collect output in a buffer. See also the variable deb-find-directory. This command uses a special history list, so you can easily repeat a `deb-find' command. \(fn)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (debian-bug emacs-bug-get-bug-as-email debian-bug-get-bug-as-email ;;;;;; debian-bug-get-bug-as-file debian-bug-web-package debian-bug-web-packages ;;;;;; debian-bug-web-this-bug-under-mouse emacs-bug-web-bug debian-bug-web-bug ;;;;;; debian-bug-web-developer-page debian-bug-web-bugs debian-bug-intent-to-package ;;;;;; debian-bug-request-for-package debian-bug-wnpp) "debian-bug" ;;;;;; "debian-bug.el" (19428 39961)) ;;; Generated autoloads from debian-bug.el (autoload 'debian-bug-wnpp "debian-bug" "\ Submit a WNPP bug report to Debian. Optional argument ACTION can be provided in programs. \(fn &optional ACTION)" t nil) (autoload 'debian-bug-request-for-package "debian-bug" "\ Shortcut for `debian-bug-wnpp' with RFP action. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'debian-bug-intent-to-package "debian-bug" "\ Shortcut for `debian-bug-wnpp' with ITP action (for Debian developers). \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'debian-bug-web-bugs "debian-bug" "\ Browse the BTS for this package via `browse-url'. With optional argument prefix ARCHIVED, display archived bugs. \(fn &optional ARCHIVED)" t nil) (autoload 'debian-bug-web-developer-page "debian-bug" "\ Browse the web for this package's developer page. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'debian-bug-web-bug "debian-bug" "\ Browse the BTS for BUG-NUMBER via `browse-url'. \(fn &optional BUG-NUMBER)" t nil) (autoload 'emacs-bug-web-bug "debian-bug" "\ Browse the Emacs BTS for BUG-NUMBER via `browse-url'. \(fn &optional BUG-NUMBER)" t nil) (autoload 'debian-bug-web-this-bug-under-mouse "debian-bug" "\ Browse the BTS via `browse-url' for the bug report number under mouse. In a program, mouse location is in EVENT. \(fn EVENT)" t nil) (autoload 'debian-bug-web-packages "debian-bug" "\ Search Debian web page for this package via `browse-url'. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'debian-bug-web-package "debian-bug" "\ Search Debian web page in ARCHIVE for this package via `browse-url'. \(fn ARCHIVE)" t nil) (autoload 'debian-bug-get-bug-as-file "debian-bug" "\ Read bug report #BUG-NUMBER as a regular file. \(fn &optional BUG-NUMBER)" t nil) (autoload 'debian-bug-get-bug-as-email "debian-bug" "\ Read bug report #BUG-NUMBER via Email interface. \(fn &optional BUG-NUMBER)" t nil) (autoload 'emacs-bug-get-bug-as-email "debian-bug" "\ Read Emacs bug report #BUG-NUMBER via Email interface. \(fn &optional BUG-NUMBER)" t nil) (autoload 'debian-bug "debian-bug" "\ Submit a Debian bug report. \(fn)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("debian-el.el" "gnus-BTS.el") (19428 40248 ;;;;;; 570272)) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (preseed-mode) "preseed" "preseed.el" (17245 35005)) ;;; Generated autoloads from preseed.el (autoload (quote preseed-mode) "preseed" "\ Major mode for editing debian-installer preseed files colourfully." t nil) ;;;***