Source: debian-policy Maintainer: Debian Policy List Uploaders: Andreas Barth , Bill Allombert , Sean Whitton , Russ Allbery , Section: doc Priority: optional Build-Depends: dblatex, debhelper (>= 10), dia, docbook-xml, docbook-xsl, inkscape, libtext-multimarkdown-perl, libxml2-utils, links | elinks, xsltproc, Standards-Version: 4.0.0 Vcs-Browser: Vcs-Git: Package: debian-policy Architecture: all Multi-Arch: foreign Depends: ${misc:Depends}, Suggests: doc-base, Description: Debian Policy Manual and related documents This package contains: - Debian Policy Manual - Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) - Debian Menu sub-policy - Debian Perl sub-policy - Debian configuration management specification - Machine-readable debian/copyright specification - Autopkgtest - automatic as-installed package testing - Authoritative list of virtual package names - Policy checklist for upgrading your packages It also replaces the old Packaging Manual; most of the still-relevant content is now included as appendices to the Policy Manual.