package debos import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" ) type ArchiveType int // Supported types const ( _ ArchiveType = iota // Guess archive type from file extension Tar Zip Deb ) type ArchiveBase struct { file string // Path to archive file atype ArchiveType options map[interface{}]interface{} // Archiver-depending map with additional hints } type ArchiveTar struct { ArchiveBase } type ArchiveZip struct { ArchiveBase } type ArchiveDeb struct { ArchiveBase } type Unpacker interface { Unpack(destination string) error RelaxedUnpack(destination string) error } type Archiver interface { Type() ArchiveType AddOption(key, value interface{}) error Unpacker } type Archive struct { Archiver } // Unpack archive as is func (arc *ArchiveBase) Unpack(destination string) error { return fmt.Errorf("Unpack is not supported for '%s'", arc.file) } /* RelaxedUnpack unpack archive in relaxed mode allowing to ignore or avoid minor issues with unpacker tool or framework. */ func (arc *ArchiveBase) RelaxedUnpack(destination string) error { return arc.Unpack(destination) } func (arc *ArchiveBase) AddOption(key, value interface{}) error { if arc.options == nil { arc.options = make(map[interface{}]interface{}) } arc.options[key] = value return nil } func (arc *ArchiveBase) Type() ArchiveType { return arc.atype } // Helper function for unpacking with external tool func unpack(command []string, destination string) error { if err := os.MkdirAll(destination, 0755); err != nil { return err } return Command{}.Run("unpack", command...) } // Helper function for checking allowed compression types // Returns empty string for unknown func tarOptions(compression string) string { unpackTarOpts := map[string]string{ "gz": "-z", "bzip2": "-j", "xz": "-J", } // Trying to guess all other supported compression types return unpackTarOpts[compression] } func (tar *ArchiveTar) Unpack(destination string) error { command := []string{"tar"} if options, ok := tar.options["taroptions"].([]string); ok { for _, option := range options { command = append(command, option) } } command = append(command, "-C", destination) command = append(command, "-x") command = append(command, "--xattrs") command = append(command, "--xattrs-include=*.*") if compression, ok := tar.options["tarcompression"]; ok { if unpackTarOpt := tarOptions(compression.(string)); len(unpackTarOpt) > 0 { command = append(command, unpackTarOpt) } } command = append(command, "-f", tar.file) return unpack(command, destination) } func (tar *ArchiveTar) RelaxedUnpack(destination string) error { taroptions := []string{"--no-same-owner", "--no-same-permissions"} options, ok := tar.options["taroptions"].([]string) defer func() { tar.options["taroptions"] = options }() if ok { for _, option := range options { taroptions = append(taroptions, option) } } tar.options["taroptions"] = taroptions return tar.Unpack(destination) } func (tar *ArchiveTar) AddOption(key, value interface{}) error { switch key { case "taroptions": // expect a slice options, ok := value.([]string) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("Wrong type for value") } tar.options["taroptions"] = options case "tarcompression": compression, ok := value.(string) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("Wrong type for value") } option := tarOptions(compression) if len(option) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("Compression '%s' is not supported", compression) } tar.options["tarcompression"] = compression default: return fmt.Errorf("Option '%v' is not supported for tar archive type", key) } return nil } func (zip *ArchiveZip) Unpack(destination string) error { command := []string{"unzip", zip.file, "-d", destination} return unpack(command, destination) } func (zip *ArchiveZip) RelaxedUnpack(destination string) error { return zip.Unpack(destination) } func (deb *ArchiveDeb) Unpack(destination string) error { command := []string{"dpkg", "-x", deb.file, destination} return unpack(command, destination) } func (deb *ArchiveDeb) RelaxedUnpack(destination string) error { return deb.Unpack(destination) } /* NewArchive associate correct structure and methods according to archive type. If ArchiveType is omitted -- trying to guess the type. Return ArchiveType or nil in case of error. */ func NewArchive(file string, arcType ...ArchiveType) (Archive, error) { var archive Archive var atype ArchiveType if len(arcType) == 0 { ext := filepath.Ext(file) ext = strings.ToLower(ext) switch ext { case ".deb": atype = Deb case ".zip": atype = Zip default: //FIXME: guess Tar maybe? atype = Tar } } else { atype = arcType[0] } common := ArchiveBase{} common.file = file common.atype = atype common.options = make(map[interface{}]interface{}) switch atype { case Tar: archive = Archive{&ArchiveTar{ArchiveBase: common}} case Zip: archive = Archive{&ArchiveZip{ArchiveBase: common}} case Deb: archive = Archive{&ArchiveDeb{ArchiveBase: common}} default: return archive, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported archive '%s'", file) } return archive, nil }