diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2017-05-04 17:04:36 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2017-05-04 17:04:36 -0400
commit57b0915f92f5590c1d1716f23264f7aa73966976 (patch)
parent6d6bb94c3646cdaa44f807b879fea3058387c5ae (diff)
forgot to add!
2 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a5f90f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+debug-me (1.20170505) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * First release of debug-me.
+ -- Joey Hess <> Thu, 04 May 2017 17:03:19 -0400
diff --git a/Verify.hs b/Verify.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2f3805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Verify.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+{- Copyright 2017 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Verify (verify) where
+import Types
+import Log
+import CmdLine
+import Crypto
+import Gpg
+import Hash
+import PrevActivity
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Data.Maybe
+verify :: VerifyOpts -> IO ()
+verify opts = go 1 startState =<< streamLog (verifyLogFile opts)
+ where
+ go _ _ [] = putStrLn "Log file verified. All signatures and hashes are valid."
+ go lineno st (Right lmsg:rest) = do
+ -- The log may have hashes removed, as it went over the
+ -- wire; restore hashes.
+ let ra = mkRecentActivity st
+ msg <- atomically $ restoreHashes ra $
+ MissingHashes $ loggedMessage lmsg
+ -- Learn session keys before verifying signatures.
+ st' <- case msg of
+ User (ControlMessage (Control { control = SessionKey sk })) ->
+ addSessionKey lineno sk st
+ Developer (ControlMessage (Control { control = SessionKey sk })) ->
+ addSessionKey lineno sk st
+ _ -> return st
+ case (verifySigned (sigVerifier st') msg, verifyHashChain msg st') of
+ (True, True) -> return ()
+ (False, _) -> lineError lineno
+ "Failed to verify message signature."
+ (_, False) -> lineError lineno
+ "Invalid hash chain."
+ go (succ lineno) (addPrevHash msg st') rest
+ go lineno _ (Left l:_) = lineError lineno $
+ "Failed to parse a line of the log: " ++ l
+lineError :: Integer -> String -> a
+lineError lineno err = error $ "Line " ++ show lineno ++ ": " ++ err
+data State = State
+ { sigVerifier :: SigVerifier
+ , prevHashes :: [Hash]
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+startState :: State
+startState = State
+ { sigVerifier = mempty
+ , prevHashes = mempty -- ^ in reverse order
+ }
+mkRecentActivity :: State -> RecentActivity
+mkRecentActivity st = return (sigVerifier st, prevHashes st)
+addSessionKey :: Integer -> PerhapsSigned PublicKey -> State -> IO State
+addSessionKey lineno p@(GpgSigned pk _ _) st = do
+ mkid <- gpgVerify p
+ case mkid of
+ Nothing -> lineError lineno "Bad GnuPG signature."
+ Just _ -> do
+ putStrLn "The person above participated in the debug-me session."
+ addSessionKey lineno (UnSigned pk) st
+addSessionKey _lineno (UnSigned pk) st = do
+ let v = mkSigVerifier pk
+ return $ st { sigVerifier = sigVerifier st `mappend` v }
+-- | Add the hash of the message to the state.
+addPrevHash :: AnyMessage -> State -> State
+addPrevHash am s = case mh of
+ Just h -> s { prevHashes = h : prevHashes s }
+ Nothing -> s
+ where
+ mh = case am of
+ User (ActivityMessage m) -> Just (hash m)
+ User (ControlMessage _) -> Nothing
+ Developer (ActivityMessage m) -> Just (hash m)
+ Developer (ControlMessage _) -> Nothing
+-- | Verify that prevActivity and prevEntered point to previously
+-- seen hashes.
+-- While Role.User and Role.Developer enforce rules about which
+-- hashes they may point to, here we don't check such rules. If the log
+-- continues with other messages referring to this one, then this message
+-- must have met the rules, and if it did not, then this message is
+-- irrelevant.
+verifyHashChain :: AnyMessage -> State -> Bool
+verifyHashChain am s = case am of
+ User (ControlMessage _) -> True
+ Developer (ControlMessage _) -> True
+ User (ActivityMessage m) -> checkm m
+ Developer (ActivityMessage m) -> checkm m
+ where
+ checkm m = all (\h -> h `elem` prevHashes s)
+ (catMaybes [prevActivity m, prevEntered m])