path: root/dgit
diff options
authorIan Jackson <>2013-08-13 18:05:20 +0100
committerIan Jackson <>2013-08-13 18:05:20 +0100
commit1b7deccf26864b71df56b218fd165ca4404397b4 (patch)
tree1ec0a8a8a88c295844c2db03034e8a837621c3fd /dgit
parent239e09cb0610be8b4339a1abb742f391006e3ee2 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'dgit')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dgit b/dgit
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7a9c910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dgit
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use IO::Handle;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Dpkg::Control::Hash;
+open DEBUG, ">&STDERR" or die $!;
+our $pdo = '';
+#our $mirror = '';
+our $suite = 'sid';
+our $package = 'userv';
+our $aliothname = '';
+our $aliothpath = '/git/dgit-test';
+our $alioth_git = 'git+ssh://$aliothname/$aliothpath';
+our $alioth_sshtestbodge = [$aliothname,$aliothpath];
+sub mainbranch () { return "$suite"; }
+sub uploadingbranch () { return "uploading/$suite"; }
+sub url_get {
+ if (!$ua) {
+ $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ $ua->env_proxy;
+ }
+print DEBUG "fetching @_...\n";
+ my $r = $ua->get(@_) or die $!;
+ die "$_[0]: ".$r->status_line."; failed.\n" unless $r->is_success;
+ return $r->decoded_content();
+sub get_archive_dsc () {
+ my $pdourl = "$pdo/source/$suite/$package";
+ my $pdodata = url_get($pdourl);
+ # FFS. The Debian archive has no sane way to find what
+ # version is currently the tip in any branch (aka, what
+ # is the current version in any suite).
+ $pdodata =~ m{
+ Download\ \Q$package\E .*
+ \<a\ href=\"([^"&]+([^"/]+\.dsc))\"\>\2\</a\>
+ }msx
+ or die "screenscraping of $pdourl failed :-(\n";
+ my $dscurl = $1;
+print DEBUG Dumper($pdodata, $&, $dscurl);
+ my $dscdata = url_get($dscurl);
+ my $dscfh = new IO::File \$dscdata, '<' or die $!;
+print DEBUG Dumper($dscdata, $dscfh);
+ my $dscp = Dpkg::Control::Hash->new(allow_pgp=>1);
+ $dscp->parse($dscfh, 'dsc') or die "parsing of $dscurl failed\n";
+ mu $dscf = $dscp->{'fields'};
+ die "unsupported format $dscf->{Format}, sorry\n"
+ unless $dscf->{Format} eq '1.0';
+ return $dsc;
+sub check_for_git () {
+ # returns 0 or 1
+ open P, "ssh $alioth_sshtestbodge->[0] '".
+ "set -e; cd /git/dgit-test;".
+ "if test -d $package.git; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi".
+ "' |"
+ or die $!;
+ $!=0; $?=0;
+ my $r = <P>; close P;
+ die "$r $! $?" unless $r =~ m/^[01]$/;
+ return !!$r;
+sub runcmd {
+ $!=0; $?=0;
+ die "$! $?" if system @_;
+our ($dsc,$dsc_hash);
+sub combine () {
+ if (defined $dsc_hash) {
+ open P, "-|", qw(git rev-parse --), $dsc_hash;
+sub clone () {
+ $dsc = get_archive_dsc();
+ $dsc_hash = $dsc->{Vcs-git-master};
+ if (defined $dsh_hash) {
+ $dsc_hash =~ m/\w+/ or die "$dsc_hash $?";
+ $dsc_hash = $&;
+ }
+ my $dstdir = "$package";
+ if (check_for_git()) {
+ runcmd qw(git clone --origin dgit -b), $suite, '--',
+ $alioth_git, $dstdir;
+ chdir "$dstdir" or die "$dstdir $!";
+ combine();
+ } else {
+ mkdir $dstdir or die "$dstdir $!";
+ chdir "$dstdir" or die "$dstdir $!";
+ runcmd qw(git init);
+ open H, "> .git/refs/HEAD" or die $!;
+ print H "ref: refs/heads/$suite\n" or die $!;
+ close H or die $!;
+ runcmd qw(git remote add dgit), $alioth_git;
+ runcmd "git config branch.$suite.remote dgit";
+ runcmd "git config branch.$suite.merge refs/heads/$suite";
+ combine();
+ }
+sub fetch () {
+ my ($archive_or_mirror, $suite, $package) = @_;
+ my $dsc = get_archive_dsc();
+ with_tmpdir($td,{
+ });
+print Dumper(get_archive_dsc());