path: root/dgit-badcommit-fixup
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dgit-badcommit-fixup')
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dgit-badcommit-fixup b/dgit-badcommit-fixup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8b202c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dgit-badcommit-fixup
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Script to help with fallout from #849041.
+# usage:
+# dgit-badcommit-fixup --check
+# dgit-badcommit-fixup --test
+# dgit-badcommit-fixup --real
+# Update procedure, from server operator's point of view:
+# 1. Test in an offline tree that this DTRT
+# 2. Announce a transition time. Tell everyone that between
+# the transition time and their next upload, they must
+# run this script.
+# 3. At the transition time, run this script in every repo.
+# 4. Run the mirror script to push changes, if necessary.
+use strict;
+use POSIX;
+use IPC::Open2;
+use Data::Dumper;
+our $our_version = 'UNRELEASED'; ###substituted###
+my $real;
+foreach my $a (@ARGV) {
+ if ($a eq '--test') {
+ $real = 0;
+ } elsif ($a eq '--real') {
+ $real = 1;
+ } elsif ($a eq '--check') {
+ $real = -1;
+ } else {
+ die "$a ?";
+ }
+die unless defined $real;
+my $gcfpid = open2 \*GCFO, \*GCFI, 'git cat-file --batch' or die $!;
+our %count;
+no warnings qw(recursion);
+sub runcmd {
+ system @_ and die "@_ $! $?";
+$!=0; $?=0;
+my $bare = `git rev-parse --is-bare-repository`;
+die "$? $!" if $?;
+chomp $bare or die;
+sub getobj ($$) {
+ my ($obj, $type) = @_;
+ print GCFI $obj, "\n" or die $!;
+ my $x = <GCFO>;
+ my ($gtype, $gsize) = $x =~ m/^\w+ (\w+) (\d+)\n/ or die "$obj ?";
+ $gtype eq $type or die "$obj $gtype != $type ?";
+ my $gdata;
+ (read GCFO, $gdata, $gsize) == $gsize or die "$obj $!";
+ $x = <GCFO>;
+ $x eq "\n" or die "$obj ($_) $!";
+ $count{inspected}++;
+ return $gdata;
+sub hashobj ($$) {
+ my ($data,$type) = @_;
+ my $gwopid = open2 \*GWO, \*GWI,
+ "git hash-object -w -t $type --stdin"
+ or die $!;
+ print GWI $data or die $!;
+ close GWI or die $!;
+ $_ = <GWO>;
+ close GWO or die $!;
+ waitpid $gwopid,0 == $gwopid or die $!;
+ die $? if $?;
+ m/^(\w+)\n/ or die "$_ ?";
+ $count{"rewritten $type"}++;
+ return $1;
+our %memo;
+sub rewrite_commit ($);
+sub rewrite_commit ($) {
+ my ($obj) = @_;
+ my $m = \ $memo{$obj};
+ return $$m if defined $$m;
+ my $olddata = getobj $obj, 'commit';
+ $olddata =~ m/(?<=\n)(?=\n)/ or die "$obj ?";
+ my $msg = $';
+ local $_ = $`;
+ s{^(parent )(\w+)$}{ $1 . rewrite_commit($2) }gme;
+ $count{'fix overwrite'} += s{^commiter }{committer }gm;
+ if (!m{^author }m && !m{^committer }m) {
+ m{^parent (\w+)}m or die "$obj ?";
+ my $parent = getobj $1, 'commit';
+ $parent =~ m/^(?:.+\n)+(author .*\ncommitter .*\n)/;
+ m/\n$/ or die "$obj ?";
+ $_ .= $1;
+ $count{'fix import'}++;
+ }
+ my $newdata = $_.$msg;
+ my $newobj;
+ if ($newdata eq $olddata) {
+ $newobj = $obj;
+ $count{unchanged}++;
+#print STDERR "UNCHANGED $obj\n";
+ } else {
+ $newobj = hashobj $newdata, 'commit';
+#print STDERR "REWRITTEN $obj $newobj\n";
+ }
+ $$m= $newobj;
+ return $newobj;
+our @updates;
+sub filter_updates () {
+ @updates = grep { $_->[1] ne $_->[2] } @updates;
+sub rewrite_tag ($) {
+ my ($obj) = @_;
+ $_ = getobj $obj, 'tag';
+ m/^type (\w+)\n/m or die "$obj ?";
+ if ($1 ne 'commit') {
+ $count{"oddtags $1"}++;
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ m/^object (\w+)\n/m or die "$obj ?";
+ my $oldref = $1;
+ my $newref = rewrite_commit $oldref;
+ if ($oldref eq $newref) {
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ s/^(object )\w+$/ $1.$newref /me or die "$obj ($_) ?";
+ s/^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n.*^-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n$//sm;
+ return hashobj $_, 'tag';
+sub edit_rewrite_map ($) {
+ my ($old) = @_;
+ filter_updates();
+ return $old unless @updates;
+ my $td = 'dgit-broken-fixup.tmp';
+ runcmd qw(rm -rf), $td;
+ mkdir $td, 0700 or die "$td $!";
+ chdir $td or die $!;
+ runcmd qw(git init -q);
+ runcmd qw(git config 0);
+ runcmd qw(rm -rf .git/objects);
+ symlink "../../objects", ".git/objects" or die $!;
+ my %map;
+ if ($old) {
+ runcmd qw(git checkout -q), $old;
+ open M, "map" or die $!;
+ while (<M>) {
+ m/^(\w+)(?:\s+(\w+))?$/ or die;
+ $map{$1} = $2;
+ $count{rewrite_map_previous}++;
+ }
+ M->error and die $!;
+ close M or die $!;
+ }
+ foreach my $oldc (keys %memo) {
+ my $newc = $memo{$oldc};
+ next if $oldc eq $newc;
+ $map{$oldc} = $newc;
+ }
+ foreach my $up (@updates) { # catches tags
+ $map{ $up->[1] } = $up->[2];
+ }
+ open M, ">", "map" or die $!;
+ printf M "%s%s\n",
+ $_, (defined $map{$_} ? " $map{$_}" : "")
+ or die $!
+ foreach keys %map;
+ close M or die $!;
+ if (!$old) {
+ runcmd qw(git add map);
+ }
+ runcmd qw(git commit -q), qw(-m), <<END, qw(map);
+[dgit-badcommit-fixup $our_version]
+ $!=0; $?=0;
+ my $new = `git rev-parse HEAD`;
+ die "$? $!" if $?;
+ chomp $new or die;
+ chdir '..' or die $!;
+ runcmd qw(rm -rf), $td;
+ $count{rewrite_map_updated}++;
+ return $new;
+$!=0; $?=0;
+my $refs=`git for-each-ref`;
+die "$? $!" if $?;
+chomp $refs;
+our $org_rewrite_map;
+foreach my $rline (split /\n/, $refs) {
+ my ($obj, $type, $refname) =
+ $rline =~ m/^(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\S.*)/
+ or die "$_ ?";
+ if ($refname eq 'refs/dgit-rewrite/map') {
+ $org_rewrite_map = $obj;
+ next;
+ }
+ next if $refname =~ m{^refs/dgit-(?:badcommit|badfixuptest)/};
+ $!=0; $?=0;
+ system qw(sh -ec),
+ 'exec >/dev/null git symbolic-ref -q "$1"', qw(x),
+ $refname;
+ if ($?==0) {
+ $count{symrefs_ignored}++;
+ next;
+ }
+ die "$? $!" unless $?==256;
+ my $rewrite;
+ if ($type eq 'commit') {
+ $rewrite = rewrite_commit($obj);
+ } elsif ($type eq 'tag') {
+ $rewrite = rewrite_tag($obj);
+ } else {
+ warn "ref $refname refers to $type\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ push @updates, [ $refname, $obj, $rewrite ];
+if ($bare eq 'true') {
+ my $new_rewrite_map = edit_rewrite_map($org_rewrite_map);
+ push @updates, [ 'refs/dgit-rewrite/map',
+ ($org_rewrite_map // '0'x40),
+ ($new_rewrite_map // '0'x40),
+ 1 ];
+if (!@updates) {
+ print Dumper(\%count), "all is well - nothing to do\n";
+ exit 0;
+#print Dumper(\@updates);
+open U, "|git update-ref -m 'dgit bad commit fixup' --stdin" or die $!
+ if $real >= 0;
+for my $up (@updates) {
+ my ($ref, $old, $new, $nobackup) = @$up;
+ my $otherref = $ref;
+ $otherref =~ s{^refs/}{};
+ if ($real > 0) {
+ print U <<END or die $! unless $nobackup;
+create refs/dgit-badcommit/$otherref $old
+ print U <<END or die $!;
+update $ref $new $old
+ } elsif ($real==0) {
+ print U <<END or die $!;
+update refs/dgit-badfixuptest/$otherref $new
+ } else {
+ print "found trouble in history of $ref\n" or die $!;
+ }
+if ($real >= 0) {
+ $?=0; $!=0;
+ close U or die "$? $!";
+ die $? if $?;
+print Dumper(\%count);
+if ($real >= 0) {
+ print "old values saved in refs/dgit-badcommit/\n" or die $!;
+} elsif ($real == 0) {
+ print "testing output saved in refs/dgit-badfixuptest/\n" or die $!;
+} else {
+ print STDERR "found work to do, exiting status 2\n";
+ exit 2;