path: root/dgit-repos-server
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dgit-repos-server')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dgit-repos-server b/dgit-repos-server
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f7c4b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dgit-repos-server
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# dgit-repos-push-receiver
+# usages:
+# .../dgit-repos-push-receiver KEYRING-AUTH-SPEC DGIT-REPOS-DIR --ssh
+# .../dgit-repos-push-receiver KEYRING-AUTH-SPEC DGIT-REPOS-DIR PACKAGE
+# internal usage:
+# .../dgit-repos-push-receiver --pre-receive-hook PACKAGE
+# Invoked as the ssh restricted command
+# Works like git-receive-pack
+# KEYRING-AUTH-SPEC is a :-separated list of
+# where AUTH-SPEC is one of
+# a
+# mDM.TXT
+use strict;
+# What we do is this:
+# - extract the destination repo name somehow
+# - make a hardlink clone of the destination repo
+# - provide the destination with a stunt pre-receive hook
+# - run actual git-receive-pack with that new destination
+# as a result of this the stunt pre-receive hook runs; it does this
+# find the keyring(s) to use for verification
+# verify the signed tag
+# check that the signed tag has a suitable name
+# parse the signed tag body to extract the intended
+# distro and suite
+# check that the distro is right
+# check that the suite is the same as the branch we are
+# supposed to update
+# check that the signed tag refers to the same commit
+# as the new suite
+# check that the signer was correct
+# push the signed tag to the actual repo
+# push the new dgit branch head to the actual repo
+use POSIX;
+use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+our $package_re = '[0-9a-z][-+.0-9a-z]+';
+our $dgitrepos;
+our $pkg;
+our $destrepo;
+our $workrepo;
+our @keyrings;
+sub acquirelock ($$) {
+ my ($lock, $must) = @_;
+ for (;;) {
+ my $fh = new IO::File, ">", $lock or die "open $lock: $!";
+ my $ok = flock $fh, $must ? LOCK_EX : (LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB);
+ if (!$ok) {
+ return unless $must;
+ die "flock $lock: $!";
+ }
+ if (!stat $lock) {
+ next if $! == ENOENT;
+ die "stat $lock: $!";
+ }
+ my $want = (stat _)[1];
+ stat $fh or die $!;
+ my $got = (stat _)[1];
+ return $fh if $got == $want;
+ }
+sub makeworkingclone () {
+ $workrepo = "$dgitrepos/_tmp/${pkg}_incoming$$";
+ my $lock = "$workrepo.lock";
+ my $lockfh = acquirelock($lock, 1);
+ if (!stat $destrepo) {
+ $! == ENOENT or die "stat dest repo $destrepo: $!";
+ mkdir $workrepo or die "create work repo $workrepo: $!";
+ runcmd qw(git init --bare), $workrepo;
+ } else {
+ runcmd qw(git clone -l -q --mirror), $destrepo, $workrepo;
+ }
+sub setupstunthook () {
+ my $prerecv = "$workrepo/hooks/pre-receive";
+ my $fh = new IO::File, $prerecv, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0777
+ or die "$prerecv: $!";
+ print $fh <<END or die "$prerecv: $!";
+set -e
+exec $0 --pre-receive-hook $pkg
+ close $fh or die "$prerecv: $!";
+ $ENV{'DGIT_RPR_WORK'}= $workrepo;
+ $ENV{'DGIT_RPR_DEST'}= $destrepo;
+#----- stunt post-receive hook -----
+our ($tagname, $tagval, $suite, $oldcommit, $commit);
+our ($version, %tagh);
+sub readupdates () {
+ while (<STDIN>) {
+ m/^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+)$/ or die "$_ ?";
+ my ($old, $sha1, $refname) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ if ($refname =~ m{^refs/tags/(?=debian/)}) {
+ die if defined $tagname;
+ $tagname = $'; #';
+ $tagval = $sha1;
+ reject "tag $tagname already exists -".
+ " not replacing previously-pushed version"
+ if $old =~ m/[^0]/;
+ } elsif ($refname =~ m{^refs/dgit/}) {
+ die if defined $suite;
+ $suite = $'; #';
+ $oldcommit = $old;
+ $commit = $sha1;
+ } else {
+ die;
+ }
+ }
+ STDIN->error and die $!;
+ die unless defined $refname;
+ die unless defined $branchname;
+sub parsetag () {
+ open PT, ">dgit-tmp/plaintext" or die $!;
+ open DS, ">dgit-tmp/plaintext.asc" or die $!;
+ open T, "-|", qw(git cat-file tag), $tagval or die $!;
+ my %tagh;
+ for (;;) {
+ $!=0; $_=<T>; defined or die $!;
+ print PT or die $!;
+ if (m/^(\S+) (.*)/) {
+ push @{ $tagh{$1} }, $2;
+ } elsif (!m/\S/) {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ die;
+ }
+ }
+ $!=0; $_=<T>; defined or die $!;
+ m/^($package_re) release (\S+) for (\S+) \[dgit\]$/ or die;
+ die unless $1 eq $pkg;
+ $version = $2;
+ die unless $3 eq $suite;
+ for (;;) {
+ print PT or die $!;
+ $!=0; $_=<T>; defined or die $!;
+ last if m/^-----BEGIN PGP/;
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ print DS or die $!;
+ $!=0; $_=<T>;
+ last if !defined;
+ }
+ T->error and die $!;
+ close PT or die $!;
+ close DS or die $!;
+sub checksig_keyring ($) {
+ my ($keyringfile) = @_;
+ # returns primary-keyid if signed by a key in this keyring
+ # or undef if not
+ # or dies on other errors
+ my $ok = undef;
+ open P, "-|", (qw(gpgv --status-fd=1),
+ map { '--keyring', $_ }, @keyrings,
+ qw(dgit-tmp/plaintext.asc dgit-tmp/plaintext))
+ or die $!;
+ while (<P>) {
+ next unless s/^\[GNUPG:\]: //;
+ chomp or die;
+ my @l = split / /, $_;
+ if ($l[0] eq 'NO_PUBKEY') {
+ last;
+ } elsif ($l[0] eq 'VALIDSIG') {
+ my $sigtype = $l[9];
+ $sigtype eq '00' or reject "signature is not of type 00!";
+ $ok = $l[10];
+ die unless defined $ok;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close P;
+ return $ok;
+sub dm_txt_check ($$) {
+ my ($keyid, $dmtxtfn) = @_;
+ open DT, '<', $dmtxtfn or die "$dmtxtfn $!";
+ while (<DT>) {
+ m/^fingerprint:\s+$keyid$/oi
+ ..0 or next;
+ m/^\S/
+ or reject "key $keyid missing Allow section in permissions!";
+ # in right stanza...
+ s/^allow:/ /i
+ ..0 or next;
+ s/^\s+//
+ or reject "package $package not allowed for key $keyid";
+ # in allow field...
+ s/\([^()]+\)//;
+ s/\,//;
+ foreach my $p (split /\s+/) {
+ return if $p eq $package; # yay!
+ }
+ }
+ DT->error and die $!;
+ close DT or die $!;
+ reject "key $keyid not in permissions list although in keyring!";
+sub verifytag () {
+ foreach my $kas (split /:/, $keyrings) {
+ $kas =~ s/^([^,]+),// or die;
+ my $keyid = checksig_keyring $1;
+ if (defined $keyid) {
+ if ($kas =~ m/^a$/) {
+ return; # yay
+ } elsif ($kas =~ m/^m([^,]+)$/) {
+ dm_txt_check($keyid, $1);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ die;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ reject "key not found in keyrings";
+sub checktag () {
+ tagh1('object') eq $branchval or die;
+ tagh1('type') eq 'commit' or die;
+ tagh1('tag') eq $tagname or die;
+ my $v = $version;
+ $v =~ y/~:/_%/;
+ $tagname eq "debian/$v" or die;
+ check fast forward;
+sub stunthook () {
+ chdir $workrepo or die "chdir $workrepo: $!";
+ mkdir "dgit-tmp" or $!==EEXIST or die $!;
+ readupdates();
+ parsetag();
+ verifytag();
+ checktag();
+... ...
+#----- arg parsing and main program -----
+sub parseargs () {
+ die unless @ARGV;
+ if ($ARGV[0] eq '--pre-receive-hook') {
+ shift @ARGV;
+ @ARGV == 1 or die;
+ $pkg = shift @ARGV;
+ defined($workrepo = $ENV{'DGIT_RPR_WORK'}) or die;
+ defined($destrepo = $ENV{'DGIT_RPR_DEST'}) or die;
+ defined($keyrings = $ENV{'DGIT_RPR_KEYRINGS'}) or die $!;
+ open STDOUT, ">&STDERR" or die $!;
+ stunthook();
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ die unless @ARGV>=2;
+ die if $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/;
+ die if $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/;
+ $dgitrepos = shift @ARGV;
+ die unless @ARGV;
+ if ($ARGV[0] != m/^-/) {
+ @ARGV == 1 or die;
+ $pkg = shift @ARGV;
+ } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--ssh') {
+ shift @ARGV;
+ !@ARGV or die;
+ $cmd =~ m{
+ ^
+ (?:\S*/)?
+ (git-receive-pack|git-upload-pack)
+ \s+
+ (?:\S*/)?
+ ($package_re)\.git
+ $
+ }ox
+ or die "requested command $cmd not understood";
+ $method = $1;
+ $pkg = $2;
+ } else {
+ die;
+ }
+ $destrepo = "$dgitrepos/$pkg.git";
+sub main () {
+ parseargs();
+fixme check method;
+ makeworkingclone();
+ setupstunthook();
+ runcmd qw(git receive-pack), $destdir;