path: root/dgit
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dgit')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/dgit b/dgit
index 15a94c7..b4b6d9c 100755
--- a/dgit
+++ b/dgit
@@ -1572,35 +1572,258 @@ sub generate_commits_from_dsc () {
+ # We unpack and record the orig tarballs first, so that we only
+ # need disk space for one private copy of the unpacked source.
+ # But we can't make them into commits until we have the metadata
+ # from the debian/changelog, so we record the tree objects now and
+ # make them into commits later.
+ my @tartrees;
+ my $upstreamv = $dsc->{version};
+ $upstreamv =~ s/-[^-]+$//;
+ my $orig_f_base = srcfn $upstreamv, '';
+ foreach my $fi (@dfi) {
+ # We actually import, and record as a commit, every tarball
+ # (unless there is only one file, in which case there seems
+ # little point.
+ my $f = $fi->{Filename};
+ printdebug "import considering $f ";
+ (printdebug "only one dfi\n"), next if @dfi == 1;
+ (printdebug "not tar\n"), next unless $f =~ m/\.tar(\.\w+)?$/;
+ my $compr_ext = $1;
+ my ($orig_f_part) =
+ $f =~ m/^\Q$orig_f_base\E\.([^._]+)?\.tar(?:\.\w+)?$/;
+ printdebug "Y ", (join ' ', map { $_//"(none)" }
+ $compr_ext, $orig_f_part
+ ), "\n";
+ my $input = new IO::File $f, '<' or die "$f $!";
+ my $compr_pid;
+ my @compr_cmd;
+ if (defined $compr_ext) {
+ my $cname =
+ Dpkg::Compression::compression_guess_from_filename $f;
+ fail "Dpkg::Compression cannot handle file $f in source package"
+ if defined $compr_ext && !defined $cname;
+ my $compr_proc =
+ new Dpkg::Compression::Process compression => $cname;
+ my @compr_cmd = $compr_proc->get_uncompress_cmdline();
+ my $compr_fh = new IO::Handle;
+ my $compr_pid = open $compr_fh, "-|" // die $!;
+ if (!$compr_pid) {
+ open STDIN, "<&", $input or die $!;
+ exec @compr_cmd;
+ die "dgit (child): exec $compr_cmd[0]: $!\n";
+ }
+ $input = $compr_fh;
+ }
+ rmtree "../unpack-tar";
+ mkdir "../unpack-tar" or die $!;
+ my @tarcmd = qw(tar -x -f -
+ --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions
+ --no-acls --no-xattrs --no-selinux);
+ my $tar_pid = fork // die $!;
+ if (!$tar_pid) {
+ chdir "../unpack-tar" or die $!;
+ open STDIN, "<&", $input or die $!;
+ exec @tarcmd;
+ die "dgit (child): exec $tarcmd[0]: $!";
+ }
+ $!=0; (waitpid $tar_pid, 0) == $tar_pid or die $!;
+ !$? or failedcmd @tarcmd;
+ close $input or
+ (@compr_cmd ? failedcmd @compr_cmd
+ : die $!);
+ # finally, we have the results in "tarball", but maybe
+ # with the wrong permissions
+ runcmd qw(chmod -R +rwX ../unpack-tar);
+ changedir "../unpack-tar";
+ my ($tree) = mktree_in_ud_from_only_subdir(1);
+ changedir "../../unpack";
+ rmtree "../unpack-tar";
+ my $ent = [ $f, $tree ];
+ push @tartrees, {
+ Orig => !!$orig_f_part,
+ Sort => (!$orig_f_part ? 2 :
+ $orig_f_part =~ m/-/g ? 1 :
+ 0),
+ F => $f,
+ Tree => $tree,
+ };
+ }
+ @tartrees = sort {
+ # put any without "_" first (spec is not clear whether files
+ # are always in the usual order). Tarballs without "_" are
+ # the main orig or the debian tarball.
+ $a->{Sort} <=> $b->{Sort} or
+ $a->{F} cmp $b->{F}
+ } @tartrees;
+ my $any_orig = grep { $_->{Orig} } @tartrees;
my $dscfn = "$package.dsc";
+ my $treeimporthow = 'package';
open D, ">", $dscfn or die "$dscfn: $!";
print D $dscdata or die "$dscfn: $!";
close D or die "$dscfn: $!";
my @cmd = qw(dpkg-source);
push @cmd, '--no-check' if $dsc_checked;
+ if (madformat $dsc->{format}) {
+ push @cmd, '--skip-patches';
+ $treeimporthow = 'unpatched';
+ }
push @cmd, qw(-x --), $dscfn;
runcmd @cmd;
my ($tree,$dir) = mktree_in_ud_from_only_subdir();
- check_for_vendor_patches() if madformat($dsc->{format});
- runcmd qw(sh -ec), 'dpkg-parsechangelog >../changelog.tmp';
- my $clogp = parsecontrol('../changelog.tmp',"commit's changelog");
+ if (madformat $dsc->{format}) {
+ check_for_vendor_patches();
+ }
+ my $dappliedtree;
+ if (madformat $dsc->{format}) {
+ my @pcmd = qw(dpkg-source --before-build .);
+ runcmd shell_cmd 'exec >/dev/null', @pcmd;
+ rmtree '.pc';
+ runcmd @git, qw(add -Af);
+ $dappliedtree = git_write_tree();
+ }
+ my @clogcmd = qw(dpkg-parsechangelog --format rfc822 --all);
+ debugcmd "|",@clogcmd;
+ open CLOGS, "-|", @clogcmd or die $!;
+ my $clogp;
+ my $r1clogp;
+ for (;;) {
+ my $stanzatext = do { local $/=""; <CLOGS>; };
+ last if !defined $stanzatext;
+ my $desc = "package changelog, entry no.$.";
+ open my $stanzafh, "<", \$stanzatext or die;
+ my $thisstanza = parsecontrolfh $stanzafh, $desc, 1;
+ $clogp //= $thisstanza;
+ last if !$any_orig; # we don't need $r1clogp
+ # We look for the first (most recent) changelog entry whose
+ # version number is lower than the upstream version of this
+ # package. Then the last (least recent) previous changelog
+ # entry is treated as the one which introduced this upstream
+ # version and used for the synthetic commits for the upstream
+ # tarballs.
+ # One might think that a more sophisticated algorithm would be
+ # necessary. But: we do not want to scan the whole changelog
+ # file. Stopping when we see an earlier version, which
+ # necessarily then is an earlier upstream version, is the only
+ # realistic way to do that. Then, either the earliest
+ # changelog entry we have seen so far is indeed the earliest
+ # upload of this upstream version; or there are only changelog
+ # entries relating to later upstream versions (which is not
+ # possible unless the changelog and .dsc disagree about the
+ # version). Then it remains to choose between the physically
+ # last entry in the file, and the one with the lowest version
+ # number. If these are not the same, we guess that the
+ # versions were created in a non-monotic order rather than
+ # that the changelog entries have been misordered.
+ last if version_compare($thisstanza->{version}, $upstreamv) < 0;
+ $r1clogp = $thisstanza;
+ }
+ die $! if CLOGS->error;
+ close CLOGS or $?==(SIGPIPE<<8) or failedcmd @clogcmd;
+ $clogp or fail "package changelog has no entries!";
my $authline = clogp_authline $clogp;
my $changes = getfield $clogp, 'Changes';
+ my $cversion = getfield $clogp, 'Version';
+ if (@tartrees) {
+ $r1clogp //= $clogp; # maybe there's only one entry;
+ my $r1authline = clogp_authline $r1clogp;
+ # Strictly, r1authline might now be wrong if it's going to be
+ # unused because !$any_orig. Whatever.
+ foreach my $tt (@tartrees) {
+ $tt->{Commit} = make_commit_text($tt->{Orig} ? <<END_O : <<END_T);
+tree $tt->{Tree}
+author $r1authline
+committer $r1authline
+Import $tt->{F}
+[dgit import orig $tt->{F}]
+tree $tt->{Tree}
+author $authline
+committer $authline
+Import $tt->{F}
+[dgit import tarball $package $cversion $tt->{F}]
+ }
+ }
open C, ">../commit.tmp" or die $!;
print C <<END or die $!;
tree $tree
+ print C <<END or die $! foreach @tartrees;
+parent $_->{Commit}
+ print C <<END or die $!;
author $authline
committer $authline
-# imported from the archive
+[dgit import $treeimporthow $package $cversion]
close C or die $!;
my $rawimport_hash = make_commit qw(../commit.tmp);
- my $cversion = getfield $clogp, 'Version';
+ if (madformat $dsc->{format}) {
+ # regularise the state of the working tree so that
+ # the checkout of $rawimport_hash works nicely.
+ my $dappliedcommit = make_commit_text(<<END);
+tree $dappliedtree
+author $authline
+committer $authline
+[dgit dummy commit]
+ runcmd @git, qw(checkout -b dapplied), $dappliedcommit;
+ runcmd @git, qw(checkout -b unpa), $rawimport_hash;
+ runcmd shell_cmd 'exec >/dev/null', @gbp, qw(pq import);
+ my $gapplied = git_rev_parse('HEAD');
+ my $gappliedtree = cmdoutput @git, qw(rev-parse HEAD:);
+ $gappliedtree eq $dappliedtree or
+ fail <<END;
+gbp-pq import and dpkg-source disagree!
+ gbp-pq import gave commit $gapplied
+ gbp-pq import gave tree $gappliedtree
+ dpkg-source --before-build gave tree $dappliedtree
+ $rawimport_hash = $gapplied;
+ }
progress "synthesised git commit from .dsc $cversion";
my $rawimport_mergeinput = {