path: root/infra/dgit-repos-policy-debian
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'infra/dgit-repos-policy-debian')
1 files changed, 553 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/infra/dgit-repos-policy-debian b/infra/dgit-repos-policy-debian
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..990abd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/dgit-repos-policy-debian
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# dgit repos policy hook script for Debian
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Ian Jackson
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+use strict;
+use Debian::Dgit::Infra; # must precede Debian::Dgit; - can change @INC!
+use Debian::Dgit qw(:DEFAULT :policyflags);
+use POSIX;
+use JSON;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use DBI;
+use IPC::Open2;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Debian::Dgit::Policy::Debian;
+enabledebuglevel $ENV{'DGIT_DRS_DEBUG'};
+END { $? = 127; } # deliberate exit uses _exit
+our $distro = shift @ARGV // die "need DISTRO";
+our $repos = shift @ARGV // die "need DGIT-REPOS-DIR";
+our $dgitlive = shift @ARGV // die "need DGIT-LIVE-DIR";
+our $distrodir = shift @ARGV // die "need DISTRO-DIR";
+our $action = shift @ARGV // die "need ACTION";
+our $publicmode = 02775;
+our $new_upload_propagation_slop = 3600*4 + 100;# fixme config;
+our $poldbh;
+our $pkg;
+our $pkgdir;
+our ($pkg_exists,$pkg_secret);
+our $stderr;
+our ($version,$suite,$tagname);
+our %deliberately;
+# We assume that it is not possible for NEW to have a version older
+# than sid.
+# Whenever pushing, we check for
+# source-package-local tainted history
+# global tainted history
+# can be overridden by --deliberately except for an admin prohib taint
+# ALL of the following apply only if history is secret:
+# if NEW has no version, or a version which is not in our history[1]
+# (always)
+# check all suites
+# if any suite's version is in our history[1], publish our history
+# otherwise discard our history,
+# tainting --deliberately-include-questionable-history
+# if NEW has a version which is in our history[1]
+# (on push only)
+# require explicit specification of one of
+# --deliberately-include-questionable-history
+# --deliberately-not-fast-forward
+# (latter will taint old NEW version --d-i-q-h)
+# (otherwise)
+# leave it be
+# [1] looking for the relevant git tag for the version number and not
+# caring what that tag refers to.
+# When we are doing a push to a fresh repo, any version will do: in
+# this case, this is the first dgit upload of an existing package,
+# and we trust that the uploader hasn't included in their git
+# history any previous non-dgit uploads.
+# A wrinkle: if we approved a push recently, we treat NEW as having
+# a version which is in our history. This is because the package may
+# still be being uploaded. (We record this using the timestamp of the
+# package's git repo directory.)
+# We aim for the following invariants and properties:
+# - .dsc of published dgit package will have corresponding publicly
+# visible dgit-repo (soon)
+# - when a new package is rejected we help maintainer avoid
+# accidentally including bad objects in published dgit history
+# - .dsc of NEW dgit package has corresponding dgit-repo but not
+# publicly readable
+sub apiquery ($) {
+ my ($subpath) = @_;
+ local $/=undef;
+ my $dgit = "$dgitlive/dgit";
+ $dgit = "dgit" if !stat_exists $dgit;
+ my $cmd = "$dgit -d$distro \$DGIT_TEST_OPTS";
+ $cmd .= " -".("D" x $debuglevel) if $debuglevel;
+ $cmd .= " archive-api-query $subpath";
+ printdebug "apiquery $cmd\n";
+ $!=0; $?=0; my $json = `$cmd`;
+ defined $json && !$? or die "$subpath $! $?";
+ my $r = decode_json $json;
+ my $d = new Data::Dumper([$r], [qw(r)]);
+ printdebug "apiquery $subpath | ", $d->Dump() if $debuglevel>=2;
+ return $r;
+sub vsn_in_our_history ($) {
+ my ($vsn) = @_;
+ # Eventually, when we withdraw support for old-format (DEP-14
+ # namespace) tags, we will need to change this to only look
+ # for debiantag_new. See the commit
+ # "Tag change: Update dgit-repos-policy-debian"
+ # (reverting which is a good start for that change).
+ my @tagrefs = map { "refs/tags/".$_ } debiantags $vsn, $distro;
+ printdebug " checking history vsn=$vsn tagrefs=@tagrefs\n";
+ open F, "-|", qw(git for-each-ref), @tagrefs;
+ $_ = <F>;
+ close F;
+ return 1 if defined && m/\S/;
+ die "$pkg tagrefs @tagrefs $? $!" if $?;
+ return 0;
+sub specific_suite_has_suitable_vsn ($$) {
+ my ($suite, $vsn_check) = @_; # tests $vsn_check->($version)
+ my $in_suite = apiquery "dsc_in_suite/$suite/$pkg";
+ foreach my $entry (@$in_suite) {
+ my $vsn = $entry->{version};
+ die "$pkg ?" unless defined $vsn;
+ printdebug " checking history found suite=$suite vsn=$vsn\n";
+ return 1 if $vsn_check->($vsn);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub new_has_vsn_in_our_history () {
+ return specific_suite_has_suitable_vsn('new', \&vsn_in_our_history);
+sub good_suite_has_suitable_vsn ($) {
+ my ($vsn_check) = @_; # as for specific_suite_has_specific_vsn
+ my $suites = apiquery "suites";
+ foreach my $suitei (@$suites) {
+ my $suite = $suitei->{name};
+ die unless defined $suite;
+ next if $suite =~ m/\bnew$/;
+ return 1 if specific_suite_has_suitable_vsn($suite, $vsn_check);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub statpackage () {
+ $pkgdir = "$repos/$pkg.git";
+ if (!stat_exists $pkgdir) {
+ printdebug "statpackage $pkg => ENOENT\n";
+ $pkg_exists = 0;
+ } else {
+ $pkg_exists = 1;
+ $pkg_secret = !!(~(stat _)[2] & 05);
+ printdebug "statpackage $pkg => exists, secret=$pkg_secret.\n";
+ }
+sub getpackage () {
+ die unless @ARGV >= 1;
+ $pkg = shift @ARGV;
+ die unless $pkg =~ m/^$package_re$/;
+ statpackage();
+sub add_taint ($$) {
+ my ($refobj, $reason) = @_;
+ printdebug "TAINTING $refobj\n",
+ (map { "\%| $_" } split "\n", $reason),
+ "\n";
+ my $tf = new File::Temp or die $!;
+ print $tf "$refobj^0\n" or die $!;
+ flush $tf or die $!;
+ seek $tf,0,0 or die $!;
+ my $gcfpid = open GCF, "-|";
+ defined $gcfpid or die $!;
+ if (!$gcfpid) {
+ open STDIN, "<&", $tf or die $!;
+ exec 'git', 'cat-file', '--batch';
+ die $!;
+ }
+ close $tf or die $!;
+ $_ = <GCF>;
+ defined $_ or die;
+ m/^(\w+) (\w+) (\d+)\n/ or die "$_ ?";
+ my $gitobjid = $1;
+ my $gitobjtype = $2;
+ my $bytes = $3;
+ my $gitobjdata;
+ if ($gitobjtype eq 'commit' or $gitobjtype eq 'tag') {
+ $!=0; read GCF, $gitobjdata, $bytes == $bytes
+ or die "$gitobjid $bytes $!";
+ }
+ close GCF;
+ $poldbh->do("INSERT INTO taints".
+ " (package, gitobjid, gitobjtype, gitobjdata, time, comment)".
+ " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", {},
+ $pkg, $gitobjid, $gitobjtype, $gitobjdata, time, $reason);
+ my $taint_id = $poldbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,"taints","taint_id");
+ die unless defined $taint_id;
+ $poldbh->do("INSERT INTO taintoverrides".
+ " (taint_id, deliberately)".
+ " VALUES (?, '--deliberately-include-questionable-history')",
+ {}, $taint_id);
+sub add_taint_by_tag ($$) {
+ my ($tagname,$refobjid) = @_;
+ add_taint($refobjid,
+ "tag $tagname referred to this object in git tree but all".
+ " previously pushed versions were found to have been".
+ " removed from NEW (ie, rejected) (or never arrived)");
+sub check_package () {
+ return 0 unless $pkg_exists;
+ return 0 unless $pkg_secret;
+ printdebug "check_package\n";
+ chdir $pkgdir or die "$pkgdir $!";
+ stat '.' or die "$pkgdir $!";
+ my $mtime = ((stat _)[9]);
+ my $age = time - $mtime;
+ printdebug "check_package age=$age\n";
+ if (good_suite_has_suitable_vsn(\&vsn_in_our_history)) {
+ chmod $publicmode, "." or die $!;
+ $pkg_secret = 0;
+ eval {
+ my $mirror_hook = "$distrodir/mirror-hook";
+ if (stat_exists $mirror_hook) {
+ my @mirror_cmd =
+ ($mirror_hook, $distrodir, "updated-hook", $pkg);
+ debugcmd " (mirror)",@mirror_cmd;
+ system @mirror_cmd and failedcmd @mirror_cmd;
+ }
+ };
+ if (length $@) {
+ chomp $@;
+ print STDERR "policy hook: warning:".
+ " failed to mirror publication of \`$pkg':".
+ " $@\n";
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 0 if $age < $new_upload_propagation_slop;
+ return 0 if new_has_vsn_in_our_history();
+ printdebug "check_package secret, deleted, tainting\n";
+ git_for_each_ref('refs/tags', sub {
+ my ($objid,$objtype,$fullrefname,$tagname) = @_;
+ add_taint_by_tag($tagname,$objid);
+ });
+ return FRESHREPO;
+sub action_check_package () {
+ getpackage();
+ return check_package();
+sub getpushinfo () {
+ die unless @ARGV >= 4;
+ $version = shift @ARGV;
+ $suite = shift @ARGV;
+ $tagname = shift @ARGV;
+ my $delibs = shift @ARGV;
+ foreach my $delib (split /\,/, $delibs) {
+ $deliberately{$delib} = 1;
+ }
+sub deliberately ($) { return $deliberately{"--deliberately-$_[0]"}; }
+sub action_push () {
+ getpackage();
+ getpushinfo();
+ check_package(); # might make package public, or might add taints
+ return 0 unless $pkg_exists;
+ return 0 unless $pkg_secret;
+ # we suppose that NEW has a version which is already in our
+ # history, as otherwise the repo would have been blown away
+ if (deliberately('not-fast-forward')) {
+ add_taint(server_ref($suite),
+ "rewound suite $suite; --deliberately-not-fast-forward".
+ " specified in signed tag $tagname for upload of".
+ " version $version");
+ }
+ if (deliberately('include-questionable-history')) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ die "\nPackage is in NEW and has not been accepted or rejected yet;".
+ " use a --deliberately option to specify whether you are".
+ " keeping or discarding the previously pushed history. ".
+ " Please RTFM dgit(1).\n\n";
+sub action_push_confirm () {
+ getpackage();
+ getpushinfo();
+ die unless @ARGV >= 1;
+ my $freshrepo = shift @ARGV;
+ my $initq = $poldbh->prepare(<<END);
+ SELECT taint_id, gitobjid FROM taints t
+ WHERE (package = ? OR package = '')
+ $initq->execute($pkg);
+ my @objscatcmd = qw(git);
+ push @objscatcmd, qw(--git-dir), $freshrepo if length $freshrepo;
+ push @objscatcmd, qw(cat-file --batch);
+ debugcmd '|',@objscatcmd if $debuglevel>=2;
+ my @taintids;
+ my $chkinput = tempfile();
+ while (my $taint = $initq->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ push @taintids, $taint->{taint_id};
+ print $chkinput $taint->{gitobjid}, "\n" or die $!;
+ printdebug '|> ', $taint->{gitobjid}, "\n" if $debuglevel>=2;
+ }
+ flush $chkinput or die $!;
+ seek $chkinput,0,0 or die $!;
+ my $checkpid = open CHKOUT, "-|" // die $!;
+ if (!$checkpid) {
+ open STDIN, "<&", $chkinput or die $!;
+ # ^ recent versions of git set this in the environment of
+ # receive hooks. This can cause us to see things which
+ # the user is trying to abolish.
+ exec @objscatcmd or die $!;
+ }
+ my ($taintinfoq,$overridesanyq,$untaintq,$overridesq);
+ my $overridesstmt = <<END;
+ SELECT deliberately FROM taintoverrides WHERE (
+ 1=0
+ my @overridesv = sort keys %deliberately;
+ $overridesstmt .= <<END foreach @overridesv;
+ OR deliberately = ?
+ $overridesstmt .= <<END;
+ ) AND taint_id = ?
+ ORDER BY deliberately ASC
+ my $mustreject=0;
+ while (my $taintid = shift @taintids) {
+ $!=0; $_ = <CHKOUT>;
+ die "($taintid @objscatcmd) $!" unless defined $_;
+ printdebug "|< ", $_ if $debuglevel>=2;
+ next if m/^\w+ missing$/;
+ die "($taintid @objscatcmd) $_ ?" unless m/^(\w+) (\w+) (\d+)\s/;
+ my ($objid,$objtype,$nbytes) = ($1,$2,$3);
+ my $drop;
+ (read CHKOUT, $drop, $nbytes) == $nbytes
+ or die "($taintid @objscatcmd) $!";
+ $!=0; $_ = <CHKOUT>;
+ die "($taintid @objscatcmd) $!" unless defined $_;
+ die "($taintid @objscatcmd) $_ ?" if m/\S/;
+ $taintinfoq ||= $poldbh->prepare(<<END);
+ SELECT package, time, comment FROM taints WHERE taint_id = ?
+ $taintinfoq->execute($taintid);
+ my $ti = $taintinfoq->fetchrow_hashref();
+ die "($taintid)" unless $ti;
+ my $timeshow = defined $ti->{time}
+ ? " at time ".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z", gmtime $ti->{time})
+ : "";
+ my $pkgshow = length $ti->{package}
+ ? "package $ti->{package}"
+ : "any package";
+ $stderr .= <<END;
+History contains tainted $objtype $objid
+Taint recorded$timeshow for $pkgshow
+Reason: $ti->{comment}
+ printdebug "SQL overrides: @overridesv $taintid /\n$overridesstmt\n";
+ $overridesq ||= $poldbh->prepare($overridesstmt);
+ $overridesq->execute(@overridesv, $taintid);
+ my ($ovwhy) = $overridesq->fetchrow_array();
+ if (!defined $ovwhy) {
+ $overridesanyq ||= $poldbh->prepare(<<END);
+ SELECT 1 FROM taintoverrides WHERE taint_id = ? LIMIT 1
+ $overridesanyq->execute($taintid);
+ my ($ovany) = $overridesanyq->fetchrow_array();
+ $stderr .= $ovany ? <<END : <<END;
+Could be forced using --deliberately. Consult documentation.
+Uncorrectable error. If confused, consult administrator.
+ $mustreject = 1;
+ } else {
+ $stderr .= <<END;
+Forcing due to --deliberately-$ovwhy
+ $untaintq ||= $poldbh->prepare(<<END);
+ DELETE FROM taints WHERE taint_id = ?
+ $untaintq->execute($taintid);
+ }
+ }
+ close CHKOUT;
+ if ($mustreject) {
+ $stderr .= <<END;
+Rejecting push due to questionable history.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (length $freshrepo) {
+ if (!good_suite_has_suitable_vsn(sub { 1; })) {
+ stat $freshrepo or die "$freshrepo $!";
+ my $oldmode = ((stat _)[2]);
+ my $oldwrites = $oldmode & 0222;
+ # remove r and x bits which have corresponding w bits clear
+ my $newmode = $oldmode &
+ (~0555 | ($oldwrites << 1) | ($oldwrites >> 1));
+ printdebug sprintf "chmod %#o (was %#o) %s\n",
+ $newmode, $oldmode, $freshrepo;
+ chmod $newmode, $freshrepo or die $!;
+ utime undef, undef, $freshrepo or die $!;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub action_check_list () {
+ opendir L, "$repos" or die "$repos $!";
+ while (defined (my $dent = readdir L)) {
+ next unless $dent =~ m/^($package_re)\.git$/;
+ $pkg = $1;
+ statpackage();
+ next unless $pkg_exists;
+ next unless $pkg_secret;
+ print "$pkg\n" or die $!;
+ }
+ closedir L or die $!;
+ close STDOUT or die $!;
+ return 0;
+$action =~ y/-/_/;
+my $fn = ${*::}{"action_$action"};
+if (!$fn) {
+ printdebug "dgit-repos-policy-debian: unknown action $action\n";
+ exit 0;
+my $sleepy=0;
+my $rcode;
+my $db_busy_exception= 'Debian::Dgit::Policy::Debian::DB_BUSY';
+my @orgargv = @ARGV;
+for (;;) {
+ @ARGV = @orgargv;
+ eval {
+ poldb_setup(poldb_path($repos), sub {
+ $poldbh->{HandleError} = sub {
+ return 0 unless $poldbh->err == 5; # SQLITE_BUSY, not in .pm :-(
+ die bless { }, $db_busy_exception;
+ };
+ die $@ if length $@;
+ # used by tests/tests/debpolicy-dbretry
+ });
+ $stderr = '';
+ $rcode = $fn->();
+ die unless defined $rcode;
+ $poldbh->commit;
+ };
+ last unless length $@;
+ die $@ unless ref $@ eq $db_busy_exception;
+ die if $sleepy >= 20;
+ $sleepy++;
+ print STDERR "[policy database busy, retrying (${sleepy}s)]\n";
+ eval { $poldbh->rollback; };
+print STDERR $stderr or die $!;
+flush STDERR or die $!;
+_exit $rcode;