# -*- perl -*- package Debian::Dgit; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; BEGIN { use Exporter (); our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS); $VERSION = 1.00; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(debiantag server_branch server_ref stat_exists git_for_each_ref $package_re $branchprefix); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( policyflags => [qw()] ); @EXPORT_OK = qw(); } our @EXPORT_OK; our $package_re = '[0-9a-z][-+.0-9a-z]*'; our $branchprefix = 'dgit'; # policy hook exit status bits # see dgit-repos-server head comment for documentation # 1 is reserved in case something fails with `exit 1' sub NOFFCHECK () { return 2; } sub FRESHREPO () { return 4; } # 128 is reserved sub debiantag ($) { my ($v) = @_; $v =~ y/~:/_%/; return "debian/$v"; } sub server_branch ($) { return "$branchprefix/$_[0]"; } sub server_ref ($) { return "refs/".server_branch($_[0]); } sub stat_exists ($) { my ($f) = @_; return 1 if stat $f; return 0 if $!==&ENOENT; die "stat $f: $!"; } sub git_for_each_ref ($$) { my ($pattern,$func) = @_; # calls $func->($objid,$objtype,$fullrefname,$reftail); # $reftail is RHS of ref after refs/\w+/ # breaks if $pattern matches any ref `refs/blah' where blah has no `/' my $fh = new IO::File "-|", qw(git for-each-ref), $pattern or die $!; while (<$fh>) { m#^(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(refs/\w+/(\S+))\s# or die "$_ ?"; $func->($1,$2,$3,$4); } $!=0; $?=0; close $fh or die "$pattern $? $!"; } sub git_for_each_tag_referring ($$) { my ($objreferring, $func) = @_; # calls $func->($objid,$fullrefname,$tagname); git_for_each_ref('refs/tags', sub { my ($objid,$objtype,$fullrefname,$tagname) = @_; next unless $objtype eq 'tag'; next if defined $objreferring and $objid ne $objreferring; $func->($objid,$fullrefname,$tagname); }); } 1;