#!/bin/bash set -e . tests/lib t-tstunt-parsechangelog t-prep-newpackage example 1.1 ln -s $troot/pkg-srcs/${p}_${v%-*}.orig.tar.* . cd $p start () { git checkout quilt-tip-1.1~0; } attempt () { t-dgit -wgf --quilt=smash quilt-fixup; } badly-1 () { wrongfn=$1 wrongmsg=$2 start } badly-2 () { git commit -m "Commit wrongness $wrongfn ($wrongmsg)" t-expect-fail E:"cannot represent change: $wrongmsg .*: $wrongfn" \ attempt } badly-1 orig-symlink 'modified symlink' ln -sf NEWTARGET orig-symlink git add orig-symlink badly-2 badly-1 orig-symlink 'deletion of symlink' git rm -f orig-symlink badly-2 start git rm src.c git commit -m deleted attempt start git rm orig-exec git rm -f orig-unwriteable git commit -m 'deleted funny' attempt badly-1 src.c 'mode or type changed' chmod +x src.c git add src.c badly-2 badly-1 new 'creation with non-default mode' echo hi >new chmod 755 new git add new badly-2 start attempt t-ok