path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 523 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 11cbfc9..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-dh_elpa - install emacs lisp packages into package build directories
-use strict;
-use Cwd qw{ getcwd };
-use File::Temp qw{tempfile};
-use IO::Handle;
-use File::Path;
-use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<dh_elpa> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [S<I<pkg-file>>]
-B<dh_elpa> is a debhelper program that is responsible for installing
-elpa style emacs lisp packages into package build directories.
-B<dh_elpa> will attempt to run ERT and Buttercup test suites using
-dh_elpa_test(1) if the debhelper compat level is 10 or higher. To
-disable this behaviour, or tweak it if it is failing to run the tests
-as they should be run, set environment variables in debian/rules as
-detailed in dh_elpa_test(1).
-=head1 FILES
-=over 4
-=item debian/I<package>.elpa
-=item debian/elpa
-List of files to be installed into I<package> (respectively into the
-first binary package) as an elpa package. The format is a set of
-lines, where each line is either (i) a single filename or glob, or
-(ii) a space-separated list of one or more filenames or globs,
-followed by the name of a destination subdirectory (which should not
-begin with a slash).
-For lines with a single file or glob, B<dh_elpa> will install matching
-file(s) into the top level elpa package directory.
-For lines which include a destination subdirectory, B<dh_elpa> will
-install matching file(s) into the named subdirectory.
-Only elisp files in the top level elpa package directory will be
-automatically byte-compiled.
-=item I<elpa-package>-pkg.el
-This file contains packaging metadata for a multi-file package -- see
-the Emacs manual on the subject of "Packaging" for full details.
-This file is often part of the upstream source, but when it is not,
-dh_elpa will try to create it at package build time. If it cannot,
-and you need to create one manually, you can add it to the upstream
-source, or create the file in C<debian/> and list it in
-=item I<elpa-package>-autoloads.el
-This file is used by the Emacs packaging system to collect autoloads
-from the Emacs Lisp sources. It is usually generated at package build
-time, and should not usually exist in the upstream source.
-init(options => {
- "emacs-loadpath=s" => \$dh{EMACS_LOADPATH},
- "byte-compile!" => \$dh{BYTECOMPILE},
- "fix-autoload-date!" => \$dh{FIXAUTOLOADDATE},
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 4
-=item B<--byte-compile>, B<--no-byte-compile>
-Enable (default) or disable byte compilation of installed emacs lisp
-files. Disabling byte compilation changes the destination directory
-to one that is found by the emacs package system.
-=over 4
-=item B<--emacs-loadpath> I<path>
-A colon separated list of directories to add to the Emacs load path
-for byte compilation (e.g. for a non elpa-* dependency).
-=over 4
-=item B<--fix-autoload-date>, B<--no--fix-autoload-date>
-Enable (default) or disable munging the dates in Emacs generated
-autoload files to match debian/changelog.
-sub doit_quietly {
- my ($handle,$tmpfile) = tempfile(UNLINK=>1);
- my $exitcode;
- verbose_print(escape_shell(@_));
- open (CPERR,">&STDERR") or error "$!";
- open (CPOUT,">&STDOUT") or error "$!";
- STDOUT->fdopen($handle,'w');
- STDERR->fdopen($handle,'w');
- my $ret=doit_noerror(@_);
- STDOUT->fdopen(\*CPOUT,'w');
- STDERR->fdopen(\*CPERR,'w');
- if (!$ret){
- $exitcode=$?;
- seek $handle, 0, 0 or error "$!";
- print while (<$handle>);
- my $command=join(" ",@_);
- error("$command returned exit code ".($exitcode >> 8));
- }
-# simplified version of private sub autoscript_sed in Dh_Lib
-sub sed_file {
- my ($sed, $infile, $outfile) = @_;
- open(IN, $infile) or die "$infile: $!";
- open(OUT, ">>$outfile") or die "$outfile: $!";
- while (<IN>) { $sed->(); print OUT }
- close(OUT) or die "$outfile: $!";
- close(IN) or die "$infile: $!";
-sub read_package_desc {
- my ($descdir, $package) = @_;
- my %desc = ();
- my $descfile="${descdir}/${package}.desc";
- my $fh;
- open $fh,'<', $descfile or
- error "failed to open $descfile";
- while (<$fh>) {
- if (m/([^:]+):\s*(.*)\s*$/) {
- $desc{$1} = $2;
- }
- }
- return \%desc;
-my $templatedir = "/usr/share/debhelper/dh_elpa/emacsen-common";
-sub maybe_install_helper{
- my ($package,$piece, $mode, $desc, $emacs_loadpath)=@_;
- my $file=pkgfile($package,"emacsen-$piece");
- my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
- my $ecdest="$tmp/usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages";
- my $target="$ecdest/$piece/$package";
- # if there is file, leave it for dh_installemacsen
- if ($file eq '') {
- if (! -d "$ecdest/$piece") {
- doit("install","-d","$ecdest/$piece");
- }
- unlink $target; # ignore errors
- my $elpapackage = $desc->{'ELPA-Name'} or
- error "elpa package name not found";
- my $elpaversion = $desc->{'ELPA-Version'};
- error "elpa version not found" if (!defined($elpaversion));
- sed_file (sub {s/#ELPAPACKAGE#/$elpapackage/;
- s/#ELPAVERSION#/$elpaversion/;
- s/#EMACSLOADPATH#/$emacs_loadpath/; },
- "$templatedir/$piece", $target);
- chmod oct($mode), $target;
- }
-$dh{BYTECOMPILE} = 1 unless defined($dh{BYTECOMPILE});
-$dh{FIXAUTOLOADDATE} = 1 unless defined($dh{FIXAUTOLOADDATE});
-my $elpadir;
-my $dhelpadir="/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa";
-# TODO: do we really need a seperate elpa-src hierarchy?
-if ($dh{BYTECOMPILE}) {
- $elpadir="/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa-src";
-} else {
- $elpadir=$dhelpadir;
-foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
- my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
- my $file=pkgfile($package,"elpa");
- my $varname="ELPA_NAME_${package}";
- my $elpapkg = $ENV{$varname} || $ENV{ELPA_NAME};
- if (!defined($elpapkg)) {
- verbose_print("Guessing elpa package name from package name $package");
- $elpapkg = $package;
- $elpapkg =~ s/^elpa-//;
- }
- verbose_print("Using elpa package name $elpapkg");
- my @lines;
- my @actions;
- my $is_single_file;
- my $has_package_file = 0;
- # Call isnative because it sets $dh{VERSION}
- # as a side effect.
- isnative($package);
- if ($file) {
- # Read in the contents of the elpa control file into an array of
- # arrays. Don't glob yet, we need to count the words first.
- @lines=filedoublearray($file);
- foreach my $line (@lines) {
- my $action = {};
- # On lines with more than one word, the last word is the
- # destination (sub)directory
- if (@$line >1) {
- $action->{dest} = pop(@$line);
- }
- # Glob expand every word in the current line
- $action->{src} = [ map { glob_expand(["."], \&glob_expand_error_handler_warn_and_discard, $_) } @$line ];
- # Check for an multi-file elpa package control file
- $has_package_file ||= (grep m/\b${elpapkg}-pkg.el$/, @{$action->{src}});
- push @actions, $action;
- }
- $is_single_file = (scalar(@actions) == 1 && scalar(@{$actions[0]->{src}}) == 1);
- warning "missing ${elpapkg}-pkg.el; will try to generate it"
- unless ($is_single_file || $has_package_file);
- }
- if (($package eq $dh{FIRSTPACKAGE} || $dh{PARAMS_ALL})
- && @ARGV) {
- push @actions, map { {"src" => $_} } @ARGV;
- }
- next PACKAGE if (scalar(@actions) == 0);
- my $pkg_file;
- my $cwd = getcwd();
- my $tempdir = "${cwd}/debian/.debhelper/elpa";
- my $helper_version = '@HELPER_VERSION@';
- my @extra_args = ( $tempdir );
- my $emacs_loadpath = "";
- if (defined $dh{EMACS_LOADPATH}) {
- $emacs_loadpath = $dh{EMACS_LOADPATH} . ':'
- }
- push @extra_args, get_source_date_epoch();
- }
- File::Path::rmtree $tempdir ||
- error "cleaning $tempdir";
- File::Path::make_path $tempdir ||
- error "creating $tempdir";
- if ($is_single_file) {
- my $pkg_file=${$actions[0]->{src}}[0];
- doit_quietly(qw{emacs -batch -Q -l package},
- '--eval',"(add-to-list 'package-directory-list \"$dhelpadir\")",
- '--eval',"(add-to-list 'package-directory-list \"$elpadir\")",
- qw{-f package-initialize -l dh-elpa.el},
- qw{-f dhelpa-batch-install-file}, "$tmp/$elpadir", $pkg_file, @extra_args);
- } else {
- my $stagedir = "$tempdir/$elpapkg";
- foreach my $action (@actions) {
- my $targetdir = $stagedir;
- if (defined ($action->{dest})) {
- $targetdir = $stagedir . "/" . $action->{dest};
- }
- File::Path::make_path $targetdir ||
- error "creating $targetdir";
- foreach my $file (@{$action->{src}}) {
- doit("cp", "-a", $file, "$targetdir");
- }
- }
- doit_quietly(qw{emacs -batch -Q -l package},
- '--eval',"(add-to-list 'package-directory-list \"$dhelpadir\")",
- '--eval',"(add-to-list 'package-directory-list \"$elpadir\")",
- qw{-f package-initialize -l dh-elpa.el},
- qw{-f dhelpa-batch-install-directory},
- "$tmp/$elpadir", $stagedir, @extra_args);
- }
- my $desc = read_package_desc ($tempdir,$elpapkg);
- my $deps = $desc->{'ELPA-Requires'};
- # TODO: addsubstvar fails to add a variable if its blank. So if the
- # package has no ELPA dependencies, we should tell the user not to
- # use this substvar in debian/control
- addsubstvar($package, 'elpa:Depends', $deps);
- if ($dh{BYTECOMPILE}) {
- addsubstvar($package, 'misc:Depends', 'emacsen-common');
- addsubstvar($package, 'misc:Depends', 'dh-elpa-helper');
- maybe_install_helper($package, 'compat', '0644', $desc, $emacs_loadpath);
- maybe_install_helper($package, 'install', '0755', $desc, $emacs_loadpath);
- maybe_install_helper($package, 'remove', '0755', $desc, $emacs_loadpath);
- if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
- autoscript($package,"postinst","postinst-emacsen",
- "s/#PACKAGE#/$package/");
- autoscript($package,"prerm","prerm-emacsen",
- "s/#PACKAGE#/$package/");
- }
- }
-dh_elpa currently defines three substvars (cf. deb-substvars(5)) that
-can be used in debian/control
-=over 4
-=item ${misc:Depends}
-These are dependencies needed by every dh_elpa based package.
-=item ${elpa:Depends}
-These are dependencies on other ELPA packages as given in the
-Package-Requires: line of the package's main Emacs Lisp file.
-Note that Emacs Lisp dependencies packaged outside the elpa-* dpkg
-namespace must be specified manually. For example, the s.el library
-was once provided by the binary package s-el, and at that time packages
-depending on it required an explicit dependency on s-el. A dependency
-on s.el is now fulfilled automaticaly by elpa-s via ${elpa:Depends}.
-If dh_elpa adds dependency elpa-x where x is an Emacs Lisp binary
-package outside the elpa-* namespace, please file a bug against
-dh_elpa to have an exclusion added.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-Here is an example of using the helper in a dh(1) style debian/rules
-=over 4
- #!/usr/bin/make -f
- %:
- dh $@ --with elpa
-Here is a more complex dh(1) style debian/rules, where the package
-needs some non-dh-elpa emacs addon I<fubar-el>
-=over 4
- #!/usr/bin/make -f
- %:
- dh $@ --with elpa
- override_dh_elpa:
- dh_elpa --emacs-loadpath="/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/fubar-el"
-Here is an example of a binary package stanza using dh_elpa generated
-=over 4
- Package: elpa-hello
- Architecture: all
- Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${elpa:Depends}
- Description: Emacs addon to say hello
- The Emacs editor addon likes to wave and say hello.
-=head1 HINTS
-=head2 Specifying the package version
-If dh_elpa can't determine the package version by looking at *.el
-files (usually because upstream has failed to include the proper
-headers or *-pkg.el file), it will fallback to the
-An easy way to set one of these based on your latest Debian changelog
-entry is just to prepend the following to your rules file:
-=over 4
- include /usr/share/dpkg/
-Certain Debian upstream version strings cannot be translated into
-version strings Emacs will accept (see the docstring for the Emacs
-function `version-to-list' for details). dh_elpa will error out if
-the version cannot be translated. You should resort to patching in a
-Package-Version header or adding a *-pkg.el file.
-=head2 Specifying the Emacs package name
-Every Emacs package has a name (e.g. C<magit>, C<circe>, or
-C<tetris>). For a simple package this is the filename without the
-'.el' extension; for a multi-file package, it is given in the
-C<*-pkg.el> file. The Emacs package name is often distinct from the
-name of the upstream repository or the name of the Debian source
-B<dh_elpa> needs to know what the Emacs package name is, but it does
-not examine the upstream source code to find it. Instead, by default,
-it assumes that the Emacs package name is the name of the binary
-package, stripped of any 'elpa-' prefix (which will be present for
-packages compliant with the Debian Emacsen Team addons policy
-To override that assumption, you can export the B<ELPA_NAME>
-environment variable in debian/rules:
-=over 4
- ELPA_NAME=tpp-mode
- export ELPA_NAME
-You can also specify the name on a per binary package basis with
-=head2 Debian-specific Lisp customizations
-With B<dh_elpa>, the file C<debian/emacsen-startup> is no longer
-required to ensure that C<load-path> is properly set. This means that
-most packages do not require a C<debian/emacsen-startup> file at all.
-If you do need other configuration to be executed, add the special
-I<autoload cookie> in front of a form, and it will be run at package
-initialization time. This is better than using
-C<debian/emacsen-startup> because the forms are then added to
-I<elpa-package>-autoloads.el, rather than a file in C</etc/>, as the
-contents of C<debian/emacsen-startup> was. This simplifies package
-These cookies can either annotate upstream source, or be added (along
-with the relevant forms) to a file in C<debian/>, by convention
-C<debian/debian-autoloads.el>. That file must then be listed in
-=over 4
-=item Autoload a function
-In general definitions of which functions to autoload belong in the
-upstream source beside the function definition.
- ;;;###autoload
- (defun hello ()
- "wave in a friendly manner"
- (interactive)
- ...)
-One option is to patch in the autoload cookie (if needed) and send
-those patches upstream. If that is not possible, you can manually
-create the autoload form and add it to C<debian-autoloads.el>.
- ;;;###autoload
- (autoload 'hello "goodbye.el" "wave in a friendly manner" t)
-=item Other customizations
-Other customizations (e.g. key bindings or setting variables) can be
-handled similarly to autoloading functions.
- ;;;###autoload
- (setq the-package-setting 42)
-The Emacs package system will copy an arbitrary (non-defun) form to
-the package autoloads file. Changing the behaviour of the package (as
-opposed to making it work) should in most cases happen in upstreamed