;;; dh-elpa.el --- package.el style packages for Debian -*- lexical-binding:t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2015 David Bremner & contributors ;; Portions Copyright 2007-2015 The Free Software Foundation ;; Author: David Bremner ;; Created: 11 July 2015 ;; Version: 0.0.2 ;; Keywords: tools ;; Package-Requires: ((tabulated-list "1.0")) ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; dh-elpa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; dh-elpa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with dh-elpa. If not, see . (require 'package) (require 'cl-lib) ;; Originally package-unpack from package.el in Emacs 24.5 (defun dhelpa-unpack (pkg-desc destdir &optional epoch-time) "Install the contents of the current buffer into DESTDIR as a package. Optional argument EPOCH-TIME specifies time (as a string or number) to use in autoload files; if unspecifed or nil the current time is used." (let* ((name (package-desc-name pkg-desc)) (dirname (package-desc-full-name pkg-desc)) (pkg-dir (expand-file-name dirname destdir)) (pkg-time (if epoch-time (seconds-to-time (if (stringp epoch-time) (string-to-number epoch-time) epoch-time)) (current-time))) (backup-inhibited t)) (make-directory pkg-dir t) (pcase (package-desc-kind pkg-desc) (`tar (let ((default-directory (file-name-as-directory destdir))) (package-untar-buffer dirname))) (`single (let ((el-file (expand-file-name (format "%s.el" name) pkg-dir))) (package--write-file-no-coding el-file))) (kind (error "Unknown package kind: %S" kind))) (defun dhelpa-autoload-insert-section-header (real-fun outbuf autoloads load-name file time) (funcall real-fun outbuf autoloads load-name file pkg-time)) (advice-add #'autoload-insert-section-header :around #'dhelpa-autoload-insert-section-header) (package--make-autoloads-and-stuff pkg-desc pkg-dir) (advice-remove #'autoload-insert-section-header #'dhelpa-autoload-insert-section-header) pkg-dir)) (defun dhelpa-debianise-deps (deps) "Convert a list of package.el deps DEPS to debian/control format." ;; `non-elpa' is a list of libraries that are packaged in Debian ;; outside the elpa-* namespace, plus Emacs itself (let* ((non-elpa (list 'emacs 's 'dash)) (filtered-deps (cl-remove-if (lambda (dep) (or (memq (car dep) non-elpa) (package-built-in-p (car dep)))) deps))) (mapconcat (lambda (dep) (let ((pkg-name (format "elpa-%s" (car dep))) (pkg-ver (mapconcat 'number-to-string (car (cdr dep)) "."))) (concat pkg-name " (>= " pkg-ver ")"))) filtered-deps ", "))) ;; Write out (partial) package description in a form easily parsed by ;; non-lisp tools. (defun dhelpa-write-desc (desc dest) (let* ((name (package-desc-name desc)) (version (package-version-join (package-desc-version desc))) (deps (dhelpa-debianise-deps (package-desc-reqs desc))) (desc-file (expand-file-name (format "%s.desc" name) dest))) (with-temp-file desc-file (insert (format "ELPA-Name: %s\n" name)) (insert (format "ELPA-Version: %s\n" version)) (insert (format "ELPA-Requires: %s\n" deps))))) ;;;###autoload (defun dhelpa-install-from-buffer (destdir &optional epoch-time) "Install a package from the current buffer into DESTDIR. The current buffer is assumed to be a single .el or .tar file that follows the packaging guidelines; see info node `(elisp)Packaging'. If EPOCH-TIME is non-nil, it specifies the time (in seconds since the epoch to be used in the generated autoload files." (interactive "D") (let ((pkg-desc (if (derived-mode-p 'tar-mode) (package-tar-file-info) (package-buffer-info)))) (dhelpa-unpack pkg-desc destdir epoch-time) pkg-desc)) ;;;###autoload (defun dhelpa-batch-install-file () "Install third command line argument (an emacs lisp file or tar file) into second command line argument (a directory). The optional fourth argument specifies a destination for a package description file." (apply #'dhelpa-install-file command-line-args-left)) ;;;###autoload (defun dhelpa-batch-install-directory () "Install third command line argument (a directory containing a multifile elpa package) into second command line argument (a directory). An optional third command line argument specifies where to make temporary files and write a descriptor file." (apply #'dhelpa-install-directory command-line-args-left)) ;;;###autoload (defun dhelpa-install-file (dest el-file &optional desc-dir epoch-time) "Install EL-FILE (an emacs lisp file or tar file) into DEST (a directory). Optional DESC-DIR specifies where to write a simplified package description file. Optional EPOCH-TIME specifies time to use in the generated autoload files." (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents-literally el-file) (when (string-match "\\.tar\\'" el-file) (tar-mode)) (let ((desc (dhelpa-install-from-buffer (expand-file-name dest) epoch-time))) (when desc-dir (dhelpa-write-desc desc desc-dir))))) ;;;###autoload (defun dhelpa-install-directory (dest elpa-dir &optional work-dir epoch-time) "Install ELPA-DIR (an unpacked elpa tarball) into DEST (a directory). The directory must either be named `package' or `package-version'. If a working directory WORK-DIR is specified, cleaning up is the caller's responsibility. Optional EPOCH-TIME specifies time to use in generated autoloads files." (unless (file-exists-p (expand-file-name (package--description-file elpa-dir) elpa-dir)) (dhelpa-generate-pkg-file elpa-dir)) (let ((desc (package-load-descriptor elpa-dir))) (if (not desc) (message "Could not compute version from directory %s" elpa-dir) (let* ((canonical-dir (package-desc-full-name desc)) (base-dir (file-name-nondirectory elpa-dir)) (parent-dir (file-name-directory elpa-dir)) (temp-dir (or work-dir (make-temp-file nil t))) (tar-file (concat (expand-file-name canonical-dir temp-dir) ".tar")) ;; this relies on GNU tar features. (transform-command (concat "--transform=s/" (regexp-quote base-dir) "/" canonical-dir "/"))) (call-process "tar" nil nil nil "--create" "-C" parent-dir transform-command "--file" tar-file base-dir) (dhelpa-install-file dest tar-file work-dir epoch-time) (unless work-dir (delete-file tar-file) (delete-directory temp-dir)))))) (defun dhelpa-generate-pkg-file (pkg-dir) "Generate PKG-DIR/foo-pkg.el by consulting PKG-DIR/foo.el." (let* ((pkg-file (expand-file-name (package--description-file pkg-dir) pkg-dir)) (root-file (replace-regexp-in-string "-pkg" "" pkg-file)) (pkg-desc (condition-case nil (with-temp-buffer (find-file root-file) (package-buffer-info)) (error (progn (message "dh_elpa: couldn't generate -pkg file; please write one") (kill-emacs -1)))))) ;; although the docstring for `package-generate-description-file' ;; says that it generates a description for single-file packages, ;; there is in fact no difference between the descriptions for ;; single-file and multifile packages (package-generate-description-file pkg-desc pkg-file))) ;;; dh-elpa.el ends here