order deny,allow deny from all allow from localhost Options -Indexes -MultiViews order deny,allow deny from all allow from localhost Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks # The following directives are needed for the operation of Debian Online Help # and are assumed to already be enabled on the server's configuration: # #Alias /doc /usr/share/doc # #ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /usr/lib/cgi-bin # # AllowOverride None # Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch # Require all granted # # # Note that enabling /doc/ alias may result in a security vulnerability, # specifically CVE-2012-0216. Thus newer versions of the apache2 package # do NOT have the /doc/ alias enabled by default. # # See http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2452 for reference and to # decide whether the conditions stated there apply to your case. # # Then, enable the /doc/ alias by uncommenting the line above, if you judge # that it is secure to do so. Else you can uncomment the following two lines # to allow a secure partial operation of Debian Online Help, even if the # above vulnerability is present: # #Alias /doc/HTML /usr/share/doc/HTML #Alias /doc/dhelp/css /usr/share/doc/dhelp/css # # Using the above two alias you will be able to see descriptions and search # for terms, but the documents themselves will be inaccessible. You will need # to manually add an alias directive *for each document* that you want it to # become accessible. # # See also /usr/share/doc/dhelp/README.Debian for more information.