: Makefile.SH generated from Jmake.tmpl and Jmakefile [jmake 3.0 PL51] : $X-Id: Jmake.tmpl,v 1995/01/11 14:50:21 ram Exp ram $ case $CONFIG in '') if test -f config.sh; then TOP=.; elif test -f ../config.sh; then TOP=..; elif test -f ../../config.sh; then TOP=../..; elif test -f ../../../config.sh; then TOP=../../..; elif test -f ../../../../config.sh; then TOP=../../../..; else echo "Can't find config.sh."; exit 1 fi . $TOP/config.sh ;; esac case "$0" in */*) cd `expr X$0 : 'X\(.*\)/'` ;; esac CURRENT=jmake DIR=`echo $CURRENT/ | sed -e 's/\.\///g'` echo "Extracting ${DIR}Makefile (with variable substitutions)" INSTALL=`echo $install | sed -e 's,\./i,\$(TOP)/i,'` INSTALLDIR=`echo $installdir | sed -e 's,\./i,\$(TOP)/i,'` DATE=`date` $spitshell >Makefile <>Makefile <<'!NO!SUBS!' ######################################################################## # Jmake rules for building libraries, programs, scripts, and data files # $X-Id: Jmake.rules,v 1995/01/11 14:49:55 ram Exp ram $ ######################################################################## # Force 'make depend' to be performed first -- do not edit .FORCE_DEPEND:: all:: .FORCE_DEPEND ######################################################################## # Start of Jmakefile # $X-Id: Jmakefile,v 1995/03/21 08:34:16 ram Exp ram $ # # Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Raphael Manfredi # # You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic Licence, # as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution. # You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of # that same Artistic Licence; a copy of which may be found at the root # of the source tree for dist 3.0. # # $X-Log: Jmakefile,v $ # Revision 1995/03/21 08:34:16 ram # patch52: now installs new fixcpp script in the private libdir # # Revision 1994/01/24 13:42:36 ram # patch16: added dependency generation stage # # Revision 3.0 1993/08/18 12:04:09 ram # Baseline for dist 3.0 netwide release. # all:: Index local_realclean:: $(RM) Index Index: bindex chmod +x bindex ./bindex all:: jmake jmkmf local_realclean:: $(RM) jmake jmkmf jmake: jmake.SH /bin/sh jmake.SH jmkmf: jmkmf.SH /bin/sh jmkmf.SH install:: $(SCRIPTS) $(LSCRIPTS) @for file in $(SCRIPTS) $(LSCRIPTS); do \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \ (set -x; $(INSTALL) -c -m 555 $$file $(SCRIPTDIR)); \ done deinstall:: @for file in $(SCRIPTS) $(LSCRIPTS); do \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \ (set -x; $(RM) $(SCRIPTDIR)/$$file); \ done install.man:: @if test "$(MANSRC)"; then \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \ for file in $(SCRIPTS); do \ (set -x; \ $(INSTALL) -c -m 444 $$file.man $(MANSRC)/$$file.$(L)); \ done; \ else exit 0; fi deinstall.man:: @if test "$(MANSRC)"; then \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \ for file in $(SCRIPTS); do \ (set -x; $(RM) $(MANSRC)/$$file.$(L)); \ done; \ else exit 0; fi all:: bindex fixcpp local_realclean:: $(RM) bindex fixcpp bindex: bindex.SH /bin/sh bindex.SH fixcpp: fixcpp.SH /bin/sh fixcpp.SH install:: @for dir in $(PRIVLIB) $(PRIVLIB)/files; do \ case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \ (set -x; test -d $$dir || $(INSTALLDIR) $$dir); \ done deinstall:: $(RM) -r $(PRIVLIB) $(PRIVLIB)/files install:: Index $(INSTALL) -c -m 444 Index $(PRIVLIB) deinstall:: $(RM) $(PRIVLIB)/Index install:: bindex $(INSTALL) -c -m 555 bindex $(PRIVLIB) deinstall:: $(RM) $(PRIVLIB)/bindex install:: fixcpp $(INSTALL) -c -m 555 fixcpp $(PRIVLIB)/files deinstall:: $(RM) $(PRIVLIB)/files/fixcpp install:: files/Jmake* @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \ for i in files/Jmake*; do \ (set -x; $(INSTALL) -c -m 444 $$i $(PRIVLIB)/files); \ done deinstall:: @case '${MFLAGS}' in *[i]*) set +e;; esac; \ for i in files/Jmake*; do \ (set -x; $(RM) $(PRIVLIB)/files/$$i); \ done BINSH = jmake.SH fixcpp.SH depend:: ($(SED) '/^# DO NOT DELETE/q' Makefile && \ grep '^\$$grep' $(BINSH) | \ $(SED) -e "s/^.*' \([^ ]*\) >>\([^ ]*\)/\2: \1/" \ ) > Makefile.new cp Makefile Makefile.bak cp Makefile.new Makefile $(RM) Makefile.new ######################################################################## # Common rules for all Makefiles -- do not edit emptyrule:: clean: local_clean realclean: local_realclean clobber: local_clobber local_clean:: $(RM) core *~ *.o local_realclean:: local_clean local_clobber:: local_realclean $(RM) Makefile config.sh Makefile.SH: Jmakefile -@if test -f $(TOP)/.package; then \ if test -f Makefile.SH; then \ echo " $(RM) Makefile.SH~; $(MV) Makefile.SH Makefile.SH~"; \ $(RM) Makefile.SH~; $(MV) Makefile.SH Makefile.SH~; \ fi; \ echo " $(JMAKE) -DTOPDIR=$(TOP) -DCURDIR=$(CURRENT)" ; \ $(JMAKE) -DTOPDIR=$(TOP) -DCURDIR=$(CURRENT) ; \ else touch $@; exit 0; fi Makefile: Makefile.SH /bin/sh Makefile.SH tags:: $(CTAGS) -w *.[ch] $(CTAGS) -xw *.[ch] > tags local_clobber:: $(RM) tags ######################################################################## # Empty rules for directories with no sub-directories -- do not edit install:: @echo "install in $(CURRENT) done." deinstall:: @echo "deinstall in $(CURRENT) done." install.man:: @echo "install.man in $(CURRENT) done." deinstall.man:: @echo "deinstall.man in $(CURRENT) done." Makefiles:: Makefiles.SH:: ######################################################################## # Dependencies generated by make depend # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend relies on it # Put nothing here or make depend will gobble it up .FORCE_DEPEND:: @echo "You must run 'make depend' in $(TOP) first."; exit 1 !NO!SUBS! chmod 644 Makefile $eunicefix Makefile