from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import contextlib import functools import json import logging import pipes import re import subprocess import sys from distutils.spawn import find_executable from inspect import getdoc from operator import attrgetter import docker from . import errors from . import signals from .. import __version__ from ..bundle import get_image_digests from ..bundle import MissingDigests from ..bundle import serialize_bundle from ..config import ConfigurationError from ..config import parse_environment from ..config import parse_labels from ..config import resolve_build_args from ..config.environment import Environment from ..config.serialize import serialize_config from ..config.types import VolumeSpec from ..const import COMPOSEFILE_V2_2 as V2_2 from ..const import IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM from ..errors import StreamParseError from ..progress_stream import StreamOutputError from ..project import NoSuchService from ..project import OneOffFilter from ..project import ProjectError from ..service import BuildAction from ..service import BuildError from ..service import ConvergenceStrategy from ..service import ImageType from ..service import NeedsBuildError from ..service import OperationFailedError from .command import get_config_from_options from .command import project_from_options from .docopt_command import DocoptDispatcher from .docopt_command import get_handler from .docopt_command import NoSuchCommand from .errors import UserError from .formatter import ConsoleWarningFormatter from .formatter import Formatter from .log_printer import build_log_presenters from .log_printer import LogPrinter from .utils import get_version_info from .utils import human_readable_file_size from .utils import yesno if not IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM: from dockerpty.pty import PseudoTerminal, RunOperation, ExecOperation log = logging.getLogger(__name__) console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) def main(): signals.ignore_sigpipe() try: command = dispatch() command() except (KeyboardInterrupt, signals.ShutdownException): log.error("Aborting.") sys.exit(1) except (UserError, NoSuchService, ConfigurationError, ProjectError, OperationFailedError) as e: log.error(e.msg) sys.exit(1) except BuildError as e: log.error("Service '%s' failed to build: %s" % (, e.reason)) sys.exit(1) except StreamOutputError as e: log.error(e) sys.exit(1) except NeedsBuildError as e: log.error("Service '%s' needs to be built, but --no-build was passed." % sys.exit(1) except NoSuchCommand as e: commands = "\n".join(parse_doc_section("commands:", getdoc(e.supercommand))) log.error("No such command: %s\n\n%s", e.command, commands) sys.exit(1) except (errors.ConnectionError, StreamParseError): sys.exit(1) def dispatch(): setup_logging() dispatcher = DocoptDispatcher( TopLevelCommand, {'options_first': True, 'version': get_version_info('compose')}) options, handler, command_options = dispatcher.parse(sys.argv[1:]) setup_console_handler(console_handler, options.get('--verbose'), options.get('--no-ansi'), options.get("--log-level")) setup_parallel_logger(options.get('--no-ansi')) if options.get('--no-ansi'): command_options['--no-color'] = True return functools.partial(perform_command, options, handler, command_options) def perform_command(options, handler, command_options): if options['COMMAND'] in ('help', 'version'): # Skip looking up the compose file. handler(command_options) return if options['COMMAND'] == 'config': command = TopLevelCommand(None, options=options) handler(command, command_options) return project = project_from_options('.', options) command = TopLevelCommand(project, options=options) with errors.handle_connection_errors(project.client): handler(command, command_options) def setup_logging(): root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.addHandler(console_handler) root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Disable requests logging logging.getLogger("requests").propagate = False def setup_parallel_logger(noansi): if noansi: import compose.parallel compose.parallel.ParallelStreamWriter.set_noansi() def setup_console_handler(handler, verbose, noansi=False, level=None): if and noansi is False: format_class = ConsoleWarningFormatter else: format_class = logging.Formatter if verbose: handler.setFormatter(format_class('%(name)s.%(funcName)s: %(message)s')) loglevel = logging.DEBUG else: handler.setFormatter(format_class()) loglevel = logging.INFO if level is not None: levels = { 'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG, 'INFO': logging.INFO, 'WARNING': logging.WARNING, 'ERROR': logging.ERROR, 'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL, } loglevel = levels.get(level.upper()) if loglevel is None: raise UserError( 'Invalid value for --log-level. Expected one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL.' ) handler.setLevel(loglevel) # stolen from docopt master def parse_doc_section(name, source): pattern = re.compile('^([^\n]*' + name + '[^\n]*\n?(?:[ \t].*?(?:\n|$))*)', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) return [s.strip() for s in pattern.findall(source)] class TopLevelCommand(object): """Define and run multi-container applications with Docker. Usage: docker-compose [-f ...] [options] [COMMAND] [ARGS...] docker-compose -h|--help Options: -f, --file FILE Specify an alternate compose file (default: docker-compose.yml) -p, --project-name NAME Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name) --verbose Show more output --log-level LEVEL Set log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) --no-ansi Do not print ANSI control characters -v, --version Print version and exit -H, --host HOST Daemon socket to connect to --tls Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify --tlscacert CA_PATH Trust certs signed only by this CA --tlscert CLIENT_CERT_PATH Path to TLS certificate file --tlskey TLS_KEY_PATH Path to TLS key file --tlsverify Use TLS and verify the remote --skip-hostname-check Don't check the daemon's hostname against the name specified in the client certificate --project-directory PATH Specify an alternate working directory (default: the path of the Compose file) --compatibility If set, Compose will attempt to convert deploy keys in v3 files to their non-Swarm equivalent Commands: build Build or rebuild services bundle Generate a Docker bundle from the Compose file config Validate and view the Compose file create Create services down Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes events Receive real time events from containers exec Execute a command in a running container help Get help on a command images List images kill Kill containers logs View output from containers pause Pause services port Print the public port for a port binding ps List containers pull Pull service images push Push service images restart Restart services rm Remove stopped containers run Run a one-off command scale Set number of containers for a service start Start services stop Stop services top Display the running processes unpause Unpause services up Create and start containers version Show the Docker-Compose version information """ def __init__(self, project, options=None): self.project = project self.toplevel_options = options or {} @property def project_dir(self): return self.toplevel_options.get('--project-directory') or '.' def build(self, options): """ Build or rebuild services. Services are built once and then tagged as `project_service`, e.g. `composetest_db`. If you change a service's `Dockerfile` or the contents of its build directory, you can run `docker-compose build` to rebuild it. Usage: build [options] [--build-arg key=val...] [SERVICE...] Options: --compress Compress the build context using gzip. --force-rm Always remove intermediate containers. --no-cache Do not use cache when building the image. --pull Always attempt to pull a newer version of the image. -m, --memory MEM Sets memory limit for the build container. --build-arg key=val Set build-time variables for services. --parallel Build images in parallel. """ service_names = options['SERVICE'] build_args = options.get('--build-arg', None) if build_args: if not service_names and docker.utils.version_lt(self.project.client.api_version, '1.25'): raise UserError( '--build-arg is only supported when services are specified for API version < 1.25.' ' Please use a Compose file version > 2.2 or specify which services to build.' ) environment = Environment.from_env_file(self.project_dir) build_args = resolve_build_args(build_args, environment) service_names=options['SERVICE'], no_cache=bool(options.get('--no-cache', False)), pull=bool(options.get('--pull', False)), force_rm=bool(options.get('--force-rm', False)), memory=options.get('--memory'), build_args=build_args, gzip=options.get('--compress', False), parallel_build=options.get('--parallel', False), ) def bundle(self, options): """ Generate a Distributed Application Bundle (DAB) from the Compose file. Images must have digests stored, which requires interaction with a Docker registry. If digests aren't stored for all images, you can fetch them with `docker-compose pull` or `docker-compose push`. To push images automatically when bundling, pass `--push-images`. Only services with a `build` option specified will have their images pushed. Usage: bundle [options] Options: --push-images Automatically push images for any services which have a `build` option specified. -o, --output PATH Path to write the bundle file to. Defaults to ".dab". """ compose_config = get_config_from_options('.', self.toplevel_options) output = options["--output"] if not output: output = "{}.dab".format( image_digests = image_digests_for_project(self.project, options['--push-images']) with open(output, 'w') as f: f.write(serialize_bundle(compose_config, image_digests))"Wrote bundle to {}".format(output)) def config(self, options): """ Validate and view the Compose file. Usage: config [options] Options: --resolve-image-digests Pin image tags to digests. -q, --quiet Only validate the configuration, don't print anything. --services Print the service names, one per line. --volumes Print the volume names, one per line. --hash="*" Print the service config hash, one per line. Set "service1,service2" for a list of specified services or use the wildcard symbol to display all services """ compose_config = get_config_from_options('.', self.toplevel_options) image_digests = None if options['--resolve-image-digests']: self.project = project_from_options('.', self.toplevel_options) with errors.handle_connection_errors(self.project.client): image_digests = image_digests_for_project(self.project) if options['--quiet']: return if options['--services']: print('\n'.join(service['name'] for service in return if options['--volumes']: print('\n'.join(volume for volume in compose_config.volumes)) return if options['--hash'] is not None: h = options['--hash'] self.project = project_from_options('.', self.toplevel_options) services = [svc for svc in options['--hash'].split(',')] if h != '*' else None with errors.handle_connection_errors(self.project.client): for service in self.project.get_services(services): print('{} {}'.format(, service.config_hash)) return print(serialize_config(compose_config, image_digests)) def create(self, options): """ Creates containers for a service. This command is deprecated. Use the `up` command with `--no-start` instead. Usage: create [options] [SERVICE...] Options: --force-recreate Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven't changed. Incompatible with --no-recreate. --no-recreate If containers already exist, don't recreate them. Incompatible with --force-recreate. --no-build Don't build an image, even if it's missing. --build Build images before creating containers. """ service_names = options['SERVICE'] log.warn( 'The create command is deprecated. ' 'Use the up command with the --no-start flag instead.' ) self.project.create( service_names=service_names, strategy=convergence_strategy_from_opts(options), do_build=build_action_from_opts(options), ) def down(self, options): """ Stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images created by `up`. By default, the only things removed are: - Containers for services defined in the Compose file - Networks defined in the `networks` section of the Compose file - The default network, if one is used Networks and volumes defined as `external` are never removed. Usage: down [options] Options: --rmi type Remove images. Type must be one of: 'all': Remove all images used by any service. 'local': Remove only images that don't have a custom tag set by the `image` field. -v, --volumes Remove named volumes declared in the `volumes` section of the Compose file and anonymous volumes attached to containers. --remove-orphans Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file -t, --timeout TIMEOUT Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10) """ environment = Environment.from_env_file(self.project_dir) ignore_orphans = environment.get_boolean('COMPOSE_IGNORE_ORPHANS') if ignore_orphans and options['--remove-orphans']: raise UserError("COMPOSE_IGNORE_ORPHANS and --remove-orphans cannot be combined.") image_type = image_type_from_opt('--rmi', options['--rmi']) timeout = timeout_from_opts(options) self.project.down( image_type, options['--volumes'], options['--remove-orphans'], timeout=timeout, ignore_orphans=ignore_orphans) def events(self, options): """ Receive real time events from containers. Usage: events [options] [SERVICE...] Options: --json Output events as a stream of json objects """ def format_event(event): attributes = ["%s=%s" % item for item in event['attributes'].items()] return ("{time} {type} {action} {id} ({attrs})").format( attrs=", ".join(sorted(attributes)), **event) def json_format_event(event): event['time'] = event['time'].isoformat() event.pop('container') return json.dumps(event) for event in formatter = json_format_event if options['--json'] else format_event print(formatter(event)) sys.stdout.flush() def exec_command(self, options): """ Execute a command in a running container Usage: exec [options] [-e KEY=VAL...] SERVICE COMMAND [ARGS...] Options: -d, --detach Detached mode: Run command in the background. --privileged Give extended privileges to the process. -u, --user USER Run the command as this user. -T Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default `docker-compose exec` allocates a TTY. --index=index index of the container if there are multiple instances of a service [default: 1] -e, --env KEY=VAL Set environment variables (can be used multiple times, not supported in API < 1.25) -w, --workdir DIR Path to workdir directory for this command. """ environment = Environment.from_env_file(self.project_dir) use_cli = not environment.get_boolean('COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI') index = int(options.get('--index')) service = self.project.get_service(options['SERVICE']) detach = options.get('--detach') if options['--env'] and docker.utils.version_lt(self.project.client.api_version, '1.25'): raise UserError("Setting environment for exec is not supported in API < 1.25 (%s)" % self.project.client.api_version) if options['--workdir'] and docker.utils.version_lt(self.project.client.api_version, '1.35'): raise UserError("Setting workdir for exec is not supported in API < 1.35 (%s)" % self.project.client.api_version) try: container = service.get_container(number=index) except ValueError as e: raise UserError(str(e)) command = [options['COMMAND']] + options['ARGS'] tty = not options["-T"] if IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM or use_cli and not detach: sys.exit(call_docker( build_exec_command(options,, command), self.toplevel_options) ) create_exec_options = { "privileged": options["--privileged"], "user": options["--user"], "tty": tty, "stdin": True, "workdir": options["--workdir"], } if docker.utils.version_gte(self.project.client.api_version, '1.25'): create_exec_options["environment"] = options["--env"] exec_id = container.create_exec(command, **create_exec_options) if detach: container.start_exec(exec_id, tty=tty, stream=True) return signals.set_signal_handler_to_shutdown() try: operation = ExecOperation( self.project.client, exec_id, interactive=tty, ) pty = PseudoTerminal(self.project.client, operation) pty.start() except signals.ShutdownException:"received shutdown exception: closing") exit_code = self.project.client.exec_inspect(exec_id).get("ExitCode") sys.exit(exit_code) @classmethod def help(cls, options): """ Get help on a command. Usage: help [COMMAND] """ if options['COMMAND']: subject = get_handler(cls, options['COMMAND']) else: subject = cls print(getdoc(subject)) def images(self, options): """ List images used by the created containers. Usage: images [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -q, --quiet Only display IDs """ containers = sorted( self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], stopped=True) + self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], one_off=OneOffFilter.only), key=attrgetter('name')) if options['--quiet']: for image in set(c.image for c in containers): print(image.split(':')[1]) return def add_default_tag(img_name): if ':' not in img_name.split('/')[-1]: return '{}:latest'.format(img_name) return img_name headers = [ 'Container', 'Repository', 'Tag', 'Image Id', 'Size' ] rows = [] for container in containers: image_config = container.image_config service = self.project.get_service(container.service) index = 0 img_name = add_default_tag(service.image_name) if img_name in image_config['RepoTags']: index = image_config['RepoTags'].index(img_name) repo_tags = ( image_config['RepoTags'][index].rsplit(':', 1) if image_config['RepoTags'] else ('', '') ) image_id = image_config['Id'].split(':')[1][:12] size = human_readable_file_size(image_config['Size']) rows.append([, repo_tags[0], repo_tags[1], image_id, size ]) print(Formatter().table(headers, rows)) def kill(self, options): """ Force stop service containers. Usage: kill [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -s SIGNAL SIGNAL to send to the container. Default signal is SIGKILL. """ signal = options.get('-s', 'SIGKILL') self.project.kill(service_names=options['SERVICE'], signal=signal) def logs(self, options): """ View output from containers. Usage: logs [options] [SERVICE...] Options: --no-color Produce monochrome output. -f, --follow Follow log output. -t, --timestamps Show timestamps. --tail="all" Number of lines to show from the end of the logs for each container. """ containers = self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], stopped=True) tail = options['--tail'] if tail is not None: if tail.isdigit(): tail = int(tail) elif tail != 'all': raise UserError("tail flag must be all or a number") log_args = { 'follow': options['--follow'], 'tail': tail, 'timestamps': options['--timestamps'] } print("Attaching to", list_containers(containers)) log_printer_from_project( self.project, containers, options['--no-color'], log_args,['SERVICE'])).run() def pause(self, options): """ Pause services. Usage: pause [SERVICE...] """ containers = self.project.pause(service_names=options['SERVICE']) exit_if(not containers, 'No containers to pause', 1) def port(self, options): """ Print the public port for a port binding. Usage: port [options] SERVICE PRIVATE_PORT Options: --protocol=proto tcp or udp [default: tcp] --index=index index of the container if there are multiple instances of a service [default: 1] """ index = int(options.get('--index')) service = self.project.get_service(options['SERVICE']) try: container = service.get_container(number=index) except ValueError as e: raise UserError(str(e)) print(container.get_local_port( options['PRIVATE_PORT'], protocol=options.get('--protocol') or 'tcp') or '') def ps(self, options): """ List containers. Usage: ps [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -q, --quiet Only display IDs --services Display services --filter KEY=VAL Filter services by a property -a, --all Show all stopped containers (including those created by the run command) """ if options['--quiet'] and options['--services']: raise UserError('--quiet and --services cannot be combined') if options['--services']: filt = build_filter(options.get('--filter')) services = if filt: services = filter_services(filt, services, self.project) print('\n'.join( for service in services)) return if options['--all']: containers = sorted(self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], one_off=OneOffFilter.include, stopped=True)) else: containers = sorted( self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], stopped=True) + self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], one_off=OneOffFilter.only), key=attrgetter('name')) if options['--quiet']: for container in containers: print( else: headers = [ 'Name', 'Command', 'State', 'Ports', ] rows = [] for container in containers: command = container.human_readable_command if len(command) > 30: command = '%s ...' % command[:26] rows.append([, command, container.human_readable_state, container.human_readable_ports, ]) print(Formatter().table(headers, rows)) def pull(self, options): """ Pulls images for services defined in a Compose file, but does not start the containers. Usage: pull [options] [SERVICE...] Options: --ignore-pull-failures Pull what it can and ignores images with pull failures. --parallel Deprecated, pull multiple images in parallel (enabled by default). --no-parallel Disable parallel pulling. -q, --quiet Pull without printing progress information --include-deps Also pull services declared as dependencies """ if options.get('--parallel'): log.warn('--parallel option is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.') self.project.pull( service_names=options['SERVICE'], ignore_pull_failures=options.get('--ignore-pull-failures'), parallel_pull=not options.get('--no-parallel'), silent=options.get('--quiet'), include_deps=options.get('--include-deps'), ) def push(self, options): """ Pushes images for services. Usage: push [options] [SERVICE...] Options: --ignore-push-failures Push what it can and ignores images with push failures. """ self.project.push( service_names=options['SERVICE'], ignore_push_failures=options.get('--ignore-push-failures') ) def rm(self, options): """ Removes stopped service containers. By default, anonymous volumes attached to containers will not be removed. You can override this with `-v`. To list all volumes, use `docker volume ls`. Any data which is not in a volume will be lost. Usage: rm [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -f, --force Don't ask to confirm removal -s, --stop Stop the containers, if required, before removing -v Remove any anonymous volumes attached to containers -a, --all Deprecated - no effect. """ if options.get('--all'): log.warn( '--all flag is obsolete. This is now the default behavior ' 'of `docker-compose rm`' ) one_off = OneOffFilter.include if options.get('--stop'): self.project.stop(service_names=options['SERVICE'], one_off=one_off) all_containers = self.project.containers( service_names=options['SERVICE'], stopped=True, one_off=one_off ) stopped_containers = [c for c in all_containers if not c.is_running] if len(stopped_containers) > 0: print("Going to remove", list_containers(stopped_containers)) if options.get('--force') \ or yesno("Are you sure? [yN] ", default=False): self.project.remove_stopped( service_names=options['SERVICE'], v=options.get('-v', False), one_off=one_off ) else: print("No stopped containers") def run(self, options): """ Run a one-off command on a service. For example: $ docker-compose run web python shell By default, linked services will be started, unless they are already running. If you do not want to start linked services, use `docker-compose run --no-deps SERVICE COMMAND [ARGS...]`. Usage: run [options] [-v VOLUME...] [-p PORT...] [-e KEY=VAL...] [-l KEY=VALUE...] SERVICE [COMMAND] [ARGS...] Options: -d, --detach Detached mode: Run container in the background, print new container name. --name NAME Assign a name to the container --entrypoint CMD Override the entrypoint of the image. -e KEY=VAL Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times) -l, --label KEY=VAL Add or override a label (can be used multiple times) -u, --user="" Run as specified username or uid --no-deps Don't start linked services. --rm Remove container after run. Ignored in detached mode. -p, --publish=[] Publish a container's port(s) to the host --service-ports Run command with the service's ports enabled and mapped to the host. --use-aliases Use the service's network aliases in the network(s) the container connects to. -v, --volume=[] Bind mount a volume (default []) -T Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default `docker-compose run` allocates a TTY. -w, --workdir="" Working directory inside the container """ service = self.project.get_service(options['SERVICE']) detach = options.get('--detach') if options['--publish'] and options['--service-ports']: raise UserError( 'Service port mapping and manual port mapping ' 'can not be used together' ) if options['COMMAND'] is not None: command = [options['COMMAND']] + options['ARGS'] elif options['--entrypoint'] is not None: command = [] else: command = service.options.get('command') container_options = build_one_off_container_options(options, detach, command) run_one_off_container( container_options, self.project, service, options, self.toplevel_options, self.project_dir ) def scale(self, options): """ Set number of containers to run for a service. Numbers are specified in the form `service=num` as arguments. For example: $ docker-compose scale web=2 worker=3 This command is deprecated. Use the up command with the `--scale` flag instead. Usage: scale [options] [SERVICE=NUM...] Options: -t, --timeout TIMEOUT Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10) """ timeout = timeout_from_opts(options) if self.project.config_version == V2_2: raise UserError( 'The scale command is incompatible with the v2.2 format. ' 'Use the up command with the --scale flag instead.' ) else: log.warn( 'The scale command is deprecated. ' 'Use the up command with the --scale flag instead.' ) for service_name, num in parse_scale_args(options['SERVICE=NUM']).items(): self.project.get_service(service_name).scale(num, timeout=timeout) def start(self, options): """ Start existing containers. Usage: start [SERVICE...] """ containers = self.project.start(service_names=options['SERVICE']) exit_if(not containers, 'No containers to start', 1) def stop(self, options): """ Stop running containers without removing them. They can be started again with `docker-compose start`. Usage: stop [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -t, --timeout TIMEOUT Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10) """ timeout = timeout_from_opts(options) self.project.stop(service_names=options['SERVICE'], timeout=timeout) def restart(self, options): """ Restart running containers. Usage: restart [options] [SERVICE...] Options: -t, --timeout TIMEOUT Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds. (default: 10) """ timeout = timeout_from_opts(options) containers = self.project.restart(service_names=options['SERVICE'], timeout=timeout) exit_if(not containers, 'No containers to restart', 1) def top(self, options): """ Display the running processes Usage: top [SERVICE...] """ containers = sorted( self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], stopped=False) + self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], one_off=OneOffFilter.only), key=attrgetter('name') ) for idx, container in enumerate(containers): if idx > 0: print() top_data = headers = top_data.get("Titles") rows = [] for process in top_data.get("Processes", []): rows.append(process) print( print(Formatter().table(headers, rows)) def unpause(self, options): """ Unpause services. Usage: unpause [SERVICE...] """ containers = self.project.unpause(service_names=options['SERVICE']) exit_if(not containers, 'No containers to unpause', 1) def up(self, options): """ Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service. Unless they are already running, this command also starts any linked services. The `docker-compose up` command aggregates the output of each container. When the command exits, all containers are stopped. Running `docker-compose up -d` starts the containers in the background and leaves them running. If there are existing containers for a service, and the service's configuration or image was changed after the container's creation, `docker-compose up` picks up the changes by stopping and recreating the containers (preserving mounted volumes). To prevent Compose from picking up changes, use the `--no-recreate` flag. If you want to force Compose to stop and recreate all containers, use the `--force-recreate` flag. Usage: up [options] [--scale SERVICE=NUM...] [SERVICE...] Options: -d, --detach Detached mode: Run containers in the background, print new container names. Incompatible with --abort-on-container-exit. --no-color Produce monochrome output. --quiet-pull Pull without printing progress information --no-deps Don't start linked services. --force-recreate Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven't changed. --always-recreate-deps Recreate dependent containers. Incompatible with --no-recreate. --no-recreate If containers already exist, don't recreate them. Incompatible with --force-recreate and -V. --no-build Don't build an image, even if it's missing. --no-start Don't start the services after creating them. --build Build images before starting containers. --abort-on-container-exit Stops all containers if any container was stopped. Incompatible with -d. -t, --timeout TIMEOUT Use this timeout in seconds for container shutdown when attached or when containers are already running. (default: 10) -V, --renew-anon-volumes Recreate anonymous volumes instead of retrieving data from the previous containers. --remove-orphans Remove containers for services not defined in the Compose file. --exit-code-from SERVICE Return the exit code of the selected service container. Implies --abort-on-container-exit. --scale SERVICE=NUM Scale SERVICE to NUM instances. Overrides the `scale` setting in the Compose file if present. """ start_deps = not options['--no-deps'] always_recreate_deps = options['--always-recreate-deps'] exit_value_from = exitval_from_opts(options, self.project) cascade_stop = options['--abort-on-container-exit'] service_names = options['SERVICE'] timeout = timeout_from_opts(options) remove_orphans = options['--remove-orphans'] detached = options.get('--detach') no_start = options.get('--no-start') if detached and (cascade_stop or exit_value_from): raise UserError("--abort-on-container-exit and -d cannot be combined.") environment = Environment.from_env_file(self.project_dir) ignore_orphans = environment.get_boolean('COMPOSE_IGNORE_ORPHANS') if ignore_orphans and remove_orphans: raise UserError("COMPOSE_IGNORE_ORPHANS and --remove-orphans cannot be combined.") opts = ['--detach', '--abort-on-container-exit', '--exit-code-from'] for excluded in [x for x in opts if options.get(x) and no_start]: raise UserError('--no-start and {} cannot be combined.'.format(excluded)) with up_shutdown_context(self.project, service_names, timeout, detached): warn_for_swarm_mode(self.project.client) def up(rebuild): return self.project.up( service_names=service_names, start_deps=start_deps, strategy=convergence_strategy_from_opts(options), do_build=build_action_from_opts(options), timeout=timeout, detached=detached, remove_orphans=remove_orphans, ignore_orphans=ignore_orphans, scale_override=parse_scale_args(options['--scale']), start=not no_start, always_recreate_deps=always_recreate_deps, reset_container_image=rebuild, renew_anonymous_volumes=options.get('--renew-anon-volumes'), silent=options.get('--quiet-pull'), ) try: to_attach = up(False) except docker.errors.ImageNotFound as e: log.error( "The image for the service you're trying to recreate has been removed. " "If you continue, volume data could be lost. Consider backing up your data " "before continuing.\n".format(e.explanation) ) res = yesno("Continue with the new image? [yN]", False) if res is None or not res: raise e to_attach = up(True) if detached or no_start: return attached_containers = filter_containers_to_service_names(to_attach, service_names) log_printer = log_printer_from_project( self.project, attached_containers, options['--no-color'], {'follow': True}, cascade_stop, print("Attaching to", list_containers(log_printer.containers)) cascade_starter = if cascade_stop: print("Aborting on container exit...") all_containers = self.project.containers(service_names=options['SERVICE'], stopped=True) exit_code = compute_exit_code( exit_value_from, attached_containers, cascade_starter, all_containers ) self.project.stop(service_names=service_names, timeout=timeout) if exit_value_from: exit_code = compute_service_exit_code(exit_value_from, attached_containers) sys.exit(exit_code) @classmethod def version(cls, options): """ Show version information Usage: version [--short] Options: --short Shows only Compose's version number. """ if options['--short']: print(__version__) else: print(get_version_info('full')) def compute_service_exit_code(exit_value_from, attached_containers): candidates = list(filter( lambda c: c.service == exit_value_from, attached_containers)) if not candidates: log.error( 'No containers matching the spec "{0}" ' 'were run.'.format(exit_value_from) ) return 2 if len(candidates) > 1: exit_values = filter( lambda e: e != 0, [c.inspect()['State']['ExitCode'] for c in candidates] ) return exit_values[0] return candidates[0].inspect()['State']['ExitCode'] def compute_exit_code(exit_value_from, attached_containers, cascade_starter, all_containers): exit_code = 0 for e in all_containers: if (not e.is_running and cascade_starter == if not e.exit_code == 0: exit_code = e.exit_code break return exit_code def convergence_strategy_from_opts(options): no_recreate = options['--no-recreate'] force_recreate = options['--force-recreate'] renew_anonymous_volumes = options.get('--renew-anon-volumes') if force_recreate and no_recreate: raise UserError("--force-recreate and --no-recreate cannot be combined.") if no_recreate and renew_anonymous_volumes: raise UserError('--no-recreate and --renew-anon-volumes cannot be combined.') if force_recreate or renew_anonymous_volumes: return ConvergenceStrategy.always if no_recreate: return ConvergenceStrategy.never return ConvergenceStrategy.changed def timeout_from_opts(options): timeout = options.get('--timeout') return None if timeout is None else int(timeout) def image_digests_for_project(project, allow_push=False): try: return get_image_digests( project, allow_push=allow_push ) except MissingDigests as e: def list_images(images): return "\n".join(" {}".format(name) for name in sorted(images)) paras = ["Some images are missing digests."] if e.needs_push: command_hint = ( "Use `docker-compose push {}` to push them. " .format(" ".join(sorted(e.needs_push))) ) paras += [ "The following images can be pushed:", list_images(e.needs_push), command_hint, ] if e.needs_pull: command_hint = ( "Use `docker-compose pull {}` to pull them. " .format(" ".join(sorted(e.needs_pull))) ) paras += [ "The following images need to be pulled:", list_images(e.needs_pull), command_hint, ] raise UserError("\n\n".join(paras)) def exitval_from_opts(options, project): exit_value_from = options.get('--exit-code-from') if exit_value_from: if not options.get('--abort-on-container-exit'): log.warn('using --exit-code-from implies --abort-on-container-exit') options['--abort-on-container-exit'] = True if exit_value_from not in [ for s in project.get_services()]: log.error('No service named "%s" was found in your compose file.', exit_value_from) sys.exit(2) return exit_value_from def image_type_from_opt(flag, value): if not value: return ImageType.none try: return ImageType[value] except KeyError: raise UserError("%s flag must be one of: all, local" % flag) def build_action_from_opts(options): if options['--build'] and options['--no-build']: raise UserError("--build and --no-build can not be combined.") if options['--build']: return BuildAction.force if options['--no-build']: return BuildAction.skip return BuildAction.none def build_one_off_container_options(options, detach, command): container_options = { 'command': command, 'tty': not (detach or options['-T'] or not sys.stdin.isatty()), 'stdin_open': not detach, 'detach': detach, } if options['-e']: container_options['environment'] = Environment.from_command_line( parse_environment(options['-e']) ) if options['--label']: container_options['labels'] = parse_labels(options['--label']) if options.get('--entrypoint') is not None: container_options['entrypoint'] = ( [""] if options['--entrypoint'] == '' else options['--entrypoint'] ) # Ensure that run command remains one-off (issue #6302) container_options['restart'] = None if options['--user']: container_options['user'] = options.get('--user') if not options['--service-ports']: container_options['ports'] = [] if options['--publish']: container_options['ports'] = options.get('--publish') if options['--name']: container_options['name'] = options['--name'] if options['--workdir']: container_options['working_dir'] = options['--workdir'] if options['--volume']: volumes = [VolumeSpec.parse(i) for i in options['--volume']] container_options['volumes'] = volumes return container_options def run_one_off_container(container_options, project, service, options, toplevel_options, project_dir='.'): if not options['--no-deps']: deps = service.get_dependency_names() if deps: project.up( service_names=deps, start_deps=True, strategy=ConvergenceStrategy.never, rescale=False ) project.initialize() container = service.create_container( quiet=True, one_off=True, **container_options) use_network_aliases = options['--use-aliases'] if options.get('--detach'): service.start_container(container, use_network_aliases) print( return def remove_container(force=False): if options['--rm']: project.client.remove_container(, force=True, v=True) environment = Environment.from_env_file(project_dir) use_cli = not environment.get_boolean('COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI') signals.set_signal_handler_to_shutdown() signals.set_signal_handler_to_hang_up() try: try: if IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM or use_cli: service.connect_container_to_networks(container, use_network_aliases) exit_code = call_docker( ["start", "--attach", "--interactive",], toplevel_options ) else: operation = RunOperation( project.client,, interactive=not options['-T'], logs=False, ) pty = PseudoTerminal(project.client, operation) sockets = pty.sockets() service.start_container(container, use_network_aliases) pty.start(sockets) exit_code = container.wait() except (signals.ShutdownException): project.client.stop( exit_code = 1 except (signals.ShutdownException, signals.HangUpException): project.client.kill( remove_container(force=True) sys.exit(2) remove_container() sys.exit(exit_code) def log_printer_from_project( project, containers, monochrome, log_args, cascade_stop=False, event_stream=None, ): return LogPrinter( containers, build_log_presenters(project.service_names, monochrome), event_stream or, cascade_stop=cascade_stop, log_args=log_args) def filter_containers_to_service_names(containers, service_names): if not service_names: return containers return [ container for container in containers if container.service in service_names ] @contextlib.contextmanager def up_shutdown_context(project, service_names, timeout, detached): if detached: yield return signals.set_signal_handler_to_shutdown() try: try: yield except signals.ShutdownException: print("Gracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force)") project.stop(service_names=service_names, timeout=timeout) except signals.ShutdownException: project.kill(service_names=service_names) sys.exit(2) def list_containers(containers): return ", ".join( for c in containers) def exit_if(condition, message, exit_code): if condition: log.error(message) raise SystemExit(exit_code) def call_docker(args, dockeropts): executable_path = find_executable('docker') if not executable_path: raise UserError(errors.docker_not_found_msg("Couldn't find `docker` binary.")) tls = dockeropts.get('--tls', False) ca_cert = dockeropts.get('--tlscacert') cert = dockeropts.get('--tlscert') key = dockeropts.get('--tlskey') verify = dockeropts.get('--tlsverify') host = dockeropts.get('--host') tls_options = [] if tls: tls_options.append('--tls') if ca_cert: tls_options.extend(['--tlscacert', ca_cert]) if cert: tls_options.extend(['--tlscert', cert]) if key: tls_options.extend(['--tlskey', key]) if verify: tls_options.append('--tlsverify') if host: tls_options.extend( ['--host', re.sub(r'^https?://', 'tcp://', host.lstrip('='))] ) args = [executable_path] + tls_options + args log.debug(" ".join(map(pipes.quote, args))) return def parse_scale_args(options): res = {} for s in options: if '=' not in s: raise UserError('Arguments to scale should be in the form service=num') service_name, num = s.split('=', 1) try: num = int(num) except ValueError: raise UserError( 'Number of containers for service "%s" is not a number' % service_name ) res[service_name] = num return res def build_exec_command(options, container_id, command): args = ["exec"] if options["--detach"]: args += ["--detach"] else: args += ["--interactive"] if not options["-T"]: args += ["--tty"] if options["--privileged"]: args += ["--privileged"] if options["--user"]: args += ["--user", options["--user"]] if options["--env"]: for env_variable in options["--env"]: args += ["--env", env_variable] if options["--workdir"]: args += ["--workdir", options["--workdir"]] args += [container_id] args += command return args def has_container_with_state(containers, state): states = { 'running': lambda c: c.is_running, 'stopped': lambda c: not c.is_running, 'paused': lambda c: c.is_paused, 'restarting': lambda c: c.is_restarting, } for container in containers: if state not in states: raise UserError("Invalid state: %s" % state) if states[state](container): return True def filter_services(filt, services, project): def should_include(service): for f in filt: if f == 'status': state = filt[f] containers = project.containers([], stopped=True) if not has_container_with_state(containers, state): return False elif f == 'source': source = filt[f] if source == 'image' or source == 'build': if source not in service.options: return False else: raise UserError("Invalid value for source filter: %s" % source) else: raise UserError("Invalid filter: %s" % f) return True return filter(should_include, services) def build_filter(arg): filt = {} if arg is not None: if '=' not in arg: raise UserError("Arguments to --filter should be in form KEY=VAL") key, val = arg.split('=', 1) filt[key] = val return filt def warn_for_swarm_mode(client): info = if info.get('Swarm', {}).get('LocalNodeState') == 'active': if info.get('ServerVersion', '').startswith('ucp'): # UCP does multi-node scheduling with traditional Compose files. return log.warn( "The Docker Engine you're using is running in swarm mode.\n\n" "Compose does not use swarm mode to deploy services to multiple nodes in a swarm. " "All containers will be scheduled on the current node.\n\n" "To deploy your application across the swarm, " "use `docker stack deploy`.\n" )