from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging import operator import sys from threading import Thread from docker.errors import APIError from six.moves import _thread as thread from six.moves.queue import Empty from six.moves.queue import Queue from compose.cli.signals import ShutdownException from compose.errors import OperationFailedError from compose.utils import get_output_stream log = logging.getLogger(__name__) STOP = object() def parallel_execute(objects, func, get_name, msg, get_deps=None): """Runs func on objects in parallel while ensuring that func is ran on object only after it is ran on all its dependencies. get_deps called on object must return a collection with its dependencies. get_name called on object must return its name. """ objects = list(objects) stream = get_output_stream(sys.stderr) writer = ParallelStreamWriter(stream, msg) for obj in objects: writer.initialize(get_name(obj)) events = parallel_execute_iter(objects, func, get_deps) errors = {} results = [] error_to_reraise = None for obj, result, exception in events: if exception is None: writer.write(get_name(obj), 'done') results.append(result) elif isinstance(exception, APIError): errors[get_name(obj)] = exception.explanation writer.write(get_name(obj), 'error') elif isinstance(exception, OperationFailedError): errors[get_name(obj)] = exception.msg writer.write(get_name(obj), 'error') elif isinstance(exception, UpstreamError): writer.write(get_name(obj), 'error') else: errors[get_name(obj)] = exception error_to_reraise = exception for obj_name, error in errors.items(): stream.write("\nERROR: for {} {}\n".format(obj_name, error)) if error_to_reraise: raise error_to_reraise return results, errors def _no_deps(x): return [] class State(object): """ Holds the state of a partially-complete parallel operation. state.started: objects being processed state.finished: objects which have been processed state.failed: objects which either failed or whose dependencies failed """ def __init__(self, objects): self.objects = objects self.started = set() self.finished = set() self.failed = set() def is_done(self): return len(self.finished) + len(self.failed) >= len(self.objects) def pending(self): return set(self.objects) - self.started - self.finished - self.failed def parallel_execute_iter(objects, func, get_deps): """ Runs func on objects in parallel while ensuring that func is ran on object only after it is ran on all its dependencies. Returns an iterator of tuples which look like: # if func returned normally when run on object (object, result, None) # if func raised an exception when run on object (object, None, exception) # if func raised an exception when run on one of object's dependencies (object, None, UpstreamError()) """ if get_deps is None: get_deps = _no_deps results = Queue() state = State(objects) while True: feed_queue(objects, func, get_deps, results, state) try: event = results.get(timeout=0.1) except Empty: continue # See except thread.error: raise ShutdownException() if event is STOP: break obj, _, exception = event if exception is None: log.debug('Finished processing: {}'.format(obj)) state.finished.add(obj) else: log.debug('Failed: {}'.format(obj)) state.failed.add(obj) yield event def producer(obj, func, results): """ The entry point for a producer thread which runs func on a single object. Places a tuple on the results queue once func has either returned or raised. """ try: result = func(obj) results.put((obj, result, None)) except Exception as e: results.put((obj, None, e)) def feed_queue(objects, func, get_deps, results, state): """ Starts producer threads for any objects which are ready to be processed (i.e. they have no dependencies which haven't been successfully processed). Shortcuts any objects whose dependencies have failed and places an (object, None, UpstreamError()) tuple on the results queue. """ pending = state.pending() log.debug('Pending: {}'.format(pending)) for obj in pending: deps = get_deps(obj) if any(dep in state.failed for dep in deps): log.debug('{} has upstream errors - not processing'.format(obj)) results.put((obj, None, UpstreamError())) state.failed.add(obj) elif all( dep not in objects or dep in state.finished for dep in deps ): log.debug('Starting producer thread for {}'.format(obj)) t = Thread(target=producer, args=(obj, func, results)) t.daemon = True t.start() state.started.add(obj) if state.is_done(): results.put(STOP) class UpstreamError(Exception): pass class ParallelStreamWriter(object): """Write out messages for operations happening in parallel. Each operation has it's own line, and ANSI code characters are used to jump to the correct line, and write over the line. """ def __init__(self, stream, msg): = stream self.msg = msg self.lines = [] def initialize(self, obj_index): if self.msg is None: return self.lines.append(obj_index)"{} {} ... \r\n".format(self.msg, obj_index)) def write(self, obj_index, status): if self.msg is None: return position = self.lines.index(obj_index) diff = len(self.lines) - position # move up"%c[%dA" % (27, diff)) # erase"%c[2K\r" % 27)"{} {} ... {}\r".format(self.msg, obj_index, status)) # move back down"%c[%dB" % (27, diff)) def parallel_operation(containers, operation, options, message): parallel_execute( containers, operator.methodcaller(operation, **options), operator.attrgetter('name'), message) def parallel_remove(containers, options): stopped_containers = [c for c in containers if not c.is_running] parallel_operation(stopped_containers, 'remove', options, 'Removing') def parallel_start(containers, options): parallel_operation(containers, 'start', options, 'Starting') def parallel_pause(containers, options): parallel_operation(containers, 'pause', options, 'Pausing') def parallel_unpause(containers, options): parallel_operation(containers, 'unpause', options, 'Unpausing') def parallel_kill(containers, options): parallel_operation(containers, 'kill', options, 'Killing')