from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime import logging import operator from functools import reduce import enum import six from docker.errors import APIError from . import parallel from .config import ConfigurationError from .config.config import V1 from .config.sort_services import get_container_name_from_network_mode from .config.sort_services import get_service_name_from_network_mode from .const import IMAGE_EVENTS from .const import LABEL_ONE_OFF from .const import LABEL_PROJECT from .const import LABEL_SERVICE from .container import Container from .network import build_networks from .network import get_networks from .network import ProjectNetworks from .service import BuildAction from .service import ContainerNetworkMode from .service import ContainerPidMode from .service import ConvergenceStrategy from .service import NetworkMode from .service import PidMode from .service import Service from .service import ServiceName from .service import ServiceNetworkMode from .service import ServicePidMode from .utils import microseconds_from_time_nano from .volume import ProjectVolumes log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @enum.unique class OneOffFilter(enum.Enum): include = 0 exclude = 1 only = 2 @classmethod def update_labels(cls, value, labels): if value == cls.only: labels.append('{0}={1}'.format(LABEL_ONE_OFF, "True")) elif value == cls.exclude: labels.append('{0}={1}'.format(LABEL_ONE_OFF, "False")) elif value == cls.include: pass else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for one_off: {}".format(repr(value))) class Project(object): """ A collection of services. """ def __init__(self, name, services, client, networks=None, volumes=None, config_version=None): = name = services self.client = client self.volumes = volumes or ProjectVolumes({}) self.networks = networks or ProjectNetworks({}, False) self.config_version = config_version def labels(self, one_off=OneOffFilter.exclude): labels = ['{0}={1}'.format(LABEL_PROJECT,] OneOffFilter.update_labels(one_off, labels) return labels @classmethod def from_config(cls, name, config_data, client): """ Construct a Project from a config.Config object. """ use_networking = (config_data.version and config_data.version != V1) networks = build_networks(name, config_data, client) project_networks = ProjectNetworks.from_services(, networks, use_networking) volumes = ProjectVolumes.from_config(name, config_data, client) project = cls(name, [], client, project_networks, volumes, config_data.version) for service_dict in service_dict = dict(service_dict) if use_networking: service_networks = get_networks(service_dict, networks) else: service_networks = {} service_dict.pop('networks', None) links = project.get_links(service_dict) network_mode = project.get_network_mode( service_dict, list(service_networks.keys()) ) pid_mode = project.get_pid_mode(service_dict) volumes_from = get_volumes_from(project, service_dict) if config_data.version != V1: service_dict['volumes'] = [ volumes.namespace_spec(volume_spec) for volume_spec in service_dict.get('volumes', []) ] secrets = get_secrets( service_dict['name'], service_dict.pop('secrets', None) or [], config_data.secrets) Service( service_dict.pop('name'), client=client, project=name, use_networking=use_networking, networks=service_networks, links=links, network_mode=network_mode, volumes_from=volumes_from, secrets=secrets, pid_mode=pid_mode, **service_dict) ) return project @property def service_names(self): return [ for service in] def get_service(self, name): """ Retrieve a service by name. Raises NoSuchService if the named service does not exist. """ for service in if == name: return service raise NoSuchService(name) def validate_service_names(self, service_names): """ Validate that the given list of service names only contains valid services. Raises NoSuchService if one of the names is invalid. """ valid_names = self.service_names for name in service_names: if name not in valid_names: raise NoSuchService(name) def get_services(self, service_names=None, include_deps=False): """ Returns a list of this project's services filtered by the provided list of names, or all services if service_names is None or []. If include_deps is specified, returns a list including the dependencies for service_names, in order of dependency. Preserves the original order of where possible, reordering as needed to resolve dependencies. Raises NoSuchService if any of the named services do not exist. """ if service_names is None or len(service_names) == 0: service_names = self.service_names unsorted = [self.get_service(name) for name in service_names] services = [s for s in if s in unsorted] if include_deps: services = reduce(self._inject_deps, services, []) uniques = [] [uniques.append(s) for s in services if s not in uniques] return uniques def get_services_without_duplicate(self, service_names=None, include_deps=False): services = self.get_services(service_names, include_deps) for service in services: service.remove_duplicate_containers() return services def get_scaled_services(self, services, scale_override): """ Returns a list of this project's services as scaled ServiceName objects. services: a list of Service objects scale_override: a dict with the scale to apply to each service (k: service_name, v: scale) """ service_names = [] for service in services: if in scale_override: scale = scale_override[] else: scale = service.scale_num for i in range(1, scale + 1): service_names.append(ServiceName(,, i)) return service_names def get_links(self, service_dict): links = [] if 'links' in service_dict: for link in service_dict.get('links', []): if ':' in link: service_name, link_name = link.split(':', 1) else: service_name, link_name = link, None try: links.append((self.get_service(service_name), link_name)) except NoSuchService: raise ConfigurationError( 'Service "%s" has a link to service "%s" which does not ' 'exist.' % (service_dict['name'], service_name)) del service_dict['links'] return links def get_network_mode(self, service_dict, networks): network_mode = service_dict.pop('network_mode', None) if not network_mode: if self.networks.use_networking: return NetworkMode(networks[0]) if networks else NetworkMode('none') return NetworkMode(None) service_name = get_service_name_from_network_mode(network_mode) if service_name: return ServiceNetworkMode(self.get_service(service_name)) container_name = get_container_name_from_network_mode(network_mode) if container_name: try: return ContainerNetworkMode(Container.from_id(self.client, container_name)) except APIError: raise ConfigurationError( "Service '{name}' uses the network stack of container '{dep}' which " "does not exist.".format(name=service_dict['name'], dep=container_name)) return NetworkMode(network_mode) def get_pid_mode(self, service_dict): pid_mode = service_dict.pop('pid', None) if not pid_mode: return PidMode(None) service_name = get_service_name_from_network_mode(pid_mode) if service_name: return ServicePidMode(self.get_service(service_name)) container_name = get_container_name_from_network_mode(pid_mode) if container_name: try: return ContainerPidMode(Container.from_id(self.client, container_name)) except APIError: raise ConfigurationError( "Service '{name}' uses the PID namespace of container '{dep}' which " "does not exist.".format(name=service_dict['name'], dep=container_name) ) return PidMode(pid_mode) def start(self, service_names=None, **options): containers = [] def start_service(service): service_containers = service.start(quiet=True, **options) containers.extend(service_containers) services = self.get_services(service_names) def get_deps(service): return { (self.get_service(dep), config) for dep, config in service.get_dependency_configs().items() } parallel.parallel_execute( services, start_service, operator.attrgetter('name'), 'Starting', get_deps, ) return containers def stop(self, service_names=None, one_off=OneOffFilter.exclude, **options): containers = self.containers(service_names, one_off=one_off) def get_deps(container): # actually returning inversed dependencies return {(other, None) for other in containers if container.service in self.get_service(other.service).get_dependency_names()} parallel.parallel_execute( containers, self.build_container_operation_with_timeout_func('stop', options), operator.attrgetter('name'), 'Stopping', get_deps, ) def pause(self, service_names=None, **options): containers = self.containers(service_names) parallel.parallel_pause(reversed(containers), options) return containers def unpause(self, service_names=None, **options): containers = self.containers(service_names) parallel.parallel_unpause(containers, options) return containers def kill(self, service_names=None, **options): parallel.parallel_kill(self.containers(service_names), options) def remove_stopped(self, service_names=None, one_off=OneOffFilter.exclude, **options): parallel.parallel_remove(self.containers( service_names, stopped=True, one_off=one_off ), options) def down( self, remove_image_type, include_volumes, remove_orphans=False, timeout=None, ignore_orphans=False): self.stop(one_off=OneOffFilter.include, timeout=timeout) if not ignore_orphans: self.find_orphan_containers(remove_orphans) self.remove_stopped(v=include_volumes, one_off=OneOffFilter.include) self.networks.remove() if include_volumes: self.volumes.remove() self.remove_images(remove_image_type) def remove_images(self, remove_image_type): for service in self.get_services(): service.remove_image(remove_image_type) def restart(self, service_names=None, **options): containers = self.containers(service_names, stopped=True) parallel.parallel_execute( containers, self.build_container_operation_with_timeout_func('restart', options), operator.attrgetter('name'), 'Restarting', ) return containers def build(self, service_names=None, no_cache=False, pull=False, force_rm=False, memory=None, build_args=None, gzip=False): for service in self.get_services(service_names): if service.can_be_built():, pull, force_rm, memory, build_args, gzip) else:'%s uses an image, skipping' % def create( self, service_names=None, strategy=ConvergenceStrategy.changed, do_build=BuildAction.none, ): services = self.get_services_without_duplicate(service_names, include_deps=True) for svc in services: svc.ensure_image_exists(do_build=do_build) plans = self._get_convergence_plans(services, strategy) for service in services: service.execute_convergence_plan( plans[], detached=True, start=False) def events(self, service_names=None): def build_container_event(event, container): time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(event['time']) time = time.replace( microsecond=microseconds_from_time_nano(event['timeNano'])) return { 'time': time, 'type': 'container', 'action': event['status'], 'id':, 'service': container.service, 'attributes': { 'name':, 'image': event['from'], }, 'container': container, } service_names = set(service_names or self.service_names) for event in filters={'label': self.labels()}, decode=True ): # The first part of this condition is a guard against some events # broadcasted by swarm that don't have a status field. # See if 'status' not in event or event['status'] in IMAGE_EVENTS: # We don't receive any image events because labels aren't applied # to images continue # TODO: get labels from the API v1.22 , see github issue 2618 try: # this can fail if the container has been removed container = Container.from_id(self.client, event['id']) except APIError: continue if container.service not in service_names: continue yield build_container_event(event, container) def up(self, service_names=None, start_deps=True, strategy=ConvergenceStrategy.changed, do_build=BuildAction.none, timeout=None, detached=False, remove_orphans=False, ignore_orphans=False, scale_override=None, rescale=True, start=True, always_recreate_deps=False, reset_container_image=False, renew_anonymous_volumes=False, silent=False, ): self.initialize() if not ignore_orphans: self.find_orphan_containers(remove_orphans) if scale_override is None: scale_override = {} services = self.get_services_without_duplicate( service_names, include_deps=start_deps) for svc in services: svc.ensure_image_exists(do_build=do_build, silent=silent) plans = self._get_convergence_plans( services, strategy, always_recreate_deps=always_recreate_deps) scaled_services = self.get_scaled_services(services, scale_override) def do(service): return service.execute_convergence_plan( plans[], timeout=timeout, detached=detached, scale_override=scale_override.get(, rescale=rescale, start=start, project_services=scaled_services, reset_container_image=reset_container_image, renew_anonymous_volumes=renew_anonymous_volumes, ) def get_deps(service): return { (self.get_service(dep), config) for dep, config in service.get_dependency_configs().items() } results, errors = parallel.parallel_execute( services, do, operator.attrgetter('name'), None, get_deps, ) if errors: raise ProjectError( 'Encountered errors while bringing up the project.' ) return [ container for svc_containers in results if svc_containers is not None for container in svc_containers ] def initialize(self): self.networks.initialize() self.volumes.initialize() def _get_convergence_plans(self, services, strategy, always_recreate_deps=False): plans = {} for service in services: updated_dependencies = [ name for name in service.get_dependency_names() if name in plans and plans[name].action in ('recreate', 'create') ] if updated_dependencies and strategy.allows_recreate: log.debug('%s has upstream changes (%s)',, ", ".join(updated_dependencies)) containers_stopped = any( service.containers(stopped=True, filters={'status': ['created', 'exited']})) has_links = any(c.get('HostConfig.Links') for c in service.containers()) if always_recreate_deps or containers_stopped or not has_links: plan = service.convergence_plan(ConvergenceStrategy.always) else: plan = service.convergence_plan(strategy) else: plan = service.convergence_plan(strategy) plans[] = plan return plans def pull(self, service_names=None, ignore_pull_failures=False, parallel_pull=False, silent=False, include_deps=False): services = self.get_services(service_names, include_deps) if parallel_pull: def pull_service(service): service.pull(ignore_pull_failures, True) _, errors = parallel.parallel_execute( services, pull_service, operator.attrgetter('name'), not silent and 'Pulling' or None, limit=5, ) if len(errors): raise ProjectError(b"\n".join(errors.values())) else: for service in services: service.pull(ignore_pull_failures, silent=silent) def push(self, service_names=None, ignore_push_failures=False): for service in self.get_services(service_names, include_deps=False): service.push(ignore_push_failures) def _labeled_containers(self, stopped=False, one_off=OneOffFilter.exclude): return list(filter(None, [ Container.from_ps(self.client, container) for container in self.client.containers( all=stopped, filters={'label': self.labels(one_off=one_off)})]) ) def containers(self, service_names=None, stopped=False, one_off=OneOffFilter.exclude): if service_names: self.validate_service_names(service_names) else: service_names = self.service_names containers = self._labeled_containers(stopped, one_off) def matches_service_names(container): return container.labels.get(LABEL_SERVICE) in service_names return [c for c in containers if matches_service_names(c)] def find_orphan_containers(self, remove_orphans): def _find(): containers = self._labeled_containers() for ctnr in containers: service_name = ctnr.labels.get(LABEL_SERVICE) if service_name not in self.service_names: yield ctnr orphans = list(_find()) if not orphans: return if remove_orphans: for ctnr in orphans:'Removing orphan container "{0}"'.format( ctnr.kill() ctnr.remove(force=True) else: log.warning( 'Found orphan containers ({0}) for this project. If ' 'you removed or renamed this service in your compose ' 'file, you can run this command with the ' '--remove-orphans flag to clean it up.'.format( ', '.join(["{}".format( for ctnr in orphans]) ) ) def _inject_deps(self, acc, service): dep_names = service.get_dependency_names() if len(dep_names) > 0: dep_services = self.get_services( service_names=list(set(dep_names)), include_deps=True ) else: dep_services = [] dep_services.append(service) return acc + dep_services def build_container_operation_with_timeout_func(self, operation, options): def container_operation_with_timeout(container): if options.get('timeout') is None: service = self.get_service(container.service) options['timeout'] = service.stop_timeout(None) return getattr(container, operation)(**options) return container_operation_with_timeout def get_volumes_from(project, service_dict): volumes_from = service_dict.pop('volumes_from', None) if not volumes_from: return [] def build_volume_from(spec): if spec.type == 'service': try: return spec._replace(source=project.get_service(spec.source)) except NoSuchService: pass if spec.type == 'container': try: container = Container.from_id(project.client, spec.source) return spec._replace(source=container) except APIError: pass raise ConfigurationError( "Service \"{}\" mounts volumes from \"{}\", which is not the name " "of a service or container.".format( service_dict['name'], spec.source)) return [build_volume_from(vf) for vf in volumes_from] def get_secrets(service, service_secrets, secret_defs): secrets = [] for secret in service_secrets: secret_def = secret_defs.get(secret.source) if not secret_def: raise ConfigurationError( "Service \"{service}\" uses an undefined secret \"{secret}\" " .format(service=service, secret=secret.source)) if secret_def.get('external'): log.warn("Service \"{service}\" uses secret \"{secret}\" which is external. " "External secrets are not available to containers created by " "docker-compose.".format(service=service, secret=secret.source)) continue if secret.uid or secret.gid or secret.mode: log.warn( "Service \"{service}\" uses secret \"{secret}\" with uid, " "gid, or mode. These fields are not supported by this " "implementation of the Compose file".format( service=service, secret=secret.source ) ) secrets.append({'secret': secret, 'file': secret_def.get('file')}) return secrets class NoSuchService(Exception): def __init__(self, name): if isinstance(name, six.binary_type): name = name.decode('utf-8') = name self.msg = "No such service: %s" % def __str__(self): return self.msg class ProjectError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg