# Package metadata for DocKnot. # # This file contains configuration for DocKnot used to generate # documentation files (like README.md) and web pages. Other documentation # in this package is generated automatically from these files as part of # the release process. For more information, see DocKnot's documentation. # # DocKnot is available from . # # Copyright 2016, 2018-2022 Russ Allbery # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT format: v1 name: DocKnot maintainer: Russ Allbery version: '7.00' synopsis: Static web site and documentation generator license: name: Expat copyrights: - holder: Russ Allbery years: 1999-2022 build: type: Module::Build distribution: cpan: App-DocKnot packaging: debian: package: docknot summary: | DocKnot is packaged in Debian 11 (bullseye) and later as docknot. section: web tarname: App-DocKnot version: docknot support: email: rra@cpan.org github: rra/docknot web: https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/docknot/ vcs: browse: https://git.eyrie.org/?p=web/docknot.git github: rra/docknot status: workflow: build type: Git url: https://git.eyrie.org/git/web/docknot.git quote: author: Murphy's Fourth Corollary text: | Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first. docs: api: - name: api/app-docknot title: App::DocKnot - name: api/app-docknot-command title: App::DocKnot::Command - name: api/app-docknot-config title: App::DocKnot::Config - name: api/app-docknot-dist title: App::DocKnot::Dist - name: api/app-docknot-generate title: App::DocKnot::Generate - name: api/app-docknot-release title: App::DocKnot::Release - name: api/app-docknot-spin title: App::DocKnot::Spin - name: api/app-docknot-spin-pointer title: App::DocKnot::Spin::Pointer - name: api/app-docknot-spin-rss title: App::DocKnot::Spin::RSS - name: api/app-docknot-spin-sitemap title: App::DocKnot::Spin::Sitemap - name: api/app-docknot-spin-thread title: App::DocKnot::Spin::Thread - name: api/app-docknot-spin-versions title: App::DocKnot::Spin::Versions - name: api/app-docknot-update title: App::DocKnot::Update - name: api/app-docknot-util title: App::DocKnot::Util developer: - name: todo title: To-do list user: - name: docknot title: docknot manual page blurb: | DocKnot is a static web site generator built around a macro language called thread, with special support for managing software releases. In addition to building a web site, it can generate distribution tarballs and consistent human-readable software package documentation from a YAML metadata file and templates. The goal is to generate both web pages and distributed documentation files (such as `README`) from the same source, using templates for consistency across multiple packages. description: | In 1999, I wrote a program named `spin` that implemented an idiosyncratic macro language called thread. It slowly expanded into a static web site generator and gained additional features to manage the journal entries, book reviews, RSS feeds, and software releases. DocKnot is the latest incarnation. In addition to its static web site generator, DocKnot can use one metadata file as its source information and generate all the various bits of documentation for a software package. This allows me to make any changes in one place and then regenerate the web page, included documentation, and other files to incorporate those changes. It also lets me make changes to the templates to improve shared wording and push that out to every package I maintain without having to remember track those changes in each package. DocKnot is also slowly absorbing other tools that I use for software distribution and web site maintenance, such as generating distribution tarballs for software packages. DocKnot was designed and written for my personal needs, and I'm not sure it will be useful for anyone else. At the least, the template files are rather specific to my preferences about how to write package documentation, and the thread macro language is highly specialized for my personal web site. I'm not sure if I'll have the time to make it a more general tool. But you're certainly welcome to use it if you find it useful, send pull requests to make it more general, or take ideas from it for your own purposes. requirements: | Perl 5.24 or later and Module::Build are required to build this module. The following additional Perl modules are required to use it: * Date::Language (part of TimeDate) * Date::Parse (part of TimeDate) * File::BaseDir * File::ShareDir * Git::Repository * Image::Size * IO::Compress::Xz (part of IO-Compress-Lzma) * IO::Uncompress::Gunzip (part of IO-Compress) * IPC::Run * IPC::System::Simple * JSON::MaybeXS * Kwalify * List::SomeUtils 0.07 or later * Path::Iterator::Rule * Path::Tiny 0.101 or later * Perl6::Slurp * Pod::Thread 3.01 or later * Sort::Versions * Template (part of Template Toolkit) * YAML::XS 0.81 or later test: lancaster: true suffix: | Capture::Tiny and File::Copy::Recursive are required to run the test suite. The following additional Perl modules will be used by the test suite if present: * Devel::Cover * Perl::Critic::Freenode * Test::CPAN::Changes (part of CPAN-Changes) * Test::MinimumVersion * Test::Perl::Critic * Test::Pod * Test::Pod::Coverage * Test::Spelling * Test::Strict * Test::Synopsis All are available on CPAN. Those tests will be skipped if the modules are not available.