#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # dtrx -- Intelligently extract various archive types. # Copyright © 2006-2009 Brett Smith # Copyright © 2008 Peter Kelemen # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, see . # Python 2.3 string methods: 'rfind', 'rindex', 'rjust', 'rstrip' import errno import fcntl import logging import mimetypes import optparse import os import re import shutil import signal import stat import string import struct import subprocess import sys import tempfile import termios import textwrap import traceback try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set VERSION = "6.6" VERSION_BANNER = """dtrx version %s Copyright © 2006-2009 Brett Smith Copyright © 2008 Peter Kelemen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.""" % (VERSION,) MATCHING_DIRECTORY = 1 ONE_ENTRY_KNOWN = 2 BOMB = 3 EMPTY = 4 ONE_ENTRY_FILE = 'file' ONE_ENTRY_DIRECTORY = 'directory' ONE_ENTRY_UNKNOWN = [ONE_ENTRY_FILE, ONE_ENTRY_DIRECTORY] EXTRACT_HERE = 1 EXTRACT_WRAP = 2 EXTRACT_RENAME = 3 RECURSE_ALWAYS = 1 RECURSE_ONCE = 2 RECURSE_NOT_NOW = 3 RECURSE_NEVER = 4 RECURSE_LIST = 5 mimetypes.encodings_map.setdefault('.bz2', 'bzip2') mimetypes.encodings_map.setdefault('.lzma', 'lzma') mimetypes.encodings_map.setdefault('.xz', 'xz') mimetypes.types_map.setdefault('.gem', 'application/x-ruby-gem') logger = logging.getLogger('dtrx-log') class FilenameChecker(object): free_func = os.open free_args = (os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,) free_close = os.close def __init__(self, original_name): self.original_name = original_name def is_free(self, filename): try: result = self.free_func(filename, *self.free_args) except OSError, error: if error.errno == errno.EEXIST: return False raise if self.free_close: self.free_close(result) return True def create(self): fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=self.original_name + '.', dir='.') os.close(fd) return filename def check(self): for suffix in [''] + ['.%s' % (x,) for x in range(1, 10)]: filename = '%s%s' % (self.original_name, suffix) if self.is_free(filename): return filename return self.create() class DirectoryChecker(FilenameChecker): free_func = os.mkdir free_args = () free_close = None def create(self): return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=self.original_name + '.', dir='.') class ExtractorError(Exception): pass class ExtractorUnusable(Exception): pass EXTRACTION_ERRORS = (ExtractorError, ExtractorUnusable, OSError, IOError) class BaseExtractor(object): decoders = {'bzip2': 'bzcat', 'gzip': 'zcat', 'compress': 'zcat', 'lzma': 'lzcat', 'xz': 'xzcat'} name_checker = DirectoryChecker def __init__(self, filename, encoding): if encoding and (not self.decoders.has_key(encoding)): raise ValueError("unrecognized encoding %s" % (encoding,)) self.filename = os.path.realpath(filename) self.encoding = encoding self.file_count = 0 self.included_archives = [] self.target = None self.content_type = None self.content_name = None self.pipes = [] self.stderr = tempfile.TemporaryFile() self.exit_codes = [] try: self.archive = open(filename, 'r') except (IOError, OSError), error: raise ExtractorError("could not open %s: %s" % (filename, error.strerror)) if encoding: self.pipe([self.decoders[encoding]], "decoding") self.prepare() def pipe(self, command, description="extraction"): self.pipes.append((command, description)) def first_bad_exit_code(self): for index, code in enumerate(self.exit_codes): if code != 0: return index return None def add_process(self, processes, command, stdin, stdout): try: processes.append(subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=self.stderr)) except OSError, error: if error.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise ExtractorUnusable("could not run %s" % (command[0],)) raise def run_pipes(self, final_stdout=None): if not self.pipes: return elif final_stdout is None: final_stdout = open('/dev/null', 'w') num_pipes = len(self.pipes) last_pipe = num_pipes - 1 processes = [] for index, command in enumerate([pipe[0] for pipe in self.pipes]): if index == 0: stdin = self.archive else: stdin = processes[-1].stdout if index == last_pipe: stdout = final_stdout else: stdout = subprocess.PIPE self.add_process(processes, command, stdin, stdout) self.exit_codes = [pipe.wait() for pipe in processes] self.archive.close() for index in range(last_pipe): processes[index].stdout.close() self.archive = final_stdout def prepare(self): pass def check_included_archives(self): if (self.content_name is None) or (not self.content_name.endswith('/')): self.included_root = './' else: self.included_root = self.content_name start_index = len(self.included_root) for path, dirname, filenames in os.walk(self.included_root): self.file_count += len(filenames) path = path[start_index:] for filename in filenames: if (ExtractorBuilder.try_by_mimetype(filename) or ExtractorBuilder.try_by_extension(filename)): self.included_archives.append(os.path.join(path, filename)) def check_contents(self): if not self.contents: self.content_type = EMPTY elif len(self.contents) == 1: if self.basename() == self.contents[0]: self.content_type = MATCHING_DIRECTORY elif os.path.isdir(self.contents[0]): self.content_type = ONE_ENTRY_DIRECTORY else: self.content_type = ONE_ENTRY_FILE self.content_name = self.contents[0] if os.path.isdir(self.contents[0]): self.content_name += '/' else: self.content_type = BOMB self.check_included_archives() def basename(self): pieces = os.path.basename(self.filename).split('.') extension = '.' + pieces[-1] if mimetypes.encodings_map.has_key(extension): pieces.pop() extension = '.' + pieces[-1] if (mimetypes.types_map.has_key(extension) or mimetypes.common_types.has_key(extension) or mimetypes.suffix_map.has_key(extension)): pieces.pop() return '.'.join(pieces) def get_stderr(self): self.stderr.seek(0, 0) errors = self.stderr.read(-1) self.stderr.close() return errors def check_success(self, got_output): error_index = self.first_bad_exit_code() if (not got_output) and (error_index is not None): command = ' '.join(self.pipes[error_index][0]) raise ExtractorError("%s error: '%s' returned status code %s" % (self.pipes[error_index][1], command, self.exit_codes[error_index])) def extract_archive(self): self.pipe(self.extract_pipe) self.run_pipes() def extract(self): try: self.target = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='.dtrx-', dir='.') except (OSError, IOError), error: raise ExtractorError("cannot extract here: %s" % (error.strerror,)) old_path = os.path.realpath(os.curdir) os.chdir(self.target) try: self.archive.seek(0, 0) self.extract_archive() self.contents = os.listdir('.') self.check_contents() self.check_success(self.content_type != EMPTY) except EXTRACTION_ERRORS: self.archive.close() os.chdir(old_path) shutil.rmtree(self.target, ignore_errors=True) raise self.archive.close() os.chdir(old_path) def get_filenames(self, internal=False): if not internal: self.pipe(self.list_pipe, "listing") processes = [] stdin = self.archive for command in [pipe[0] for pipe in self.pipes]: self.add_process(processes, command, stdin, subprocess.PIPE) stdin = processes[-1].stdout get_output_line = processes[-1].stdout.readline while True: line = get_output_line() if not line: break yield line.rstrip('\n') self.exit_codes = [pipe.wait() for pipe in processes] self.archive.close() for process in processes: process.stdout.close() self.check_success(False) class CompressionExtractor(BaseExtractor): file_type = 'compressed file' name_checker = FilenameChecker def basename(self): pieces = os.path.basename(self.filename).split('.') extension = '.' + pieces[-1] if mimetypes.encodings_map.has_key(extension): pieces.pop() return '.'.join(pieces) def get_filenames(self): # This code used to just immediately yield the basename, under the # assumption that that would be the filename. However, if that # happens, dtrx -l will report this as a valid result for files with # compression extensions, even if those files shouldn't actually be # handled this way. So, we call out to the file command to do a quick # check and make sure this actually looks like a compressed file. if 'compress' not in [match[0] for match in ExtractorBuilder.try_by_magic(self.filename)]: raise ExtractorError("doesn't look like a compressed file") yield self.basename() def extract(self): self.content_type = ONE_ENTRY_KNOWN self.content_name = self.basename() self.contents = None self.included_root = './' try: output_fd, self.target = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='.dtrx-', dir='.') except (OSError, IOError), error: raise ExtractorError("cannot extract here: %s" % (error.strerror,)) self.run_pipes(output_fd) os.close(output_fd) try: self.check_success(os.stat(self.target)[stat.ST_SIZE] > 0) except EXTRACTION_ERRORS: os.unlink(self.target) raise class TarExtractor(BaseExtractor): file_type = 'tar file' extract_pipe = ['tar', '-x'] list_pipe = ['tar', '-t'] class CpioExtractor(BaseExtractor): file_type = 'cpio file' extract_pipe = ['cpio', '-i', '--make-directories', '--quiet', '--no-absolute-filenames'] list_pipe = ['cpio', '-t', '--quiet'] class RPMExtractor(CpioExtractor): file_type = 'RPM' def prepare(self): self.pipe(['rpm2cpio', '-'], "rpm2cpio") def basename(self): pieces = os.path.basename(self.filename).split('.') if len(pieces) == 1: return pieces[0] elif pieces[-1] != 'rpm': return BaseExtractor.basename(self) pieces.pop() if len(pieces) == 1: return pieces[0] elif len(pieces[-1]) < 8: pieces.pop() return '.'.join(pieces) def check_contents(self): self.check_included_archives() self.content_type = BOMB class DebExtractor(TarExtractor): file_type = 'Debian package' data_re = re.compile(r'^data\.tar\.[a-z0-9]+$') def prepare(self): self.pipe(['ar', 't', self.filename], "finding package data file") for filename in self.get_filenames(internal=True): if self.data_re.match(filename): data_filename = filename break else: raise ExtractorError(".deb contains no data.tar file") self.archive.seek(0, 0) self.pipes.pop() # self.pipes = start_pipes encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(data_filename)[1] if not encoding: raise ExtractorError("data.tar file has unrecognized encoding") self.pipe(['ar', 'p', self.filename, data_filename], "extracting data.tar from .deb") self.pipe([self.decoders[encoding]], "decoding data.tar") def basename(self): pieces = os.path.basename(self.filename).split('_') if len(pieces) == 1: return pieces[0] last_piece = pieces.pop() if (len(last_piece) > 10) or (not last_piece.endswith('.deb')): return BaseExtractor.basename(self) return '_'.join(pieces) def check_contents(self): self.check_included_archives() self.content_type = BOMB class DebMetadataExtractor(DebExtractor): def prepare(self): self.pipe(['ar', 'p', self.filename, 'control.tar.gz'], "control.tar.gz extraction") self.pipe(['zcat'], "control.tar.gz decompression") class GemExtractor(TarExtractor): file_type = 'Ruby gem' def prepare(self): self.pipe(['tar', '-xO', 'data.tar.gz'], "data.tar.gz extraction") self.pipe(['zcat'], "data.tar.gz decompression") def check_contents(self): self.check_included_archives() self.content_type = BOMB class GemMetadataExtractor(CompressionExtractor): file_type = 'Ruby gem' def prepare(self): self.pipe(['tar', '-xO', 'metadata.gz'], "metadata.gz extraction") self.pipe(['zcat'], "metadata.gz decompression") def basename(self): return os.path.basename(self.filename) + '-metadata.txt' class NoPipeExtractor(BaseExtractor): # Some extraction tools won't accept the archive from stdin. With # these, the piping infrastructure we normally set up generally doesn't # work, at least at first. We can still use most of it; we just don't # want to seed self.archive with the archive file, since that sucks up # memory. So instead we seed it with /dev/null, and specify the # filename on the command line as necessary. We also open the actual # file with os.open, to make sure we can actually do it (permissions # are good, etc.). This class doesn't do anything by itself; it's just # meant to be a base class for extractors that rely on these dumb # tools. def __init__(self, filename, encoding): os.close(os.open(filename, os.O_RDONLY)) BaseExtractor.__init__(self, '/dev/null', None) self.filename = os.path.realpath(filename) def extract_archive(self): self.extract_pipe = self.extract_command + [self.filename] BaseExtractor.extract_archive(self) def get_filenames(self): self.list_pipe = self.list_command + [self.filename] return BaseExtractor.get_filenames(self) class ZipExtractor(NoPipeExtractor): file_type = 'Zip file' extract_command = ['unzip', '-q'] list_command = ['zipinfo', '-1'] class SevenExtractor(NoPipeExtractor): file_type = '7z file' extract_command = ['7z', 'x'] list_command = ['7z', 'l'] border_re = re.compile('^[- ]+$') def get_filenames(self): fn_index = None for line in NoPipeExtractor.get_filenames(self): if self.border_re.match(line): if fn_index is not None: break else: fn_index = string.rindex(line, ' ') + 1 elif fn_index is not None: yield line[fn_index:] self.archive.close() class CABExtractor(NoPipeExtractor): file_type = 'CAB archive' extract_command = ['cabextract', '-q'] list_command = ['cabextract', '-l'] border_re = re.compile(r'^[-\+]+$') def get_filenames(self): fn_index = None filenames = NoPipeExtractor.get_filenames(self) for line in filenames: if self.border_re.match(line): break for line in filenames: try: yield line.split(' | ', 2)[2] except IndexError: break self.archive.close() class ShieldExtractor(NoPipeExtractor): file_type = 'InstallShield archive' extract_command = ['unshield', 'x'] list_command = ['unshield', 'l'] prefix_re = re.compile(r'^\s+\d+\s+') end_re = re.compile(r'^\s+-+\s+-+\s*$') def get_filenames(self): for line in NoPipeExtractor.get_filenames(self): if self.end_re.match(line): break else: match = self.prefix_re.match(line) if match: yield line[match.end():] self.archive.close() def basename(self): result = NoPipeExtractor.basename(self) if result.endswith('.hdr'): result = result[:-4] return result class RarExtractor(NoPipeExtractor): file_type = 'RAR archive' extract_command = ['unrar', 'x'] list_command = ['unrar', 'l'] border_re = re.compile('^-+$') def get_filenames(self): inside = False for line in NoPipeExtractor.get_filenames(self): if self.border_re.match(line): if inside: break else: inside = True elif inside: yield line.split(' ')[1] self.archive.close() class BaseHandler(object): def __init__(self, extractor, options): self.extractor = extractor self.options = options self.target = None def handle(self): command = 'find' status = subprocess.call(['find', self.extractor.target, '-type', 'd', '-exec', 'chmod', 'u+rwx', '{}', ';']) if status == 0: command = 'chmod' status = subprocess.call(['chmod', '-R', 'u+rwX', self.extractor.target]) if status != 0: return "%s returned with exit status %s" % (command, status) return self.organize() def set_target(self, target, checker): self.target = checker(target).check() if self.target != target: logger.warning("extracting %s to %s" % (self.extractor.filename, self.target)) # The "where to extract" table, with options and archive types. # This dictates the contents of each can_handle method. # # Flat Overwrite None # File basename basename FilenameChecked # Match . . tempdir + checked # Bomb . basename DirectoryChecked class FlatHandler(BaseHandler): def can_handle(contents, options): return ((options.flat and (contents != ONE_ENTRY_KNOWN)) or (options.overwrite and (contents == MATCHING_DIRECTORY))) can_handle = staticmethod(can_handle) def organize(self): self.target = '.' for curdir, dirs, filenames in os.walk(self.extractor.target, topdown=False): path_parts = curdir.split(os.sep) if path_parts[0] == '.': del path_parts[1] else: del path_parts[0] newdir = os.path.join(*path_parts) if not os.path.isdir(newdir): os.makedirs(newdir) for filename in filenames: os.rename(os.path.join(curdir, filename), os.path.join(newdir, filename)) os.rmdir(curdir) class OverwriteHandler(BaseHandler): def can_handle(contents, options): return ((options.flat and (contents == ONE_ENTRY_KNOWN)) or (options.overwrite and (contents != MATCHING_DIRECTORY))) can_handle = staticmethod(can_handle) def organize(self): self.target = self.extractor.basename() if os.path.isdir(self.target): shutil.rmtree(self.target) os.rename(self.extractor.target, self.target) class MatchHandler(BaseHandler): def can_handle(contents, options): return ((contents == MATCHING_DIRECTORY) or ((contents in ONE_ENTRY_UNKNOWN) and options.one_entry_policy.ok_for_match())) can_handle = staticmethod(can_handle) def organize(self): source = os.path.join(self.extractor.target, os.listdir(self.extractor.target)[0]) if os.path.isdir(source): checker = DirectoryChecker else: checker = FilenameChecker if self.options.one_entry_policy == EXTRACT_HERE: destination = self.extractor.content_name.rstrip('/') else: destination = self.extractor.basename() self.set_target(destination, checker) if os.path.isdir(self.extractor.target): os.rename(source, self.target) os.rmdir(self.extractor.target) else: os.rename(self.extractor.target, self.target) self.extractor.included_root = './' class EmptyHandler(object): target = '' def can_handle(contents, options): return contents == EMPTY can_handle = staticmethod(can_handle) def __init__(self, extractor, options): pass def handle(self): pass class BombHandler(BaseHandler): def can_handle(contents, options): return True can_handle = staticmethod(can_handle) def organize(self): basename = self.extractor.basename() self.set_target(basename, self.extractor.name_checker) os.rename(self.extractor.target, self.target) class BasePolicy(object): try: size = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCGWINSZ, struct.pack("HHHH", 0, 0, 0, 0)) width = struct.unpack("HHHH", size)[1] except IOError: width = 80 width = width - 1 choice_wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=width, initial_indent=' * ', subsequent_indent=' ', break_long_words=False) def __init__(self, options): self.current_policy = None if options.batch: self.permanent_policy = self.answers[''] else: self.permanent_policy = None def ask_question(self, question): question = question + ["You can:"] for choice in self.choices: question.extend(self.choice_wrapper.wrap(choice)) while True: print "\n".join(question) try: answer = raw_input(self.prompt) except EOFError: return self.answers[''] try: return self.answers[answer.lower()] except KeyError: print def wrap(self, question, *args): words = question.split() for arg in args: words[words.index('%s')] = arg result = [words.pop(0)] for word in words: extend = '%s %s' % (result[-1], word) if len(extend) > self.width: result.append(word) else: result[-1] = extend return result def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.current_policy, other) class OneEntryPolicy(BasePolicy): answers = {'h': EXTRACT_HERE, 'i': EXTRACT_WRAP, 'r': EXTRACT_RENAME, '': EXTRACT_WRAP} choice_template = ["extract the %s _I_nside a new directory named %s", "extract the %s and _R_ename it %s", "extract the %s _H_ere"] prompt = "What do you want to do? (I/r/h) " def __init__(self, options): BasePolicy.__init__(self, options) if options.flat: default = 'h' elif options.one_entry_default is not None: default = options.one_entry_default.lower() else: return if 'here'.startswith(default): self.permanent_policy = EXTRACT_HERE elif 'rename'.startswith(default): self.permanent_policy = EXTRACT_RENAME elif 'inside'.startswith(default): self.permanent_policy = EXTRACT_WRAP elif default is not None: raise ValueError("bad value %s for default policy" % (default,)) def prep(self, archive_filename, extractor): question = self.wrap( "%s contains one %s but its name doesn't match.", archive_filename, extractor.content_type) question.append(" Expected: " + extractor.basename()) question.append(" Actual: " + extractor.content_name) choice_vars = (extractor.content_type, extractor.basename()) self.choices = [text % choice_vars[:text.count('%s')] for text in self.choice_template] self.current_policy = (self.permanent_policy or self.ask_question(question)) def ok_for_match(self): return self.current_policy in (EXTRACT_RENAME, EXTRACT_HERE) class RecursionPolicy(BasePolicy): answers = {'o': RECURSE_ONCE, 'a': RECURSE_ALWAYS, 'n': RECURSE_NOT_NOW, 'v': RECURSE_NEVER, 'l': RECURSE_LIST, '': RECURSE_NOT_NOW} choices = ["_A_lways extract included archives during this session", "extract included archives this _O_nce", "choose _N_ot to extract included archives this once", "ne_V_er extract included archives during this session", "_L_ist included archives"] prompt = "What do you want to do? (a/o/N/v/l) " def __init__(self, options): BasePolicy.__init__(self, options) if options.show_list: self.permanent_policy = RECURSE_NEVER elif options.recursive: self.permanent_policy = RECURSE_ALWAYS def prep(self, current_filename, target, extractor): archive_count = len(extractor.included_archives) if (self.permanent_policy is not None) or (archive_count == 0): self.current_policy = self.permanent_policy or RECURSE_NOT_NOW return question = self.wrap( "%s contains %s other archive file(s), out of %s file(s) total.", current_filename, archive_count, extractor.file_count) if target == '.': target = '' included_root = extractor.included_root if included_root == './': included_root = '' while True: self.current_policy = self.ask_question(question) if self.current_policy != RECURSE_LIST: break print ("\n%s\n" % '\n'.join([os.path.join(target, included_root, filename) for filename in extractor.included_archives])) if self.current_policy in (RECURSE_ALWAYS, RECURSE_NEVER): self.permanent_policy = self.current_policy def ok_to_recurse(self): return self.current_policy in (RECURSE_ALWAYS, RECURSE_ONCE) class ExtractorBuilder(object): extractor_map = {'tar': {'extractor': TarExtractor, 'mimetypes': ('x-tar',), 'extensions': ('tar',), 'magic': ('POSIX tar archive',)}, 'zip': {'extractor': ZipExtractor, 'mimetypes': ('zip',), 'extensions': ('zip',), 'magic': ('(Zip|ZIP self-extracting) archive',)}, 'rpm': {'extractor': RPMExtractor, 'mimetypes': ('x-redhat-package-manager', 'x-rpm'), 'extensions': ('rpm',), 'magic': ('RPM',)}, 'deb': {'extractor': DebExtractor, 'metadata': DebMetadataExtractor, 'mimetypes': ('x-debian-package',), 'extensions': ('deb',), 'magic': ('Debian binary package',)}, 'cpio': {'extractor': CpioExtractor, 'mimetypes': ('x-cpio',), 'extensions': ('cpio',), 'magic': ('cpio archive',)}, 'gem': {'extractor': GemExtractor, 'metadata': GemMetadataExtractor, 'mimetypes': ('x-ruby-gem',), 'extensions': ('gem',)}, '7z': {'extractor': SevenExtractor, 'mimetypes': ('x-7z-compressed',), 'extensions': ('7z',), 'magic': ('7-zip archive',)}, 'cab': {'extractor': CABExtractor, 'mimetypes': ('x-cab',), 'extensions': ('cab',), 'magic': ('Microsoft Cabinet Archive',)}, 'rar': {'extractor': RarExtractor, 'mimetypes': ('rar',), 'extensions': ('rar',), 'magic': ('RAR archive',)}, 'shield': {'extractor': ShieldExtractor, 'mimetypes': ('x-cab',), 'extensions': ('cab', 'hdr'), 'magic': ('InstallShield CAB',)}, 'compress': {'extractor': CompressionExtractor} } mimetype_map = {} magic_mime_map = {} extension_map = {} for ext_name, ext_info in extractor_map.items(): for mimetype in ext_info.get('mimetypes', ()): if '/' not in mimetype: mimetype = 'application/' + mimetype mimetype_map[mimetype] = ext_name for magic_re in ext_info.get('magic', ()): magic_mime_map[re.compile(magic_re)] = ext_name for extension in ext_info.get('extensions', ()): extension_map.setdefault(extension, []).append((ext_name, None)) for mapping in (('tar', 'bzip2', 'tar.bz2', 'tbz2', 'tb2', 'tbz'), ('tar', 'gzip', 'tar.gz', 'tgz'), ('tar', 'lzma', 'tar.lzma', 'tlz'), ('tar', 'xz', 'tar.xz'), ('tar', 'compress', 'tar.Z', 'taz'), ('compress', 'gzip', 'Z', 'gz'), ('compress', 'bzip2', 'bz2'), ('compress', 'lzma', 'lzma'), ('compress', 'xz', 'xz')): for extension in mapping[2:]: extension_map.setdefault(extension, []).append(mapping[:2]) magic_encoding_map = {} for mapping in (('bzip2', 'bzip2 compressed'), ('gzip', 'gzip compressed'), ('lzma', 'LZMA compressed'), ('xz', 'xz compressed')): for pattern in mapping[1:]: magic_encoding_map[re.compile(pattern)] = mapping[0] def __init__(self, filename, options): self.filename = filename self.options = options def build_extractor(self, archive_type, encoding): extractors = self.extractor_map[archive_type] if self.options.metadata and extractors.has_key('metadata'): extractor = extractors['metadata'] else: extractor = extractors['extractor'] return extractor(self.filename, encoding) def get_extractor(self): tried_types = set() # As smart as it is, the magic test can't go first, because at least # on my system it just recognizes gem files as tar files. I guess # it's possible for the opposite problem to occur -- where the mimetype # or extension suggests something less than ideal -- but it seems less # likely so I'm sticking with this. for func_name in ('mimetype', 'extension', 'magic'): logger.debug("getting extractors by %s" % (func_name,)) extractor_types = \ getattr(self, 'try_by_' + func_name)(self.filename) logger.debug("done getting extractors") for ext_args in extractor_types: if ext_args in tried_types: continue tried_types.add(ext_args) logger.debug("trying %s extractor from %s" % (ext_args, func_name)) yield self.build_extractor(*ext_args) def try_by_mimetype(cls, filename): mimetype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) try: return [(cls.mimetype_map[mimetype], encoding)] except KeyError: if encoding: return [('compress', encoding)] return [] try_by_mimetype = classmethod(try_by_mimetype) def magic_map_matches(cls, output, magic_map): return [result for regexp, result in magic_map.items() if regexp.search(output)] magic_map_matches = classmethod(magic_map_matches) def try_by_magic(cls, filename): process = subprocess.Popen(['file', '-z', filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) status = process.wait() if status != 0: return [] output = process.stdout.readline() process.stdout.close() if output.startswith('%s: ' % filename): output = output[len(filename) + 2:] mimes = cls.magic_map_matches(output, cls.magic_mime_map) encodings = cls.magic_map_matches(output, cls.magic_encoding_map) if mimes and not encodings: encodings = [None] elif encodings and not mimes: mimes = ['compress'] return [(m, e) for m in mimes for e in encodings] try_by_magic = classmethod(try_by_magic) def try_by_extension(cls, filename): parts = filename.split('.')[-2:] results = [] while parts: results.extend(cls.extension_map.get('.'.join(parts), [])) del parts[0] return results try_by_extension = classmethod(try_by_extension) class BaseAction(object): def __init__(self, options, filenames): self.options = options self.filenames = filenames self.target = None self.do_print = False def report(self, function, *args): try: error = function(*args) except EXTRACTION_ERRORS, exception: error = str(exception) logger.debug(''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))) return error def show_filename(self, filename): if len(self.filenames) < 2: return elif self.do_print: print else: self.do_print = True print "%s:" % (filename,) class ExtractionAction(BaseAction): handlers = [FlatHandler, OverwriteHandler, MatchHandler, EmptyHandler, BombHandler] def get_handler(self, extractor): if extractor.content_type in ONE_ENTRY_UNKNOWN: self.options.one_entry_policy.prep(self.current_filename, extractor) for handler in self.handlers: if handler.can_handle(extractor.content_type, self.options): logger.debug("using %s handler" % (handler.__name__,)) self.current_handler = handler(extractor, self.options) break def show_extraction(self, extractor): if self.options.log_level > logging.INFO: return self.show_filename(self.current_filename) if extractor.contents is None: print self.current_handler.target return def reverser(x, y): return cmp(y, x) if self.current_handler.target == '.': filenames = extractor.contents filenames.sort(reverser) else: filenames = [self.current_handler.target] pathjoin = os.path.join isdir = os.path.isdir while filenames: filename = filenames.pop() if isdir(filename): print "%s/" % (filename,) new_filenames = os.listdir(filename) new_filenames.sort(reverser) filenames.extend([pathjoin(filename, new_filename) for new_filename in new_filenames]) else: print filename def run(self, filename, extractor): self.current_filename = filename error = (self.report(extractor.extract) or self.report(self.get_handler, extractor) or self.report(self.current_handler.handle) or self.report(self.show_extraction, extractor)) if not error: self.target = self.current_handler.target return error class ListAction(BaseAction): def list_filenames(self, extractor, filename): # We get a line first to make sure there's not going to be some # basic error before we show what filename we're listing. filename_lister = extractor.get_filenames() try: first_line = filename_lister.next() except StopIteration: self.show_filename(filename) else: self.did_list = True self.show_filename(filename) print first_line for line in filename_lister: print line def run(self, filename, extractor): self.did_list = False error = self.report(self.list_filenames, extractor, filename) if error and self.did_list: logger.error("lister failed: ignore above listing for %s" % (filename,)) return error class ExtractorApplication(object): def __init__(self, arguments): for signal_num in (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM): signal.signal(signal_num, self.abort) signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) self.parse_options(arguments) self.setup_logger() self.successes = [] self.failures = [] def clean_destination(self, dest_name): try: os.unlink(dest_name) except OSError, error: if error.errno == errno.EISDIR: shutil.rmtree(dest_name, ignore_errors=True) def abort(self, signal_num, frame): signal.signal(signal_num, signal.SIG_IGN) print logger.debug("traceback:\n" + ''.join(traceback.format_stack(frame)).rstrip()) logger.debug("got signal %s" % (signal_num,)) try: basename = self.current_extractor.target except AttributeError: basename = None if basename is not None: logger.debug("cleaning up %s" % (basename,)) clean_targets = set([os.path.realpath('.')]) if hasattr(self, 'current_directory'): clean_targets.add(os.path.realpath(self.current_directory)) for directory in clean_targets: self.clean_destination(os.path.join(directory, basename)) sys.exit(1) def parse_options(self, arguments): parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage="%prog [options] archive [archive2 ...]", description="Intelligent archive extractor", version=VERSION_BANNER ) parser.add_option('-l', '-t', '--list', '--table', dest='show_list', action='store_true', default=False, help="list contents of archives on standard output") parser.add_option('-m', '--metadata', dest='metadata', action='store_true', default=False, help="extract metadata from a .deb/.gem") parser.add_option('-r', '--recursive', dest='recursive', action='store_true', default=False, help="extract archives contained in the ones listed") parser.add_option('--one', '--one-entry', dest='one_entry_default', default=None, help=("specify extraction policy for one-entry " + "archives: inside/rename/here")) parser.add_option('-n', '--noninteractive', dest='batch', action='store_true', default=False, help="don't ask how to handle special cases") parser.add_option('-o', '--overwrite', dest='overwrite', action='store_true', default=False, help="overwrite any existing target output") parser.add_option('-f', '--flat', '--no-directory', dest='flat', action='store_true', default=False, help="extract everything to the current directory") parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='count', default=0, help="be verbose/print debugging information") parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', action='count', default=3, help="suppress warning/error messages") self.options, filenames = parser.parse_args(arguments) if not filenames: parser.error("you did not list any archives") # This makes WARNING is the default. self.options.log_level = (10 * (self.options.quiet - self.options.verbose)) try: self.options.one_entry_policy = OneEntryPolicy(self.options) except ValueError: parser.error("invalid value for --one-entry option") self.options.recursion_policy = RecursionPolicy(self.options) self.archives = {os.path.realpath(os.curdir): filenames} def setup_logger(self): logging.getLogger().setLevel(self.options.log_level) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setLevel(self.options.log_level) formatter = logging.Formatter("dtrx: %(levelname)s: %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.debug("logger is set up") def recurse(self, filename, extractor, action): self.options.recursion_policy.prep(filename, action.target, extractor) if self.options.recursion_policy.ok_to_recurse(): for filename in extractor.included_archives: logger.debug("recursing with %s archive" % (extractor.content_type,)) tail_path, basename = os.path.split(filename) path_args = [self.current_directory, extractor.included_root, tail_path] logger.debug("included root: %s" % (extractor.included_root,)) logger.debug("tail path: %s" % (tail_path,)) if os.path.isdir(action.target): logger.debug("action target: %s" % (action.target,)) path_args.insert(1, action.target) directory = os.path.join(*path_args) self.archives.setdefault(directory, []).append(basename) def check_file(self, filename): try: result = os.stat(filename) except OSError, error: return error.strerror if stat.S_ISDIR(result.st_mode): return "cannot work with a directory" def show_stderr(self, logger_func, stderr): if stderr: logger_func("Error output from this process:\n" + stderr.rstrip('\n')) def try_extractors(self, filename, builder): errors = [] for extractor in builder: self.current_extractor = extractor # For the abort() method. error = self.action.run(filename, extractor) if error: errors.append((extractor.file_type, extractor.encoding, error, extractor.get_stderr())) if extractor.target is not None: self.clean_destination(extractor.target) else: self.show_stderr(logger.warn, extractor.get_stderr()) self.recurse(filename, extractor, self.action) return logger.error("could not handle %s" % (filename,)) if not errors: logger.error("not a known archive type") return True for file_type, encoding, error, stderr in errors: message = ["treating as", file_type, "failed:", error] if encoding: message.insert(1, "%s-encoded" % (encoding,)) logger.error(' '.join(message)) self.show_stderr(logger.error, stderr) return True def run(self): if self.options.show_list: action = ListAction else: action = ExtractionAction self.action = action(self.options, self.archives.values()[0]) while self.archives: self.current_directory, self.filenames = self.archives.popitem() os.chdir(self.current_directory) for filename in self.filenames: builder = ExtractorBuilder(filename, self.options) error = (self.check_file(filename) or self.try_extractors(filename, builder.get_extractor())) if error: if error != True: logger.error("%s: %s" % (filename, error)) self.failures.append(filename) else: self.successes.append(filename) self.options.one_entry_policy.permanent_policy = EXTRACT_WRAP if self.failures: return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': app = ExtractorApplication(sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(app.run())