diff options
authorJoost Kremers <>2019-01-11 15:57:16 +0100
committerJoost Kremers <>2019-01-11 15:57:16 +0100
commitc97bfeb5724223475895bdb6cf7d7c70a1afdd3c (patch)
parent32a4882eb157d75e90dad094d5a5574adcb57c8b (diff)
Add file `older-news.text'.
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manual/older-news.text b/manual/older-news.text
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f5b163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual/older-news.text
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+## Version 2.11, January 2017 ##
+- Update for `parsebib` v. 2.3.
+## Version 2.10, January 2017 ##
+- Improved index column display.
+## Version 2.9, January 2017 ##
+- Allow `%s` in the program strings in `ebib-file-associations`, making it possible to pass command line arguments to the program being called.
+## 19 December 2016 ##
+- Remove support for a separate rc file for Ebib. User configuration should be moved to Emacs' `init.el` file. To keep Ebib customisation in a separate file, simply load it from `init.el`.
+- The macro `ebib-key` has also been removed. Simply use `define-key` or any other key binding mechanism to define keys for Ebib. See the section [Modifying Key Bindings](#modifying-key-bindings) for details.
+## 7 December 2016 ##
+- Upgrade Emacs dependency to 24.4.
+## 5 December 2016 ##
+- New library `org-ebib`. This defines a new Org link type `ebib:`, which uses the command `org-ebib-open` to open Ebib. The previous commands to do this, `ebib-show-entry` and `ebib-open-org-link` have been removed. `org-ebib` also allows the creation of Org links to Ebib entries with `org-store-link`.
+- New citation insertion command `ebib-insert-citation`. This replaces `ebib-insert-bibtex-key`, so please update your key bindings. The new command uses `ivy` for completion if this package is available, so that it is possible to select an entry by typing parts of its author and/or title.
+## 7 November 2016 ##
+- New tabulated list interface in index buffer. This interface is not based on Emacs' built-in `tabulated-list-mode`, hence sorting cannot be done by clicking on the column headers. Sorting can be done with `<`, `>` (sort ascending and sort descending, respectively, which ask for the column to sort) and `=`, to reset to default sort (which is on the entry key).
+- The user option `ebib-index-display-fields` is replaced with `ebib-index-columns`, which has a different format: each element in `ebib-index-columns` describes a column in the tabulated view and consists of a list containing the field name, the column's width and a boolean indicating whether sorting on this column is possible.
+## Version 2.8, 26 October 2016 ##
+- Changed key bindings: `j` and `k` no longer move up/down in the index, entry and strings buffers; use `p` and `n` instead. Furthermore, `i` now executes `ebib-push-bibtex-key` (used to be `p`), and `I` (capital i) executes `ebib-browse-doi` (used to be `i`).
+- In the index buffer, `ebib-search-next` (which used to be bound to `n`) is no longer bound. Instead, `ebib-search` (still bound to `/`) activates a transient map which binds the keys `/` and `RET` to `ebib-search-next`. Any other key disables the transient keymap and is executed normally.
+- In the index buffer, `C-u /` repeats the previous search. (This fixes a small bug that has so far gone unnoticed: moving to the top of the databas and calling `ebib-search-next`, as previously suggested in the manual to get around the fact that `ebib-search-next` does not wrap, would not search the first entry.)
+- In the entry buffer, `x` is replaced by `k` (`ebib-kill-field-contents`).
+- New functions: `ebib-kill-entry` and `ebib-yank-entry` for killing and yanking BibTeX entries. `ebib-kill-entry` deletes the current entry from the database and puts it in the kill ring. `ebib-yank-entry` adds an entry from the kill ring to the current database.
+## Version 2.7, 22 September 2016 ##
+- Reading list management: add and remove BibTeX entries to an Org reading list.
+- Remove options `ebib-notes-identifier-function` and `ebib-notes-title-function`.
+- Add option `ebib-notes-template-specifiers`: allow customisation of the format specs used in `ebib-notes-template`. (This option replaces `ebib-notes-identifier-function` and `ebib-notes-title-function`).
+## Version 2.6.3, 31 August 2016 ##
+- Allow storing notes in a single file rather than using one file per note.
+- Correct handling of DOIs.
+- Add option `ebib-truncate-file-names`: if set (the default), file names added to the `file` field are truncated relative to `ebib-file-search-dirs`.
+- Add option `ebib-file-name-mod-function`: modify file paths before storing them in the `file` field.